Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dynasties, slavery and money

Dynasties were human constructions so large they became naturalized phenomena in secular evolutionary development. Secular evolutionary development was the rate at which evolution took place - glacially slow, like molasses in January for half a billion years.

The pyramids changed all that. The pyramids - which sprouted all over the earth around the equators - were and still are durable, crystal-like forms constructed of massive stone blocks and were large as mountains to many creatures and human beings too. They were presented obviously a fundamentally ordered, non-chaotic principle in their forms. They changed the instincts of every creature that became transfixed by the new shapes.

The dynamics of human civilization - and, led by human beings, of the activities of many other species - were altered by the pyramids. These new forms spanned great distances, relativistically large distances so that even though the principles of modern relativity were unknown, those attributes of living organisms that were inherently limited by relativity, such as size and speed, were challenged by the new constructions. Why were they different from the world which had always existed?

To human beings during the time in which the pyramids were being construction, it was clear where they came from. It was not necessarily clear to those who toiled why they were different, but they knew the construction was by human beings and they lived under a regime that decreed it was because of human beings they were built.

Lesser works were often constructed after the largest of the pyramids had been dragged into existence. Yet the smaller constructions, whatever they were, did not span as much time in their completion, and so it would be a common experience that the pyramids had existed long before a worker and the ancestors he knew had lived; he would do some kind of work whether it was in the fields or towns; and after he had passed and his children and perhaps his children's children came into being, any project he was working on would be completed, and then it would be understood that the Pyramids which had preceded their construction were destined to exist in the future as well. There would be a resting phase, a lapse during which society would retreat to agriculture and it is almost certain that some protested what they saw as 'decay' while others welcomed the resting phase, called 'hiatus' as a chance to recover virtue, strength, peace, nature, instinct, resonance with life, and other valued qualities of tranquility.

It gradually came to pass that after several such cycles of dynasty and hiatus, that different kinds of rulers existed from one hiatus, or as we would call it, 'period of development' and another. These periods of development existed as separate periods of a kind of rule that was for several cycles familiar in kind. Yet as time passed, differences appeared in the forms of rule in the periods of dynastic activity. In some there were pharaohs, in others, kings, in others, emperors. Different patterns of dynasty and hiatus appeared also in different parts of the world. As a result, the general pattern of emerging thought, determination, planning, construction, culmination, cresting or triumph or dominance, flourish, and finally a period in which it was understood that something had come to pass while yet another future was beginning to precipitate, crystallize, catalyze and emerge within the old.

The idea became persistent that "dynasty" is kind of a durable container in which one or another form of society, rule, government, or civilization exists; and these may include any of several different powerful, highly respected forms: theologies, autocracies, empires, kingdoms, democracies, principalities, sheikdoms, and communism as well as others not mentioned here, perhaps others not yet dreamed, come into existence, endure for a long or short time, and then pass.

Given the vast span of natural history, it is at once valuable to be entirely optimistic about human destiny and at the same time see that many things in human activity evolve visibly - slowly or rapidly they appear; some leave vestiges or parts that endure much longer, some of their aspects disappear quickly. In time, those longest lived become sufficient to sustain civilization in themselves, and the nature of civilization becomes longer-term.

At the present time, the Earth has just completed one long dynastic goal - to reach the moon. Other goals have been completed, such as domestication of animals and a naturalized yet governed agriculture, water distribution, voting, money, medicine, flight and other transportation, communications and so on. It is not quite known yet, with the attainment of the Moon being completed, what is now to transpire. Perhaps the constructions necessary to reach the moon are to be viewed as awkward, groping and significantly preternatural diversions from the destiny the planet is inevitably to pursue as time passes with the Moon having footsteps upon it. In that case, it can be expected that important changes are to occur, as the planet reviews itself, takes stock, and devolves what it devolves.

Bearing in mind the number of casualties in war and the losses of nonhuman life, that is certainly possible. It is easy to imagine, now after the face, easier ways to have reached the Moon. For instance the nature of truth is now known not to require human life with which to determine the "moment of truth". Thus it could have been concluded long ago that even with fiery rockets, it is never necessary to burn human beings or other living organisms to fly to the Moon. The origin of the error is not clear; it may have occurred in pre-Cambrian seas with the evolution of cephalopods, the octopuses and squids that use momentum conservation as a form of propulsion.

Slavery is another matter. Entirely alongside in evolution, slavery was ancient, practiced at least by ants. Slavery was not a sup rise in ancient Egypt, and it need not and should not be pretended that the conditions of labor were extremely harsh and constraining. Neither were they a sup rise. With no knowledge about any other kind of cooperative large scale work, simple illiterate human beings would not have protested. How could they? That set the pattern of labor for thousands of years. Yet the cost of slavery was always high. Slaves had to be fed and housed, though the societies were probably not far from assuming that anybody, even a slave, would find some place to shelter even if it was a hovel - as long as it was not the master's house.

Money was unknown, and so it was necessary to keep slaves. Breaking them in was essential and might involve years. Slaves were not easily traded where barter was the only form of commerce, so that trading slaves was not something one did frequently. They had to be kept, as well - that is, retained, constrained or in some other way prevented from leaving or, if they did go, they had to be persuaded to return. Slave societies had their grotesque forms of expertise.

What seems to have emerged is that the development of increasingly sophisticated economic activity gradually led to the realization of hired labor. This obviously spanned a great deal of time - thousands of years. The very earliest coins were rare and hand-made; only the wealthy and powerful had them and in part they were wealthy and powerful because they controlled the means of producing and keeping money. That is a serious problem today even as distributed forms of economic activity are being rapidly improved.

It seems to be distinctly money that was the key and catalyst to the overseas transport of human beings as slaves. Freed of barter, or using a mixed barter and money pattern of trade activity, it was no longer necessary for the buyer of a slave to be given on the spot an agreed upon quantity of other goods. Slaves could be taken from Africa in return for - what? Were they taken by sheer power? Not mostly. They were taken in return for manufactured goods - iron pots, knives and spears; guns; alcohol; cloth manufactured goods and so on. The slaves could be transported to another place, which at that time included the Americas, and they could be paid for with what was produced in the Americas. Those goods were then transported to Europe, and the shipping costs incurred by the shipping company cleared at the bank with money. Money could then be used to purchase more goods that could be taken to Africa and used to buy slaves. That grisly cycle is important to mention occasionally because it helps weather slavery down into oblivion, like recovering a little more sanity by recalling a painful event to release the distorted energy for something more useful like happiness.

Money and its accounting, substance, keeping, distribution and use, have increased in sophistication, completeness, closure, extent, value and quality in fits and starts since seashells and beads were the only money. It was about the time of Rome that money reached a distinctly transcendental quality. After the first millennium, money was rapidly equated with writing, literature and hence with authority. Money became controlled by abstracted authority, and the contests for power between kingdoms and other powers for authority, including especially authority over money, are important parts of history. The eventual sophistication of money became nearly Godlike, and it is not surprising that the dollar bill depicts the Eye of God floating over a Pyramid.

This is deep stuff. The pyramids at once held transfixed the natural eye, the eye of Nature's God which would have occurred as soon as the Pyramids were recognized as the same as mountains in their size and massive structure, yet different in that they presented a human-originated civil and structural order that is far from nature's relatively chaotic and unprincipled order. For instance the pyramids do not have S-shaped winding river channels running down their sides. That was the condition of the pyramids six thousand years ago.

Yet the dollar presents something else: the Eye of God by now has become the eye of One God - the monotheistic God which, or rather who, was discovered in Egypt of about 2,000 B.C., four thousand years ago, was forgotten in the tumult of pre-authoritarian society, and was remembered in the Roman Empire - as under Marcus Aurelius - and then reaffirmed in 1,000 A.D. when the Roman Authority with its extensively written Latin literature had easily spanned and lived a thousand years. The sixteenth century begs desperately to be mentioned and will in time, but by the time of the American Revolution in the eighteenth century, the 1776 engraved in Roman numerals at the bottom of the pyramid with the Eye of God on it clearly meant that it was the Eye of the One God - the One True God, that is now comprehended in modern theology throughout the world.

Not only is that number, MCMLXVII in Roman Numerals a positive definite representation of counting units one by one, it is in its inverse a definition, spanning over a thousand years, of what the idea of One means. The continuous literate and authoritarian record of civilization, to however far back in history it can be traced, asserts and provides for mankind and for the planet Earth (space aliens or no) a determinate kind of ordering of temporal events that stands alongside calendars and clocks as the time domain now, of evolution in Earth's future.

Now it is true that important political instruments in history have condemned slavery, but the problem emerging now is that empires and other political forms are able to extract heartbreaking toil and distraction from human beings who are perfectly capable of living in freedom and liberty, by the simple device of ensuring that everybody is free to use money, and then by sampling statistics, determining what people will buy or sell in return for their labor and toil.

Human beings are blessedly simple creatures, who would live in blissful happiness if they were merely free. Yet money makes it possible for those who control it to statistically enslave a sufficient number of workers, so that a regime's sometimes demonic toil can be accomplished without actually keeping the slave as a captive. If a person is willing to keep a job, whether he is happy or not is no longer the determinant. A sufficient amount of money can purchase his time and if he quits, another person can be found to work that shift.

These are exciting times. By now, robots are being sold by the millions, designed mostly to perform the very acts that were the most degrading and dehumanizing - sandblasting rust off steel, spray painting or working in sewers. Robots have saved and rescued thousands or more workers who were put to those nauseating, toxic, deafening environments. It is time for labor to present the grateful side of its stand for robots; that would be a serious contribution to robot development of a kind that will truly free human beings from enslavement.

Except, of course, by robots.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ancient Dynasty Industrially Processing Planet Earth

In the long run, a few great, serious problems exist which can be identified at the present time.

These include Reduction of the planet to FUNDAMENTAL FORMS OF THE ACTION and the consequent EXTERMINATION OF ALL LIFE except the beings that manufacture and operate the machines which conduct that extermination and a few other life forms that constitute their food. Living organisms, including SENTIENT BEINGS, are converted to inanimate hash by the millions of tons each years. Wildlife and domesticated animals are treated like a mineral deposit.

It is not clear that the ancient dynasties did not inadvertently put the human race to converting the Earth to radiation. More likely it was not anciently understood, that a difference exists between converting the Earth to radiation, and harmless and beneficial assimilation of the mass-energy equation by living organisms, including people.

The form of the dynasties that began six thousand years ago and have continued to this day have been based on massive constructions with an emphasis on four, quartering and other such arrangements of 2+2, 2*2, and 2^2. It seems to have begun with the three Great Pyramids. They were only the constructionist representation of the fundamental importance of 'four' on Earth.

Earth is in a solar system with two large objects, the Sun and Jupiter, that together dominate the solar system's mass, and orbit a massless point in space outside the surface of the Sun. This creates quadrupole moment in the Solar System, and that is mainly the reason why there are four distinctly largest planets around the very largest of which orbit four distinctly largest moons.

It is also the reason why tetrapod organisms dominate the vertebrates, the important largest class of living animals, of which the human species simply happens to have learned to walk upright, think, and use its hands well.

Four-ness subsequently led to some more recent problems. One of them is the pyramids; three are sufficient to suggest even to the smallest mind (being as they are made of huge rectilinear sandstone blocks) the number 4.

The four-ness of everything in human civilization is one of the results. It eventually led to a quartering of the action into its familiar four dimensions, where the [ ] square brackets mean that the quantities within them are dimensions, not quantities, measures or amounts.


After three thousand years of inquiry, light was reduced to speed, and to some kind of constant. They became two different problems. The speed of light was estimated in many different ways, and is a rich, interesting history that started with sheer guesswork, progressed with estimates of its limits based on the timing of certain moons of distant planets, and ended with counting the number of ticks of good fast clocks while light traveled to a mirror and back. The speed of light was named just that, and it is symbolized with a c.

The remaining constant was eventually quartered - divided into four different parts. You can bet that the first thing assumed was that light consists of three different things, not four. The techniques of triage (when things are really tough) and quartering (when they are not, as in habitation) are very familiar. Its discovery is equally fascinating. The constant was named "quantum" and its symbol is h.

That's why an important brand of sugar which digests to practically pure energy, is called "C&H".
For as many years as mankind worked, he was a toiling brute and enslaved animals into beasts of burden, until finally power was harnessed from nature in various ways. Wind in sails and later in windmills and water in water wheels began to improve the situation.

Then heat engines, such as the steam and internal combustion engine, electric motor and so on freed man from domesticated animals and being a beast of burden himself, but also freed his works from the burdens of conscience.

The latter liberty was a real tragedy. It has resulted in a reduction of the Earth into the four fundamental dimensions of action, which constitutes half of light's friendly attributes.

By now millions of tons-that's MILLIONS, i.e. 1,000,000 multiplied many times-over of Earth's living, sentient beings are processed by machines -conscienceless, unconscionable inanimate machines, whose only consciences are their owners, into so much industrial products like they are inanimate mineral ores or dirt.

Moreover, much of the resulting corpses and much of the earth itself is also being transformed into the fundamental dimensions of the action - that action of light. Can it be, that the ancient dynasties put mankind to an attempt to transform the entire Earth into light? One good way to do that is to convert it entirely into energy, as in a nuclear mass-energy transformation. Perhaps there are processes in the universe, by which relatively small planets which are not stars, do not have to be stars, suddenly annihilate into light and light-like radiation such as the entire photoelectric spectrum.

Perhaps some of what are called nova, supernova or gamma ray bursts are not stars at all-it would not take many-are small objects like planets, that suddenly turn into energy. Why? That is not known; it is only conjectured that within the vast universe, dangers exist that are as yet unknown, while we human beings are busily transforming the Earth into vast quantities shaped like the fundamental dimensions of the action.

These fundamental dimensions are mass, length and frequency and their inner products which are mainly speed, area and momentum.


Let's examine these one by one.

MASS: The Earth and its sentient beings are reduced to MASS in millions of tons each year of cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and fish, as well as iron ore (which is even named 'pig iron'), aluminum, coal, cement, and other refined substances from mineral deposits of the Earth.

The Earth is being consumed by the unconscionable machine that is thought to be run by a conscience- bearing operator who works because he must live and is paid to do the work and if he won't do it there is someone on the next shift who will.

"Have dominion over the Earth, and cherish it." Yeah, right.

The same ravenously gluttonous eye looks with stuffed cheeks at the Moon and at Mars thinking of what minerals might lie under the surfaces of those planets.

LENGTH is produced in millions of miles of rope, yarn, twine, pipe, rod, girder, wire, nylon, sisal, polyethylene, and other substances.

FREQUENCY is produced in are produced continually at every frequency that can be named, throughout the electric field spectrum. Gamma and X-rays, ultraviolet, visible and infrared light, millimeter, meter and 'micro'-waves, short and long wave radio waves, VLF waves are all neatly ruled, which is a saving grace, and pumped to the space and a few terrestrial listeners, in everything from microwatt to megawatts and gigawatts from portable telephones to radio and television transmitters all over the world.

SPEED is velocity with no direction known. Everybody loves speed. Fast tennis shoes on kids, fast bicycles, fast cars, fast boats, faster airplanes, faster yet jet, even faster rockets, fast bullets, fast company... Hurry, get up! Get busy! Faster!

AREA is simply length*length, as in square meters. The Earth, our only planet and lovely home, is being transformed into sheets of steel, sheet aluminum, sheets of plywood, glass windows, cardboard, wallboard, carpets, linoleum, ceramic tile, asphalt, concrete and cement roadways, fishing nets, sailcloth, paint layers, cloth, fabric, textiles and so on. This is in millions of square meters each year - square feet, square yards, acres and hectares, square kilometers and square miles as well.

MOMENTUM is another subset of the dimensions of action. Rarely mentioned explicitly, high momentum systems are constructed in huge or fast (or both) important vehicles: railroad trains, ships, airplanes and space rockets, bullets and other projectiles are forms of momentum. Particularly requiring determination are the causes of great streams of highway traffic, which constitute vast momentum and in total action, quantities yet to be estimated.

ENERGY is an exterior form; it is not by itself comprehended within the dimensions of action alone. Rather, an additional and second factor of frequency must be incorporated into action, and the result is Energy:


This is simple, and it has the additional quality that Energy has its own Mass equivalence, from the famous (and productive) Einstein equation for that equivalence - the "E = m * c^2" equation. So, we are transforming the world into action, in which vast fossil carbon and hydrocarbon deposits are being dug up out of the ground to create energy, which is very close to the dimensions of action, and which has its own mass equivalence.

It is POSSIBLE human beings are trying to recover the original relationship between mass and energy, and then incorporate the mass-energy equivalence into the forms of life itself. It IS after all possible to do that; just consider the food energy you consume, and its mass equivalence. It is possible to substitute or displace to some extent in this equation. Just what this implies is not yet clear. The presumption is that life can be improved in some way by taking the mass-energy equivalence into account. This means assuming that the energy of the food you eat and are, has some E=m*c^2 relationship to the mass you eat and are.

So you consume, say, 1500 Calories a day, and your weight is thus and so. How does THAT energy fit into THAT mass? In the experience of this person, scientist, the first time I considered that, the mass and energy went off in the plane of their mutual equivalence, it all seemed to disappear quickly. That was years and years ago. People who live and work near atomic energy are familiar with it. Revamping life on earth in terms of the mass-energy equivalence and in terms, too, of the speed of light, the quantum and certain other physical laws recently discovered, seems to be more in the path of the future evolution of mankind and life on Earth, than does systematic destruction of the planet and reduction of its living organisms to inanimate material.

It is NOT FAIR and NOT JUST to accuse persons who are concerned with such monstrous misconstruction, of fundamentalism. The entire planet's industrial might is determinedly, using machines, reducing the Earth and life on it to the whole range from high order low entropy forms to utterly chaotic, randomized rubble. Destroying the Earth, by being ignorant parts of some kind of evolved surrounding regime that is the result of evolution taking up the Dynastic form, is error. Not protesting it.

Reduction of the Earth to a fourth part was begun with three great Pyramids as if they were three of the four largest planets. Yet we do not even know whether the goal of the world's industries is to make that fourth part good, or merciful, or a garden, or habitable, too ordered for life or too chaotic for life. We have no idea whether dynasty's undefined fourth quarter will have any wildlife, any large animals, any Bluefin Tuna, Atlantic Cod, Alaska Herring, songbirds in it. It's not at all clear whether any of the hundreds of species on the Endangered Species list is viewed by Dynasty with alarm, or whether Dynasty has the capacity for conscience regarding the dozens or hundreds of species that have already been extinguished by the callous, insensate hand of the human so slavishly and statistically serving it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recession is Caused by Matters of Vital Necessity

Recession, if it comes, should not be regarded as entirely an unmixed curse. There are serious advantages to be gained by a stronger-than- usual period of moderation. This is not escapism. For six thousand years the entire world has been on a bird and dog struggle to reach the Moon - depicted in the famous Egyptian painting of bird-headed men sailing a winged boat to the great orbs in the sky ahead. Moreover this was merely the rational depiction of the intended journey, for the moon compelled direction throughout all the billion years in the history of life on Earth with the influence of the tides.

Instead of taking an uncontrolled hiatus as devolved between Egyptian dynasties, the world at present has the leadership and communications to understand what would be gained through such a period of rest, and how to winnow it away from the agony of struggle and belief that it is nothing but uncontrollable misery. Capitalism's marvelous success came at a price - that of unleashing species as information in economic currency and the untrammeled power of machines - and it revealed that aggression can make itself a part of any endeavor. A period of quiet would help resolve some of these complex issues.

This is similar to the way workmen take a break when they know they have not yet reached the point of such exhausting that they takes on an increasing risk of accident. That kind of planning is a part of every job definition involving risk and danger. Every labor union fights for the right to take that break. Certainly the intensity of world economic activity does involve danger.

In a planned hiatus it would be among the responsibilities taken on to determine the essential industries, business, and activities, and then deregulate, devolve or, if necessary, enforce shutdowns of industries that are of such intensely aggressive development that they are stretching rational justification in the present stage of development of civilization's progress.

As for the 'stage of civilization' it is appropriate to believe that the essentials of world development will endure many thousands of years - food, housing and other shelter, clothing, and moderated forms of education, transportation, and the mining of coal, oil and other minerals. The world would be devolving its industry with the intention that it shall provide good environments for children, perhaps for several generations, without the massively aggressive industrially driven consumer purchases and military's aggressive conglomeration of vast numbers of excessive weapons of mass destruction of which the United States already owns a vast number.

Certain events have already taken place in the right direction. Deregulation of airplanes, iron and steel, clothing and textiles, banking and the destruction of nerve gas stockpiles have already taken place.

The new participation by government in ownership in banking is a much needed step because of its very moderation. However, it does not address some of the most bloated kinds of development such as transportation. It's well known the transportation industry has a great deal of power in government today. This should be curtailed. Perhaps it would be a good step equivalent to that taken in banking and finance, if government insisted on taking a percent - say twelve percent (12%) - of fossil fuel industrial stocks. Why twelve? That pointed number is aimed at the atomic weight of carbon, which is (except for certain scarce isotopes) twelve. Don't let that technical detail derail the importance of showing at least some sign of positive conscious intention for human intervention in over development before collapse becomes unrestrained.

A hiatus, since the Apollo flights to the Moon and subsequence success was achieved, is not merely desirable. It is inevitable, and the present recessionary trend is its positive manifestation, its most logical form, and, if the panic is removed, a good idea the time of which came before anybody knew it was coming. The Chinese character for Crisis is composed of two other characters; Danger and Opportunity. The military's senseless habit of overcoming danger with blind faith and massive destructiveness was learned through thousands of years of primitive brutality in which soldiers were nothing more than expendable peasants that could be made angry and armed. That was part of the realm that named the marvelously successful Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity, and it came to a good thing. Perhaps it ended the time when the Pentagon is utterly blind to danger no matter what it costs.

As for the space projects, most now planned are well designed, but it can be announced that projects beyond earth's orbit, and perhaps the Moon and Mars, will be viewed with considerable jaundice. Those outer planets will not change in another hundred million years and no hurry is indicated. Projects toward them are frightfully expensive and very misleading to the public (some of which is hungry) waiting with bated breath for space aliens to be discovered so that the military can prove its existence and overkill capability was ever justified.

Far too much of military armaments and space exploration is still pseudo-justified at great cost to sensible leaderships resources which can find better use in human activities that do some earthly good for people.

Earth observation satellites would be given high priority - surveillance of weather, volcanic activity, flooding, storms, croplands, minerals, wildlife, pollution, temperature and other factors is already highly developed and should not be touched. It is relatively cheap for what it does, especially compared with idiotic manned flights to Mars. Even returning to the Moon is an extravagance, though it has been justified somewhat by the illusion that the Apollo success has been drifting into Myth and no longer commands the respect of the planet. However, the Apollo flights were successful in fact and they did change the Earth's concepts - even wild primitive concepts - a good deal. More change will occur with the second series. The next series of Moon flights is also good because it will include as great a variety of people as possible.

Volcano and earthquake prediction systems are also supremely good projects and should be continued. They are not costly.

But the world must bite the transportation dilemma head-on. Take a bite of the approaching hood ornaments. The present transportation system is NOT a sustainable economic factor.

The world population problem must also be addressed with more courage. Invite more people who don't have children to lend their understanding of what makes life happy that is not ever more children. Courageously address the solution in the public media, of limiting children. The conflict that will ensnare with certain religions like the Mormon church should be made enlightening. Address the possibility - simply make it known that it might be possible - of limiting ownership of motor vehicles. Just who, and how many, and where - all that needs to be gone over with a fine tooth global extensive media discussion for years before the really good solutions come to light.

Destruction of the world's wild species is something being imposed on this lonely planet without regard to the fact that it is almost instantaneous in the span of time in which wildlife have been, and will continue to be, important to the human species. Compare it with a million years: the massive, vast, overwhelming and monstrously violent slaughter of the world's wildlife began with the invention of firearms and machines like steam and internal combustion. It has gone unabated and insensate since then because the two entities being pitted against each other are MACHINES AS SPECIES, and the wildlife as wild species even if sentient beings, and they are purely helpless against the machines, powerless to fend against the destruction of their existence. Extinction is forever.

Already, human beings no longer resonate with each other in the spectra of hundreds of extinct species. Human beings almost cannot recognize life's resonance with each other at all. It has been narrowed to specific terms defined by machines such as radio, television, portable telephone, and permitted conversations in permitted languages. It is almost certain that human depression is a real consequence of the concrete, steel and machines; the regimentation and authority imposed on every and all kinds of activity; the rampant, endless slaughter of wildlife; the constant stream of death emerging as animals are murdered on the roads and highways; the bizarre theaters that supposedly define human consciousness; and other factors that would be truly absurd if they were not so fascist and destructive.

Recession, if it comes to extensive economic collapse, should be regarded as not entirely an unmixed curse. Much good will come of doing some planning as if it was caused by absolutely
vital factors that mankind is not at liberty to refuse.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Contemporary Economics in the Long Run

It takes facing some of the grim truths to see the fields of extensive good that exist in nature. Concepts are sometimes divided not by mountains or seas but by hedges, creeks or ditches partly avoided through nothing more than habit.

Whether catastrophically or not, economic and financial systems are in immense change that should be foreseen more effectively. Electric eels established electricity a hundred million years ago, and recently human beings launched stone tools, fire, ceramics, houses and sanctuaries, writing, energy-using inanimate machines and in substantially greater depth than ever before, silicon.

Knowing the enemy as confusion and unanticipated events, and knowing oneself (the economic and financial systems) are, as always, most-important assets in winning.

Fortunately, vigilance in America is high in every measure. World economic stability increases continuously, yet technology is extremely new, almost instantaneous on the evolutionary scene. This must be understood better.

By now the distribution of money resembles the distribution of that ancient vital necessity, water. Each has its own well known but distinct problems. Just as with water, money is volatile. Reservoirs must be covered or at least guarded or fenced and watched with vigilance lest they be poisoned. Just so, financial systems must be both in detail and in large, protected with vigilance lest they be deceived.

Printing inflationary fiat money is temptingly easy. After all, mathematical progressions in the numerical integers, even if divided into pennies, are potentially infinite. If we can have a trillion dollar economy, why not a quadrillion? $10^18? $10^23? $ 10^34? $10^81?

That was one of the symptoms of the German Reich. Deutschmarks were being carried in wheelbarrows, and used as wallpaper. A dollar bill is not an electron, yet a coulomb of electric charge is only 1.6^19 electrons - a mere 16 million trillion. 16 gigagig electrons. That's where Zimbabwe is going now- toward physical reality the hard way. Is the dollar doing that?

Whatever currency units exchange, must eventually be faced by their makers. To this end, the uses of money must be understood. How does it change the universe to exchange a basket of fish, for a basket of wheat? a barrel of wine for a cartload of bricks? Assume two different instances of economic activity using substantial items in trade, with the sole difference that the net outcome in one instance occurs solely through barter, and the other instance occurs using value exchange tokens.

The same general outcome exists as in the half billion years of natural competition: everything is eventually winnowed to the finest scales of existence - molecules and elemental atoms. If money is used and the finest of details is not faced by planners, then eventually the economic system is drawn to a halt, until the details are reconciled. Not merely the pennies, but the molecular consequences of economic activity attained whether using money or not, dollars or pennies, pounds, lira, ren or yen.

Quantum electrodynamics is anchored in the relatively motionless exterior galaxies - actually in the space-time between them. Quantum electrodynamics dictates that human activity take the nitty-gritty quantum detail of everything we do into account. Count your atomic charges.

Yes, count.

Another was the appearance of extensive databases on human beings, which could be mined for the selection of distinct classes. Today massive databases exist on the American population, all waiting for a 'moment' of some kind.

Such dedication once existed to fly to the Moon in inadequately designed rocket ships, that the Nazis had 3,000 of them constructed, hidden in caves in the mountains of Germany by the time the war ended, and was already using them in war. The English Channel was the first rocket test range for moon rockets, and populous London was the test target. Grimly, it was never necessary to burn any persons to go to the Moon. Philosophers did not know the scale of the universe makes us feel infinitely tiny, yet human beings are not atoms.

Germany had prison camps. (America is now almost croaking under vast numbers of prisons.)

Germany's borders were sealed and dangerous to cross. The United States borders are under such increased control that many persons fear to travel to even Canada or Mexico. I have my Enhanced Driver License, though it has an RFID that automatically files me in a massive national database if I cross a border.

Fortunately some of the worst atrocities have been corrected.

German excesses were constructed on misinterpretation of the unknown future, in which the entire world would be one economy, one United Nations, one Universal Right, one whole planet of people enthralled with flights to the moon and planets and even stars. Yet Germany was a nation of human beings, just as every nation is now.

When the United States is in flight to the Moon sometime in the 2020's the entire world will be united in ways we cannot anticipate well, or even dream. Many events which seem they might be terrible problems that must be fended with guns and guards, fences and prisons, won't be problems at all, but blessings.

Racial integration was once anticipated badly, and thought to forebode terrible problems. Now it is widely known as a blessing, and does not even need to be disguised. I ride the bus, and see people of all races crowded together, the place is smelly, there are crude people singing rough songs or cursing, and everybody is mumbling.

Yet crowding seems to be another incorrectly anticipated development, and in that light the people are being angels, happy to can be together. They are neighbors, going to their homes in neighborhoods. Perhaps the transportation systems of the 2020's will merely dwarf the transportation systems of today. Impossible to imagine, it is unknown, and fear of the unknown crowds us into uncomfortable conditions (or worse) that one day will be understood as having been never necessary at all.

Futures which cannot be imagined well should not be advanced upon with such haste they result in not knowing what one is about. If it was not possible for the nation so survived the financial "crisis" that occurred last week without massive central-bank distributions of cash, in time it will be just that. Next time events will not be so surprising, nor cause such economic agitation.

A good thing too. Sadly, one can already see people planning how to control the next catastrophe so they can cash in on the monetary glut.

Michael Lewis

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Atomic Spectra, Solar Spectra and Life on Earth


It is my recommendation that studies be encouraged regarding the nature, logic, modes and energies of wild primitive logic, from the very earliest appearance of quadrature in this star system along the secular evolutionary world-line of life and its relation to human civilization. I know your time is busy.


The following is a result of over twenty years of consciously observing, in the social context, the implications of many of these terms by this author. To the best of this person's knowledge, all these factors are discernable and can be observed by other persons as well though they will be perceived in an individual order.


My fear is that identifiable raw primordial factors, that affect the actions of the human species, slowly emerge in the world continually, including in and around the United States. These dangers must become the subject of concern in the government. I think the United States is slowly and repeatedly being quartered.


This is not merely my own quartering in my blessedly safe public housing apartment.


This is fairly deep in the legislative mass. This author does not know of specific, substantial events that could be reported as human activity. Instead, what he finds is what natural history unveils in Atomic Energy spectra in contrast with the Sun's spectrum.


Submitting what information one has is a claim to be a friend, not a foe, but of course my correspondent can remain unconvinced, deeming it insignificant. In this theater the source of aggressive competition does not pay much - fleas and roaches, disease and dog bites are the only terms. Those only prove primitive competition can bite. Terms in the evolutionary time scale can be revealed as news by atomic spectra which appear in the light of the distinctly colored newspaper of the Sun's Fraunhofer spectrum.


The factors described here are difficult to see and it requires time to understand them if one does not already. They are slow to be perceived, because they appear in energy spectra ("Atomic Energy Levels" by Charlotte Moore, United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, NSRDS-NBS 35, LOC 75-609945) which the author has studies since around 1982. NBS now has excellent and better spectra on the NIST web site at .


These terms are studied in comparison with, or relative to, the solar absorption spectrum known as the Fraunhofer Spectrum. That spectrum is better observed now, See Gibson's "The Quiet Sun" by NASA. A recent, far better spectrum by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), is at


Evolution since a billion years ago proceeded under these elements and in these energy spectra. Energy in particular, because quantum mechanics correctly (meaning very accurately, everywhere, every time) describes how energy is conjugate with time. The appearance of primitive, even primordial competition and aggression can be observed in these terms.


Simply use the organic elements Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Calcium and several others - now silicon - to follow activity on Earth. Particularly C1 and C2, N1 and N2, O1 and O2. All can be followed up to high potential bonding in organisms, and oxygen can be followed up to O6 in ice.

LEGISLATIVE DEPTH; RECOMMEND ASSISTANT DIGEST DOCUMENT The result is fairly deep in the legislative mass and somewhat alarming. Its preliminary reading should be given to an assistant, who knows the needs of your organization best. In addition your assistant's digest will be is more competent than this rambling, scattered writer's composition.

PERSISTENCE OF POGROMS IN HISTORY Pogroms appear too persistently in history to ignore similarities between the 1917 Communist revolution in Russia, the 1927 emergence of the Nazi regime in Germany and the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.


The most conservative interpretation this citizen has is that primordial competition of the kind described below is emerging in South and Central America and that it is likely to break out in those places before it appears in the United States.


However, the United States is not immune. It exists in land which is the sparse human inhabitants were quickly suppressed, but the issue which seems to underlie pogroms of the kind described emerge, not from human issues alone, but from the native issues -- the plant and animal wildlife which underlie the human species. War on plants and animals, such as clear cutting (such as the Clearing of the Highlands in the British Isles) and decimation of the bison and control of populations of many other species, is not enough to prevent raw competition from merging with the human population. The prevalence of animal totems suggests one path. Lions, elks, moose, panthers, beavers, wildcats, alligators and many other large animals include carnivorous, exceedingly ancient and primitive predators.


These competitive instincts are absorbed in scholastic, financial, corporate, military and other competition. Primitive competition is sophisticated enough to be highly valued in corporate headquarters, for only one example. By now, logic from primordial competition can be found in computer software and in aggressive, autonomous robot killing machines with a very long lead time into the future.


Military system and civilian vehicle names include many derived from the peoples still referred to in the U.S. Declaration of Independence as "merciless Indian savages" - names and totems and animals such as Apache, Cherokee, Navaho, Eagle, Barracuda and Stingray.


The similarity with what emerged in Germany is only because European civilization arose from the Roman Empire. That is why the United States is seeing the emergence of potentials that resemble BOTH Germany and Cambodia. If the United States had been settled by Chinese, for instance, or Russians, then primordial aggression and primordial competition would be emerging in the avenues, arteries, and veins of those cultures. If the United States had remained sparsely settled, more, but smaller pogroms would have occurred, as the small tribes eliminated their weak and offensive.


As for those who are targeted, the usual dichotomy and quartering of nature holds:

The weak are counted as among those less likely to be protected at extremes. By itself, that is not a condemnation, but life is hard.

The offensive and weak are more heavily condemned, perhaps imprisoned, beaten, or worse.

The strange and peculiar are viewed with alarm, and thus enjoy less food and worse shelter, or worse, segregated.

Those who are actually evil according to the mores and laws of the day, are at least identified, perhaps punished, perhaps worse.


Many categories can be identified in modern human societies as well. Religious convictions cause punishments to be inflicted on some. Marriage laws are peculiar and harsh in some places. The insane are more heavily discriminated in certain countries, less so in others. In Arab countries life was so harsh that thieves lose their hands. In the United States, several different kinds of offenders have been distinctly identified -- child and woman molesters, drug addicts, Jews, gays, atheists, communists, etc.


It is possible already to see the general quarter in which those are all being loosely and informally classified, but which as yet is unlabeled. Among the left can be found informal groups which spill the beans readily, for instance at the "Zombie Survival and Defense Wiki" ( ) which is extremely bizarre. The offending groups or classes are merely loosely described as "zombies", which is perhaps in the predictive tense as in "That rat's already a dead man" or the movie "Dead Man Walking" (under the sea). It is an approach by the aggressive which denies the temporal order of their target, and so labels the target in advance with their goal, its death. The Goths are a similar cult. Both are not themselves the primordial cause of the increase in primitive potentials for violence: that comes from the entire base of the biosphere.


It was notable that when the United States invaded Iraq, the Arab concept of the ocean was unleashed downstream from the American people; for a few moments it seemed there was ocean all around, but it soon passed and is now merely a humidity.


Again, those who are actively aggressive now may, OR MAY NOT, invoke and employ ancient primordial animal instincts. At the same time, living plant and animal instincts of the world are ongoing activity, and comprise a current of evolutionary competition which tries to emerge in any creature which takes up competitive instincts wherever it can find them. But these are when times are good.


Pogroms have been a plague of evil since human civilization began, and a secular, not religious scenario exists. They are notorious in the history of Central America, existed in the United States Southwest, and took place in many other places in the world. It is a fair bet the occurred in biblical antiquity and the ancient Middle East as there are several descriptions in the Bible. At first I thought the descriptions in Numbers, Judges, Kings and other books in the King James Bible, as well as in secular history such as Caesar's Commentaries, were perhaps fables or exaggeration... Now they do not appear to be.


Raw primitive competition lies at every interaction between living organisms in nature. The competition emerges, arising wherever it finds any of several kinds of places in the world above it. One of these is aggression, as in armed conflict already existing. Another is abstracted competition as in economics. Race is a frequent causa bella. Competition in nature is refined, sophisticated beyond average belief. Wild predators have been bred by their relationships to prey on herds with specific attack strategies including encouraging, negotiating with the herd to persuade it to winnow out a weak, young, old, sick or other straggler. Wild competition is one on one, eat or be eaten, and ranges from the molecular competition of virus and cell to giant claws and fangs; traps, surprise, stealth, pursuit, poison, toxin, venom, explosives, electrocution, deliberate infection, webs, glues and adhesives, and the treachery of laying eggs in still living victims.


Those are the kinds of instincts that in wild nature exist even in healthy clean forests. When they are under shabby floorboards or dark and spider infested lightless basements, there danger exists of which the nation should be informed. The author found himself in such conditions for a time, before taking refuge with Seattle Housing Authority, and is composing this in an SHA apartment where he has lived over fourteen years.


Wild predatory competition also seeks such negotiations in the roots underlying human relationships with instinct, especially instinct imported from other lands in which wildlife and habitat consist of species distinct from the native wildlife in the United States. Freshly imported instinct does not engender quickly, and as a result its ancient instincts for peace, which certainly exist alongside ancient instincts of predation, do not become strong. But predation is fast. This factor is not surprising even in Cambodia, where the outbreak of pogrom was in a land that was inhabited since ancient times by all the populations involved in the transgression -- both victims and victors alike.


These compel human groups most aggressively determined to survive and thrive to dominate in order to be secure. Thus, human groups wield competition drawn from wild natural competition and predation. That predation, of carnivore upon herds or groups most often of herbivores, is more primitive but it communicates to the fleeing herd several messages that were destined to lead the herd to an abstract competition for supremacy within itself. Thus, herds accept the relentless logic of tolerating some predation because the predator relents when the herd casts out a weakling. Predators accept the idea that they depend on the herd, and so predator reproduction is stiffly limited by the severity of competition for mates.


Animals fleeing in a herd usually ran fast enough to cause the weak, young, sick and old to be left behind, and these became the more usual prey animals for predatory carnivores. It was not lost upon the stronger that the slower had been taken. They lived because they drew on everything they had, including instincts that were more than merely those which they had learned in their own lives. Instincts became attuned transcendent, and organisms flee or fight with instincts that span many generations - far longer than the lifetime of the individual organism itself.


For human beings, danger arises when the human population realizes even faintly that it can profit by rejecting the weak, sick and old early in the chase. It became instinct to do that, through millions of years of adaptation. Adaptation took place forever among many different fields of interest and many different species and types of competition all through the time and places when organisms existed. In the aftermath of war are remembered (Schindler's List), benevolent self-sacrificing actions by heroes to save as many as possible of the rejected, afflicted, condemned and targeted.


But in the initial phases of a war, which Sun-Tsu calls "The gradual opening of deceit" or "All war is based on deceit" the deceit is extensive, and violence does not emerge until many secret premises are set. The emergence of violence is rapid and overwhelming and few have the resources to understand and take action. That was extremely obvious in Germany's sudden actions. The Cambodian story is not well enough understood yet by the American people, although Public Broadcasting, PBS, had one good show on it as observed in retrospect by survivors.


Almost anything of value in nature eventually quarters the organisms that use or participate in it, until it resolves the better and worse, and the living and the dead. This is certain to have occurred with the predation by carnivores upon herds, and it is certain to have occurred within herds. They had only to resolve the difference between living and dying, and strong and weak, to prefer a course which rejected the weak. As a rule they were tolerated when no predation was about, but the weak were last to get food and water, and the last to mate or the first to become effectively sterile and sexually incompetent. Herd animals are familiar with each other and they compete amongst themselves so that the herd knows which among it are leaders, which are strong followers, and which are weak and best to cast out to danger.



The imbalance arises mainly from Jupiter, which causes the gravitational center of mass of the solar system to be outside the surface of the Sun. In other words, the Earth's orbit is not exactly centered on the Sun, even taking its elliptical shape into consideration. The Earth orbits wherever the balance is between Jupiter and the Sun, and it is never inside the visible surface of the Sun. Jupiter, the most massive accretion in the early stages of formation of the planets, must have begun forming earlier, and the quadrupole moment caused Jupiter to have four distinctly largest moons. Not only that - the quadrupole moment is so important in physics that it caused the entire Solar System to have four distinctly largest planets. Jupiter's vast mass separated the barycenter from the Sun early in the formation of the system, and once that was distinct from the Sun, four distinctly largest planets were inevitable.


Four became an important number in the evolution of life on this planet in the solar system because of the quadrupole moment of this particular star system. Tetrapods are the four-limbed creatures that dominate the planet, and that includes human and a few other beings that stand on, fly or swim with two of them. Quadrupeds, including human beings on all fours, do not necessarily know of the barycenter of the solar system, but it causes the integer IV, 4, four to be an important factor in evolution. Just so, four distinctly largest extensions of the forms of metazoan creatures was inevitable.


Human society is underlain by these same instincts. The gradual quartering of any flourishing, prosperous civilization is inevitable. Whether human beings can attain a durable, stable pattern of dealing with this is not known. It has not been controlled, stabilized or defeated yet.