Flowers cultivated into existence
Electric eels and birds of flight
Mammals conserving warm charges
Moon in Galactic center
Attaining the Moon implied a great deal which cannot be phrased in any brief way.
Since billions of years ago life itself has provided the intelligence which escorted its descendants, offspring, progeny and new forms into existence. At first that was only a sort of life-equity, though even that was better than being born in a nest of predators.
The present economic quandary began long, long ago. It has attributes that reflect a number of extremely long-term factors which began half a Galactic cycle in the prehistoric past. Because of that, it is a scenario worthy of thought by as many people as possible. Fortunately, the new worldwide media are certain to make that feasible and productive.
It is important because even so long ago, once these and perhaps other factor principles were grasped, the Moon was a done deal. Billions of years old itself, a difference emerged between the ancient Moon of the Past, and the New Moon of the future. No organism or being guessed it would be a hundred million years before any foot print was placed on the Moon. In all that time, nothing conceived, understood, guessed or knowingly dreamed just what the Truth of World would be.
It would be sixty million years before the earliest recognizable pre-human beings emerged. Only certain details are not important here.
Among other things, it must be presumed that life which balanced charges as well as mass was nonetheless ignorant of the nature of the problems which eventually would be faced in attaining the Moon. However, modern understanding of electricity should permit human beings to make some shrewd guesses regarding just what is being rapidly devolved in charges now that footprints exist on the Moon. The author hardly dares suggest even a fragment of the possibilities except to show the idea: balancing charges would have been a part of life, and a part too of whatever life recognized as an overriding evolutionary mandate. The existence of electric eels and birds are probably are based on what was then, long ago, a new concept. In one way or another, electrical charge were incorporated into the order of life.
Charges are not the only thing. Spectra were another. Fossils suggest that species were adapting to color much earlier. Yet when flowering plants emerged, it meant that even plants had conceived at least part of the order of light. Charges and spectra are among the vitally important principle factors involved in the long run economic recovery now that the Moon and other objects in the Solar System have important artificial objects on them which originated here on Earth.
It is vital that certain essential facts be recognized as at least necessary in one of the most important views of the events. In particular, it was determined that no significant sign of any other life forms than those which exist on Earth have ever been discovered anywhere other than on Earth. That is, none of the other Moons and Planets of the solar system have any living things on them, and the attempts to discover them have been quite sophisticated. It appears that it would be a vital and serious mistake to delay solutions to the economic state of the Earth in any vain or protracted attempt to wait until it is absolutely proved beyond every possible shadow of doubt, that life does or does not exist on objects in the solar system other than Earth.
In other words, it does not matter whether any life is every discovered on another object in the solar system or not: solutions to the problems which are emerging as a result of the successful attainment of space flight must be formulated no matter what extremely long shot possibilities can be dreamed up.
The main discovery was that no gods, monsters, demons, space aliens, extraterrestrial life or living threats of any kind appear to exist on or from
any object in the Solar System. Second, the stars are too far away to consider any kind of serious threat, and any such imagination should be scrutinized for intercultural and international competition on Earth.
Third, no other object in the Solar System is capable of sustaining life at this time, and not for the foreseeable future either. The sole exception is temporary place for space ships from Earth to visit. At the present time, their cost is prohibitive, and Earth's solutions to Earth problems cannot wait.
Earth's problem are well known, primarily including irresponsible reproduction, war, and failure to develop agriculture locally in areas of chronic famine. More lax and indulgent ways of describing those problems can be developed if it is necessary, and other problems can be identified as well. Sorry to appear so unsparing, but famine is even less merciful.
One key to understanding the long term economic problems is that in the fundamental constant called the quantum of action, there is a tradeoff between time and energy. If one would consider very long term issues, problems, opportunities or other economic factors, they should be carefully understood in terms of their atomic, electronic, molecular and species energy.
Thus it is possible to say that the green oxygen line's spectral energy was at play a hundred million years ago, and so every organism that depended on green foliage conceived that energy. That particular energy was stable all that time. It is an Oxygen I line at 557.7 Angstroms. Green lines arise from Magnesium and other elements as well. The elemental spectral energies are clues to the nature of the energy 'crisis' as Earth adjusts to the new though surprisingly prosaic truth about itself from the discoveries of the space exploration.
If long term issues are not taken into account, attempts to control, adjust, repair, fix or redesign the economic systems will be clumsy and ill prepared to detect changes that emerge slowly from great depth.
Other long-term issues obtain. For instance, the entire spectrum of light-like waves, ranging from gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, millimeter, microwave and meter wave bands has been measured, mapped, allocated, and is now governed throughout the world by human beings. A few problems can be foreseen, mostly from residual control. Rational solutions to issues of all kinds are routine now in relation to the electric field spectrum. Only one serious problem seems to this observer to exist, and it cannot but find solutions emerging wherever it arises. It is the intensely technocratic insistence on imposing an artificial regime of electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability where it is not and never was necessary. Probably, failure to take into account the liberty of dispensing with such iron-clad control of the human species will eventually generate the appropriate corrections for that totalitarian approach.
Some fantastic scenarios emerge. One is that the massive constructions which began with the huge sandstone block pyramids may be either vastly redundant, exaggerated, and literally fascist, or, on the other hand, even more massive constructions-or misconstructions-may take place in the future. The point is that human beings, human civilization, MUST take the responsibility for examining what justification exists for BOTH those extremes, and make sensible, real-world, finite-planet decisions.
Economic theory is bound to make new and important resolutions. Among those which can be predicted is the necessity of accounting charges electron by electron in the most sensitive areas. The extent to which economic activity will be detailed in such minutia is not known. It must simply be assumed that some such detail will be necessary for some of the economic factors.
Energy accounting will continue to increase in thoroughness and will probably cause exasperation among many economic agents until the critical issues are identified. The role of interpersonal competition in economic allocation has been avoided stringently since the terrible disasters of recent wartime activity, but it will not be possible to avoid facing those issues completely.
Another area is that certain ancient economic goals have been achieved, yet they are not well coordinated with what is essentially an awkward, groping, inexperienced planetary economy. The most important of these is the production of adequate food for the population. The attainment of that goal must be considered as an event in itself, and isolated from other factors with sufficient insulation, that it can be allowed to survive of itself. Mechanized agriculture was of course the key, and genetic modification of food crops is, though controversial, certain to be among future solutions. The seemingly trivial introduction of food debit cards has made distribution of food resources almost completely independent of the political form of the economy. For that reason, food production and distribution should be considered close to a central, kernel, or key economic factor in planning other economic activities, and it must not be made dependent on other factors for its successful implementation.
This introduces the controversial idea that no OTHER economic activity can be allowed to jeopardize food production and distribution. Corollaries include possibilities that raise tempers on the opposite side of the aisle no matter which side is fool enough to mention its hopes first.
One view is that those who want to impose the requirement that without producing something lucrative or profitable for the state, family, gens, nation, people or economy, no person should be given food. The argument is that no person should be forced to feed another.
The other view is that every person must be given a sufficient food supply from birth throughout his or her lifetime, whether he or she works, produces or does anything else. That argument is that abundant food is an absolute right no matter what overpopulation is.
One can almost hear shellfire between those two paragraphs. Yet the truth is, that food production was from ancient times until the invention of the steam engine plagued with famine, hunger, starvation and malnutrition. As soon as mechanized agricultural implements were available they were exported throughout the world. The mechanization of world agriculture was probably the most rapid total change in process of any that ever existed in world history. The urgency was absolute. The job remains unfinished, and a fairly clear idea of what “finished” will mean is well known everywhere. It is where every humanly occupied region has enough energy and mechanized agriculture to feed its population. Stopgap regimes include importing food from other regions, but inevitably, regional production will continue forever to be the mainstay of regional consumption.
Some long term evolutionary problems are:
Animal molecular activity is beginning to come to terms with the absolutely linear measures of energy and it is discovering that changes in the elevation of food and nutrient molecule energy in plant and animal circulation are the same. That is, it takes exactly as much energy to raise a carbon atom ten centimeters in a plant, as it does to raise the same kind of carbon atom ten centimeters in an animal or human being. Other energy considerations similarly obtain. Yet no straightforward attempt to equate these two energy scales ever existed before because it was on hold for a hundred million years until such time as the Moon could be attained.
Other discoveries were that the Moon and planets are the kind of objects, which only truly compelled discovering what they were and whether they held any threats to life on Earth. In other words, they do not compel any hurried return to them. Human civilization being powerful as it is, Mars will be explored in a relatively near term time scale. It will not be any million years, ten thousand or even a hundred, before human beings walk on Mars and return to Earth with pieces of it.
What was discovered, partly as a result of the emergence of the element silicon into native intelligence, is the information returned from several Mars probes such as the Viking Lander, the rovers Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, the HiRise cameras and the soon to be launched plutonium-powered Curiosity rover. That information gave highly accurate estimates of the Martian surface and its conditions, which indicate that either no life at all exists there if it ever did, or that it is so faint and scarce that intense scrutiny will be required to find it. In neither case is any threat sensibly conceivable from Mars. The same is true for all the visible planets of the solar system – the Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, and the two less visible planets Uranus and Neptune. Nobody's there.
It is partly failing to face such facts that is causing economic malaise.
Nobody is willing to commit to any particular very-long-run corrections until such time as it is proven that – what? Space aliens have landed in New Jersey? Wrong. Until it is proven that no space aliens can possible exist ever? Wrong.
Until it is understood that the probability of space aliens anywhere in the Solar System is so low that time is wasted waiting for any to be discovered. Right.
Until it is understood that it is likely to be ten thousand years before beings from Earth seriously attempt to reach any other star system than Earth's.
Now let's get busy making certain we are not tripping over our own or each other's feet. Not obstructed by obsolete and unnecessary constructions that were thought vital necessities a scant few decades ago, which look so fine nobody dares remove them, which, to be sure, should be weighed carefully.
An example is the German anti-aircraft gun mounts in Vienna, Austria. Why in the world have those not been demolished? There they are, and people must go on talking about what kind of economic changes can be made with that assumption darkening every otherwise sunlit day in the assumption they are to remain.
Hundreds or thousands of unnecessary war preparations like that exist throughout the world. They remain like piles of old dinosaur claws, distorting thought and crippling optimism when optimism should be echoing throughout the millennium.
Clearing history cannot wait until the old folks die off. Timely death does not take dinosaurs or war relics away. It does not point out things which should be removed because they are literally constructed of pain and sorrow and regret. The errors from a hundred million or a million years ago will not go away with the mere passage of time, even several generations of it. It needs people who are interested in dinosaurs and how the world moved from that to making pyramids and then to columns and beams and to the Parthenon and Great Wall, and whether errors exist now which were created then. Assumptions like whether slavery exists if it is imposed statistically through money, or by force through whips and chains. Assumptions like the idea that hundreds of millions of vehicles must rumble and stampede down the evolutionary paths of dinosaurs as if there is some cosmological law dragging the elements into racing across the surface of the Earth.
Present day economic studies of the recession are like daubing a hemorrhage with a cotton swab. Of course digging into the facts of civilization requires the free exchange of ideas, and requires even more primitive, ancient issues to be resolved despite events of recent and stupendous gravity such as genocide. Yet not facing those things is inviting old pyramids to emerge from the jungle and stalk around like the behemoth of war.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
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