Forty years ago, spacecraft from Earth were flown to the Moon by rockets which landed there. In each of six visits, two men from Earth walked on the surface of the Moon, collected samples, left measuring equipment, and returned safely to Earth.
In addition, the United States, Russia and Japan have sent unmanned probes to the Moon and beyond, to the other planets of the Solar System.
Several nations on the Earth are preparing further ventures to the Moon starting around the year 2020.
According to SpaceToday.Org, "In addition to the United States, the nations of Japan, Europe, China, India and Russia also are interested in exploring the Moon over the next two decades."
Change of scale:
Flight to the Moon was preordained, a mandate of Heaven, since half a billion years ago when life washed back and forth in the ebb and flow of lunar tides.
Evolution toward the Moon could no more be contravened than breathing. The Moon was the premier goal, so far as is known today, of evolution at least as far back as the early Cenozoic when the dinosaurs phased out because of heat energy.
The last six thousand years or so were, it appears, almost exclusively occupied by constructions, religions, ventures, contest, conflict and wars all devoted to flying to the Moon. The energy stored as elevated mass, in the sandstone blocks of the big Pyramids, is very likely an estimator of the energy that would be required to reach the Moon.
That work involved forced labor. As a consequence it must be assumed that to some extent by modern standards, all constructions since the early earth mounds in prehistoric Peru are tainted with that corruption. It is likely the entire six thousand years contains significant misconstruction.
With thousands of years of constructions and misconstructions all mixed up together, the world now has lots to do making itself habitable again. People should get used to the idea that returning the planet to normal in historical terms is the norm, whatever that it proves to be, and it is fraught with confusion. Decisions about what to keep and what to discard of the constructions during the most recent ten thousand years are a routine part of civilization throughout the world now.
Generally it appears to be going well. Where doubt surfaces, it may be helpful to review the conditions surrounding it in the long evolutionary view suggested here.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Evolution to the Moon
All of the biological history of the world since three galactic rotations ago - about 650 million years - was influenced by tidal activity to be continually sensitive to the Moon. Every living creature has tidal wash to and fro evolved into its cells. The Moon thus became a goal very early in Earth's history.
During at least 450 million years the Earth was dominated by cold-blooded reptilian dinosaurs. They evolved some flying forms, the Pterodactyl and Archeopteryx. But the Moon always remained beyond even their reach, though undoubtedly while in flight it was possible to sense the Moon's gravity apart from that of the Earth. With those early flying creatures, flight to the Moon became a possibility, then a precept, a dream, and finally a concept that endured.
Considering the duration of the cold-blooded and early mammalian life, human evolution took place in a very short time. Only thirty million years elapsed after the collapse of cold-blooded dinosaurs to the world dominance by warm blooded equivalents, including the flying, warm-blooded birds. The consummate demonstration of global mammalian supremacy entirely equivalent to and surpassing anything that dinosaurs ever did caused certain other factors to come into being. Mainly, these were walking upright on two legs, versatile hands free to work, and brains with bodies responsive to thought.
They did not all appear together at the same time. Ground running two-legged lizards had been around long before, and they had sanctioned the use of reasonably versatile hands. Brains, the most primitive forms of which were in the brain corals, had evolved in ancient ocean water the essential entropy-gradient filtering into the folded structures which exist in modern animal brains of all kinds. It's not clear whether brain corals are actually intelligent. They sort certain things efficiently; they are well practiced at it; and very good at using continuity, diffusion, flow, differentiation and other such equities in time independent ways.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Subclass: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia
Suborder: Faviina
From Wikipedia
It took about thirty million years to evolve monkeys into human beings and assemble all the parts that went into the first intelligent, upright, handy, smart human beings that would be obedient to the way of the Moon.
Monkey won. Pigsy lost, duck lost, donkey lost, cow and horse lost. Human beings, people, won the Moon.
One can imagine a scenario - some men were looking at the Moon and talking to a snake. The question came to their collective spirits, how far is it to the Moon. The snake, being a flatland sort of creature and working from long experience in climbing that raised its chin up off the Earth, suggested building a hill and climbing up on it. The men thought that was a good idea. They built a mound and climbed up on it. Nope, not high enough. But that's the right direction. They build more mounds, still not enough. They persuaded other people to build the mounds, and eventually began cudgeling the people to work on building mounds. Still it was not high enough. They punished people who refused, and some of them died under the punishment. Still, the mounds were not high enough, yet the new mounds were higher than the people that had been killed to get there, and those dead were of the Earth, so it was closer to the Moon.
That went on long enough to spread mound-building all over the world.
Eventually someone invented the sandstone block. Yeah, Baby. Go Daddy. It's almost passe to say "Here we are" on reaching the pyramids from evolution.
But more happened. Carrying sandstone blocks, of more or less uniform size and simple form, began to register with the consumption of energy. It always took the same amount of energy to lift a sandstone block a certain distance if it was of a certain size, and the energy and size were smoothly proportional. Of course we know now that was the volume and density. It was close enough to sensible, that energy was what was being used in the construction of systems to reach the Moon. And so here we are.
Now, in retrospect of the first, Apollo flights to the Moon, we can see that energy and conservation of momentum were the critical dimensions in flights into space. At the present time, the engines are rudimentary in that huge coarse quantities of flaming exploding energy are composed roughly into a subset of the dimensions of energy. That subset is momentum.
In the rocket, the momentum sub-dimension of energy is used to propel the rocket just like the octopuses and squids moved themselves around in the oceans where they were swimming around the brain corals. Presumably, we still base our ideas of energy on how much energy it takes to lift a sandstone block.
Now, how smart is a brain coral? Are physicists smarter than brain corals? Of course. When is that? Probably soon, in evolutionary time. By now we can see milennia stretching into the future like pyramids vanishing, and the question of time travel, or at LEAST the transfer of information from the future to the past, or from the future to now, or from now to the past, is almost looming at us.
In order to reach the Moon, evolution had to be narrowly dedicated to energy and flight for almost ten thousand years. Suddenly, within fifty years, it is all over and both animals and human beings all over the world are completely re-conceiving the World, Earth, the Planet, the Moon and Sun, and the Solar System and universe.
All the old bets are off. The snake withdrew - I saw it happen.
In other words, all the narrow constraints on what human beings should be were literally abandoned, relinquished to the earth, dropped. The result is certain to be a divergence in the human population, and it is best to let it go peacefully. That is why it will be wise to be generous in sanctioning households of all types, for human beings will increasingly live in single family households, apartments, groups, collectives and other patterns rapidly now. It will not be possible to constrain human habitation patterns to some one or another of the various ideals that were creating in special places and times, even the best. Justice and mercy,
dignity and health are more important. Gender will never be abandoned, but its origins are very deep and old. One of its dyadic, yin-and-yang dualities is light and space, energy and space. These are the penetrating and the receptive - which go back to sunlight coming through the ocean surface above into the waters below. To prove this yourself, YOU'll have to go SWIMMING.
During at least 450 million years the Earth was dominated by cold-blooded reptilian dinosaurs. They evolved some flying forms, the Pterodactyl and Archeopteryx. But the Moon always remained beyond even their reach, though undoubtedly while in flight it was possible to sense the Moon's gravity apart from that of the Earth. With those early flying creatures, flight to the Moon became a possibility, then a precept, a dream, and finally a concept that endured.
Considering the duration of the cold-blooded and early mammalian life, human evolution took place in a very short time. Only thirty million years elapsed after the collapse of cold-blooded dinosaurs to the world dominance by warm blooded equivalents, including the flying, warm-blooded birds. The consummate demonstration of global mammalian supremacy entirely equivalent to and surpassing anything that dinosaurs ever did caused certain other factors to come into being. Mainly, these were walking upright on two legs, versatile hands free to work, and brains with bodies responsive to thought.
They did not all appear together at the same time. Ground running two-legged lizards had been around long before, and they had sanctioned the use of reasonably versatile hands. Brains, the most primitive forms of which were in the brain corals, had evolved in ancient ocean water the essential entropy-gradient filtering into the folded structures which exist in modern animal brains of all kinds. It's not clear whether brain corals are actually intelligent. They sort certain things efficiently; they are well practiced at it; and very good at using continuity, diffusion, flow, differentiation and other such equities in time independent ways.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Subclass: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia
Suborder: Faviina
From Wikipedia
It took about thirty million years to evolve monkeys into human beings and assemble all the parts that went into the first intelligent, upright, handy, smart human beings that would be obedient to the way of the Moon.
Monkey won. Pigsy lost, duck lost, donkey lost, cow and horse lost. Human beings, people, won the Moon.
One can imagine a scenario - some men were looking at the Moon and talking to a snake. The question came to their collective spirits, how far is it to the Moon. The snake, being a flatland sort of creature and working from long experience in climbing that raised its chin up off the Earth, suggested building a hill and climbing up on it. The men thought that was a good idea. They built a mound and climbed up on it. Nope, not high enough. But that's the right direction. They build more mounds, still not enough. They persuaded other people to build the mounds, and eventually began cudgeling the people to work on building mounds. Still it was not high enough. They punished people who refused, and some of them died under the punishment. Still, the mounds were not high enough, yet the new mounds were higher than the people that had been killed to get there, and those dead were of the Earth, so it was closer to the Moon.
That went on long enough to spread mound-building all over the world.
Eventually someone invented the sandstone block. Yeah, Baby. Go Daddy. It's almost passe to say "Here we are" on reaching the pyramids from evolution.
But more happened. Carrying sandstone blocks, of more or less uniform size and simple form, began to register with the consumption of energy. It always took the same amount of energy to lift a sandstone block a certain distance if it was of a certain size, and the energy and size were smoothly proportional. Of course we know now that was the volume and density. It was close enough to sensible, that energy was what was being used in the construction of systems to reach the Moon. And so here we are.
Now, in retrospect of the first, Apollo flights to the Moon, we can see that energy and conservation of momentum were the critical dimensions in flights into space. At the present time, the engines are rudimentary in that huge coarse quantities of flaming exploding energy are composed roughly into a subset of the dimensions of energy. That subset is momentum.
In the rocket, the momentum sub-dimension of energy is used to propel the rocket just like the octopuses and squids moved themselves around in the oceans where they were swimming around the brain corals. Presumably, we still base our ideas of energy on how much energy it takes to lift a sandstone block.
Now, how smart is a brain coral? Are physicists smarter than brain corals? Of course. When is that? Probably soon, in evolutionary time. By now we can see milennia stretching into the future like pyramids vanishing, and the question of time travel, or at LEAST the transfer of information from the future to the past, or from the future to now, or from now to the past, is almost looming at us.
In order to reach the Moon, evolution had to be narrowly dedicated to energy and flight for almost ten thousand years. Suddenly, within fifty years, it is all over and both animals and human beings all over the world are completely re-conceiving the World, Earth, the Planet, the Moon and Sun, and the Solar System and universe.
All the old bets are off. The snake withdrew - I saw it happen.
In other words, all the narrow constraints on what human beings should be were literally abandoned, relinquished to the earth, dropped. The result is certain to be a divergence in the human population, and it is best to let it go peacefully. That is why it will be wise to be generous in sanctioning households of all types, for human beings will increasingly live in single family households, apartments, groups, collectives and other patterns rapidly now. It will not be possible to constrain human habitation patterns to some one or another of the various ideals that were creating in special places and times, even the best. Justice and mercy,
dignity and health are more important. Gender will never be abandoned, but its origins are very deep and old. One of its dyadic, yin-and-yang dualities is light and space, energy and space. These are the penetrating and the receptive - which go back to sunlight coming through the ocean surface above into the waters below. To prove this yourself, YOU'll have to go SWIMMING.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Constellation's Provenance
It seems the world is in need of gentle reminders and sustained assurance that the upcoming 2020 Constellation flights to the Moon are of true importance. They are of the same importance as the Apollo flights - inestimable, transcendent and deeply historical magnitude that goes far beyond the current saeculum. Yet they are very different from the Apollo flights, which were in the aftermath and shadow of monstrous wars that had destroyed much of civilization and left the world with untold tragedy and loss to remember and weather. Now, it is almost as if the world wonders what to do while NASA goes to the Moon again.
NASA and the media have a world arena and global latitude in which the public is hungry for understanding about the magnitude and importance of the Constellation flights. The project already does or soon will involve cooperation from almost every nation on Earth. Most importantly, human beings are free to believe in the long term peace and stability of the world, and outline some of the essentials that impact on today's solutions for the economic situation.
Apparently, all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial rotation are required to be right in the long run. That means by gambling alone, you only have a one in eight chance of getting it right. The three ephemeral celestial rotational are so important planes could very well have their own Muses. You can get human rights or construction right Right in daily rotation, and by the end of the year, the people are fighting and the house falls down. You can get a transportation system right in annual and quadrennial right, and in decades or centuries trains collide head-on because the Milky Way is turning. Assuming responsible people take all three Rights into account, though, it is a good time for optimism.
A continuity exists in world history that transcends differences between religion and government throughout the world in these projects. It is visible in faint, long-wavelength terms of the spectrum of human resonance, where similar terms are shared with animal life of all kinds. Some of these exist in millimeter waves, like those of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and go as far out as the 16 centimeter Oxygen and 21 centimeter neutral hydrogen lines.
Ever since bilateral symmetry and gonads half a billion years ago, life on Earth was washing, splashing and surging back and forth toward the Moon in the tides. It is not commonly popular that space flight involves fundamental principles like the momentum exchange and intelligence invented by octopuses and squids; cooperation like that of schools, flock and herds animals; and walking upright with hands that even monkeys used millions of years ago. Nor is it popular that the French cave paintings depicting the Pleiades and other star-chart petroglyphs recently found in Africa were among the standards for these projects.
Beginning with builders of Earth mounds, the project was relatively swift. The main difficulty since then was the persistent tendency toward the zero sum predatory competition that caused so much war until recently. The 1970's Apollo expeditions were well named in the context of intelligent, literate history and the upcoming Orion project is the vital validation of the Apollo expeditions. Alone, the Apollo flights would disappear in myth.
Most people, the bright, educated who see to their houses and futures, are happy as clams at high tide with the project taking place now in the recent results of the Ares rocket, and other progress. Yet you would not know the fantasy some of the public lives in. Chronic sufferers of want or envy, they depend on rumours for what to think. Not only are bad times hard on the optimism of the poor- they also view even tranquil, stable economic activity as hopelessly stagnant, and for them, depressed and intractable.
In the public domain are almost nonstop grumblings that the second moon flights must be to prove the Apollo results were lies, that the Moon is actually hollow and contains gardens, plants, places to live and other people. There are also rumours, mumblings, murmers and discontent about "wasting money going back to the Moon". Public logic is non-contiguous, ephemeral and intermittent. It is infested with a soggy World War II Dufus and Sad Sack mentality, even though the new expeditions are largely taking place without war in the aftermath of the discovery that war is not an essential factor in space flight. It's peace but it's not a dream.
Just what kind of reassurances and reminders the world needs would be better determined by experts in public relations and government would certainly want to coordinate the concept presented with economic and financial administration so as to make the best of the Whole. At the same time, many who are confident of the future see the economic picture not as bleak, but as tending toward very long term stability in which the outcomes are not yet determined. Certainly, solutions will be sought for the contradictions between mass production and mass unemployment, between the ideals of freeing human beings from irksome toil and labor and the individual need for something to do, between the financial possibility of stabilized economic systems with abundant credit available to all, and other big-factor, long-term cross-currents.
NASA and the media have a world arena and global latitude in which the public is hungry for understanding about the magnitude and importance of the Constellation flights. The project already does or soon will involve cooperation from almost every nation on Earth. Most importantly, human beings are free to believe in the long term peace and stability of the world, and outline some of the essentials that impact on today's solutions for the economic situation.
Apparently, all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial rotation are required to be right in the long run. That means by gambling alone, you only have a one in eight chance of getting it right. The three ephemeral celestial rotational are so important planes could very well have their own Muses. You can get human rights or construction right Right in daily rotation, and by the end of the year, the people are fighting and the house falls down. You can get a transportation system right in annual and quadrennial right, and in decades or centuries trains collide head-on because the Milky Way is turning. Assuming responsible people take all three Rights into account, though, it is a good time for optimism.
A continuity exists in world history that transcends differences between religion and government throughout the world in these projects. It is visible in faint, long-wavelength terms of the spectrum of human resonance, where similar terms are shared with animal life of all kinds. Some of these exist in millimeter waves, like those of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and go as far out as the 16 centimeter Oxygen and 21 centimeter neutral hydrogen lines.
Ever since bilateral symmetry and gonads half a billion years ago, life on Earth was washing, splashing and surging back and forth toward the Moon in the tides. It is not commonly popular that space flight involves fundamental principles like the momentum exchange and intelligence invented by octopuses and squids; cooperation like that of schools, flock and herds animals; and walking upright with hands that even monkeys used millions of years ago. Nor is it popular that the French cave paintings depicting the Pleiades and other star-chart petroglyphs recently found in Africa were among the standards for these projects.
Beginning with builders of Earth mounds, the project was relatively swift. The main difficulty since then was the persistent tendency toward the zero sum predatory competition that caused so much war until recently. The 1970's Apollo expeditions were well named in the context of intelligent, literate history and the upcoming Orion project is the vital validation of the Apollo expeditions. Alone, the Apollo flights would disappear in myth.
Most people, the bright, educated who see to their houses and futures, are happy as clams at high tide with the project taking place now in the recent results of the Ares rocket, and other progress. Yet you would not know the fantasy some of the public lives in. Chronic sufferers of want or envy, they depend on rumours for what to think. Not only are bad times hard on the optimism of the poor- they also view even tranquil, stable economic activity as hopelessly stagnant, and for them, depressed and intractable.
In the public domain are almost nonstop grumblings that the second moon flights must be to prove the Apollo results were lies, that the Moon is actually hollow and contains gardens, plants, places to live and other people. There are also rumours, mumblings, murmers and discontent about "wasting money going back to the Moon". Public logic is non-contiguous, ephemeral and intermittent. It is infested with a soggy World War II Dufus and Sad Sack mentality, even though the new expeditions are largely taking place without war in the aftermath of the discovery that war is not an essential factor in space flight. It's peace but it's not a dream.
Just what kind of reassurances and reminders the world needs would be better determined by experts in public relations and government would certainly want to coordinate the concept presented with economic and financial administration so as to make the best of the Whole. At the same time, many who are confident of the future see the economic picture not as bleak, but as tending toward very long term stability in which the outcomes are not yet determined. Certainly, solutions will be sought for the contradictions between mass production and mass unemployment, between the ideals of freeing human beings from irksome toil and labor and the individual need for something to do, between the financial possibility of stabilized economic systems with abundant credit available to all, and other big-factor, long-term cross-currents.
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