Monday, June 27, 2011

Mission Sensitive Logic

We try to ensure that input data is as true as possible, as true as can be determined or known for certain, using the simplest logic that results in the greatest good for the greatest number.

A = People from planet Earth attained the Moon.

B = No space aliens exist that threaten the Earth.

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Three quarters of the implications are true.

In plain English,

It does not matter whether you believe people from Earth attained the Moon at all.

It does not matter whether you believe that space aliens threaten the Earth.

Attaining the Moon does not cause space aliens to threaten the Earth.

It is at least three out of four chances that no bug-eyed monsters are lurking.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Intimidating Scenarios

There are two. One is that we don't know what we should about linking planet Earth's activity to the activity from beyond the Solar System and from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.

The other is that we don't know what we should know about the danger of causing uncontrolled reactions, whether fast as within seconds, hours or years, or slow as in thousands or millions of years.

They are both related to the stripping away from the Earth all of protective, insulating chaos that comes from the dust of the solar system and the heat of the sun, and bring the Earth into the naked embrace of the most fundamental principles of the entire universe of distant stars and far more distant galaxies.

The rotating spiral galaxies look like hurricanes because they are exactly the same form as hurricanes and all other vortexes. The vortex is a pattern of action which is accurately described and predicted by the vortex equation, curl (velocity) = 0. which is almost as fundamental as the mass-energy equation E = m * c^2.

Both describe the behavior of systems throughout the universe which are millions of times more massive than the Earth and even the Sun itself.

The vortex equation also describes the smaller tornadoes and whirlwinds as well as waterspouts (simply tornadoes at sea) and large and small whirlpools in salt and fresh water as well as in swimming pool, kitchen and bathtub drains.

The dimensionality of the universe seems to be accurately describe by what is called the Standard Model or SU(2) X U(1) That means everywhere locally there are two spatial dimensions and a velocity dimension. A conjecture in that direction but a little farther into possibilities, so that it can only be called a conjecture and not a theory, is that the nature of the space-time universe consists of the probability of action alone and that it comes in various forms, all of which have the net dimension of action.

Atoms, for instance, are composed of nuclei which have a dimension that is most extensive in the dimension of time (except for the very short lived radionuclides which must be described separately). Stable nuclei have a zero frequency aspect; long lived isotopes have very low but not zero frequency aspect. They have a mass aspect, which is equivalent to that of the proton. Another form has a mass aspect which is equivalent to that of the neutron. The electron is a quantum of action too, though it has a fairly high frequency aspect that is a result of the particular electronic state it is in. These can change as in the familiar forms of luminescence, radiation, phosphorescence, etc. The mass aspect of the electron is the familiar form as well.

The idea is that each component of the atom is a form of the action. Moreover, light is everywhere a form of the action. The implication is that everything in the universe is a form of the action. Planck did not merely discover the action quantum as an object separate from light and atoms and electrons. He discovered, in the quantum, the irreducible existence-stuff of all that exists, everywhere, forever, throughout the entire universe, throughout the Earth and Sun, throughout the Moon, and throughout all life on Earth.

The problem emerging then is that the modern exploration techniques, primarily the gigantic, precise and wide band telescopes of every kind, constitute a sort of suck on the universe, by the Earth, to draw every possible form of the action closer and closer to interacting directly with the action that constitutes the fundamental particles of Earth.

Drawing on vortexes, we get tornadoes and hurricanes of magnitudes unprecedented in history.

Radiation's equations are numerous, and they describe radiation from heat, fluorescence, luminescence and every other kind. Every street light driven by nuclear energy is an essentially direct transformation of mass of the Earth into radiation in space, a vector about as close as you can get to the radiation of light from stars. Of course those who will not explore this view will immediately reject it at every objection or difference they can perceive in it from their own opinion, so they will argue that plutonium and uranium are unusual elements which are controlled by mankind and so that does not constitute a universal law. It is not that it CONSTITUTES a universal law, it is an instance of an event that does occur because of universal laws. We already know that a large uranium deposit depleted much of its original fissile component billions of years ago and left the deposit with an unusual isotopic ratio; it was a natural nuclear reactor. The heat from that process was radiated into the sky, and some components of it escaped into space. Just how much is exceedingly moot, nothing else. Radiation can escape from the Earth into space, and once it does, it is into an infinite admittance. It never returns.

So we bring at least two seriously powerful universal principles into play when we concentrate the directions of the gravitational field vectors and the light vectors from the stars, galaxies and space onto the Earth. Both are dangerous to play with naively, in ignorance, or haste. The next time civilization emerges from the hiatus which is already taking place, it will be more careful of what it draws and magnifies from the universe of dimensionless space-time.

The process may have even effected the sun. For one thing, the Great Red Spot disappeared, Shortly after that a period of extremely quiet, low solar activity took place, And soon after that, were immense flares that suggest some new reaction zone is taking place in the solar constitution.

Apparently stellar nova are reasonably well understood. They occur when a star exhausts one or the other of its nuclear fuel elements. Just as with the second hydrogen bomb, named Castle Bravo, released almost three times as much energy than that for which it was supposedly designed.

The flaw in reasoning was that it had been assumed that the readily fissionable lithium 6 was the only part of the lithium that would participate in the fusion. In the actual event, the energy stripped one neutron away from the lithium 7 nuclei, and converted most or all of the lithium 7 to lithium 6 which participated enthusiastically as well. The lithium 7 had been the largest part of the lithium supply, but instead of not participating, it did. Castle Bravo was alarming but not enough, apparently, to cause anybody to question the intention to set off dozens and more atomic and hydrogen bombs until the International Test Ban Treaty declared a wiser course.

Historical relics of ancient astronomical observatories reveal that they were inevitably destroyed after serving their purpose. Apparently the purpose was collecting knowledge about the sky, and they did that. But observatories are notoriously harsh climate zones. They make the wind bitter, and the cold seems to have heat capacity in dimensions that are not known in the softer, kinder ecologically healthy environment. The radiation from the stars in the night and the Sun in the day is rank with high energy ultraviolet.

The observatories were often called temples and they were often centers for religious ceremony. It was appropriate. Not knowing how the stars affected the earth and their lives, the people took to aligning themselves with the principles in the best way they knew how. Modern observatories, including Hubble, the European Southern Observatory, Kitt Peak, Mauna Kea, and millions of small and large amateur telescopes made by Meade, Celestron, and many other corporations, have both workers and enthusiasts who demand their professions and feelings about their work and activity be respected. One does not question why they have the position they do; whether it has anything to do with their or any religion is their business. Modern society makes religion a private matter. But modern society takes astronomy very seriously except in one serious aspect. In the prevailing, dominant view, astronomical observations and knowledge alone can never result in anything that anybody would call a punishment by gods, god or Gods.

If one brings the subject up, that is exactly the opinion presented, because of course, God can never punish any more; either there is no God, or astronomy is not connected with God.

But the problem is, these large coincidences seem to be results, which occurred because of the observations which drew radiation into order from beyond the solar system in significant quantities, and from galaxies beyond the stars. Any time one spends observing a star or galaxy, the light thereof sinks into the legislative powers. To the extent that takes place, the Earth is then aligned irrevocably with that star or galaxy, because those objects constitute a near-firmament or firmament. Particularly galaxies, when one, or an observatory, sinks the alignment of that telescope and the light gathered with it into the Earth or the instruments, that object becomes a part of the quantum electrodynamics of those atomic nuclei of the Earth which are affected in the process.

It seems it will be a good idea to keep the meteorological records from this era, so after the intense realm of observations is retired from the scene, it can be compared with subsequent meteorological events.

As a challenge, consider the possibility of engraving representations of spirals, logarithmic and exponential curves, and equations such as those of vortexes, diffusion, and waves, into granite surfaces on mountains. Any astrologer worth his breath will then find it easy to evoke little whirlwinds from the display. To seal the bargain with not-God, let an astronomer focus different galaxies onto the exhibit, and after numerous galaxies and poles, then stars, and finally the planets and then the Sun.

Is not that similar to aligning the gigantic, carefully measured, engineered and constructed telescopes and architectures, with the galaxies, stars, planets and Sun?