Around 650 million years, three entire orbits of the solar system around the Milky Way Galaxy, passed as natural evolution distinguished between (I) Momentum, and (II) Energy. Octopuses, squids and certain shellfish which emerged during pre-Cambrian times, have used momentum for propulsion ever since.
That vast passage of time was not because of care or patience. It was because evolution was practically brainless, and thoroughly mindless. Any design that existed was on the spot planning by individual organisms for immediate goals. Care and patience can exploit evolutionary time rates, of course. Now, writing permits very long range goals to be undertaken.
Evolution was not entirely brainless during all this time. It was, though, only after warm-blooded mammals appeared that the solutions began rolling in rapidly.
It may be presumed that energy was first competently distinguished by human beings as they began to lift objects to make tools and shelter, use fire to keep themselves warm and through all of these reduce energy expenditures and requirements necessary to survive. This was probably what allowed human beings to abandon fur.
Eventually with the construction of stone block pyramids, the energy anticipated in reaching the Moon was first approximated. It turns out that in the 3 million blocks in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the total gravitational energy is surprisingly close to the energy necessary to reach the Moon. The advantage of making the demonstration permanent was that the energy stored in those blocks is durably displayed and it was within those structures that now-famous paintings depicting bird-headed men in winged boats sailing over waters to the disks in the sky were preserved.
The pyramids are energy. They were the first enduring models of the energy that would be involved in flying to the Moon. That they still exist is one of the wondrous parts of the story of space flight. Momentum and energy are closely related concepts in physics. In fact, E = (p^2)/(2*m) where E is energy, p is momentum, and m is mass. Conversely, p = SQRT(2 * m * E). The proportionality involves squares and square roots - testament to the efficient information structures which the pyramids were designed to be. Heavy, but simple and direct.
Whether we do better or not is not in question. Modern technology is of course far more sophisticated. The important point is that the Egyptians created something that has physical meaning in the context of flight to the Moon. What is necessary is that we recognize the patient and slow time scale of conscious human activity toward goals it chooses. Human beings were not being patient or wise because they spent 35,000 years or so going from fire to pyramids. To put it most simply, knowledge did not exist, and when it was obtained it was quickly lost because writing had not been invented.
At the present time, human beings have become determined to put Earth, the house of Man, into better order, by taking care of its own population, the Earth itself and of the other inhabitants and living things of the world. Certain aspects are in critical disarray. Human population is so great it is consuming almost all other large animals as food.
The world still preserves an ancient goal of flying to the stars. But that is not viewed with the urgency of the first Moon flight. Orbital flight around the world now makes it possible for people to venture into space far enough to see the Earth in proper scale and proportion. Almost universally, they have returned visions of grandeur and awe, amazement and wonder, and concepts of the Earth as having literally infinite value to all that is known about life anywhere. The concept of Earth as home is inescapable, and it brings all the responsibilities and tender protective regard for the planet that are always equated with home.
This alone is one of the most important reasons to sanction, though carefully, private-industry development of orbital space flight, including permanently inhabited space stations. The aggressive concept of creating a privileged
class of space-flying people is loud but not as important as the fact that
the more people who do orbit the Earth, the more certainly will good decisions
emerge about how to care for it. This is a long term goal with very important consequences. Careful planning in the beginning will be well worth the time.
Space flight to the stars, though, could wait a thousand years and still be called rapid development in the evolutionary time scale. Preliminary research is already under way, yet flight to the stars is an immense project. Advances are being made in the principles and concepts of lift without any kind of wings, jets or rockets. Given rates as history indicates them, flight to the stars could take anywhere from a thousand to a hundred thousand years. It is not likely to happen sooner; this new millennium will be dominated by exploration of the Solar System.
Demonstration devices, presenting levitation with no moving parts no fluctuating electric or magnetic fields, and no expenditure of power, can be purchased from the popular science supply corporation Edmund Scientific. They are not costly - about forty dollars each. Both levitate suitable objects on magnetic fields. One uses cryogenically superconducting material, so energy is required to supply the liquid nitrogen for refrigeration. The other uses room temperature magnets and a phenomenon called pyrolytic diamagnetism to float a carbon object on a magnetic field. Both cause many who first see them to imagine flying saucers.
Tiny models of astronauts and space ships can be supported on the levitating
samples, particularly if a model helps inspire dreams. And as always, as with electricity, someday a tax may be placed on such things.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It's a shame they're giving us another war
Another war is dangerously possible. Now that the Moon has footprints on it, it needn't happen.
It seems the problem is that the Apollo flights did not have enough weight to convince the deeper instincts that the Moon has no air, water, farmland, jungle or life and not even any gods or monsters.
Those deep instincts are figurative, because the development of space flight signaled the end of half a billion years of ebb-and-flow evolution toward the Moon.
Thus, the present recession is but the faint beginning of the heavier lapse of ten thousand years of constructionist civilization, and at the same time, the emergence of a completely new worldwide civilization of unprecedented kind.
Why war about it?
Evidence is that flowering plants emerged not 100 million years ago but 220 million years ago, which is just about one orbit of the Solar System around the Milky Way galaxy. Electric eels emerged 100 million years ago.
If the eels and birds and flowers had got together, and has transcended the cultivation of flowers by ants by inventing cultivation of anything by mammals or possibly even some reptiles, space flight could be in its 80 millionth years of development
If we choose not to war, it will be at the cost of tolerating, enduring, and suffering, all with good cheer, an almost endless and permanent devolution of the constructions as they appeared recently. Only the most stable of forms is likely to be preserved.
Fortunately that means the house, cooking pot, farm and village center. Now, it also means electricity, telephones, television, and cars too. Life like that is almost unimaginable, and sends capitalists into a panic.
But why? Responsible capitalists will simply have to take charge, see that capitalism improves in the light of whatever new responsibilities and necessities it faces, and probably invent a linear negative feedback stabilizing system that prevents economic runaway.
We don't need more war. We need peace. And we need to be correct in all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial right rotation. We need to just carefully and patiently relax industrial revolution, capitalism and development until it is possible to see which way they tend, and then guide it all down the mountain.
There is a good clue in the pyramids. They took energy to build, and because the number of blocks, their composition, and height are known for those which survived, it is possible to calculate the total energy which was required to lift all that sandstone into place. It turns out the energy is remarkably close to the energy which was actually required to send the manned Apollo expeditions to the Moon.
That provides a standard by which to gauge the empires, dynasties, kingdoms, republics, religions and so on that have come into existence, of which several exist today. Subtract out the forced labor and slavery, and it might be possible to make sense of it all.
It seems the problem is that the Apollo flights did not have enough weight to convince the deeper instincts that the Moon has no air, water, farmland, jungle or life and not even any gods or monsters.
Those deep instincts are figurative, because the development of space flight signaled the end of half a billion years of ebb-and-flow evolution toward the Moon.
Thus, the present recession is but the faint beginning of the heavier lapse of ten thousand years of constructionist civilization, and at the same time, the emergence of a completely new worldwide civilization of unprecedented kind.
Why war about it?
Evidence is that flowering plants emerged not 100 million years ago but 220 million years ago, which is just about one orbit of the Solar System around the Milky Way galaxy. Electric eels emerged 100 million years ago.
If the eels and birds and flowers had got together, and has transcended the cultivation of flowers by ants by inventing cultivation of anything by mammals or possibly even some reptiles, space flight could be in its 80 millionth years of development
If we choose not to war, it will be at the cost of tolerating, enduring, and suffering, all with good cheer, an almost endless and permanent devolution of the constructions as they appeared recently. Only the most stable of forms is likely to be preserved.
Fortunately that means the house, cooking pot, farm and village center. Now, it also means electricity, telephones, television, and cars too. Life like that is almost unimaginable, and sends capitalists into a panic.
But why? Responsible capitalists will simply have to take charge, see that capitalism improves in the light of whatever new responsibilities and necessities it faces, and probably invent a linear negative feedback stabilizing system that prevents economic runaway.
We don't need more war. We need peace. And we need to be correct in all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial right rotation. We need to just carefully and patiently relax industrial revolution, capitalism and development until it is possible to see which way they tend, and then guide it all down the mountain.
There is a good clue in the pyramids. They took energy to build, and because the number of blocks, their composition, and height are known for those which survived, it is possible to calculate the total energy which was required to lift all that sandstone into place. It turns out the energy is remarkably close to the energy which was actually required to send the manned Apollo expeditions to the Moon.
That provides a standard by which to gauge the empires, dynasties, kingdoms, republics, religions and so on that have come into existence, of which several exist today. Subtract out the forced labor and slavery, and it might be possible to make sense of it all.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Consider terrestrial weather in the time periods of the major planets. There are four, with periods of 10, 30, 85 and 165 years. For such long term understanding, it is useful to consider those from the outside in, as 165, 85, 30 and 10 years of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter respectively.
Some civilizations have existed thousands of years. To be fair, it is understood that for the most part only Saturn and Jupiter were visible and readily understood. But the two outer planets were anticipated decades before their discoveries.
The United States has existed only one of those longest periods, for the U.S. bicentennial, 200 year anniversary occurred in 1976. Many busy, prosperous cities throughout the Old World are three thousand years old. They know their climates.
It is time for America to stop being the stooge and thug for the Roman Empire, even if Romulus and Remus did move to London. Maybe even modern Europe should call it enough. Rome's heady England has a tendency to conceal plans for itself in its inanimate crown devices, while nobly suggesting tempting, conflict-ridden actions among everybody itself. While loyal to Canada and Australia, England's Romish belief is that the United States has to make a decision whether to be like Spain which did not recognize the founding Kings Romulus and Remus and the borders of which were left to rot so that it was promptly taken over by numerous Moroccans.
That would mean relegating the Declaration of Independence to the status of an English historical document.
Civilizations that have watched Saturn complete its 30 year orbit a hundred times are formidable, just as a father and grandfather are formidable in dealing with potential criminality in a teenage son.
It's not likely that such a son could understand all the events that span more than three times the entire time he has existed. Yet a 17-year old may be, or have, serious problems and his impatience only makes understanding and maturity more difficult for himself and others. 3*17 is only 51; his father may be that and his grandfather certainly will is.
This is familiar in the way children have little ability to foresee the next hour, or tomorrow, and a week hence is very difficult for a small child. It is related to their attention span, which is the length of time one can keep as a single perceptual environment. It takes practice to pay attention to an entire inning in softball among six or eight-year olds. Older children take the game as a whole event. When they go to work, they are expected, and many do
attain proficiency or expertise at directing their attention to the business for hours at a time. Managers and executives can conduct business as a coherent whole for months, seasons, and
years. Presidents are depended upon to execute the office of the president as a single unified event through the four year sidereal cycle.
But the quadrennial four year cycle is not the longest span of time in which events develop in the evolution of nations.
There are fundamental reasons for that, in the trade-off between time and energy that was discovered in quantum mechanics. Yet the fact that quantum mechanics emerged very recently, within the history of the United States, does not mean that the United States understands, automatically or even potentially, the implications of the passage of thirty centuries of time in the development of other cultures. The study of action itself began three thousand years ago; quantum mechanics was the flower, just as computers are the flower of logic.
It is easy to understand this if one observes with a spectroscope the energy spectra which are emitted by lamps such as neon, sodium and phosphorus. The lines one sees are narrow, and the vary from merely narrow or fine, to hyperfine. A person of recent understanding can look at a persistent fine line for a time. Even considering it with competence in his best good faith, he understands at first that the particular line will be exactly the same energy forever and that it
has the energy now that it will have, say, tomorrow, or next week, next season or next year. If he has some maturity he will catch the sense of it four years hence. He may reflect on that energy in his past if he has a good memory for colors.
The Chinese Spring and Autumn Period was a time in which certain works described events with great depth, and resolved the difference between Spring and Autumn in systematic ways that had been true since immemorial time. One of these was described to me as the difference between hypertrophy and eutrophy. They were asking, what is the difference between spring and autumn since long ago? Oh, see, the past is not merely extended into the future. The future is an entirely different dimensionality than the past. Hypertrophy has to do with an abundance of oxygen in surface waters (I think) and eutrophy with a deficiency. The result has to do with the amount of plant growth.
Now, my understanding of Chinese civilization often appears to me as the memory of the blink of a firefly. That is because each time one learns something new about China, it is lost in a huge, vast, enduring, massive civilization that covers vast area. It is not like arguing with my Daddy about why I never win. When I got into trouble, I always knew as it unfolded that my father was so way ahead of me that it seemed he must be like a time traveler, and knew the future. I did not know he could contrast me with durable things like oak trees or mountains.
China's civilization is so old that few people, even Chinese, have more than an ephemeral sense of the difference between its past and future, because Chinese concepts wrap completely around thousands of years at a time. Modern clocks measure time well, but in a world in which energy of the past is not necessarily distinct from energy of the future.
That's why Charles XII of Sweden, then Napoleon of France, and finally Hitler of Germany all were repulsed when they invaded Russia. Russians knew their land and its climate deeply, in
evolutionary time, and those in foreign countries who did not understand Russia in evolutionary time were naturally encouraged to invade at a time most propitious for Russia.
It should not be necessary to describe the similarity between those events, and the current position of the United States in the Eastern Pacific. For instance, when India developed its
atomic bomb, exactly twenty years to the day passed between the first test and the second. And that is a short period of time. The Asia land mass is not to be regarded as a tempting target
where the lives of others are involved, particularly now that the ancient half-billion year old goal of reaching the Moon is attained and the airless, waterless moon has shoe-prints on it.
The primary inciter of that invasion is in Europe, geologically part of the same Asian land mass. That means the United States does not have a voice either among those waging onslaughts against Asia, or those defending it. Could Asia be subtly goading the rest of the world?
Some civilizations have existed thousands of years. To be fair, it is understood that for the most part only Saturn and Jupiter were visible and readily understood. But the two outer planets were anticipated decades before their discoveries.
The United States has existed only one of those longest periods, for the U.S. bicentennial, 200 year anniversary occurred in 1976. Many busy, prosperous cities throughout the Old World are three thousand years old. They know their climates.
It is time for America to stop being the stooge and thug for the Roman Empire, even if Romulus and Remus did move to London. Maybe even modern Europe should call it enough. Rome's heady England has a tendency to conceal plans for itself in its inanimate crown devices, while nobly suggesting tempting, conflict-ridden actions among everybody itself. While loyal to Canada and Australia, England's Romish belief is that the United States has to make a decision whether to be like Spain which did not recognize the founding Kings Romulus and Remus and the borders of which were left to rot so that it was promptly taken over by numerous Moroccans.
That would mean relegating the Declaration of Independence to the status of an English historical document.
Civilizations that have watched Saturn complete its 30 year orbit a hundred times are formidable, just as a father and grandfather are formidable in dealing with potential criminality in a teenage son.
It's not likely that such a son could understand all the events that span more than three times the entire time he has existed. Yet a 17-year old may be, or have, serious problems and his impatience only makes understanding and maturity more difficult for himself and others. 3*17 is only 51; his father may be that and his grandfather certainly will is.
This is familiar in the way children have little ability to foresee the next hour, or tomorrow, and a week hence is very difficult for a small child. It is related to their attention span, which is the length of time one can keep as a single perceptual environment. It takes practice to pay attention to an entire inning in softball among six or eight-year olds. Older children take the game as a whole event. When they go to work, they are expected, and many do
attain proficiency or expertise at directing their attention to the business for hours at a time. Managers and executives can conduct business as a coherent whole for months, seasons, and
years. Presidents are depended upon to execute the office of the president as a single unified event through the four year sidereal cycle.
But the quadrennial four year cycle is not the longest span of time in which events develop in the evolution of nations.
There are fundamental reasons for that, in the trade-off between time and energy that was discovered in quantum mechanics. Yet the fact that quantum mechanics emerged very recently, within the history of the United States, does not mean that the United States understands, automatically or even potentially, the implications of the passage of thirty centuries of time in the development of other cultures. The study of action itself began three thousand years ago; quantum mechanics was the flower, just as computers are the flower of logic.
It is easy to understand this if one observes with a spectroscope the energy spectra which are emitted by lamps such as neon, sodium and phosphorus. The lines one sees are narrow, and the vary from merely narrow or fine, to hyperfine. A person of recent understanding can look at a persistent fine line for a time. Even considering it with competence in his best good faith, he understands at first that the particular line will be exactly the same energy forever and that it
has the energy now that it will have, say, tomorrow, or next week, next season or next year. If he has some maturity he will catch the sense of it four years hence. He may reflect on that energy in his past if he has a good memory for colors.
The Chinese Spring and Autumn Period was a time in which certain works described events with great depth, and resolved the difference between Spring and Autumn in systematic ways that had been true since immemorial time. One of these was described to me as the difference between hypertrophy and eutrophy. They were asking, what is the difference between spring and autumn since long ago? Oh, see, the past is not merely extended into the future. The future is an entirely different dimensionality than the past. Hypertrophy has to do with an abundance of oxygen in surface waters (I think) and eutrophy with a deficiency. The result has to do with the amount of plant growth.
Now, my understanding of Chinese civilization often appears to me as the memory of the blink of a firefly. That is because each time one learns something new about China, it is lost in a huge, vast, enduring, massive civilization that covers vast area. It is not like arguing with my Daddy about why I never win. When I got into trouble, I always knew as it unfolded that my father was so way ahead of me that it seemed he must be like a time traveler, and knew the future. I did not know he could contrast me with durable things like oak trees or mountains.
China's civilization is so old that few people, even Chinese, have more than an ephemeral sense of the difference between its past and future, because Chinese concepts wrap completely around thousands of years at a time. Modern clocks measure time well, but in a world in which energy of the past is not necessarily distinct from energy of the future.
That's why Charles XII of Sweden, then Napoleon of France, and finally Hitler of Germany all were repulsed when they invaded Russia. Russians knew their land and its climate deeply, in
evolutionary time, and those in foreign countries who did not understand Russia in evolutionary time were naturally encouraged to invade at a time most propitious for Russia.
It should not be necessary to describe the similarity between those events, and the current position of the United States in the Eastern Pacific. For instance, when India developed its
atomic bomb, exactly twenty years to the day passed between the first test and the second. And that is a short period of time. The Asia land mass is not to be regarded as a tempting target
where the lives of others are involved, particularly now that the ancient half-billion year old goal of reaching the Moon is attained and the airless, waterless moon has shoe-prints on it.
The primary inciter of that invasion is in Europe, geologically part of the same Asian land mass. That means the United States does not have a voice either among those waging onslaughts against Asia, or those defending it. Could Asia be subtly goading the rest of the world?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Think about this carefully. Your civilization, if it ever existed, may depend on you.
Eight thousand years ago more or less, the first stone block pyramids were constructed.
Much of the work human beings performed in those constructions consisted of lifting block A from lower position 1 to upper position 2.
Though the blocks were not of uniform size, they were of uniform shape.
It was soon understood that the larger they were, the heavier they were in linear proportion to something which was eventually found to be their volume and density.
The same was true of the height through which they had to be lifted. Height 1 plus height 2 equals height 1+2.
The product of weight times height is the same measure of energy used today in the physical quantity called the foot-pound.
Construction of the pyramids established concepts of energy which were to endure until the Moon was attained.
They are still in use, though better understood now. In particular, the energy of lifting is now in stable linear relation to other natural forms of energy.
Stable quantities of energy such as that equivalent to the masses of electrons, protons, and other atomic particles are in use.
The energy of stable spectral terms in light-like radiation is another valuable fundamental source of stable energy measure.
Those who built the pyramids determined the mammalian concept of working energy that exists today.
It was in that concept, or misconcept, of energy that all the subsequent dynasties, regimes, kingdoms, empires, wars, constructions and misconstructions that took place until now existed.
Those ancient concepts of energy were used in the creation of the Apollo rockets which flew to the Moon and took several visitors there to return alive as witnesses to the nature of the Moon.
If the present energy crisis is the resolution of energy of that kind, then no problem exists except for the resolution of the crisis.
If the energy crisis does not take the original concepts of energy into account, and ensure that no error exists in the construction of its powers, then the resolution of the crisis will be itself erroneous in some way.
It cannot be a decision made by one person, such as the author.
The resolution of whether the ancient concepts of energy are good fits to truth and justice or not, will be necessarily the result of considerable thought by many people.
After all, from the very start there is a problem.
Starting even earlier, with earth mounds, these monster constructions involved forced and slave labor, embedding a relentless source of injustice into all subsequent works and probably all human activities that scaled energy in the manner determined by those slave-labor constructions.
Failure to admit that forced and slave labor was a factor in construction of the pyramids will continue to embed slavery in our concepts of energy.
It will cause slavery to will be a problem forever, until the situation is determined correctly.
Eight thousand years ago more or less, the first stone block pyramids were constructed.
Much of the work human beings performed in those constructions consisted of lifting block A from lower position 1 to upper position 2.
Though the blocks were not of uniform size, they were of uniform shape.
It was soon understood that the larger they were, the heavier they were in linear proportion to something which was eventually found to be their volume and density.
The same was true of the height through which they had to be lifted. Height 1 plus height 2 equals height 1+2.
The product of weight times height is the same measure of energy used today in the physical quantity called the foot-pound.
Construction of the pyramids established concepts of energy which were to endure until the Moon was attained.
They are still in use, though better understood now. In particular, the energy of lifting is now in stable linear relation to other natural forms of energy.
Stable quantities of energy such as that equivalent to the masses of electrons, protons, and other atomic particles are in use.
The energy of stable spectral terms in light-like radiation is another valuable fundamental source of stable energy measure.
Those who built the pyramids determined the mammalian concept of working energy that exists today.
It was in that concept, or misconcept, of energy that all the subsequent dynasties, regimes, kingdoms, empires, wars, constructions and misconstructions that took place until now existed.
Those ancient concepts of energy were used in the creation of the Apollo rockets which flew to the Moon and took several visitors there to return alive as witnesses to the nature of the Moon.
If the present energy crisis is the resolution of energy of that kind, then no problem exists except for the resolution of the crisis.
If the energy crisis does not take the original concepts of energy into account, and ensure that no error exists in the construction of its powers, then the resolution of the crisis will be itself erroneous in some way.
It cannot be a decision made by one person, such as the author.
The resolution of whether the ancient concepts of energy are good fits to truth and justice or not, will be necessarily the result of considerable thought by many people.
After all, from the very start there is a problem.
Starting even earlier, with earth mounds, these monster constructions involved forced and slave labor, embedding a relentless source of injustice into all subsequent works and probably all human activities that scaled energy in the manner determined by those slave-labor constructions.
Failure to admit that forced and slave labor was a factor in construction of the pyramids will continue to embed slavery in our concepts of energy.
It will cause slavery to will be a problem forever, until the situation is determined correctly.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A Earth-Moon System Without War
It is suspected that the present worldwide economic recession is destined to continue implacably, relentlessly, as the evolution of life causes civilizations to withdraw from, and abandon, the furious attempt to use military power and war to justify and discover mechanisms to reach the Moon.
On the other hand, to the extent that planners correctly foresee the outcome of that withdrawal from the use of military power and war, the world will emerge from the economic recession with new and justifiably greener plans for the Earth.
Meanwhile, the nature of the Moon and the planet Earth which it orbits, is known far better and more quickly than was ever dreamed millions of years ago. The Apollo visitors to the Moon witnessed its nature well enough,
That is not to say that no future journeys are to take place. Certainly they will, probably many, many times. It is just that there is no hurry as far as those on Earth are concerned. Going to the Moon is no longer a worldwide economic incentive, and neither is war.
The only way to resolve this correctly is to get it right in each and all three of daily equatorial rotation of the Earth; annual ecliptic orbit of the Earth around the Sun; and the 250 million year Galactic orbit of the Solar System, Sun and planets and all, around the center of the Milky Way.
As a clue, each year the galactic orbit is about six thousandths of one arc-second. In 170 years, one arc-second. As time passes, the angle of about 121 degrees between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, slowly increases.
Get all three right and be certain. Guess on one, two or all three, and you have a half, quarter or eighth change of being right.
On the other hand, to the extent that planners correctly foresee the outcome of that withdrawal from the use of military power and war, the world will emerge from the economic recession with new and justifiably greener plans for the Earth.
Meanwhile, the nature of the Moon and the planet Earth which it orbits, is known far better and more quickly than was ever dreamed millions of years ago. The Apollo visitors to the Moon witnessed its nature well enough,
That is not to say that no future journeys are to take place. Certainly they will, probably many, many times. It is just that there is no hurry as far as those on Earth are concerned. Going to the Moon is no longer a worldwide economic incentive, and neither is war.
The only way to resolve this correctly is to get it right in each and all three of daily equatorial rotation of the Earth; annual ecliptic orbit of the Earth around the Sun; and the 250 million year Galactic orbit of the Solar System, Sun and planets and all, around the center of the Milky Way.
As a clue, each year the galactic orbit is about six thousandths of one arc-second. In 170 years, one arc-second. As time passes, the angle of about 121 degrees between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, slowly increases.
Get all three right and be certain. Guess on one, two or all three, and you have a half, quarter or eighth change of being right.
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