Flowers cultivated into existence
Electric eels and birds of flight
Mammals conserving warm charges
Moon in Galactic center
Attaining the Moon implied a great deal which cannot be phrased in any brief way.
Since billions of years ago life itself has provided the intelligence which escorted its descendants, offspring, progeny and new forms into existence. At first that was only a sort of life-equity, though even that was better than being born in a nest of predators.
The present economic quandary began long, long ago. It has attributes that reflect a number of extremely long-term factors which began half a Galactic cycle in the prehistoric past. Because of that, it is a scenario worthy of thought by as many people as possible. Fortunately, the new worldwide media are certain to make that feasible and productive.
It is important because even so long ago, once these and perhaps other factor principles were grasped, the Moon was a done deal. Billions of years old itself, a difference emerged between the ancient Moon of the Past, and the New Moon of the future. No organism or being guessed it would be a hundred million years before any foot print was placed on the Moon. In all that time, nothing conceived, understood, guessed or knowingly dreamed just what the Truth of World would be.
It would be sixty million years before the earliest recognizable pre-human beings emerged. Only certain details are not important here.
Among other things, it must be presumed that life which balanced charges as well as mass was nonetheless ignorant of the nature of the problems which eventually would be faced in attaining the Moon. However, modern understanding of electricity should permit human beings to make some shrewd guesses regarding just what is being rapidly devolved in charges now that footprints exist on the Moon. The author hardly dares suggest even a fragment of the possibilities except to show the idea: balancing charges would have been a part of life, and a part too of whatever life recognized as an overriding evolutionary mandate. The existence of electric eels and birds are probably are based on what was then, long ago, a new concept. In one way or another, electrical charge were incorporated into the order of life.
Charges are not the only thing. Spectra were another. Fossils suggest that species were adapting to color much earlier. Yet when flowering plants emerged, it meant that even plants had conceived at least part of the order of light. Charges and spectra are among the vitally important principle factors involved in the long run economic recovery now that the Moon and other objects in the Solar System have important artificial objects on them which originated here on Earth.
It is vital that certain essential facts be recognized as at least necessary in one of the most important views of the events. In particular, it was determined that no significant sign of any other life forms than those which exist on Earth have ever been discovered anywhere other than on Earth. That is, none of the other Moons and Planets of the solar system have any living things on them, and the attempts to discover them have been quite sophisticated. It appears that it would be a vital and serious mistake to delay solutions to the economic state of the Earth in any vain or protracted attempt to wait until it is absolutely proved beyond every possible shadow of doubt, that life does or does not exist on objects in the solar system other than Earth.
In other words, it does not matter whether any life is every discovered on another object in the solar system or not: solutions to the problems which are emerging as a result of the successful attainment of space flight must be formulated no matter what extremely long shot possibilities can be dreamed up.
The main discovery was that no gods, monsters, demons, space aliens, extraterrestrial life or living threats of any kind appear to exist on or from
any object in the Solar System. Second, the stars are too far away to consider any kind of serious threat, and any such imagination should be scrutinized for intercultural and international competition on Earth.
Third, no other object in the Solar System is capable of sustaining life at this time, and not for the foreseeable future either. The sole exception is temporary place for space ships from Earth to visit. At the present time, their cost is prohibitive, and Earth's solutions to Earth problems cannot wait.
Earth's problem are well known, primarily including irresponsible reproduction, war, and failure to develop agriculture locally in areas of chronic famine. More lax and indulgent ways of describing those problems can be developed if it is necessary, and other problems can be identified as well. Sorry to appear so unsparing, but famine is even less merciful.
One key to understanding the long term economic problems is that in the fundamental constant called the quantum of action, there is a tradeoff between time and energy. If one would consider very long term issues, problems, opportunities or other economic factors, they should be carefully understood in terms of their atomic, electronic, molecular and species energy.
Thus it is possible to say that the green oxygen line's spectral energy was at play a hundred million years ago, and so every organism that depended on green foliage conceived that energy. That particular energy was stable all that time. It is an Oxygen I line at 557.7 Angstroms. Green lines arise from Magnesium and other elements as well. The elemental spectral energies are clues to the nature of the energy 'crisis' as Earth adjusts to the new though surprisingly prosaic truth about itself from the discoveries of the space exploration.
If long term issues are not taken into account, attempts to control, adjust, repair, fix or redesign the economic systems will be clumsy and ill prepared to detect changes that emerge slowly from great depth.
Other long-term issues obtain. For instance, the entire spectrum of light-like waves, ranging from gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, millimeter, microwave and meter wave bands has been measured, mapped, allocated, and is now governed throughout the world by human beings. A few problems can be foreseen, mostly from residual control. Rational solutions to issues of all kinds are routine now in relation to the electric field spectrum. Only one serious problem seems to this observer to exist, and it cannot but find solutions emerging wherever it arises. It is the intensely technocratic insistence on imposing an artificial regime of electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability where it is not and never was necessary. Probably, failure to take into account the liberty of dispensing with such iron-clad control of the human species will eventually generate the appropriate corrections for that totalitarian approach.
Some fantastic scenarios emerge. One is that the massive constructions which began with the huge sandstone block pyramids may be either vastly redundant, exaggerated, and literally fascist, or, on the other hand, even more massive constructions-or misconstructions-may take place in the future. The point is that human beings, human civilization, MUST take the responsibility for examining what justification exists for BOTH those extremes, and make sensible, real-world, finite-planet decisions.
Economic theory is bound to make new and important resolutions. Among those which can be predicted is the necessity of accounting charges electron by electron in the most sensitive areas. The extent to which economic activity will be detailed in such minutia is not known. It must simply be assumed that some such detail will be necessary for some of the economic factors.
Energy accounting will continue to increase in thoroughness and will probably cause exasperation among many economic agents until the critical issues are identified. The role of interpersonal competition in economic allocation has been avoided stringently since the terrible disasters of recent wartime activity, but it will not be possible to avoid facing those issues completely.
Another area is that certain ancient economic goals have been achieved, yet they are not well coordinated with what is essentially an awkward, groping, inexperienced planetary economy. The most important of these is the production of adequate food for the population. The attainment of that goal must be considered as an event in itself, and isolated from other factors with sufficient insulation, that it can be allowed to survive of itself. Mechanized agriculture was of course the key, and genetic modification of food crops is, though controversial, certain to be among future solutions. The seemingly trivial introduction of food debit cards has made distribution of food resources almost completely independent of the political form of the economy. For that reason, food production and distribution should be considered close to a central, kernel, or key economic factor in planning other economic activities, and it must not be made dependent on other factors for its successful implementation.
This introduces the controversial idea that no OTHER economic activity can be allowed to jeopardize food production and distribution. Corollaries include possibilities that raise tempers on the opposite side of the aisle no matter which side is fool enough to mention its hopes first.
One view is that those who want to impose the requirement that without producing something lucrative or profitable for the state, family, gens, nation, people or economy, no person should be given food. The argument is that no person should be forced to feed another.
The other view is that every person must be given a sufficient food supply from birth throughout his or her lifetime, whether he or she works, produces or does anything else. That argument is that abundant food is an absolute right no matter what overpopulation is.
One can almost hear shellfire between those two paragraphs. Yet the truth is, that food production was from ancient times until the invention of the steam engine plagued with famine, hunger, starvation and malnutrition. As soon as mechanized agricultural implements were available they were exported throughout the world. The mechanization of world agriculture was probably the most rapid total change in process of any that ever existed in world history. The urgency was absolute. The job remains unfinished, and a fairly clear idea of what “finished” will mean is well known everywhere. It is where every humanly occupied region has enough energy and mechanized agriculture to feed its population. Stopgap regimes include importing food from other regions, but inevitably, regional production will continue forever to be the mainstay of regional consumption.
Some long term evolutionary problems are:
Animal molecular activity is beginning to come to terms with the absolutely linear measures of energy and it is discovering that changes in the elevation of food and nutrient molecule energy in plant and animal circulation are the same. That is, it takes exactly as much energy to raise a carbon atom ten centimeters in a plant, as it does to raise the same kind of carbon atom ten centimeters in an animal or human being. Other energy considerations similarly obtain. Yet no straightforward attempt to equate these two energy scales ever existed before because it was on hold for a hundred million years until such time as the Moon could be attained.
Other discoveries were that the Moon and planets are the kind of objects, which only truly compelled discovering what they were and whether they held any threats to life on Earth. In other words, they do not compel any hurried return to them. Human civilization being powerful as it is, Mars will be explored in a relatively near term time scale. It will not be any million years, ten thousand or even a hundred, before human beings walk on Mars and return to Earth with pieces of it.
What was discovered, partly as a result of the emergence of the element silicon into native intelligence, is the information returned from several Mars probes such as the Viking Lander, the rovers Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, the HiRise cameras and the soon to be launched plutonium-powered Curiosity rover. That information gave highly accurate estimates of the Martian surface and its conditions, which indicate that either no life at all exists there if it ever did, or that it is so faint and scarce that intense scrutiny will be required to find it. In neither case is any threat sensibly conceivable from Mars. The same is true for all the visible planets of the solar system – the Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, and the two less visible planets Uranus and Neptune. Nobody's there.
It is partly failing to face such facts that is causing economic malaise.
Nobody is willing to commit to any particular very-long-run corrections until such time as it is proven that – what? Space aliens have landed in New Jersey? Wrong. Until it is proven that no space aliens can possible exist ever? Wrong.
Until it is understood that the probability of space aliens anywhere in the Solar System is so low that time is wasted waiting for any to be discovered. Right.
Until it is understood that it is likely to be ten thousand years before beings from Earth seriously attempt to reach any other star system than Earth's.
Now let's get busy making certain we are not tripping over our own or each other's feet. Not obstructed by obsolete and unnecessary constructions that were thought vital necessities a scant few decades ago, which look so fine nobody dares remove them, which, to be sure, should be weighed carefully.
An example is the German anti-aircraft gun mounts in Vienna, Austria. Why in the world have those not been demolished? There they are, and people must go on talking about what kind of economic changes can be made with that assumption darkening every otherwise sunlit day in the assumption they are to remain.
Hundreds or thousands of unnecessary war preparations like that exist throughout the world. They remain like piles of old dinosaur claws, distorting thought and crippling optimism when optimism should be echoing throughout the millennium.
Clearing history cannot wait until the old folks die off. Timely death does not take dinosaurs or war relics away. It does not point out things which should be removed because they are literally constructed of pain and sorrow and regret. The errors from a hundred million or a million years ago will not go away with the mere passage of time, even several generations of it. It needs people who are interested in dinosaurs and how the world moved from that to making pyramids and then to columns and beams and to the Parthenon and Great Wall, and whether errors exist now which were created then. Assumptions like whether slavery exists if it is imposed statistically through money, or by force through whips and chains. Assumptions like the idea that hundreds of millions of vehicles must rumble and stampede down the evolutionary paths of dinosaurs as if there is some cosmological law dragging the elements into racing across the surface of the Earth.
Present day economic studies of the recession are like daubing a hemorrhage with a cotton swab. Of course digging into the facts of civilization requires the free exchange of ideas, and requires even more primitive, ancient issues to be resolved despite events of recent and stupendous gravity such as genocide. Yet not facing those things is inviting old pyramids to emerge from the jungle and stalk around like the behemoth of war.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mission Sensitive Logic
We try to ensure that input data is as true as possible, as true as can be determined or known for certain, using the simplest logic that results in the greatest good for the greatest number.
A = People from planet Earth attained the Moon.
B = No space aliens exist that threaten the Earth.
is is are
Three quarters of the implications are true.
In plain English,
It does not matter whether you believe people from Earth attained the Moon at all.
It does not matter whether you believe that space aliens threaten the Earth.
Attaining the Moon does not cause space aliens to threaten the Earth.
It is at least three out of four chances that no bug-eyed monsters are lurking.
A = People from planet Earth attained the Moon.
B = No space aliens exist that threaten the Earth.
is is are
Three quarters of the implications are true.
In plain English,
It does not matter whether you believe people from Earth attained the Moon at all.
It does not matter whether you believe that space aliens threaten the Earth.
Attaining the Moon does not cause space aliens to threaten the Earth.
It is at least three out of four chances that no bug-eyed monsters are lurking.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Intimidating Scenarios
There are two. One is that we don't know what we should about linking planet Earth's activity to the activity from beyond the Solar System and from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.
The other is that we don't know what we should know about the danger of causing uncontrolled reactions, whether fast as within seconds, hours or years, or slow as in thousands or millions of years.
They are both related to the stripping away from the Earth all of protective, insulating chaos that comes from the dust of the solar system and the heat of the sun, and bring the Earth into the naked embrace of the most fundamental principles of the entire universe of distant stars and far more distant galaxies.
The rotating spiral galaxies look like hurricanes because they are exactly the same form as hurricanes and all other vortexes. The vortex is a pattern of action which is accurately described and predicted by the vortex equation, curl (velocity) = 0. which is almost as fundamental as the mass-energy equation E = m * c^2.
Both describe the behavior of systems throughout the universe which are millions of times more massive than the Earth and even the Sun itself.
The vortex equation also describes the smaller tornadoes and whirlwinds as well as waterspouts (simply tornadoes at sea) and large and small whirlpools in salt and fresh water as well as in swimming pool, kitchen and bathtub drains.
The dimensionality of the universe seems to be accurately describe by what is called the Standard Model or SU(2) X U(1) That means everywhere locally there are two spatial dimensions and a velocity dimension. A conjecture in that direction but a little farther into possibilities, so that it can only be called a conjecture and not a theory, is that the nature of the space-time universe consists of the probability of action alone and that it comes in various forms, all of which have the net dimension of action.
Atoms, for instance, are composed of nuclei which have a dimension that is most extensive in the dimension of time (except for the very short lived radionuclides which must be described separately). Stable nuclei have a zero frequency aspect; long lived isotopes have very low but not zero frequency aspect. They have a mass aspect, which is equivalent to that of the proton. Another form has a mass aspect which is equivalent to that of the neutron. The electron is a quantum of action too, though it has a fairly high frequency aspect that is a result of the particular electronic state it is in. These can change as in the familiar forms of luminescence, radiation, phosphorescence, etc. The mass aspect of the electron is the familiar form as well.
The idea is that each component of the atom is a form of the action. Moreover, light is everywhere a form of the action. The implication is that everything in the universe is a form of the action. Planck did not merely discover the action quantum as an object separate from light and atoms and electrons. He discovered, in the quantum, the irreducible existence-stuff of all that exists, everywhere, forever, throughout the entire universe, throughout the Earth and Sun, throughout the Moon, and throughout all life on Earth.
The problem emerging then is that the modern exploration techniques, primarily the gigantic, precise and wide band telescopes of every kind, constitute a sort of suck on the universe, by the Earth, to draw every possible form of the action closer and closer to interacting directly with the action that constitutes the fundamental particles of Earth.
Drawing on vortexes, we get tornadoes and hurricanes of magnitudes unprecedented in history.
Radiation's equations are numerous, and they describe radiation from heat, fluorescence, luminescence and every other kind. Every street light driven by nuclear energy is an essentially direct transformation of mass of the Earth into radiation in space, a vector about as close as you can get to the radiation of light from stars. Of course those who will not explore this view will immediately reject it at every objection or difference they can perceive in it from their own opinion, so they will argue that plutonium and uranium are unusual elements which are controlled by mankind and so that does not constitute a universal law. It is not that it CONSTITUTES a universal law, it is an instance of an event that does occur because of universal laws. We already know that a large uranium deposit depleted much of its original fissile component billions of years ago and left the deposit with an unusual isotopic ratio; it was a natural nuclear reactor. The heat from that process was radiated into the sky, and some components of it escaped into space. Just how much is exceedingly moot, nothing else. Radiation can escape from the Earth into space, and once it does, it is into an infinite admittance. It never returns.
So we bring at least two seriously powerful universal principles into play when we concentrate the directions of the gravitational field vectors and the light vectors from the stars, galaxies and space onto the Earth. Both are dangerous to play with naively, in ignorance, or haste. The next time civilization emerges from the hiatus which is already taking place, it will be more careful of what it draws and magnifies from the universe of dimensionless space-time.
The process may have even effected the sun. For one thing, the Great Red Spot disappeared, Shortly after that a period of extremely quiet, low solar activity took place, And soon after that, were immense flares that suggest some new reaction zone is taking place in the solar constitution.
Apparently stellar nova are reasonably well understood. They occur when a star exhausts one or the other of its nuclear fuel elements. Just as with the second hydrogen bomb, named Castle Bravo, released almost three times as much energy than that for which it was supposedly designed.
The flaw in reasoning was that it had been assumed that the readily fissionable lithium 6 was the only part of the lithium that would participate in the fusion. In the actual event, the energy stripped one neutron away from the lithium 7 nuclei, and converted most or all of the lithium 7 to lithium 6 which participated enthusiastically as well. The lithium 7 had been the largest part of the lithium supply, but instead of not participating, it did. Castle Bravo was alarming but not enough, apparently, to cause anybody to question the intention to set off dozens and more atomic and hydrogen bombs until the International Test Ban Treaty declared a wiser course.
Historical relics of ancient astronomical observatories reveal that they were inevitably destroyed after serving their purpose. Apparently the purpose was collecting knowledge about the sky, and they did that. But observatories are notoriously harsh climate zones. They make the wind bitter, and the cold seems to have heat capacity in dimensions that are not known in the softer, kinder ecologically healthy environment. The radiation from the stars in the night and the Sun in the day is rank with high energy ultraviolet.
The observatories were often called temples and they were often centers for religious ceremony. It was appropriate. Not knowing how the stars affected the earth and their lives, the people took to aligning themselves with the principles in the best way they knew how. Modern observatories, including Hubble, the European Southern Observatory, Kitt Peak, Mauna Kea, and millions of small and large amateur telescopes made by Meade, Celestron, and many other corporations, have both workers and enthusiasts who demand their professions and feelings about their work and activity be respected. One does not question why they have the position they do; whether it has anything to do with their or any religion is their business. Modern society makes religion a private matter. But modern society takes astronomy very seriously except in one serious aspect. In the prevailing, dominant view, astronomical observations and knowledge alone can never result in anything that anybody would call a punishment by gods, god or Gods.
If one brings the subject up, that is exactly the opinion presented, because of course, God can never punish any more; either there is no God, or astronomy is not connected with God.
But the problem is, these large coincidences seem to be results, which occurred because of the observations which drew radiation into order from beyond the solar system in significant quantities, and from galaxies beyond the stars. Any time one spends observing a star or galaxy, the light thereof sinks into the legislative powers. To the extent that takes place, the Earth is then aligned irrevocably with that star or galaxy, because those objects constitute a near-firmament or firmament. Particularly galaxies, when one, or an observatory, sinks the alignment of that telescope and the light gathered with it into the Earth or the instruments, that object becomes a part of the quantum electrodynamics of those atomic nuclei of the Earth which are affected in the process.
It seems it will be a good idea to keep the meteorological records from this era, so after the intense realm of observations is retired from the scene, it can be compared with subsequent meteorological events.
As a challenge, consider the possibility of engraving representations of spirals, logarithmic and exponential curves, and equations such as those of vortexes, diffusion, and waves, into granite surfaces on mountains. Any astrologer worth his breath will then find it easy to evoke little whirlwinds from the display. To seal the bargain with not-God, let an astronomer focus different galaxies onto the exhibit, and after numerous galaxies and poles, then stars, and finally the planets and then the Sun.
Is not that similar to aligning the gigantic, carefully measured, engineered and constructed telescopes and architectures, with the galaxies, stars, planets and Sun?
The other is that we don't know what we should know about the danger of causing uncontrolled reactions, whether fast as within seconds, hours or years, or slow as in thousands or millions of years.
They are both related to the stripping away from the Earth all of protective, insulating chaos that comes from the dust of the solar system and the heat of the sun, and bring the Earth into the naked embrace of the most fundamental principles of the entire universe of distant stars and far more distant galaxies.
The rotating spiral galaxies look like hurricanes because they are exactly the same form as hurricanes and all other vortexes. The vortex is a pattern of action which is accurately described and predicted by the vortex equation, curl (velocity) = 0. which is almost as fundamental as the mass-energy equation E = m * c^2.
Both describe the behavior of systems throughout the universe which are millions of times more massive than the Earth and even the Sun itself.
The vortex equation also describes the smaller tornadoes and whirlwinds as well as waterspouts (simply tornadoes at sea) and large and small whirlpools in salt and fresh water as well as in swimming pool, kitchen and bathtub drains.
The dimensionality of the universe seems to be accurately describe by what is called the Standard Model or SU(2) X U(1) That means everywhere locally there are two spatial dimensions and a velocity dimension. A conjecture in that direction but a little farther into possibilities, so that it can only be called a conjecture and not a theory, is that the nature of the space-time universe consists of the probability of action alone and that it comes in various forms, all of which have the net dimension of action.
Atoms, for instance, are composed of nuclei which have a dimension that is most extensive in the dimension of time (except for the very short lived radionuclides which must be described separately). Stable nuclei have a zero frequency aspect; long lived isotopes have very low but not zero frequency aspect. They have a mass aspect, which is equivalent to that of the proton. Another form has a mass aspect which is equivalent to that of the neutron. The electron is a quantum of action too, though it has a fairly high frequency aspect that is a result of the particular electronic state it is in. These can change as in the familiar forms of luminescence, radiation, phosphorescence, etc. The mass aspect of the electron is the familiar form as well.
The idea is that each component of the atom is a form of the action. Moreover, light is everywhere a form of the action. The implication is that everything in the universe is a form of the action. Planck did not merely discover the action quantum as an object separate from light and atoms and electrons. He discovered, in the quantum, the irreducible existence-stuff of all that exists, everywhere, forever, throughout the entire universe, throughout the Earth and Sun, throughout the Moon, and throughout all life on Earth.
The problem emerging then is that the modern exploration techniques, primarily the gigantic, precise and wide band telescopes of every kind, constitute a sort of suck on the universe, by the Earth, to draw every possible form of the action closer and closer to interacting directly with the action that constitutes the fundamental particles of Earth.
Drawing on vortexes, we get tornadoes and hurricanes of magnitudes unprecedented in history.
Radiation's equations are numerous, and they describe radiation from heat, fluorescence, luminescence and every other kind. Every street light driven by nuclear energy is an essentially direct transformation of mass of the Earth into radiation in space, a vector about as close as you can get to the radiation of light from stars. Of course those who will not explore this view will immediately reject it at every objection or difference they can perceive in it from their own opinion, so they will argue that plutonium and uranium are unusual elements which are controlled by mankind and so that does not constitute a universal law. It is not that it CONSTITUTES a universal law, it is an instance of an event that does occur because of universal laws. We already know that a large uranium deposit depleted much of its original fissile component billions of years ago and left the deposit with an unusual isotopic ratio; it was a natural nuclear reactor. The heat from that process was radiated into the sky, and some components of it escaped into space. Just how much is exceedingly moot, nothing else. Radiation can escape from the Earth into space, and once it does, it is into an infinite admittance. It never returns.
So we bring at least two seriously powerful universal principles into play when we concentrate the directions of the gravitational field vectors and the light vectors from the stars, galaxies and space onto the Earth. Both are dangerous to play with naively, in ignorance, or haste. The next time civilization emerges from the hiatus which is already taking place, it will be more careful of what it draws and magnifies from the universe of dimensionless space-time.
The process may have even effected the sun. For one thing, the Great Red Spot disappeared, Shortly after that a period of extremely quiet, low solar activity took place, And soon after that, were immense flares that suggest some new reaction zone is taking place in the solar constitution.
Apparently stellar nova are reasonably well understood. They occur when a star exhausts one or the other of its nuclear fuel elements. Just as with the second hydrogen bomb, named Castle Bravo, released almost three times as much energy than that for which it was supposedly designed.
The flaw in reasoning was that it had been assumed that the readily fissionable lithium 6 was the only part of the lithium that would participate in the fusion. In the actual event, the energy stripped one neutron away from the lithium 7 nuclei, and converted most or all of the lithium 7 to lithium 6 which participated enthusiastically as well. The lithium 7 had been the largest part of the lithium supply, but instead of not participating, it did. Castle Bravo was alarming but not enough, apparently, to cause anybody to question the intention to set off dozens and more atomic and hydrogen bombs until the International Test Ban Treaty declared a wiser course.
Historical relics of ancient astronomical observatories reveal that they were inevitably destroyed after serving their purpose. Apparently the purpose was collecting knowledge about the sky, and they did that. But observatories are notoriously harsh climate zones. They make the wind bitter, and the cold seems to have heat capacity in dimensions that are not known in the softer, kinder ecologically healthy environment. The radiation from the stars in the night and the Sun in the day is rank with high energy ultraviolet.
The observatories were often called temples and they were often centers for religious ceremony. It was appropriate. Not knowing how the stars affected the earth and their lives, the people took to aligning themselves with the principles in the best way they knew how. Modern observatories, including Hubble, the European Southern Observatory, Kitt Peak, Mauna Kea, and millions of small and large amateur telescopes made by Meade, Celestron, and many other corporations, have both workers and enthusiasts who demand their professions and feelings about their work and activity be respected. One does not question why they have the position they do; whether it has anything to do with their or any religion is their business. Modern society makes religion a private matter. But modern society takes astronomy very seriously except in one serious aspect. In the prevailing, dominant view, astronomical observations and knowledge alone can never result in anything that anybody would call a punishment by gods, god or Gods.
If one brings the subject up, that is exactly the opinion presented, because of course, God can never punish any more; either there is no God, or astronomy is not connected with God.
But the problem is, these large coincidences seem to be results, which occurred because of the observations which drew radiation into order from beyond the solar system in significant quantities, and from galaxies beyond the stars. Any time one spends observing a star or galaxy, the light thereof sinks into the legislative powers. To the extent that takes place, the Earth is then aligned irrevocably with that star or galaxy, because those objects constitute a near-firmament or firmament. Particularly galaxies, when one, or an observatory, sinks the alignment of that telescope and the light gathered with it into the Earth or the instruments, that object becomes a part of the quantum electrodynamics of those atomic nuclei of the Earth which are affected in the process.
It seems it will be a good idea to keep the meteorological records from this era, so after the intense realm of observations is retired from the scene, it can be compared with subsequent meteorological events.
As a challenge, consider the possibility of engraving representations of spirals, logarithmic and exponential curves, and equations such as those of vortexes, diffusion, and waves, into granite surfaces on mountains. Any astrologer worth his breath will then find it easy to evoke little whirlwinds from the display. To seal the bargain with not-God, let an astronomer focus different galaxies onto the exhibit, and after numerous galaxies and poles, then stars, and finally the planets and then the Sun.
Is not that similar to aligning the gigantic, carefully measured, engineered and constructed telescopes and architectures, with the galaxies, stars, planets and Sun?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Planetary Health
The health of the world rightly is and should be of high priority, and the standard of health raised to include transcending time and space. Health is a concept distinct from, for instance, ambition, magnificence, or industrial transformation. The Earth-Moon system was photographed from Mars by the HiRise orbiter and from Saturn by the Cassini orbiter, as well as from space by other probes on their way from Earth to some destination. These photos give Earth a distinct identity and something of a self-concept. It's time to capitalize on that with the highest standards of morality and justice possible.
In particular, war among human beings must be regarded as a pathological condition in which behavior otherwise characteristic of organisms is limited to the insects. While competition for food and other resources may result in one species dominating another, and can even lead to the extinction of a loser, war itself does not take place. Yet war does occur among insects.
It is true that the practice of war has led to refinements of its goals. In no other species does war intent to preserve democracy and the removal of a tyrannical leader. This does not necessarily justify war.
In particular, war among human beings must be regarded as a pathological condition in which behavior otherwise characteristic of organisms is limited to the insects. While competition for food and other resources may result in one species dominating another, and can even lead to the extinction of a loser, war itself does not take place. Yet war does occur among insects.
It is true that the practice of war has led to refinements of its goals. In no other species does war intent to preserve democracy and the removal of a tyrannical leader. This does not necessarily justify war.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Forward Thinking is a Death Trap
The emerging idea that "Forward Thinking" is the way to go, is little short of the launch sequence for Hitler style Nazi Fascism. Forward thinking is inevitably commandeered by mechanized vehicles, aircraft and bullets. Those are the premises of inhuman, inanimate, untrammeled, cold, heartless logic.
The kind Hitler's SS used. It comes from uncomprehending, barbaric and savage assumptions that the killer, because he lives, is correct; and the victims-those who were killed-were in error, wrong, stupid or weak, valueless and of no consequence. That's one side of a certain kind of African death's head mask that appeared in a movie about the United Nations, "The Interpreter" (2005).
Forward thinking is the original way of becoming a machine-whether by a soldier, regiment, marching band, military establishment, or nation. Forward thinking is what sharks do, as predators racing for their prey.
The United States is changing, and possibly being manipulated. One of manipulations happens by monarchical halving with nobility. That's not necessarily bad. Leadership is better shared. The United States is cognizant of all these issues and accepts good leadership when it presented by other nations. The opinions of others are not to be taken up lightly, of course. Fortunately the United States keeps its head well almost all of the time.
Forward thinking is the original way of becoming a machine-whether by a soldier, regiment, marching band, military establishment, or nation. Forward thinking is what sharks do, as predators racing for their prey.
The United States is changing, and possibly being manipulated. One of manipulations happens by monarchical halving with nobility. That's not necessarily bad. Leadership is better shared. The United States is cognizant of all these issues and accepts good leadership when it presented by other nations. The opinions of others are not to be taken up lightly, of course. Fortunately the United States keeps its head well almost all of the time.
Wikipedia has, "Currently, 44 nations in the world have monarchs as heads of state, 16 of which are Commonwealth realms that recognize Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. .."
That global encyclopedia also lists
77 monarchies in antiquity, dating back to 3500 BC. to 926 AD
69 monarchies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance from 8th Century to 1752
57 monarchies from Kingdom of England (c. 1630 - 1707 to the 44 monarchies throughout the world at the present time.
Monarchies are not going away anytime soon. They have been among the principle forms of government during the more than five thousand years that spanned the constructions and records which accompanied the attainment of space flight and the determination of the nature of the planets. That nature includes no space aliens, no places to live, and the only two places a human being can walk on and live have no significant air supply. Earth is the only home for human beings for all the forever that matters during the next thousand, probably ten thousand years and more.
Monarchies have a balance of power and the means to attain and enforce it. The future looks best when monarchies and democracies are integral parts of a well designed win-win relationship. Each should cultivate its relation with the others. That's where the phrase "enemies in war, in peace, friends" poses difficulty in the Declaration of Independence. It is why the United States is under increasing pressure to at least be more compliant with the English monarchy, and not assume that all which is suggested by that government is both fail-safe and directs the United States to remain in continual war with somebody, somewhere. Even so, I would not know how to be of value in the best resolution, because I only see the danger from dark asphalt-filled places where decent civil people rarely go.
The future of Earth now is suddenly real. It contains no imagination-driven competition with space monsters, and no felicitous flights to the stars - possibly not ever. For a while, a joke went around that God made the universe exceedingly large and put the stars far away from each other in order that the inhabitants would not collude lightly or, more likely, ever. It may be we won't go flying to the stars anytime in the next million years, or ever. Time of course will tell, and Junior is shouting, "I've got the answer already!"
Constitutional monarchies are only a hairsbreadth from the Constitutional Republic that exists in the United States. Numerous citizens on both sides of the border between the United States and Canada are fostering unification of the two nations. The same is true of the border with Mexico. These movements are also in a context of a more broadly defined United North America. The author does not know much about these ideas and won't go into them here. Suffice it to say, modern genealogical research in the human genome has returned proven results even if there is a little more caffeine in the wool than one would expect. Democracy and monarchy might get along famously someday, even before flying to the stars. Look: the Russians are patching their own noble character back together after something dark in their character made them murder their royal family and dump them down a mine shaft. Now, they are finding their favorite families again.
It's enough to say that U.S.-Mexico unification turns up 1,290,000 hits on Google, U.S.-Canada unification shows 238,000, and United North America returns 131,000,000 results. That's 131 million.
One of the things that makes this seriously possible is that the cosmology is now understood to be the same for every person on the entire planet, no matter what their favorite parts are. Space flight gave the Earth a future concept that just does not stop. In fact, on thinking a few hundred years into the future, it takes off and racks of hundreds of thousands, and then millions and hundreds of millions of years. Two hundred twenty million years and Andromeda and the Galactic Center are again just 121 degrees apart.
That's one of the reasons the economy is wondering what to do. The future in economic terms spans aeons that are just simply mind-boggling. Little definite action to change the world's constructions can be taken until there is a better sense of agreement on what, in that long future, was
a. Invented and used in the past and is worth keeping forever, such as agriculture;
b. Was of primitive origin or recent invention that was more trouble and grief than good.
c. What new things need to be invented, and maybe
d. What new things should not be invented. After all, there are infinite possibilities, and the right of choice as well.
Several generations will be spend putting these things into new perspectives. Few major changes in the historical development of technology became obvious quickly in the past. Now, in media made possible by that very technology, the most astonishing thing is the emergence of new technology. Silicon is in the wild.
Forward thinking is just a way of deceiving the gullible into jumping into a future so long that it cannot be predicted, just because one can move forward rapidly in a spaceship, airplane, car or boat or on foot. Forward thinking was what the German gunners thought when they moved mechanized cannot, and what they thought when they shipped human beings into speeding cattle cars. Forward thinking is a way of carrying the head so much faster than the legislative powers that it becomes indifferent to the value of life. Life is then reduced to road kill, and made into some kind of gunk on the asphalt, like happens to the wildlife. Forward thinking is a way of crossing too many railroad tracks on a bike at a narrow angle. The machine driven decisions can make people do bad things like kill.
Forward thinking was not pretty then and it is not pretty now. It will be worse if it is taken seriously by the American people, or by any large population in the world. It should not drive the economic takeover.
If you must think carefully, do it in privacy, speak of your thoughts rarely, and weigh your decisions carefully in a motionless chair. Please, be very certain and very careful if you institute "forward thinking" as national policy. It would be used to drive database searches in discriminatory classification. Those drove Hitler's decisions when he used data from the machines to choose populations for his pogroms. Machine decisions led him to plan to exterminate the entire Jewish population. Then when you communicate you can say things you have already thought through.
This question has been in front of amateurs and professionals alike always, but especially after the first small computers became available in the 1970's and 1980's. A sort of poem was circulated then, about how different groups of people started disappearing. "First they came for the idiots. Then they came for the..." The groups began to consist of increasingly familiar people, but up to a point, there were others who remained in existence. Yet finally, the narrator says "Now they're coming for me." Several events have taken place since then, that have obscured that precaution and it is worth remembering again.
Please, DON'T buy into forward thinking, even if it is a favorite slogan in car companies.
The future of Earth now is suddenly real. It contains no imagination-driven competition with space monsters, and no felicitous flights to the stars - possibly not ever. For a while, a joke went around that God made the universe exceedingly large and put the stars far away from each other in order that the inhabitants would not collude lightly or, more likely, ever. It may be we won't go flying to the stars anytime in the next million years, or ever. Time of course will tell, and Junior is shouting, "I've got the answer already!"
Constitutional monarchies are only a hairsbreadth from the Constitutional Republic that exists in the United States. Numerous citizens on both sides of the border between the United States and Canada are fostering unification of the two nations. The same is true of the border with Mexico. These movements are also in a context of a more broadly defined United North America. The author does not know much about these ideas and won't go into them here. Suffice it to say, modern genealogical research in the human genome has returned proven results even if there is a little more caffeine in the wool than one would expect. Democracy and monarchy might get along famously someday, even before flying to the stars. Look: the Russians are patching their own noble character back together after something dark in their character made them murder their royal family and dump them down a mine shaft. Now, they are finding their favorite families again.
It's enough to say that U.S.-Mexico unification turns up 1,290,000 hits on Google, U.S.-Canada unification shows 238,000, and United North America returns 131,000,000 results. That's 131 million.
One of the things that makes this seriously possible is that the cosmology is now understood to be the same for every person on the entire planet, no matter what their favorite parts are. Space flight gave the Earth a future concept that just does not stop. In fact, on thinking a few hundred years into the future, it takes off and racks of hundreds of thousands, and then millions and hundreds of millions of years. Two hundred twenty million years and Andromeda and the Galactic Center are again just 121 degrees apart.
That's one of the reasons the economy is wondering what to do. The future in economic terms spans aeons that are just simply mind-boggling. Little definite action to change the world's constructions can be taken until there is a better sense of agreement on what, in that long future, was
a. Invented and used in the past and is worth keeping forever, such as agriculture;
b. Was of primitive origin or recent invention that was more trouble and grief than good.
c. What new things need to be invented, and maybe
d. What new things should not be invented. After all, there are infinite possibilities, and the right of choice as well.
Several generations will be spend putting these things into new perspectives. Few major changes in the historical development of technology became obvious quickly in the past. Now, in media made possible by that very technology, the most astonishing thing is the emergence of new technology. Silicon is in the wild.
Forward thinking is just a way of deceiving the gullible into jumping into a future so long that it cannot be predicted, just because one can move forward rapidly in a spaceship, airplane, car or boat or on foot. Forward thinking was what the German gunners thought when they moved mechanized cannot, and what they thought when they shipped human beings into speeding cattle cars. Forward thinking is a way of carrying the head so much faster than the legislative powers that it becomes indifferent to the value of life. Life is then reduced to road kill, and made into some kind of gunk on the asphalt, like happens to the wildlife. Forward thinking is a way of crossing too many railroad tracks on a bike at a narrow angle. The machine driven decisions can make people do bad things like kill.
Forward thinking was not pretty then and it is not pretty now. It will be worse if it is taken seriously by the American people, or by any large population in the world. It should not drive the economic takeover.
If you must think carefully, do it in privacy, speak of your thoughts rarely, and weigh your decisions carefully in a motionless chair. Please, be very certain and very careful if you institute "forward thinking" as national policy. It would be used to drive database searches in discriminatory classification. Those drove Hitler's decisions when he used data from the machines to choose populations for his pogroms. Machine decisions led him to plan to exterminate the entire Jewish population. Then when you communicate you can say things you have already thought through.
This question has been in front of amateurs and professionals alike always, but especially after the first small computers became available in the 1970's and 1980's. A sort of poem was circulated then, about how different groups of people started disappearing. "First they came for the idiots. Then they came for the..." The groups began to consist of increasingly familiar people, but up to a point, there were others who remained in existence. Yet finally, the narrator says "Now they're coming for me." Several events have taken place since then, that have obscured that precaution and it is worth remembering again.
Please, DON'T buy into forward thinking, even if it is a favorite slogan in car companies.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Most Habitable Place Doctrine
The gradient between order and chaos is fundamental throughout the universe, and its distribution appears to be locally determined in locally distinct ways. The order and chaos distribution in each star system is relatively (though not perfectly) isolated from other star systems. Some regions of stars in any galaxy such as the Milky Way would be more ordered, others less.
This is like the fact that in a house, warmth is closer to the furnace and kitchen heat. It is why there is more business to be had nearer the center of the galaxy than on its outskirts. It is just like London.
Order and chaos gradients are inevitable and chance is continual and implacable. These are like conservation of angular or rotational momentum laws that cause Uranus and Venus to be retrograde. Where things are very cold, entropy (a measure of disorder) is very low because of low temperature, and little of the randomizing thermal energy. Where things are of more moderate temperature, entropy kept low by the formation of chemical molecules of flexible form and action that deals with thermal disorder by such activities as sweating, swimming and manufacturing air conditioners.
Entropy is relatively low in most places in one way or another because the average entropy of the universe is extremely low. It is high only in the relatively small (compared with the vast expanses of space-time between stars) and extremely hot objects like stars.
Where temperatures are at neither extreme, entropy gradient activity is inevitable. Competition emerges, and lower entropy objects which are hard (for instance as measured on the Mohs scale) slowly or quickly crash through lower entropy objects that are soft. In short, they compete. It is even more inhuman than the nasty, brutish and short, or the terrible carnivorous, zero-sum predator-prey relationships of wild planets and animals. Hard crystals simply grow through soft crystals, and totally displace the constituent particles of the softer substances. They always do that wherever both find the nutrient molecules of which each is composed. One can purchase crystal growing kits that demonstrate this activity from science warehouses like Edmund Scientific. If you have not understood this, you should make that purchase. The kits are not expensive.
In any dynamic environment things are constantly in stir, and so they evolve. A fluid environment may or may not be absolutely necessary, yet it certainly seems to increase the probability of life forming. Some crystal forming life-like or living molecules result in soft, not hard crystals. Others are not terribly choosy about what kind of molecules they use, as long as they are in a similar pattern; DNA is composed of remarkably caffeine-like molecules. People may drink beverages other than coffee on other worlds or at other star systems.
Adaptive molecules are virus-like molecules. One of the events that shed great light on this was the synthesis of the tobacco mosaic molecule. Molecules that become highly ordered gradually (aka through millions of years) and eventually form cells. They do this by accumulating a peripheral garden of molecules valuable to themselves and keeping it clear of offensive molecules. The boundary of the garden is at a half wavelength of the most abundant light from the parent star. Most cells on Earth are spherical or nearly so, and about the same diameter as one wavelength of the brightest wavelength of light of the Sun. That brightest wavelength is half of one micron. Hold a meter stick and look at the millimeters. Imagine one millimeter is similarly divided into a thousand equal parts. Half of one of those parts is the diameter of one cell. One human cell, one dog or fish, bat or skunk, whale or mouse cell. The only cells very much different are nerve and sex cells.
That is why the cell membrane is about half a wavelength of light
In a double star system, cells would have double hulls. Jupiter is a really small star and its brightest radiation is about five microns. Cells may be found on Earth which have an exterior membrane 2.5 microns from the nucleus. Cells typically reproduce by mitosis, cleaving into halves. Some cells in very ancient (Archaean) times billions of years ago flunked mitosis and failed to separate completely.
One would think such mutations would all die, but no. A few of those peculiar creatures survived to form dimeric cells that actually gathered food and lived. At first those lived only short lives struggling to live full lives and cleave in mitosis. Eventually some of those succeeded, cleaved and reproduced to form two dimers. Perhaps at first those reverted to monera. Some of their descendants failed dimer reproduction and had three cells. Eventually some trimera managed reproduction. The situation is simple enough that one can imagine several ways of succeeding as mitosis gradually evolved into sex. When quatromeres and pentameres emerged, successful multicelled reproduction was probably so sophisticated that early organ differentiation was beginning. One cell would be the boss, and eat. Other cells were not the boss.
As mistakes continue, the frequency of survivors increases and just as one might figure, some of the critters reproduced into two dimers that in turn, cleaved successfully themselves. A species of viable, persistent two-celled creatures had come into being. We grope our way along with many or few mistakes and many or few errors. Those who survive inherit the Earth. Those who comprehend not are occasionally heard to say that those who avoid making mistakes are cheating, and it is why those who avoid making mistakes are sometimes caught by surprise by the hardness of those who inevitably err and live in a darkness composed of not only the absence of light, but to a great extent, the absence of order.
From the very start, individual organisms survive in part because they keep, care for and cultivate their environment. At first that was just the part of population which, at random, happened to take better care even of the other part of the population that did not. Those that cared for their environments in ways that led to longer survival and greater chances of reproducing successfully to produce surviving offspring were those which determined the concept of "better". As organisms learned to say, "Some people have all the luck" they also began to wonder just what luck was. Asked, the successful almost invariably said it was too complicated to explain. Reflecting on it themselves, they at some point realized that life is very complex and they could not possibly know all about. Whatever the whole was, it had to have a simple name.
That is like asking a successful person how it is that he is successful. When he explains, it becomes clear that success is caused by many factors, only some of which each person knows of himself personally. If he or she is competent, he may say "I inherited this from a particular grandparent", "That is from my father" and "this ability is from mother". Talking about the Good, one soon understands there is so much of it that it cannot be described in detail in every conversation. The word 'good' needs an abbreviation. The word god is that. Understood well, people capitalize on the concept, and it is capitalized as "God".
The word God means very, very much.
The word God means approximately "All the good that can be made of everything that is." To a human beings, God is at least anthropomorphic, yet at the same time represents all the good of existence throughout the world, especially this beautiful, fertile and living planet Earth, and with quite reasonable extension, everywhere in the Universe. A reasonable limitation is "all inhabited worlds".
These are differently resolved, but the best meaning is relatively consistent among all people. Nihilists do little but degrade conversation and do not succeed in eliminating God's existence.
Symmetry helps in understanding such things. Bilateral symmetry is as ancient as fishes. That is why prayer is a particular form of activity. Each attribute of the environment is a small part of the great whole of existence. The smallness and often delicate fragility of those parts of that realm of phenomena which constitute God, things Holy and oneself, requires humility. One does not learn from small flowers or other tiny organisms that have nonetheless survived for millions of years in a huge, dangerous world without humility.
Writing about such things is like being in a candy shop. There are so many good and valuable things one can say. At the same time, so many terrible events are unfolding in the world that eventually one must leave off, perhaps to submit the form to the public. What will become of Northern Africa now that the planet's form is proved and the nature of light is unfolding?
they begin predation, trade and war, and eventually learn to use the internet to purchase things at home.
The theory is, order-chaos gradients of entropy and confusion in any star system always emerge in a ubiquitous pattern that is the same throughout the universe. In this pattern, the probability of life is closest to 0, Zero in the least habitable places and is 1, Unity in the most habitable places in that star system.
This provides justification for those who believe that life is so frequent in the universe that one can hardly look at the stars without going into a bargain contract with the extraterrestrials. These, of course, are not God. They are just critters. It's fortunate they are far away.
If they are.
I can't say for certain this is the way it is. It's just one end of the range of possibilities
This is like the fact that in a house, warmth is closer to the furnace and kitchen heat. It is why there is more business to be had nearer the center of the galaxy than on its outskirts. It is just like London.
Order and chaos gradients are inevitable and chance is continual and implacable. These are like conservation of angular or rotational momentum laws that cause Uranus and Venus to be retrograde. Where things are very cold, entropy (a measure of disorder) is very low because of low temperature, and little of the randomizing thermal energy. Where things are of more moderate temperature, entropy kept low by the formation of chemical molecules of flexible form and action that deals with thermal disorder by such activities as sweating, swimming and manufacturing air conditioners.
Entropy is relatively low in most places in one way or another because the average entropy of the universe is extremely low. It is high only in the relatively small (compared with the vast expanses of space-time between stars) and extremely hot objects like stars.
Where temperatures are at neither extreme, entropy gradient activity is inevitable. Competition emerges, and lower entropy objects which are hard (for instance as measured on the Mohs scale) slowly or quickly crash through lower entropy objects that are soft. In short, they compete. It is even more inhuman than the nasty, brutish and short, or the terrible carnivorous, zero-sum predator-prey relationships of wild planets and animals. Hard crystals simply grow through soft crystals, and totally displace the constituent particles of the softer substances. They always do that wherever both find the nutrient molecules of which each is composed. One can purchase crystal growing kits that demonstrate this activity from science warehouses like Edmund Scientific. If you have not understood this, you should make that purchase. The kits are not expensive.
In any dynamic environment things are constantly in stir, and so they evolve. A fluid environment may or may not be absolutely necessary, yet it certainly seems to increase the probability of life forming. Some crystal forming life-like or living molecules result in soft, not hard crystals. Others are not terribly choosy about what kind of molecules they use, as long as they are in a similar pattern; DNA is composed of remarkably caffeine-like molecules. People may drink beverages other than coffee on other worlds or at other star systems.
Adaptive molecules are virus-like molecules. One of the events that shed great light on this was the synthesis of the tobacco mosaic molecule. Molecules that become highly ordered gradually (aka through millions of years) and eventually form cells. They do this by accumulating a peripheral garden of molecules valuable to themselves and keeping it clear of offensive molecules. The boundary of the garden is at a half wavelength of the most abundant light from the parent star. Most cells on Earth are spherical or nearly so, and about the same diameter as one wavelength of the brightest wavelength of light of the Sun. That brightest wavelength is half of one micron. Hold a meter stick and look at the millimeters. Imagine one millimeter is similarly divided into a thousand equal parts. Half of one of those parts is the diameter of one cell. One human cell, one dog or fish, bat or skunk, whale or mouse cell. The only cells very much different are nerve and sex cells.
That is why the cell membrane is about half a wavelength of light
In a double star system, cells would have double hulls. Jupiter is a really small star and its brightest radiation is about five microns. Cells may be found on Earth which have an exterior membrane 2.5 microns from the nucleus. Cells typically reproduce by mitosis, cleaving into halves. Some cells in very ancient (Archaean) times billions of years ago flunked mitosis and failed to separate completely.
One would think such mutations would all die, but no. A few of those peculiar creatures survived to form dimeric cells that actually gathered food and lived. At first those lived only short lives struggling to live full lives and cleave in mitosis. Eventually some of those succeeded, cleaved and reproduced to form two dimers. Perhaps at first those reverted to monera. Some of their descendants failed dimer reproduction and had three cells. Eventually some trimera managed reproduction. The situation is simple enough that one can imagine several ways of succeeding as mitosis gradually evolved into sex. When quatromeres and pentameres emerged, successful multicelled reproduction was probably so sophisticated that early organ differentiation was beginning. One cell would be the boss, and eat. Other cells were not the boss.
As mistakes continue, the frequency of survivors increases and just as one might figure, some of the critters reproduced into two dimers that in turn, cleaved successfully themselves. A species of viable, persistent two-celled creatures had come into being. We grope our way along with many or few mistakes and many or few errors. Those who survive inherit the Earth. Those who comprehend not are occasionally heard to say that those who avoid making mistakes are cheating, and it is why those who avoid making mistakes are sometimes caught by surprise by the hardness of those who inevitably err and live in a darkness composed of not only the absence of light, but to a great extent, the absence of order.
From the very start, individual organisms survive in part because they keep, care for and cultivate their environment. At first that was just the part of population which, at random, happened to take better care even of the other part of the population that did not. Those that cared for their environments in ways that led to longer survival and greater chances of reproducing successfully to produce surviving offspring were those which determined the concept of "better". As organisms learned to say, "Some people have all the luck" they also began to wonder just what luck was. Asked, the successful almost invariably said it was too complicated to explain. Reflecting on it themselves, they at some point realized that life is very complex and they could not possibly know all about. Whatever the whole was, it had to have a simple name.
That is like asking a successful person how it is that he is successful. When he explains, it becomes clear that success is caused by many factors, only some of which each person knows of himself personally. If he or she is competent, he may say "I inherited this from a particular grandparent", "That is from my father" and "this ability is from mother". Talking about the Good, one soon understands there is so much of it that it cannot be described in detail in every conversation. The word 'good' needs an abbreviation. The word god is that. Understood well, people capitalize on the concept, and it is capitalized as "God".
The word God means very, very much.
The word God means approximately "All the good that can be made of everything that is." To a human beings, God is at least anthropomorphic, yet at the same time represents all the good of existence throughout the world, especially this beautiful, fertile and living planet Earth, and with quite reasonable extension, everywhere in the Universe. A reasonable limitation is "all inhabited worlds".
These are differently resolved, but the best meaning is relatively consistent among all people. Nihilists do little but degrade conversation and do not succeed in eliminating God's existence.
Symmetry helps in understanding such things. Bilateral symmetry is as ancient as fishes. That is why prayer is a particular form of activity. Each attribute of the environment is a small part of the great whole of existence. The smallness and often delicate fragility of those parts of that realm of phenomena which constitute God, things Holy and oneself, requires humility. One does not learn from small flowers or other tiny organisms that have nonetheless survived for millions of years in a huge, dangerous world without humility.
Writing about such things is like being in a candy shop. There are so many good and valuable things one can say. At the same time, so many terrible events are unfolding in the world that eventually one must leave off, perhaps to submit the form to the public. What will become of Northern Africa now that the planet's form is proved and the nature of light is unfolding?
they begin predation, trade and war, and eventually learn to use the internet to purchase things at home.
The theory is, order-chaos gradients of entropy and confusion in any star system always emerge in a ubiquitous pattern that is the same throughout the universe. In this pattern, the probability of life is closest to 0, Zero in the least habitable places and is 1, Unity in the most habitable places in that star system.
This provides justification for those who believe that life is so frequent in the universe that one can hardly look at the stars without going into a bargain contract with the extraterrestrials. These, of course, are not God. They are just critters. It's fortunate they are far away.
If they are.
I can't say for certain this is the way it is. It's just one end of the range of possibilities
Monday, March 7, 2011
The five thousand year Hand of Millennia project by Earth to reach its Moon finally attained success yesterday when Neil Armstrong placed his foot on the old visible satellite. The event signaled a new willingness to find more ways to work through peace than continue the tragic struggles to accomplish anything significant and new through war.
Unfortunately, Terran economies are collapsing almost to the idiocy of rural life everywhere. Almost every technology including architecture since millions of years earlier had been developed with the goal of flying to the Moon in mind. As a result, most industrial development was massively overconstructed and highly energetic, which places a premium on fast forward.
The collapse was not unexpected although because of its magnitude it will require extensive redesign of prevailing economic forms. Earth people are busy as cats on a tin roof trying to balance old, obviously valuable forms and mercifully exorcise the erroneous. One pattern, the form of government, consists of two parts-monarchy and community. Monarchs see the community as hordes and swarms of individuals. Communities often produce outspoken people who accuse monarchies of being selfish, greedy pigs.
Just what comes of this old familiar struggle for Earth remains to be seen.
Unfortunately, Terran economies are collapsing almost to the idiocy of rural life everywhere. Almost every technology including architecture since millions of years earlier had been developed with the goal of flying to the Moon in mind. As a result, most industrial development was massively overconstructed and highly energetic, which places a premium on fast forward.
The collapse was not unexpected although because of its magnitude it will require extensive redesign of prevailing economic forms. Earth people are busy as cats on a tin roof trying to balance old, obviously valuable forms and mercifully exorcise the erroneous. One pattern, the form of government, consists of two parts-monarchy and community. Monarchs see the community as hordes and swarms of individuals. Communities often produce outspoken people who accuse monarchies of being selfish, greedy pigs.
Just what comes of this old familiar struggle for Earth remains to be seen.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Unanticipated Future Implications
Assume housing shelter and clothing, and food and water will be irreplaceably essential factors throughout the next million years
Then in the long run, what kinds of ideas will be gathered by the whole population in determining an optimum broad, tolerant gradient between essential and inessential economic activities? These are conditions that will eventually exist for a very long time, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. How extensive can inessential activity be during a hundred millennia?
Five thousand years of development has successfully attained the Moon and returned the long sought understanding of the Sun, Moon, other planets and Earth itself, Those five millennia were the hand of millions of years of human evolution, including sweeping the bones out of the cave door and migrating to avoid the waste
Recently, years a massive garbage glut are sweeping Southern Italy. Attempts have been made to ship the garbage north.
Instead, the collapse itself, of waste disposal systems, itself is likely to move north. It occurs when the industrial market technology and infrastructure, created for the final struggle to reach the Moon, itself collapses into garbage.
With that all clear, one most likely catastrophe appears to be failure of the waste disposal systems to keep up with the trashed industrial market refuse and the collapsing infrastructure
Instinct and evolution have little or no remaining interest in the Moon, Sun, or other planets, because none of them appear suitable as habitations for life. Life does not exist on any of them, and no living beings, plants or animals exist which might constitute threats to Earth.
That simple, huge, crude scenario is obscured by intrigues, strategies, plots, and doomsday and other scenarios in case of conflict. Worse, unresolved tension over the collapse and garbage problems may be aggravating international tensions.
If industrial collapse of that sort takes place, it will likely cause massive unemployment which is possibly already under way and that is likely to obscure the need to increase simple food and shelter supplies, distribution and availability and prevent the design of economic systems capable of handling these areas
Fundamental, pragmatic economic and human psychology and character studies would have to concentrate on what human beings can or should be doing if sophisticated industrial production and the research that supports it collapses.
A response among the common people about the results of space flight was a recognition of these factor
There exists no breathable air, no significant water, no beings, animals or plants, no threats except asteroids, and no place to live except on Earth
Existing and rapidly growing massive human populations do not see significant importance in advanced forms of research and production and aggressively new artificial technology since only Earth remains to populate
A subterranean implication is that human reproduction is considering going back to seasonal fertility instead of fertility all year round
The evolved, natural, unavoidable and aggressive human need to eat living organisms and the urge to reproduce of course remains and predominates,
The populations do see that construction of houses and agricultural production of food has importance. They are eager, even longing, for some kind of roles related to the traditional patterns found in rural life where jobs were not only simple but largely self- evident, in both the construction and maintenance of houses and farms, in animal husbandry and the raising of crops. But the problem is so primitive that even irrigation will have to be introduced anew to populations that have lived several generations in the urban constructions
This whole problem is similar to the issues of removing hydroelectric dams, of re-establishing carnivores such as wolves, and of curtailing the massive slaughter of oceanic animals and other aquatic wildlife
These issues are compelling yet they are not often recognized in rational terms yet, at least not in so many words. In any case, the present situation appears to be one of incipient emerging potential for massive collapse of CERTAIN COMPONENTS of the entire technological infrastructure dating all the way back to the start of pyramid constructions and irrigation. Other components are almost self- evident, and consist primarily of food and shelter. Some important new developments are likely to be found very much worth continuing and propagating, such as insurance and other forms of collective preparation.
This author cannot be more specific, as the issue is extraordinarily vague even though it is important although it is well resolved in the specific agencies responsible for essentials, agriculture and food, and shelter and housing. Clothing would be another essential, transportation and communications are highly important, though both need to be trimmed down. NOT to bare essentials because that is much too austere and alarming. They need to be trimmed of extravagance, though not of celebration and more moderate, less deceptive advertising. Corporations design new and more expensive, more costly cars and appliances like birds flap their wings
Many new designs, and the jobs in which people are employed doing them, have little or nothing to do with broadening the base of important essential factors and increasing the way in which massive populations of otherwise unemployed people can contribute to its maintenance.
Then in the long run, what kinds of ideas will be gathered by the whole population in determining an optimum broad, tolerant gradient between essential and inessential economic activities? These are conditions that will eventually exist for a very long time, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. How extensive can inessential activity be during a hundred millennia?
Five thousand years of development has successfully attained the Moon and returned the long sought understanding of the Sun, Moon, other planets and Earth itself, Those five millennia were the hand of millions of years of human evolution, including sweeping the bones out of the cave door and migrating to avoid the waste
Recently, years a massive garbage glut are sweeping Southern Italy. Attempts have been made to ship the garbage north.
Instead, the collapse itself, of waste disposal systems, itself is likely to move north. It occurs when the industrial market technology and infrastructure, created for the final struggle to reach the Moon, itself collapses into garbage.
With that all clear, one most likely catastrophe appears to be failure of the waste disposal systems to keep up with the trashed industrial market refuse and the collapsing infrastructure
Instinct and evolution have little or no remaining interest in the Moon, Sun, or other planets, because none of them appear suitable as habitations for life. Life does not exist on any of them, and no living beings, plants or animals exist which might constitute threats to Earth.
That simple, huge, crude scenario is obscured by intrigues, strategies, plots, and doomsday and other scenarios in case of conflict. Worse, unresolved tension over the collapse and garbage problems may be aggravating international tensions.
If industrial collapse of that sort takes place, it will likely cause massive unemployment which is possibly already under way and that is likely to obscure the need to increase simple food and shelter supplies, distribution and availability and prevent the design of economic systems capable of handling these areas
Fundamental, pragmatic economic and human psychology and character studies would have to concentrate on what human beings can or should be doing if sophisticated industrial production and the research that supports it collapses.
A response among the common people about the results of space flight was a recognition of these factor
There exists no breathable air, no significant water, no beings, animals or plants, no threats except asteroids, and no place to live except on Earth
Existing and rapidly growing massive human populations do not see significant importance in advanced forms of research and production and aggressively new artificial technology since only Earth remains to populate
A subterranean implication is that human reproduction is considering going back to seasonal fertility instead of fertility all year round
The evolved, natural, unavoidable and aggressive human need to eat living organisms and the urge to reproduce of course remains and predominates,
The populations do see that construction of houses and agricultural production of food has importance. They are eager, even longing, for some kind of roles related to the traditional patterns found in rural life where jobs were not only simple but largely self- evident, in both the construction and maintenance of houses and farms, in animal husbandry and the raising of crops. But the problem is so primitive that even irrigation will have to be introduced anew to populations that have lived several generations in the urban constructions
This whole problem is similar to the issues of removing hydroelectric dams, of re-establishing carnivores such as wolves, and of curtailing the massive slaughter of oceanic animals and other aquatic wildlife
These issues are compelling yet they are not often recognized in rational terms yet, at least not in so many words. In any case, the present situation appears to be one of incipient emerging potential for massive collapse of CERTAIN COMPONENTS of the entire technological infrastructure dating all the way back to the start of pyramid constructions and irrigation. Other components are almost self- evident, and consist primarily of food and shelter. Some important new developments are likely to be found very much worth continuing and propagating, such as insurance and other forms of collective preparation.
This author cannot be more specific, as the issue is extraordinarily vague even though it is important although it is well resolved in the specific agencies responsible for essentials, agriculture and food, and shelter and housing. Clothing would be another essential, transportation and communications are highly important, though both need to be trimmed down. NOT to bare essentials because that is much too austere and alarming. They need to be trimmed of extravagance, though not of celebration and more moderate, less deceptive advertising. Corporations design new and more expensive, more costly cars and appliances like birds flap their wings
Many new designs, and the jobs in which people are employed doing them, have little or nothing to do with broadening the base of important essential factors and increasing the way in which massive populations of otherwise unemployed people can contribute to its maintenance.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Man Hath Fallen
So one understands. It looks like this is equivalent to what Neanderthals would have said had they known. Neanderthals did not have, most likely, any spiritualism as competent as that which evolved during the last six thousand years.
On the other hand, of course, the modern Church is just becoming comfortable with modern paleontology and evolution theory. That is not a fault. The Church is exceedingly conservative as it should be. In no other way could it have existed for two thousand years straight.
The older I get the more comfortable I am with the idea that religion and science are much more like cooperative partners in human development, not antagonistically rejecting each other at all.
Most people probably know of one or another professor, or one or another priest, who adamantly rejects their equivalents in the opposite camp. The obligation to communicate civilly with the other seems to be easily as much a problem for some scientists, who will not bother to learn to speak in religious terms, than for many priests, who are willing to take the trouble to do that.
This is something of a relief. Clearly, Neanderthals did not disappear in their heyday, suddenly. Many thousands of years, perhaps much more, passed after the emergence of some new factor that made them obsolete, before the new hominids that displaced them predominated and Neanderthals began to dwindle in number. Confrontations of any significant numbers of either or both were probably very rare, perhaps nonexistent. After all, neither the old nor the new orders had any written records or rapid or long distance communications techniques. Moreover, it is not certain that any Neanderthal ever saw a the difference between Neanderthals and the new order; the changes within one generation were small, and very likely unobservable without modern techniques.
Now it is easy. The new order is wearing earbuds and toying with his celphone.
On the other hand, of course, the modern Church is just becoming comfortable with modern paleontology and evolution theory. That is not a fault. The Church is exceedingly conservative as it should be. In no other way could it have existed for two thousand years straight.
The older I get the more comfortable I am with the idea that religion and science are much more like cooperative partners in human development, not antagonistically rejecting each other at all.
Most people probably know of one or another professor, or one or another priest, who adamantly rejects their equivalents in the opposite camp. The obligation to communicate civilly with the other seems to be easily as much a problem for some scientists, who will not bother to learn to speak in religious terms, than for many priests, who are willing to take the trouble to do that.
This is something of a relief. Clearly, Neanderthals did not disappear in their heyday, suddenly. Many thousands of years, perhaps much more, passed after the emergence of some new factor that made them obsolete, before the new hominids that displaced them predominated and Neanderthals began to dwindle in number. Confrontations of any significant numbers of either or both were probably very rare, perhaps nonexistent. After all, neither the old nor the new orders had any written records or rapid or long distance communications techniques. Moreover, it is not certain that any Neanderthal ever saw a the difference between Neanderthals and the new order; the changes within one generation were small, and very likely unobservable without modern techniques.
Now it is easy. The new order is wearing earbuds and toying with his celphone.
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Order of Action in Light
Hubble distance redshift is moving to a new location
Light is necessary for complex systems to work properly. Yet intricate systems that are not designed in the light rarely function smoothly, reliably or at all. This is not a popular idea with some persons, and it won't be proven here. It will be described, though.
The way material, massive things such as flowing water, air, molten rock, or falling objects move varies greatly depending. In some of these flows diverge and converge, often unpredictably. In others such as falling objects, say rocks, the motion is of such low dimensionality and inevitably doomed to reach the end of its path at the end of its fall; falling cannot form a stable model for system functioning. Moreover, falling is not always the motion of any dynamic form of the action itself. Simply massive material objects are only rudimentary, usually stable forms of the action. Exceptions inevitably remain peculiar.
See this.
Complex systems such as cars, clocks, radios, television, ships and airplanes depend on a flow of action that does not diverge unexpectedly. It appears to be true that the only reliable flow of action in the universe is the motion of light. The flow of light throughout the universe appears to be similar everywhere. It is highly predictable. Light can be created at will in a stunning new variety of illumination sources. The motion of light can be described and predicted and calculated with high accuracy. It does surprising things but not at random or unexpected times except where probability appears, almost always in very predictable ways under quite definite
Thus light forms the fundamental, primal model of the action path. If you want a complex system to work properly, you must plan the flow of action in its processes, and ensure that the flow of action is linear. A good way to do this is to draw the pattern of flow of action in your system on a long piece of paper. The flow of action may consist of flows of air and fuel into a carburetor. The mixture then moves into an engine of some sort, where it is ignited. The action then changes form to a process of burning, then to increasing temperature, then to increasing force against a piston or turbine blades, then to the turning of a shaft, and motion to gears. Meanwhile the communications systems are describing the details of the vehicle's position, orientation, direction of motion and a host of other events. Other communications may take place between the operator and a controller or dispatcher. Wheels may be turned, or brakes may be applied. Lifting surfaces may be moved. Almost all of the events involve the transfer of energy from one place to another, or from one time to another as in the storage of energy in batteries or capacitors.
From the position of fundamental physics, the flow of energy is a good starting point. Energy is a time derivative of the action. It is only necessary to integrate the flow of energy along the paths from its source (fuel, batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, height and descent or other sources) to produce a map of the flows of action. If the flows can be mapped alongside a light path, such as a floodlight or laser (lasers are particularly good for this purpose) then plans for the path of the action can be designed with careful attention to their relation to the flow of the fundamental origin of order everywhere in the universe.
If it is insisted that action paths be designed in darkness, without any reference to light, then the errors that result are incalculable. Systems that can be designed that way are limited to rudimentary responses, or other very simple events.
If it is necessary to design a complex system that works in darkness, that is quite possible by designing it in well lit circumstances. A good example of that kind of manufacture is in robotic spacecraft which are sent to other planets such as Mars, Jupiter or Saturn. Astonishing missions to the planets such as HiRise at Mars, Cassini-Huygens at Saturn, and the New Horizons probe now approaching Pluto are excellent examples of systems designed to work in some of the worst lighting, dimmest and darkest circumstances ever reached by human works. They were designed in the light to work in the dark or very close to it. HiRise and Cassini-Huygens were essentially perfect and their missions were completed with historical results. New Horizons might well do the same.
Light is not only not to be feared, it is vital and essential, the ultimate sine qua non of modern industrial market development. Make friends with the light.
Light is necessary for complex systems to work properly. Yet intricate systems that are not designed in the light rarely function smoothly, reliably or at all. This is not a popular idea with some persons, and it won't be proven here. It will be described, though.
The way material, massive things such as flowing water, air, molten rock, or falling objects move varies greatly depending. In some of these flows diverge and converge, often unpredictably. In others such as falling objects, say rocks, the motion is of such low dimensionality and inevitably doomed to reach the end of its path at the end of its fall; falling cannot form a stable model for system functioning. Moreover, falling is not always the motion of any dynamic form of the action itself. Simply massive material objects are only rudimentary, usually stable forms of the action. Exceptions inevitably remain peculiar.
See this.
Complex systems such as cars, clocks, radios, television, ships and airplanes depend on a flow of action that does not diverge unexpectedly. It appears to be true that the only reliable flow of action in the universe is the motion of light. The flow of light throughout the universe appears to be similar everywhere. It is highly predictable. Light can be created at will in a stunning new variety of illumination sources. The motion of light can be described and predicted and calculated with high accuracy. It does surprising things but not at random or unexpected times except where probability appears, almost always in very predictable ways under quite definite
Thus light forms the fundamental, primal model of the action path. If you want a complex system to work properly, you must plan the flow of action in its processes, and ensure that the flow of action is linear. A good way to do this is to draw the pattern of flow of action in your system on a long piece of paper. The flow of action may consist of flows of air and fuel into a carburetor. The mixture then moves into an engine of some sort, where it is ignited. The action then changes form to a process of burning, then to increasing temperature, then to increasing force against a piston or turbine blades, then to the turning of a shaft, and motion to gears. Meanwhile the communications systems are describing the details of the vehicle's position, orientation, direction of motion and a host of other events. Other communications may take place between the operator and a controller or dispatcher. Wheels may be turned, or brakes may be applied. Lifting surfaces may be moved. Almost all of the events involve the transfer of energy from one place to another, or from one time to another as in the storage of energy in batteries or capacitors.
From the position of fundamental physics, the flow of energy is a good starting point. Energy is a time derivative of the action. It is only necessary to integrate the flow of energy along the paths from its source (fuel, batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, height and descent or other sources) to produce a map of the flows of action. If the flows can be mapped alongside a light path, such as a floodlight or laser (lasers are particularly good for this purpose) then plans for the path of the action can be designed with careful attention to their relation to the flow of the fundamental origin of order everywhere in the universe.
If it is insisted that action paths be designed in darkness, without any reference to light, then the errors that result are incalculable. Systems that can be designed that way are limited to rudimentary responses, or other very simple events.
If it is necessary to design a complex system that works in darkness, that is quite possible by designing it in well lit circumstances. A good example of that kind of manufacture is in robotic spacecraft which are sent to other planets such as Mars, Jupiter or Saturn. Astonishing missions to the planets such as HiRise at Mars, Cassini-Huygens at Saturn, and the New Horizons probe now approaching Pluto are excellent examples of systems designed to work in some of the worst lighting, dimmest and darkest circumstances ever reached by human works. They were designed in the light to work in the dark or very close to it. HiRise and Cassini-Huygens were essentially perfect and their missions were completed with historical results. New Horizons might well do the same.
Light is not only not to be feared, it is vital and essential, the ultimate sine qua non of modern industrial market development. Make friends with the light.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Securing the World after Aeons of Struggle
What seems to be economic malaise might only be the absence of millions of years of struggle to reach the Moon. Much of it was zero sum carnivorous predation.
That does not mean coming to terms with the newly understood solar system will automatically be a piece of cake and without any problems. Some of the struggle to reach the Moon consisted of international war, and securing arms after war is an intense for of protocol. War is thousands of years old, so it is not merely a few years from which the world is securing its arms. There were entirely separate approaches with each branch having its own theology, and every other part of culture in each was commensurately different and suspicious of the others.
It's late, though, and one cannot write of that much darkness at this hour.
That does not mean coming to terms with the newly understood solar system will automatically be a piece of cake and without any problems. Some of the struggle to reach the Moon consisted of international war, and securing arms after war is an intense for of protocol. War is thousands of years old, so it is not merely a few years from which the world is securing its arms. There were entirely separate approaches with each branch having its own theology, and every other part of culture in each was commensurately different and suspicious of the others.
It's late, though, and one cannot write of that much darkness at this hour.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Here is why.
For a huge long time - ever since the world began billions of years ago, there was no knowledge of the nature of the World. The Moon was always a goal, because living organisms were moved back and forth, toward the Moon and away from the Moon, in the seas by the Moon's gravity.
The several thousand years of constructions involved several different approaches. Two stand out as by far the most significant. Others exist which have economic importance but essentially resigned their own form of adaptation.
Birds must have tried. Sensing the rising Moon's gravity for the first time and mistaking it for a distant mountain range, young and inexperienced birds could easily have chosen on occasion to fly that way. Maybe some animals have long necks or hop a lot in nature's dim-witted attempts to conquer by reproduction.
Among human efforts leading toward success, one was an attempt to progress toward the Moon by generally adhering to nature and studying the world more carefully and systematically by using recorded information and a particular, stable procedure for minimizing statistical variance through the use of random selection from written works.
That place was China, and the tools were written works and the casting of lots to identify selections among a work called the Book of Changes. India's polytheism attempted to solve something too, possibly the multiplicity of species, but that is less clear.
China was surprisingly advanced in mathematics and the 64 hexagrams of I Ching much to do with binary logic and the modern computer-especially the 64-bit processor. International Business Machines was persuaded to sell its entire small computer line to China, possibly as a result of China's historical preeminence in that logic.
All three of the Sun's 200 million year orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy, planet Earth's annual orbit around the Sun, and the world's daily 24-hour turning on its axis must be in correct order to comprehend history well. That includes the highly stable exterior galaxies, which easily comprise theology's sophisticated concept of the 'firmament'.
Ancient literary works and much of philosophy seem to take on new meaning if one has the temporal order in good ephemeral and celestial order. Ancient ideas seem much less dangerous and more like the early, exploratory thought they are.
Reaching the point where living organisms could begin construction for the purpose may continued until early mound builders began and their work had culminated in stone pyramids. These markers were clearly beyond nature's instincts alone, and they endured, lasting through many generations.
The other of the two began in several places around the world with earth mounds, and emerged most clearly in the Nile Delta region of what is now known as Egypt. Because of its importance, it is very well known. After the first enduring, visible pyramids were constructed, patterns of rule began to emerge that were increasingly recognized as having much in common with previous patterns that had existed, yet collapsed.
The Moon and Sun were quickly recorded as goals through many paintings of bird-headed men standing in winged boats sailing across waters toward a disk in the sky. These images quickly recalled to those in each new dynasty, at least one of the purposes which the great pyramids and other structures were dedicated.
Later, with experience, both goals and their representations improved in clarity and quality. The Moon and Sun were recorded as goals of voyages and journeys through many paintings of bird-headed men standing in winged boats sailing across waters toward a disk in the sky.
Existence of the pyramids began to transcend all time. By three thousand years they had existed longer than any known living organism, and mankind was clearly on its own in new territory.
Designed architecture, art, implements, memorials, and many other antiques from previous dynasties essentially welcomed each new civilization into an inheritance not only of power, but of knowledge, purpose and direction.
The patterns of rule turned out to be through the leadership of most powerful families. They were not necessarily enduring themselves, particularly in the Old Kingdom. Rule by the most powerful family is now known as dynastic.
Even powerful concurrent families were known to be of only temporal endurance, but in each case the re-emergence of the resurrected lineage took place in the presence of the durable and highly visible pyramids.
Attainment of the Moon then became only a matter of time, and it was on the order of thousands of years before the grand attainment that spanned only a century, most of which was unnecessary war since the only thing the wars did was practice designing rockets. The entire project took only ten years to prepare, and the several flights, each lasting only a few days, spanned only five years.
The future of human destiny is no longer a struggle to reach the Moon. Now the Moon has footprints on it in several places. The image of the Earth from the Moon and other places in space was recognizable everywhere in the world instantly. The entire population of the world knows what the Earth is.
Conceptual changes in which adaptation accommodates the new and clearer understanding of the world will naturally span thousands of years and cannot be foreseen.
The increasing times of peace will be much happier than the preceding strife. THE CONFLICT OF THE PAST MUST BE ABANDONED. Communications shows a capacity for rational thought and self-government in every country in the world.
Transportation and communication suddenly made the world a very much smaller place, and most people most everywhere are busy making the peace, healing wounds, reconstructing or designing anew habitations, cultivating and gardening the planet, and conserving its resources and other living beings including whole species.
The Moon was attained only fifty years ago and by now the entire planet is connected with transportation and communications systems of many kinds. It will never go back to totally isolated regions or peoples again, and the communication will never be through arduous foot or animal transport.
Machine driven transportation and electric communication are recognizably of such fundamental nature and vital importance that their total loss for any time at all cannot be even faintly foreseen, although it seems clear the world will become much quieter and more moderate with time, self-knowledge, seasoning and experience.
Distinct though few, problems remain, particularly dynastic or imperial aggression. Those institutions were so successful in the past exactly because they were slow, strong, patient, did not back down, forget their goals, and were not quick to be intimidated or deceived. It requires thirty years, the orbital period of the slowest visible planet Saturn, to catch the attention of a dynasty or an empire.
Dynastic and imperial institutions are a bit thick about niceties. The Apollo project to the Moon was a nicety. Spanning only ten years in the preparation and five years in the attainment, it hardly exceeded the ten year periods of menarche and Jupiter. to the Moon.
In short, traditional forms of dynasty and empire and some other less well defined forms of human groups have not really comprehended yet that the Moon was attained, that the Moon has footsteps on it, and in clear principle the Moon can be attained again if there is any good reason to go there. There are not very many good reasons to send human beings to the Moon right now.
No compelling reason to return to the Moon exists, because the Moon has no air, no water, no ice, no campfires, no plants, no trees, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people, no temperate locations, and is too far to go without idiotically great expenditures. Cost is an object in these times when so many important factors on Earth are in distressed need for attention.
Plague, starvation, brutal random violence, organized war, sectarian conflicts over religion, grossly extravagant human population, pollution, rapacious overkill of earth's wildlife, mechanized slaughter harvests of sentient beings on the land and in the waters of the sea as if they are so much dirt, and digitized but vague tendencies to create a tyrannical world holocaust seem hopelessly dangerous in the face of the pitifully small funding that international cooperation is given.
Even though a return to the Moon is inevitable, it is not likely to happen in time to be figurative in forming an enduring worldwide, global peace unless China plays a strong hand in that, and it looks like that is not happening because China is playing a defensive role. Pity. There are some ancient reasons for China's delay.
China's history was a much more timid approach to the Moon, and hardly began that kind of progress. It was loathe to violate any engendered patterns of nature, a pattern that was enforced by Taoist principles which still exist even in the post-Apollo era.
That timidity is why China's first astronaut, justifiably happy and exuberant at his triumphant return alive, was feeling bruised. China's people were playing ping pong for exercise in space flight, which Americans were playing football, Canadians were playing ice hockey, and Europeans were playing soccer.
For a huge long time - ever since the world began billions of years ago, there was no knowledge of the nature of the World. The Moon was always a goal, because living organisms were moved back and forth, toward the Moon and away from the Moon, in the seas by the Moon's gravity.
The several thousand years of constructions involved several different approaches. Two stand out as by far the most significant. Others exist which have economic importance but essentially resigned their own form of adaptation.
Birds must have tried. Sensing the rising Moon's gravity for the first time and mistaking it for a distant mountain range, young and inexperienced birds could easily have chosen on occasion to fly that way. Maybe some animals have long necks or hop a lot in nature's dim-witted attempts to conquer by reproduction.
Among human efforts leading toward success, one was an attempt to progress toward the Moon by generally adhering to nature and studying the world more carefully and systematically by using recorded information and a particular, stable procedure for minimizing statistical variance through the use of random selection from written works.
That place was China, and the tools were written works and the casting of lots to identify selections among a work called the Book of Changes. India's polytheism attempted to solve something too, possibly the multiplicity of species, but that is less clear.
China was surprisingly advanced in mathematics and the 64 hexagrams of I Ching much to do with binary logic and the modern computer-especially the 64-bit processor. International Business Machines was persuaded to sell its entire small computer line to China, possibly as a result of China's historical preeminence in that logic.
All three of the Sun's 200 million year orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy, planet Earth's annual orbit around the Sun, and the world's daily 24-hour turning on its axis must be in correct order to comprehend history well. That includes the highly stable exterior galaxies, which easily comprise theology's sophisticated concept of the 'firmament'.
Ancient literary works and much of philosophy seem to take on new meaning if one has the temporal order in good ephemeral and celestial order. Ancient ideas seem much less dangerous and more like the early, exploratory thought they are.
Reaching the point where living organisms could begin construction for the purpose may continued until early mound builders began and their work had culminated in stone pyramids. These markers were clearly beyond nature's instincts alone, and they endured, lasting through many generations.
The other of the two began in several places around the world with earth mounds, and emerged most clearly in the Nile Delta region of what is now known as Egypt. Because of its importance, it is very well known. After the first enduring, visible pyramids were constructed, patterns of rule began to emerge that were increasingly recognized as having much in common with previous patterns that had existed, yet collapsed.
The Moon and Sun were quickly recorded as goals through many paintings of bird-headed men standing in winged boats sailing across waters toward a disk in the sky. These images quickly recalled to those in each new dynasty, at least one of the purposes which the great pyramids and other structures were dedicated.
Later, with experience, both goals and their representations improved in clarity and quality. The Moon and Sun were recorded as goals of voyages and journeys through many paintings of bird-headed men standing in winged boats sailing across waters toward a disk in the sky.
Existence of the pyramids began to transcend all time. By three thousand years they had existed longer than any known living organism, and mankind was clearly on its own in new territory.
Designed architecture, art, implements, memorials, and many other antiques from previous dynasties essentially welcomed each new civilization into an inheritance not only of power, but of knowledge, purpose and direction.
The patterns of rule turned out to be through the leadership of most powerful families. They were not necessarily enduring themselves, particularly in the Old Kingdom. Rule by the most powerful family is now known as dynastic.
Even powerful concurrent families were known to be of only temporal endurance, but in each case the re-emergence of the resurrected lineage took place in the presence of the durable and highly visible pyramids.
Attainment of the Moon then became only a matter of time, and it was on the order of thousands of years before the grand attainment that spanned only a century, most of which was unnecessary war since the only thing the wars did was practice designing rockets. The entire project took only ten years to prepare, and the several flights, each lasting only a few days, spanned only five years.
The future of human destiny is no longer a struggle to reach the Moon. Now the Moon has footprints on it in several places. The image of the Earth from the Moon and other places in space was recognizable everywhere in the world instantly. The entire population of the world knows what the Earth is.
Conceptual changes in which adaptation accommodates the new and clearer understanding of the world will naturally span thousands of years and cannot be foreseen.
The increasing times of peace will be much happier than the preceding strife. THE CONFLICT OF THE PAST MUST BE ABANDONED. Communications shows a capacity for rational thought and self-government in every country in the world.
Transportation and communication suddenly made the world a very much smaller place, and most people most everywhere are busy making the peace, healing wounds, reconstructing or designing anew habitations, cultivating and gardening the planet, and conserving its resources and other living beings including whole species.
The Moon was attained only fifty years ago and by now the entire planet is connected with transportation and communications systems of many kinds. It will never go back to totally isolated regions or peoples again, and the communication will never be through arduous foot or animal transport.
Machine driven transportation and electric communication are recognizably of such fundamental nature and vital importance that their total loss for any time at all cannot be even faintly foreseen, although it seems clear the world will become much quieter and more moderate with time, self-knowledge, seasoning and experience.
Distinct though few, problems remain, particularly dynastic or imperial aggression. Those institutions were so successful in the past exactly because they were slow, strong, patient, did not back down, forget their goals, and were not quick to be intimidated or deceived. It requires thirty years, the orbital period of the slowest visible planet Saturn, to catch the attention of a dynasty or an empire.
Dynastic and imperial institutions are a bit thick about niceties. The Apollo project to the Moon was a nicety. Spanning only ten years in the preparation and five years in the attainment, it hardly exceeded the ten year periods of menarche and Jupiter. to the Moon.
In short, traditional forms of dynasty and empire and some other less well defined forms of human groups have not really comprehended yet that the Moon was attained, that the Moon has footsteps on it, and in clear principle the Moon can be attained again if there is any good reason to go there. There are not very many good reasons to send human beings to the Moon right now.
No compelling reason to return to the Moon exists, because the Moon has no air, no water, no ice, no campfires, no plants, no trees, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people, no temperate locations, and is too far to go without idiotically great expenditures. Cost is an object in these times when so many important factors on Earth are in distressed need for attention.
Plague, starvation, brutal random violence, organized war, sectarian conflicts over religion, grossly extravagant human population, pollution, rapacious overkill of earth's wildlife, mechanized slaughter harvests of sentient beings on the land and in the waters of the sea as if they are so much dirt, and digitized but vague tendencies to create a tyrannical world holocaust seem hopelessly dangerous in the face of the pitifully small funding that international cooperation is given.
Even though a return to the Moon is inevitable, it is not likely to happen in time to be figurative in forming an enduring worldwide, global peace unless China plays a strong hand in that, and it looks like that is not happening because China is playing a defensive role. Pity. There are some ancient reasons for China's delay.
China's history was a much more timid approach to the Moon, and hardly began that kind of progress. It was loathe to violate any engendered patterns of nature, a pattern that was enforced by Taoist principles which still exist even in the post-Apollo era.
That timidity is why China's first astronaut, justifiably happy and exuberant at his triumphant return alive, was feeling bruised. China's people were playing ping pong for exercise in space flight, which Americans were playing football, Canadians were playing ice hockey, and Europeans were playing soccer.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Having coffee while naming this one
Time is, as was recently discovered, not invariant. It changes slightly with altitude, and with latitude as well. Different time zones mean that time is relative throughout the world. With the absolute offset from time zones and the good-grief RATE offset with altitude and latitude (the earth is an ellipsoid) it is a wonder we can talk at all.
The Eurasian land mass has taken the larger mass of that which determines what time it is in the progressions of history. This is not surprising. America was like a great caterpillar in preparing the world's first flights to the Moon. (Interestingly, Russians used the image of a slug, the mollusc without any shell.)
Suddenly, something a billion years old was over. Much of the rapidly developed infrastructure, technology and other factors was obsolete. Only new generations can determine which is which. It is too late for anybody as old as this writer to determine that for the future. I spent all my determination in the projects to reach the Moon-in Project Mercury, specifically.
All the enthusiasm we had for the Apollo flights made us feel determined to go out and conquer and colonize the planets, take worlds away from the space monsters, and overpopulate the Galaxy. That was not to happen. What's more, it seems likely that younger and more logical people probably feel that way too, though at a different time and rate of progression.
Asia may find it propitious to go to the Moon. While the rationality of the Roman traditions so deep in our laws (a good thing) makes that relatively unnecessary, and our militarist egos would like to think so as well because then our land would be the only part of the world that did walk on the Moon, the real fact is that as far as that half billion years of evolving instinctive curiosity is concerned, there's no point in it. There is no air, water, food, people, animals, plants or space aliens on the Moon. Yet ancient determination and contest by immense numbers of animals and other sentient beings has left us with energy to spare for just that -more flights to the Moon until true satiety and exhaustion temper the world's sheer lust for action.
But if China does not immerse itself in THAT struggle, there is a dreadful danger that all those millions of years of pent-up zero sum struggle to conquer (the essential ingredient in predator-prey survival) will appear in international relations, ambitions, conflicts and worse.
The result is not only emotional detachment from the realities of nuclear energy. It is a sense that the aggressive powers with human beings that were groomed through thousands of years of military heroism and adventurist exuberance will be tempted to play dice in the aggressive world of national dominance. These issues are deeper than mere wood and concrete foundations in the earth. They are challenged with good but slight effect by major constructions-tunnels through mountain ranges, tunnels under the sea, bridges across formally impassible or erosive valleys, and other titanic ventures that serve to divert our natures to more civilized goals worthy of the real destiny of this lovely planet Earth.
America was chosen for the flights to the Moon by God, by the Mandate of Heaven, by Allah, the Earth, the birds, instinct from long ago-it does not matter what we call it. If that had not been decided long ago the choice to go to the Moon would probably not have occurred by now and the flights might not have occurred yet at all.
It was destiny that the Old World began moving the Conquest of Light to the New World with the inventions of the lens, the prism, and the telescope 1500's. That was the beginning of the fourth quarter of two thousand years that had been foreseen in the light of Pliny's Moon when the Sun appeared in the Moon during the moment of truth of Pompeii. It was four hands of centuries that played out.
Had we not attained the Moon, there would probably have been nuclear war on a massive scale already. That is a good sign. It only wants those negotiating the disarmament to have faith the Moon was actually reached. Yet if the world does not believe quite enough in America's Apollo flights, and if the Old World does not turn itself to the eventual flights from Eurasia, that too could cause nuclear war.
It is very important to understand this. The Old World must busy itself with its own Moon projects visibly, with increasing money, news, economic activity, publicity and widespread agreements. Otherwise it risks bumbling into nuclear war. America, highly respected, can play a key role even in just in being an enthusiastic audience and source of encouragement.
It is fortunate that much preparation existed and that few of the most vexing and egregious difficulties of history remained. The terrible practice of slavery, too long upheld because of its ancient origin, remained to reject. It was the only great war in the United States before the Moon flights, and the moon was attained not by slaves.
Neither was it important what color the skin was in the shoes of the persons who first walked on the Moon's surface. The race and color of the persons who made those footprints will be forgotten long before the footprints themselves disappear.
What does remain is to look to the day when the Old World Sun rises in Moon as it comes up over the Atlantic seaboard, and look to it with good will and cooperation, for it is more inevitable than America's dominance, opulent prosperity, and chaos.
America must now turn itself to patiently abiding the Old World's progress toward the Old World's Moon. After that it will be decided what the World and Moon are. In all the Old World's land mass, eliminating whatever practices that remain in its slowly gathering preparations for its own flights to the Moon constitutes a persistent, inevitable flow of its activities.
It was not given this writer to say more about the Old World's preparations for its own flights to the Moon. Those events are unfolding there. Each will bring surprises.
China recently launched an astronaut into orbit, and though it was a triumphant and happy return, the flight was found surprisingly bruising. It is good to know what the consequences were; the problem will be solved with, say, football instead of table tennis. It was only that, and does not need flogging the ocean waves to defeat the tides, or many other things in history that would have condemned future attainments of the Moon to bloodshed and war.
It is probably better not to attempt to be or cause perfection in the real world by force. The Old World was committed to attaining the Moon too, long before the Americas were settled by Europeans. Neither do the people of Asia and Europe have the choice any more than the people of the Americas. The destiny is already upon those lands and their people are already groping toward the goal to the greatest extent they find possible.
It cannot be safely said that the United States will have no role in that, even if it is only Amici Americi. Americans we would be wise to make our opinions opinions and policies toward Europe in the East and toward Asia to the West distinctly similar. It would do great good at little cost.
One suspects we should regard the extent to which the inhabitants of the North American continent dictate to the rest of the world as something it is desirable to greatly perfect. We should minimize capitalist marketing and military aggression and permit more than England to dictate to the United States what Europe and Asia are.
We should cultivate greater expertise in being responsive to their progress, without attempting to change its course. It was not Asia's choice and Europe's choice to be undertaking the next flights to the Moon any more than it was America's choice. Nobody in the old world can avoid yielding to the necessity of that destiny. They may not see it as the first thing they wake up to yet, but the day is approaching when they do.
America, after all, cannot choose to be the only part of the world that attains the Moon. The option is already gone; it disappeared with the manufacture of off-the-shelf robots and avatars. The real attainment again, this time by the Old World, is a destiny on the Moon already devolving even now.
We might choose to perfect something like an absolutely essential dainty, like coffee that makes life just nicer until long after Europe has its size nines on the celestial orb. America as Philioses Paleos Cosmos.
The Eurasian land mass has taken the larger mass of that which determines what time it is in the progressions of history. This is not surprising. America was like a great caterpillar in preparing the world's first flights to the Moon. (Interestingly, Russians used the image of a slug, the mollusc without any shell.)
Suddenly, something a billion years old was over. Much of the rapidly developed infrastructure, technology and other factors was obsolete. Only new generations can determine which is which. It is too late for anybody as old as this writer to determine that for the future. I spent all my determination in the projects to reach the Moon-in Project Mercury, specifically.
All the enthusiasm we had for the Apollo flights made us feel determined to go out and conquer and colonize the planets, take worlds away from the space monsters, and overpopulate the Galaxy. That was not to happen. What's more, it seems likely that younger and more logical people probably feel that way too, though at a different time and rate of progression.
Asia may find it propitious to go to the Moon. While the rationality of the Roman traditions so deep in our laws (a good thing) makes that relatively unnecessary, and our militarist egos would like to think so as well because then our land would be the only part of the world that did walk on the Moon, the real fact is that as far as that half billion years of evolving instinctive curiosity is concerned, there's no point in it. There is no air, water, food, people, animals, plants or space aliens on the Moon. Yet ancient determination and contest by immense numbers of animals and other sentient beings has left us with energy to spare for just that -more flights to the Moon until true satiety and exhaustion temper the world's sheer lust for action.
But if China does not immerse itself in THAT struggle, there is a dreadful danger that all those millions of years of pent-up zero sum struggle to conquer (the essential ingredient in predator-prey survival) will appear in international relations, ambitions, conflicts and worse.
The result is not only emotional detachment from the realities of nuclear energy. It is a sense that the aggressive powers with human beings that were groomed through thousands of years of military heroism and adventurist exuberance will be tempted to play dice in the aggressive world of national dominance. These issues are deeper than mere wood and concrete foundations in the earth. They are challenged with good but slight effect by major constructions-tunnels through mountain ranges, tunnels under the sea, bridges across formally impassible or erosive valleys, and other titanic ventures that serve to divert our natures to more civilized goals worthy of the real destiny of this lovely planet Earth.
America was chosen for the flights to the Moon by God, by the Mandate of Heaven, by Allah, the Earth, the birds, instinct from long ago-it does not matter what we call it. If that had not been decided long ago the choice to go to the Moon would probably not have occurred by now and the flights might not have occurred yet at all.
It was destiny that the Old World began moving the Conquest of Light to the New World with the inventions of the lens, the prism, and the telescope 1500's. That was the beginning of the fourth quarter of two thousand years that had been foreseen in the light of Pliny's Moon when the Sun appeared in the Moon during the moment of truth of Pompeii. It was four hands of centuries that played out.
Had we not attained the Moon, there would probably have been nuclear war on a massive scale already. That is a good sign. It only wants those negotiating the disarmament to have faith the Moon was actually reached. Yet if the world does not believe quite enough in America's Apollo flights, and if the Old World does not turn itself to the eventual flights from Eurasia, that too could cause nuclear war.
It is very important to understand this. The Old World must busy itself with its own Moon projects visibly, with increasing money, news, economic activity, publicity and widespread agreements. Otherwise it risks bumbling into nuclear war. America, highly respected, can play a key role even in just in being an enthusiastic audience and source of encouragement.
It is fortunate that much preparation existed and that few of the most vexing and egregious difficulties of history remained. The terrible practice of slavery, too long upheld because of its ancient origin, remained to reject. It was the only great war in the United States before the Moon flights, and the moon was attained not by slaves.
Neither was it important what color the skin was in the shoes of the persons who first walked on the Moon's surface. The race and color of the persons who made those footprints will be forgotten long before the footprints themselves disappear.
What does remain is to look to the day when the Old World Sun rises in Moon as it comes up over the Atlantic seaboard, and look to it with good will and cooperation, for it is more inevitable than America's dominance, opulent prosperity, and chaos.
America must now turn itself to patiently abiding the Old World's progress toward the Old World's Moon. After that it will be decided what the World and Moon are. In all the Old World's land mass, eliminating whatever practices that remain in its slowly gathering preparations for its own flights to the Moon constitutes a persistent, inevitable flow of its activities.
It was not given this writer to say more about the Old World's preparations for its own flights to the Moon. Those events are unfolding there. Each will bring surprises.
China recently launched an astronaut into orbit, and though it was a triumphant and happy return, the flight was found surprisingly bruising. It is good to know what the consequences were; the problem will be solved with, say, football instead of table tennis. It was only that, and does not need flogging the ocean waves to defeat the tides, or many other things in history that would have condemned future attainments of the Moon to bloodshed and war.
It is probably better not to attempt to be or cause perfection in the real world by force. The Old World was committed to attaining the Moon too, long before the Americas were settled by Europeans. Neither do the people of Asia and Europe have the choice any more than the people of the Americas. The destiny is already upon those lands and their people are already groping toward the goal to the greatest extent they find possible.
It cannot be safely said that the United States will have no role in that, even if it is only Amici Americi. Americans we would be wise to make our opinions opinions and policies toward Europe in the East and toward Asia to the West distinctly similar. It would do great good at little cost.
One suspects we should regard the extent to which the inhabitants of the North American continent dictate to the rest of the world as something it is desirable to greatly perfect. We should minimize capitalist marketing and military aggression and permit more than England to dictate to the United States what Europe and Asia are.
We should cultivate greater expertise in being responsive to their progress, without attempting to change its course. It was not Asia's choice and Europe's choice to be undertaking the next flights to the Moon any more than it was America's choice. Nobody in the old world can avoid yielding to the necessity of that destiny. They may not see it as the first thing they wake up to yet, but the day is approaching when they do.
America, after all, cannot choose to be the only part of the world that attains the Moon. The option is already gone; it disappeared with the manufacture of off-the-shelf robots and avatars. The real attainment again, this time by the Old World, is a destiny on the Moon already devolving even now.
We might choose to perfect something like an absolutely essential dainty, like coffee that makes life just nicer until long after Europe has its size nines on the celestial orb. America as Philioses Paleos Cosmos.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Attainment of the Moon and Global Metamorphosis
It was through ignorance that war was used in the final stages of Earth's process of struggle to reach the Moon. That was possibly the only reason war was ever used at all. Had there not been that almost unknown, supernal goal, it is possible few wars would ever have been fought.
The question boils down now to whether to use war as an instrument of planetary self-government in the future, or not.
The past half-billion years of dinosaur-filled primitive evolution eventually was ended by human constructions-that first and suddenly attained the Moon only decades ago; during billions of years of future, life on Earth will never be the same.
The magnitude of changes now taking place are beyond estimation. Almost nothing is known except that, as many are fond of saying, "Enough war". Earth is tired of war. Scarred and polluted with war, still frantic from it, people all over the world wonder what impels the almost desperate ambitions to justify life as if life needs justification. Building great projects is a neurotic, unfeeling ritual, a rut of habit based on the ancient goal unremembered because of its then-mysterious nature. Whole cities, industries, nations and militaries are still constructed out of monotonous habit.
In each new generation, millions of young people are taught to have the ambitions of pre-Apollo goal-seeking, Spartan regimentation and the European merchant class. Nations are still, again, preparing for totally unecessary future war in numb ritual even as they celebrate new organizations and agreements which they fully intend and hope to honor, even as the no longer existing ancient formless compulsive goal of first attaining the Moon has already dissipated in the sudden, quick, brief success of the Apollo project like smoke on the water.
It's too bad that so many stubbornly, out of sheer pernicious envy or surprise, perhaps because they wanted to be the one's to go to the Moon, refuse to accept the fact of its success. Often they do not seem to accept the fact that, even if the "stories" about the Moon were fiction, they are awesomely close to the half-guessed truth known since primordial times, and the new 'stories' fit all of nature perfectly.
In that light the parallel is visible between two great streams in history. Chinese Taoist civilization was largely sedentary in that it remained in China, adhered from the first to the natural world, and interpreted it slowly and with great care through probability and changes. Technological progress was slow, at a natural rate and no attempt was made to hurry it.
It is a common, stupidly aggressive and monstrously irresponsible Romanesque military habit to invariably cast China's history as inferior or slow. China's role was cautious continuation of the prehistoric patience from proven evolutionary progress, nothing else; it was the conservative branch.
The common, beer-laden Western military mind, on seeing the timelines of China and the Egyptian-Mediterranean-European branch compared, to aggressively gesture with its weapons and say, "Yeah, we got there first, and we get to beat the s*** out of them". That is like a muscle-headed farm kid going out to climb a mountain, kill a bear, or defeat an enemy and on success, returning to the farm, and saying, "You didn't go out to climb and kill and defeat, so we get to beat you out of the world." The common, sheer idiot error is to forget completely that it was planet Earth that went to the Moon, that the Moon does not merely orbit the United States, America, Europe, the Mediterranean, Italy, Rome or Egypt.
Egyptian constructionist dynasties were ambitious in raising masses up through heights to the form famous, durable pyramids, and first estimated the energy of lifting a ship to the Moon. Egypt made from the start a very large mistake which would not be discovered until recently: it knew nothing of the mass-energy equivalence. But it eventually spread out through the Middle East and Mediterranean to Europe, bringing unnecessary war with it wherever it went.
Trade existed between the two realms, and inventions in each were carried to the other. From the same prehistoric origin, two different phases in different orders of progress by different means led to the same goal, the same Moon. You take the one road and I'll take the other road and we'll meet on the Moon together.
Eventually the Moon was reached, with immense losses of life and property. Wars were fought, almost certainly unnecessary wars in the light of whole-world judgement, until the very last. War had been used as a cruel instrument of research. At the very last, the world began reaching hurriedly toward ancient dreams of world-wide peace, communications, transportation and agreement, even automatic translation devices, like the Google Translate on this page, were sought and attained.
The sudden success is breathtaking. No reason now exists to pursue blindly any course toward any imaginable future goal. Yet even now, people in the rut of war are building their private, profit-seeking empires of war machines, hoping for more war, insisting that it must occur despite the facts of history and the hopes of billions of persons. Most of the population of the Earth just wants peace and time to figure out what's true and make it better. They want neighborhood gardens throughout every city, not bombs. They want a chance to tend their own lives, and gardens are at the very heart of the issue, not capricious jobs for capricious factories.
Resolving the balance between gardens and employment cannot be accomplished by one person, particularly not this starry-eyed writer. Yet one thing is clear; if governments do not permit individual persons and families, and small groups of these to form something closer to the nature of homes they can keep and gardens that provide them significant amounts of food, the problems will continue in the same monotonous, unnecessary (except for the Moon) way as they have in the past. Already success is being attained in those domestic factors; people just want freedom to cultivate the family and village scale of habitation in the loveliness of this planet and world.
The question boils down now to whether to use war as an instrument of planetary self-government in the future, or not.
The past half-billion years of dinosaur-filled primitive evolution eventually was ended by human constructions-that first and suddenly attained the Moon only decades ago; during billions of years of future, life on Earth will never be the same.
The magnitude of changes now taking place are beyond estimation. Almost nothing is known except that, as many are fond of saying, "Enough war". Earth is tired of war. Scarred and polluted with war, still frantic from it, people all over the world wonder what impels the almost desperate ambitions to justify life as if life needs justification. Building great projects is a neurotic, unfeeling ritual, a rut of habit based on the ancient goal unremembered because of its then-mysterious nature. Whole cities, industries, nations and militaries are still constructed out of monotonous habit.
In each new generation, millions of young people are taught to have the ambitions of pre-Apollo goal-seeking, Spartan regimentation and the European merchant class. Nations are still, again, preparing for totally unecessary future war in numb ritual even as they celebrate new organizations and agreements which they fully intend and hope to honor, even as the no longer existing ancient formless compulsive goal of first attaining the Moon has already dissipated in the sudden, quick, brief success of the Apollo project like smoke on the water.
It's too bad that so many stubbornly, out of sheer pernicious envy or surprise, perhaps because they wanted to be the one's to go to the Moon, refuse to accept the fact of its success. Often they do not seem to accept the fact that, even if the "stories" about the Moon were fiction, they are awesomely close to the half-guessed truth known since primordial times, and the new 'stories' fit all of nature perfectly.
In that light the parallel is visible between two great streams in history. Chinese Taoist civilization was largely sedentary in that it remained in China, adhered from the first to the natural world, and interpreted it slowly and with great care through probability and changes. Technological progress was slow, at a natural rate and no attempt was made to hurry it.
It is a common, stupidly aggressive and monstrously irresponsible Romanesque military habit to invariably cast China's history as inferior or slow. China's role was cautious continuation of the prehistoric patience from proven evolutionary progress, nothing else; it was the conservative branch.
The common, beer-laden Western military mind, on seeing the timelines of China and the Egyptian-Mediterranean-European branch compared, to aggressively gesture with its weapons and say, "Yeah, we got there first, and we get to beat the s*** out of them". That is like a muscle-headed farm kid going out to climb a mountain, kill a bear, or defeat an enemy and on success, returning to the farm, and saying, "You didn't go out to climb and kill and defeat, so we get to beat you out of the world." The common, sheer idiot error is to forget completely that it was planet Earth that went to the Moon, that the Moon does not merely orbit the United States, America, Europe, the Mediterranean, Italy, Rome or Egypt.
Egyptian constructionist dynasties were ambitious in raising masses up through heights to the form famous, durable pyramids, and first estimated the energy of lifting a ship to the Moon. Egypt made from the start a very large mistake which would not be discovered until recently: it knew nothing of the mass-energy equivalence. But it eventually spread out through the Middle East and Mediterranean to Europe, bringing unnecessary war with it wherever it went.
Trade existed between the two realms, and inventions in each were carried to the other. From the same prehistoric origin, two different phases in different orders of progress by different means led to the same goal, the same Moon. You take the one road and I'll take the other road and we'll meet on the Moon together.
Eventually the Moon was reached, with immense losses of life and property. Wars were fought, almost certainly unnecessary wars in the light of whole-world judgement, until the very last. War had been used as a cruel instrument of research. At the very last, the world began reaching hurriedly toward ancient dreams of world-wide peace, communications, transportation and agreement, even automatic translation devices, like the Google Translate on this page, were sought and attained.
The sudden success is breathtaking. No reason now exists to pursue blindly any course toward any imaginable future goal. Yet even now, people in the rut of war are building their private, profit-seeking empires of war machines, hoping for more war, insisting that it must occur despite the facts of history and the hopes of billions of persons. Most of the population of the Earth just wants peace and time to figure out what's true and make it better. They want neighborhood gardens throughout every city, not bombs. They want a chance to tend their own lives, and gardens are at the very heart of the issue, not capricious jobs for capricious factories.
Resolving the balance between gardens and employment cannot be accomplished by one person, particularly not this starry-eyed writer. Yet one thing is clear; if governments do not permit individual persons and families, and small groups of these to form something closer to the nature of homes they can keep and gardens that provide them significant amounts of food, the problems will continue in the same monotonous, unnecessary (except for the Moon) way as they have in the past. Already success is being attained in those domestic factors; people just want freedom to cultivate the family and village scale of habitation in the loveliness of this planet and world.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Return to Normal Stability
I started this search looking for what the initials URS symbolizes. Consider, for instance, the existence of UPS and its military green trucks. Consider the United States a military and construction area for the ancient evolutionary goal of flights to the Moon.
It won, and brought the news that there are no truly deep surprises on or in the Moon. Not for human beings and their institutions, not even for crocodiles or the other ancient animals. The Moon is not heaven, neither is it hell.
On the success of those flights, global assimilation of the entire, ancient planetary project began, and is under way through, primarily, national, corporate, financial, military and other gigantic entities throughout the world. It's not clear whether anybody is acting in any higher capacity to coordinate the assimilation, although clearly the United Nations is regarded with considerable respect by most or all of them, and is now regarded as a sort of ad hoc clearing house and central reference standard body by many.
It turns out things are looking better, not worse.
The approach most visible to Americans is that of the corporations, which are well known, as well as state governments, educational institutions and military.
In other countries it is not so obvious. It seems clear enough though that all are, in one way or another, taking stock of the situation in which they and the rest of the world have come to in the light of that success.
The primary character of the results of attaining space flight to the Moon and survey of the solar system is that there are few great surprises.
As is well known in the entertainment industry, there could have been, aliens all over the place, gods and monsters, and lush gardens in the other worlds, to which human beings would hurriedly flock in hurriedly designed space ships. Instead, no real point exists in building many space ships, and orbital space around the Earth has proved to be the only space locale so far that has turned any sort of profit. It is entirely possible that it will be hundreds or thousands of years before much is made of the other planets in the solar system, if ever.
Meanwhile, acting on instinct, life itself began energizing the most advanced human institutions - religion, military, government, corporation and all - to take action in responding to the results. That's all that is happening: human organization, poised for thousands of years, is suddenly busy putting the world back into the proper order. After all, getting to the Moon involved wars, population increase beyond instinct intentions, destruction of habitat, the extinction of many species and decimation of many others, and the despoiling of considerable quantities of the Earth's surface.
Nonetheless, it is a time for optimism. Ahead lay some additional coordination realms, such as agreements to tolerate each other where the entities doing the assimilation, coordination and return to normalcy are different. One good example is the contrast between China and the West, although China is quite in agreement on the main goal of returning to certain traditional, instinctive, ancient or even prehistoric order, and as that takes place in both regions of the planet, it becomes easier for both to cooperate. They have, for instance, much new modern truth to share, and as well, their own traditions and stability to recover.
Another example is Burma. It is hard to imagine anybody civilized in the western sense tolerating the regime in Burma, but that's what Burma is doing. On the other hand, it could be time to announce to the entire Burmese population that even their prehistoric dreams of tjavascript:void(0)he Moon have been resolved by actual photographs from several nations, several visits by human beings, carrying large bags of Moon rocks. True, they were not gold, jewels, diamonds and precious carvings, but hey, what the heck? Just the fact they are rocks might catch their attention.
It won, and brought the news that there are no truly deep surprises on or in the Moon. Not for human beings and their institutions, not even for crocodiles or the other ancient animals. The Moon is not heaven, neither is it hell.
On the success of those flights, global assimilation of the entire, ancient planetary project began, and is under way through, primarily, national, corporate, financial, military and other gigantic entities throughout the world. It's not clear whether anybody is acting in any higher capacity to coordinate the assimilation, although clearly the United Nations is regarded with considerable respect by most or all of them, and is now regarded as a sort of ad hoc clearing house and central reference standard body by many.
It turns out things are looking better, not worse.
The approach most visible to Americans is that of the corporations, which are well known, as well as state governments, educational institutions and military.
In other countries it is not so obvious. It seems clear enough though that all are, in one way or another, taking stock of the situation in which they and the rest of the world have come to in the light of that success.
The primary character of the results of attaining space flight to the Moon and survey of the solar system is that there are few great surprises.
As is well known in the entertainment industry, there could have been, aliens all over the place, gods and monsters, and lush gardens in the other worlds, to which human beings would hurriedly flock in hurriedly designed space ships. Instead, no real point exists in building many space ships, and orbital space around the Earth has proved to be the only space locale so far that has turned any sort of profit. It is entirely possible that it will be hundreds or thousands of years before much is made of the other planets in the solar system, if ever.
Meanwhile, acting on instinct, life itself began energizing the most advanced human institutions - religion, military, government, corporation and all - to take action in responding to the results. That's all that is happening: human organization, poised for thousands of years, is suddenly busy putting the world back into the proper order. After all, getting to the Moon involved wars, population increase beyond instinct intentions, destruction of habitat, the extinction of many species and decimation of many others, and the despoiling of considerable quantities of the Earth's surface.
Nonetheless, it is a time for optimism. Ahead lay some additional coordination realms, such as agreements to tolerate each other where the entities doing the assimilation, coordination and return to normalcy are different. One good example is the contrast between China and the West, although China is quite in agreement on the main goal of returning to certain traditional, instinctive, ancient or even prehistoric order, and as that takes place in both regions of the planet, it becomes easier for both to cooperate. They have, for instance, much new modern truth to share, and as well, their own traditions and stability to recover.
Another example is Burma. It is hard to imagine anybody civilized in the western sense tolerating the regime in Burma, but that's what Burma is doing. On the other hand, it could be time to announce to the entire Burmese population that even their prehistoric dreams of tjavascript:void(0)he Moon have been resolved by actual photographs from several nations, several visits by human beings, carrying large bags of Moon rocks. True, they were not gold, jewels, diamonds and precious carvings, but hey, what the heck? Just the fact they are rocks might catch their attention.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Who Came First? Life or God
In secular likelihood, it is worth cultivating the concept of God because it appears to be an inevitable activity of human beings anyway, Those familiar with wildlife say the animals live close to prayer all the time, and the nearest more substantial concept is vigilance. Just where one draws the line between God and vigilance is often a matter of opinion, but seems to be close to the distinction between probabilities and molecular structures made of atoms.
Probabilities such as those of chance, gambling, gamboling, hazarding and others are intrinsically risky business. Even so, probability has paid off in insurance, which pools resources on the basis of probability of risk, and pays moneys to those who suffer loss as a result of unpredictable (or unpredicted) catastrophes. Because of that, it is difficult to protect insurance from evil gamblers, but important to do so because nervous angels profit much more by having good insurance.
In nature the distinctions had to be between self and others such as enemies, prey, predators, friends, tribe, herd and family - all difficult to distinguish in nature, although any skill at divination was helpful in survival.
Early life forms on Earth were little more than sludge or slime consisting of extensive molecular and cellular masses without much organization. Such masses did create environments, mainly smelly and tainted with refuse, offal and excreta. Even so, if a place smelled more of droppings from one's own species, it was probably more likely to be a safer than more dangerous place to be. As with procreation in any organism, the beginning of God was a smelly business. God, at first tentative, primitive, and only sporadically accessible, was with life perhaps billions of years ago.
Later, by inventing houses which could be closed against pests, marauding beasts, enemies and disease, they learned to cultivate godlike qualities that gave the household protection previously unattainable in trees and caves. Life became holy, at least for those who took care to cultivate holiness.
The cultivation of the spirit became important. Those who were good at it were quickly drawn into serving the entire group, which led to modern organization.
However much organization changes as a result of attaining the ancient goal of the Moon, human civilization will not abandon its most successful institutions. At the same time, liberty and freedom have taken on more extensive dimensions - consider the driving range of a new automobile or modern passenger airplane or ship.
In the same way, human civilization will not abandon all of religion, families,
democracy, communications, transportation, government, medicine or education - probably not ever. On the other hand, all are going through extensive changes for the simple but slow long-term reason that the past several thousand years were dedicated intensively to reaching the Moon. Nobody knew exactly what would be discovered. It might have been anticipated that what would be discovered had been familiar for hundreds of millions of years already.
But it was not, and toward the end of the race, advanced speculation seemed to indicate the world would be inundated by hungry space aliens bent on consuming human beings as food; OR, human beings would begin to engage in mass migrations to the stars where they would form colonies: OR there would be monstrous wars with each nation raining sophisticated weapons of mass destruction from space on each other's sacred cities and houses; or other highly imaginative prognostications. Few were content with the tranquil concept which was so close to the truth that was observed by astronauts and astrobots to the other planets of the solar system.
Almost more surprising is the vast utility of earth orbit. Communications, space tourism, weather surveillance, soil, mineral and crop surveys, temperature maps, wildlife observation, space astronomy and many other new, valuable purposes have emerged for putting specially designed equipment into orbit.
It's not worth spending much time on the question of which came first, life or god. The question is exactly like father's question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Far more productive is the time spent on comprehending and understanding what has been attained, what were the successes of the past five or six or ten thousand years which led to designs and practices that will be perpetuated, and what were the errors that require careful, patient correction of the kind that should have
been taken long ago.
The early pyramid builders did construct manifest displays of the attainment of lifting heavy objects high above the Earth, and the total gravitational energy, as one measures it in, say, foot-pounds, is approximately equivalent to the energy that was eventually required to lift a man to the Moon. The energy required was supplied by human beings, their numbers not remembered, but they ate food. So much food was required to lift a block a certain distance. Similarly, other amounts of food were required to lift the same size block other distances. The food was fish and grains. Fish had the advantage that catching a live fish meant fighting with the fish's energy. Fish could jump so far above the water. People could jump above the Earth. A concept of biological energy existed. Construction of the pyramids allowed a visible manifestation of that kind of energy to be manifest during the
passage of such time as would be required for human beings to jump to the Moon.
Even so, an error exists. It is now known that a certain physical relationship exists between mass and energy. According to the Einstein equation, energy and mass have a relationship mathematically describable as Energy = Mass * c *c, where c is the speed of light. Earth pyramid builders had no rational idea of the speed of light, or that it was not infinite.
It is worth pausing now, having attained the Moon, to survey history for the existence of errors such as these, and inquire whether they are causing difficult in the present day or anticipated future. The sciences, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and many other fields are rich with powerful laws for the Judgment, but it does not require war any more. Pausing, perhaps, for centuries. Sometimes the dynasties of Egypt went into hiatus for such long periods of time. Earth could afford to let frantically compulsive, high-powered profit-driven industrial market design and manufacturing to lapse to the essentials of food, shelter and other vital productions. Just what those will be would be determined when, as the superfluous production is allowed to collapse, the essential necessities begin to show the core toughness of the will to live of the people, only this time, taking care to guard against making conflict of it.
Instead, the blessings of liberty must be allowed to flourish, and those of grace and justice as well. It is time to take somewhat more risk in extending trust to other nations and peoples, than was the custom during the centuries before footsteps on the Moon became real. Taking time to wade through years of negotiation to reach a point recognizable to both sides is possible now. Centuries lie before humankind as more or less determinable futures in the millions of years of unknown destiny. By now, it is known that enough air is likely to remain on Earth for, not mere millions of years, but probably hundreds of millions of years.
We might even get some sleep without worrying about imaginary futures, and cultivate our faith in real futures.
Probabilities such as those of chance, gambling, gamboling, hazarding and others are intrinsically risky business. Even so, probability has paid off in insurance, which pools resources on the basis of probability of risk, and pays moneys to those who suffer loss as a result of unpredictable (or unpredicted) catastrophes. Because of that, it is difficult to protect insurance from evil gamblers, but important to do so because nervous angels profit much more by having good insurance.
In nature the distinctions had to be between self and others such as enemies, prey, predators, friends, tribe, herd and family - all difficult to distinguish in nature, although any skill at divination was helpful in survival.
Early life forms on Earth were little more than sludge or slime consisting of extensive molecular and cellular masses without much organization. Such masses did create environments, mainly smelly and tainted with refuse, offal and excreta. Even so, if a place smelled more of droppings from one's own species, it was probably more likely to be a safer than more dangerous place to be. As with procreation in any organism, the beginning of God was a smelly business. God, at first tentative, primitive, and only sporadically accessible, was with life perhaps billions of years ago.
Later, by inventing houses which could be closed against pests, marauding beasts, enemies and disease, they learned to cultivate godlike qualities that gave the household protection previously unattainable in trees and caves. Life became holy, at least for those who took care to cultivate holiness.
The cultivation of the spirit became important. Those who were good at it were quickly drawn into serving the entire group, which led to modern organization.
However much organization changes as a result of attaining the ancient goal of the Moon, human civilization will not abandon its most successful institutions. At the same time, liberty and freedom have taken on more extensive dimensions - consider the driving range of a new automobile or modern passenger airplane or ship.
In the same way, human civilization will not abandon all of religion, families,
democracy, communications, transportation, government, medicine or education - probably not ever. On the other hand, all are going through extensive changes for the simple but slow long-term reason that the past several thousand years were dedicated intensively to reaching the Moon. Nobody knew exactly what would be discovered. It might have been anticipated that what would be discovered had been familiar for hundreds of millions of years already.
But it was not, and toward the end of the race, advanced speculation seemed to indicate the world would be inundated by hungry space aliens bent on consuming human beings as food; OR, human beings would begin to engage in mass migrations to the stars where they would form colonies: OR there would be monstrous wars with each nation raining sophisticated weapons of mass destruction from space on each other's sacred cities and houses; or other highly imaginative prognostications. Few were content with the tranquil concept which was so close to the truth that was observed by astronauts and astrobots to the other planets of the solar system.
Almost more surprising is the vast utility of earth orbit. Communications, space tourism, weather surveillance, soil, mineral and crop surveys, temperature maps, wildlife observation, space astronomy and many other new, valuable purposes have emerged for putting specially designed equipment into orbit.
It's not worth spending much time on the question of which came first, life or god. The question is exactly like father's question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Far more productive is the time spent on comprehending and understanding what has been attained, what were the successes of the past five or six or ten thousand years which led to designs and practices that will be perpetuated, and what were the errors that require careful, patient correction of the kind that should have
been taken long ago.
The early pyramid builders did construct manifest displays of the attainment of lifting heavy objects high above the Earth, and the total gravitational energy, as one measures it in, say, foot-pounds, is approximately equivalent to the energy that was eventually required to lift a man to the Moon. The energy required was supplied by human beings, their numbers not remembered, but they ate food. So much food was required to lift a block a certain distance. Similarly, other amounts of food were required to lift the same size block other distances. The food was fish and grains. Fish had the advantage that catching a live fish meant fighting with the fish's energy. Fish could jump so far above the water. People could jump above the Earth. A concept of biological energy existed. Construction of the pyramids allowed a visible manifestation of that kind of energy to be manifest during the
passage of such time as would be required for human beings to jump to the Moon.
Even so, an error exists. It is now known that a certain physical relationship exists between mass and energy. According to the Einstein equation, energy and mass have a relationship mathematically describable as Energy = Mass * c *c, where c is the speed of light. Earth pyramid builders had no rational idea of the speed of light, or that it was not infinite.
It is worth pausing now, having attained the Moon, to survey history for the existence of errors such as these, and inquire whether they are causing difficult in the present day or anticipated future. The sciences, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and many other fields are rich with powerful laws for the Judgment, but it does not require war any more. Pausing, perhaps, for centuries. Sometimes the dynasties of Egypt went into hiatus for such long periods of time. Earth could afford to let frantically compulsive, high-powered profit-driven industrial market design and manufacturing to lapse to the essentials of food, shelter and other vital productions. Just what those will be would be determined when, as the superfluous production is allowed to collapse, the essential necessities begin to show the core toughness of the will to live of the people, only this time, taking care to guard against making conflict of it.
Instead, the blessings of liberty must be allowed to flourish, and those of grace and justice as well. It is time to take somewhat more risk in extending trust to other nations and peoples, than was the custom during the centuries before footsteps on the Moon became real. Taking time to wade through years of negotiation to reach a point recognizable to both sides is possible now. Centuries lie before humankind as more or less determinable futures in the millions of years of unknown destiny. By now, it is known that enough air is likely to remain on Earth for, not mere millions of years, but probably hundreds of millions of years.
We might even get some sleep without worrying about imaginary futures, and cultivate our faith in real futures.
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