Nuclear war appears inevitable if the weapons are not dismantled. Probability, action paths and events potential and events realizable are attainable. These are all combinations of material or mass reality, and probability.
This is in a universe consisting of material reality and probability. Except for a multifarious zoo of low probability, relatively faint or obscure phenomena found in the atomic world, the familiar kinds of mass and energy are almost all of existence.
Probability is a dimension in the universe. Probability is deeper wherever mass is great, and tenuous and thin in empty space. It is one of the dimensions involved in the motion of all light-like waves.
Because these waves are found throughout the universe, it is very likely that the dimensionality of light-like waves is identical with the dimensionality of space-time and perhaps of the entire universe.
Variations in dimensionality caused by mass are merely extensions of the dimensionality of light's action. The dimensions of action in light waves are energy, length, length, frequency and the speed of light. These are all strongly interrelated.
Frequency is used as one of the measures of energy. Momentum is another dimension, described in light-like waves, and it is merely a time integral of energy. Conversely, energy is a time derivative of momentum.
The product of momentum and wavelength is the action quantum, and the product of energy and wave time is, similarly, the action quantum. In both cases the action quantum is abbreviated h.
Certain mathematical forms make a fraction, h/(2*pi), useful. That will not be discussed here as it adds unnecessarily to the complexity for this material which deals with the problem of nuclear danger.
Imagine a series of actions in which each step is either an on or off switch, or it is an outcome based on drawing a card or throwing dice. Perhaps twenty or thirty steps are involved in this set of actions.
The steps involved in the switches may be controlled locally, as in the case of thermonuclear weapons where a combination of local settings (for instance with a number of different, responsible officers with specific authorization codes known only to themselves and their superiors which prevent unauthorized persons from launching the weapons systems) to operate the firing signals.
All officers present must agree, and other switches, set by various usually secret means such as radio or other electric signals from higher command centers in other locations, presidential authorization, and so on.
Because the stakes are so high, a great deal of attention, careful design, caution, routine inspection, scrutiny and review goes into the creation and maintenance of such systems. They are carefully guarded, for instance.
Assume these are sober, responsible people of marked and unusual integrity, honor and capability. They are not in question, and not the problem.
Assume that no system under conscious human control in this way is intended to launch accidentally under any circumstances. In other words, it is assumed that these internationally dangerous weapons systems will not be launched without intention and their fail-safe systems operate correctly.
It is asserted here that other factors remain which make these weapons intrinsically dangerous. Human society can be drawn into thermonuclear war if it does not understand the cosmology in which our planet and world exist.
At the outset, let it be understood that each step in the process of detonating any of the weapons is a probability, not an absolutely certain yes or no decision. On the other hand, it must be admitted that the probabilities involved are very close to 1 and 0. For instance, instead of the probability of a yes being exactly 1, also written 1!, is not exactly that at all.
Instead it is 0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.
That's a hundred nines.
The probability of a NO is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123.(that and it is a hundred zeroes with some nonzero possibility at the end.
These switches, though they may not pass an error signal in a million years if the universe consisted only of the Earth, are not absolutely perfect. However, the problem is not that the systems might or will fail.
The problem is that the path which their existence IS, is a probability path. In an environment in which all possibilities exist around that path, a path will be found that will cause all the consequences of the path.
For one thing, human society is continually drawn by that existence to consider both possibilities at all times.
Second, in the long term the geophysical barycenter of the Earth Sun system lies within the Sun. As the planet Earth orbits the Sun, in the long run the Sun's sheer, saturating energy literally requires that all possibilities come into play. All possibilities delineated by the path which the switches represent, are surrounded by the high energy ongoing world-like of the Sun's interior at the barycenter of the Earth-Sun system..
Human beings will be led, one day, to launch the weapons, even if every society on Earth is being angels all the while. They will be led by the implacable inanimate energies of the Sun itself.
Implacably, somebody will be drawn into being a self-justifying bad guy, and it is not morally possible to exclude any society that keeps such weapons deployed. No matter what we do, we cannot avoid following the Sun around which our planet orbits. The Sun saturates every possible action path with its vast energy, and dwarfs the imagined consequences as well.
Thus, the consequences of thermonuclear war, even such earthly grave consequences as annihilation of population centers in which millions of human persons live, gradually pale into insignificance before the implacable Sun-driven tendency to activate the switches which launch it.
That implacable character of the Sun's influence on human actions, in relation to the launch sequence of thermonuclear weapons, is the long term as if the four year leap year cycle in sidereal time is the only time base that exists.
No seasons mean anything. Nuclear winter is not distinct from any other time of the year in the barycenter of the Earth-Sun system.
Nuclear weapons exist in the barycenter of the Earth Sun orbital relationship.
On the average, their existence outside the Sun does not register with anything except human beings, who do not control the Sun.
Consider this: the weapons systems consists of Uranium or Plutonium starter masses. Chemical explosives are to force the masses together to constitute a larger-than-critical mass which then explodes into runaway fission reactions. The fission explosion is surrounded by tritium and lithium masses which constitute fuel for the resulting thermonuclear fusion reactions which constitute the real Big Bang, the actual Big Bang.
Images which equate the Big Bang with the beginning of the entire universe are merely attempting to avoid the reality that the weapons are like a powder keg in a furnace as they orbit the Sun. This was a strategy in Roman times: the conquering soldiers told the conquered peoples, "Now, your world began with our Leader." "For you, the war is over."
Collections of potentially fusing elements such as those which human warriors have assembled are rare in the universe, and in fact exist (so far as is known only on Earth. Even the very speculation that some might exist on other worlds, at other star systems, is another superstitious invocation of a ridiculously distant, faint, remote, inaccessible and improbably enemy monster, demon or alien.
Consider that the Earth just went through five or ten thousand years of just plain pure hell, starting with sandstone blocks and human energy, to chase the dream of flying to the Moon to determine whether it is a fit place to live, or contains monsters or demons, space aliens or strange animals that will come to Earth and gobble everybody up, or whether Mars, or Venus, or Jupiter or Saturn hold the same possible problems or rewards.
All of life, until about the 16th century A.D. was full of such superstitious misinterpretations of the light. Animals were not known not to be kings or gods, and the beings on the other side of any significant mountain range were, half the time, considered to be monsters or demons anyway. It was assumed the Earth contained demons, trolls and goblins of various sorts.
Even after the 16th century, when motion pictures were invented they were immediately saturated with fictional images of space monsters and people struggling to save the Earth from alien invasions.
This was the environment in which thermonuclear weapons were created and placed on board rockets that could carry them to any place on Earth on a signal - and the rockets could be directed to any place within moments on a signal. Each would just about guarantee the deaths of millions of people, if the city they hit had that many in it.
Many "modern" weapons have Multiple Independent Retargetable Vehicles - several nuclear weapons which could each hit a different population, industrial or military center.
Presumably, if there was an invasion by space aliens, these could be redirected to destroy several of the mythical creatures. Imaginary space aliens do keep military budgets rolling in dough.
Just imagine what life would be like if one actually were an innocent space alien. Did you ever hear of an innocent space alien? "No" replies the military.
It is the military that made the deal with Hollywood that Hollywood could use the North American Air Defense Command Headquarters, nuclear-bomb-proofed under Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs in the Rocky Mountains, as a cinematic filming location for space-alien adventures in which space monsters trying to take over the Earth (with names that sound deliberately like the word "Gold") come through magic portals into the cave from stars millions of light years away somehow.
Perhaps to trigger thermonuclear war.
People who claim that God must be the important thing in determining whether thermonuclear war must take place, fail to take into account that the general human concept of God was refined from the evolved spirituality of the natural world, in which the human species is only one of the species sharing the planet. It was not until the Egyptian pyramids were three thousand years old that the idea of One God became serious enough to define a Dynasty. Another thousand passed before the idea became permanently accepted.
Another two thousand years passed to reach the emerging Christian understanding that instead of one God, there should be two, and they would naturally be man and woman, which is to say, that women can be god too, or that half of the two gods can be female, the other of course, male. That's just the human part.
Earth is not the only planet in the Universe. It orbits the star which we call the Sun, Sol, or other similar words depending on which language you know it in.
The daily rotation and the annual orbit are not exactly in phase. Instead, they are about a quarter day off each year, which means that four years pass between the rotations return to the same phase they were in at the beginning of that cycle. That's not alarming and not unusual.
The number of days in the four year cycle is 1461, or 365*4 +1; that too is neither alarming nor suspicious and it is only mentioned because it was useful here to describe the four year Leap Year cycle. 1461 is divisible by three; there are three 487 at use may be made of that is not known; it is an aside illustrating that modern concepts of time are much more accurate and certain than at any time during the past 6 or 8 thousand years. They are so accurate they can predict the motions and positions of the stars and planets many years in the future. Centuries, if you must.
This new precise and certain accuracy obviates ancient concepts of chance, chancery, probability and randomness to perfections previously unknown to man. What remains is the probability distributions that arise from molecular and atomic activity, from the motions of electrons, and from the nature of light-like waves from the most distant parts of the universe.
These new concepts emerged during the past four hundred years, since the discovery of optical telescopes that revealed the existence of moons (then called planets) around Jupiter and Saturn. They are among the factors that are trying the case of the existence of thermonuclear weapons at all, and the case of possibly irresponsible invention, design and construction of nuclear sources of electrical energy.
That is because the Earth and Sun orbit, together, around a common center of mass called the Earth-Sun barycenter. This is not unusual either, and it is not alarming per se. Every orbiting system does the same thing.
In many systems, where the masses are similar and the objects are far from each other, the barycenter or common center of mass is between the two objects. In other systems, such as the Earth-Sun system, the barycenter is within the heavier object.
In fact, the Earth-Moon system barycenter is within the Earth because the Moon is smaller than the Earth.
As an aside, what would be the mass relationship if a moon were to orbit a planet, or a planet a star, at such a distance that the barycenter were to be exactly at the surface of the larger object?
Well, the problem is that the barycenter of the set of all thermonuclear weapons and nuclear reactors taken as one object, and the Sun as the other object, is within the Earth.
Yet the barycenter of the Earth-Sun system is within the Sun.
Therefore, the barycenter of the nuclear
energy objects and the Sun, is within the Sun.
Because the Sun is so violently active throughout, that barycenter wherever it is does not resolve the Earth as a perfect or even approximate image at all.
The barycenter of the nuclear materials and the Sun is quite probably diffuse and distinct from other objects constituting the Earth, perhaps being spread out in atomic mass or other factors and certain it is not located at any one point within the Sun.
Instead, it is continually moving deep within the Sun, through the thermonuclear plasma near the center of the Sun.
In the long run, for instance after three decades (one Saturn orbit) or more, the average position of the radioactive nuclear fuel in atomic and thermonuclear weapons is within the Sun, and close to the center of the Sun.
Where almost nothing of interest takes place except fusion reactions such as those discovered by Hans Bethe and Carl von Weizsacker.
These involve the elements Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen of which people and other living beings are made.
The Sun literally drags elements like those within ourselves into a destiny that involves thermonuclear fusion.
We must not let the paths intersect or become confused with an order to launch the existing weapons.
In other words, the action of the Sun tends to draw us through the launch switch sequence, and at each stage either human beings diverge and argue and resolve something that acts as a stopgap reason for ignoring the suggestion to launch the war, or, they move toward the switches, and wondering why, struggle quickly to invent a stronger and more secure switch that people cannot set off.
Yet nobody is actually drawing people though the switch settings-the Sun is drawing the elemental structure of the entire planet through the switch settings.
The Sun is an inanimate prime mover of everything, and yet the results of its motion need not be war.
Another problem is that these images, which are based on the real and actual substantial physical structure of the solar system, rapidly become entangled with cinematic and fictional scenarios such as computer war games like Fallout and others.
Everybody is being inexorably drawn through movie scenarios of exactly what it takes to launch thermonuclear war.
This will continue until either actual thermonuclear war happens, or the whole propaganda, whether it is deliberate or innocent, is ended by sensibility.
And it can be innocent because understanding, of what world lines are in the long secular time of the Earth-Sun barycenter, is not common and prevalent.
Add to this the simple idea that many wars costing hundreds of millions of lives and untold tragedy have already misshaped the destiny of Man.
It is common to say all that loss of life can be called justified by successes that occurred later.
In the last five or ten thousand years, the sole cause was to attain the Moon.
Despite the tragedy and sacrifice, it was never necessary in all those ten thousand years to kill a single human being in order to fly to the Moon.
That is known, because the eventual, actual flights were accomplished with no more than accidental loss of life, and even that was regretted, and acknowledged to have been preventable.
Remarkably better foresight would have been necessary, even though foresight was already exceedingly competent.
But it is now known that it would have possible to attain the Moon without any loss of life whatsoever.
The argument sounds weak, but is only to say that the marker at the end of the journey is only a little flag, a little strip of cloth.
It is not much and does little except flutter, or be torn apart.
That of course is one of those hundred-zeros scenarios.
It is sufficient to understand that in the next ten thousand year such goals will not require internecine or international war slaughtering millions of living human beings like they are so many gaming chips.
Of course people are willing to risk their lives to attain great goals, yet slaughtering millions on battlefields is little more than an action in which the only outcome was intended to be slaughter, usually in the name of saving the world from some imaginary space alien or other equivalently absolute danger.
If this does not seem to be a problem any more, consider how many will die in unnecessary wars to attain manned space flight to and return from Mars, especially if the Mars manned exploration missions turn out to have a high safety record.
And then consider how many more will die in wars to attain faster than light travel to other star systems, even though no indication is available even from the most sophisticated theory or practice of modern technology, that faster than light motion is ever to be possible at all.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A Singular Time of Big Simple Facts
A useful way of looking at the present situation of planet Earth is, this several thousand year period of time since the first enduring architectural works were constructed (beginning with naturally shaped stones, eventually using carved stone blocks) is the event in the history and future of planet Earth in which space flight was invented. Space flight permitted the survey of the nature of the World and of the Solar System.
Important determinations included the fact that what was subjectively known as the World in which human beings (as well as all other known animals and plants) lived, is the surface of a spherical planet which orbits a star.
Another important determination is that no other planet exists in the solar system that contains beings, creatures, or any other kind threat to Earth or its people, houses, farms and gardens, livestock,wild planets and animals, fishes or waters or air.
None of the imaginary gods and demons that were figments of bad dreams and superstition exist in or on planets which have atmospheres. Of course, this determination is still ongoing, although it looks like that will be the eventual totality of the outcome for the planets within the Solar System. Instead, we have a real atmosphere and real oceans favorable to life in which rational and valuable spirituality can be cultivated in the grace of rational living thought.
Only one real, actual threat was found-collisions with the earth of rocks, of which the largest are called asteroids. These can be powerful and very destructive although their frequency is very low - only one significant asteroid collision per century is anticipated. Millions of small rocks fall as meteorites which only rarely cause any damage.
The event of the emergence of space flight by Earth is likely to be a relatively singular event, in the sense that after the current century, little space flight will occur because of its very great cost and the relatively insignificant rewards.
While a disappointment to adventurers who wanted to range far into distant star systems, it does not look like that kind of space travel is in the works during foreseeable thousands of years.
In any case, it is abiding work that must be considered something of a luxury in the face of pressing factors like population moderation and global health, environmental pollution and other difficult problems.
On the other hand, nothing that ever happened in human history can be proved impossible. Unfortunately that history is composed of both very good and very bad times. It is known that some wars were caused by the struggle to reach the Moon. Some weapons development was inspired by ideas that space monsters might be lurking on the dark side of the Moon, or in Mars or other planets.
Among those industries designed to support space flight for the exploration of the solar system, particularly to answer vital questions regarding the existence or non-existence of dangers from outside planet Earth, the most valuable, vital, sustaining and necessary production for that space flight is beginning to be distinct from the least valuable, most noxious, costly and offensive forms of production
None of ths weapons developed during the emergence of space flight were found useful for any purpose except for killing human beings and other living organisms here on Earth. This does not speak well for the popularity and relative sanctity of those engaged in weapons development. To be sure, it can be argued that they will be safe because they are the ones who have weapons and will use them.
Yet society is composed of many powers besides the power to invent and make weapons, and most of the other powers are engaged in peaceful pursuits, including the pursuit of better ways to get along together well. Judging by the historical record, Earth has a very long future, which can be measured in terms of millions of years and more. Possibly billions.
So we have a billion years (estimates range to 3 billion year) history; the six or seven thousand years of preparation and attainment of space flight, probably a century of busy space flight, and tens of millions of years in the future, during which on the average human society is going to be largely and generally peaceful.
Why not now?
Important determinations included the fact that what was subjectively known as the World in which human beings (as well as all other known animals and plants) lived, is the surface of a spherical planet which orbits a star.
Another important determination is that no other planet exists in the solar system that contains beings, creatures, or any other kind threat to Earth or its people, houses, farms and gardens, livestock,wild planets and animals, fishes or waters or air.
None of the imaginary gods and demons that were figments of bad dreams and superstition exist in or on planets which have atmospheres. Of course, this determination is still ongoing, although it looks like that will be the eventual totality of the outcome for the planets within the Solar System. Instead, we have a real atmosphere and real oceans favorable to life in which rational and valuable spirituality can be cultivated in the grace of rational living thought.
Only one real, actual threat was found-collisions with the earth of rocks, of which the largest are called asteroids. These can be powerful and very destructive although their frequency is very low - only one significant asteroid collision per century is anticipated. Millions of small rocks fall as meteorites which only rarely cause any damage.
The event of the emergence of space flight by Earth is likely to be a relatively singular event, in the sense that after the current century, little space flight will occur because of its very great cost and the relatively insignificant rewards.
While a disappointment to adventurers who wanted to range far into distant star systems, it does not look like that kind of space travel is in the works during foreseeable thousands of years.
In any case, it is abiding work that must be considered something of a luxury in the face of pressing factors like population moderation and global health, environmental pollution and other difficult problems.
On the other hand, nothing that ever happened in human history can be proved impossible. Unfortunately that history is composed of both very good and very bad times. It is known that some wars were caused by the struggle to reach the Moon. Some weapons development was inspired by ideas that space monsters might be lurking on the dark side of the Moon, or in Mars or other planets.
Among those industries designed to support space flight for the exploration of the solar system, particularly to answer vital questions regarding the existence or non-existence of dangers from outside planet Earth, the most valuable, vital, sustaining and necessary production for that space flight is beginning to be distinct from the least valuable, most noxious, costly and offensive forms of production
None of ths weapons developed during the emergence of space flight were found useful for any purpose except for killing human beings and other living organisms here on Earth. This does not speak well for the popularity and relative sanctity of those engaged in weapons development. To be sure, it can be argued that they will be safe because they are the ones who have weapons and will use them.
Yet society is composed of many powers besides the power to invent and make weapons, and most of the other powers are engaged in peaceful pursuits, including the pursuit of better ways to get along together well. Judging by the historical record, Earth has a very long future, which can be measured in terms of millions of years and more. Possibly billions.
So we have a billion years (estimates range to 3 billion year) history; the six or seven thousand years of preparation and attainment of space flight, probably a century of busy space flight, and tens of millions of years in the future, during which on the average human society is going to be largely and generally peaceful.
Why not now?
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