Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten Thousand Years to the Ancient Moon

The issue with Islam, that they are fighting unbelievers, has to do with confrontation with the Catholic Church which sanctions forcible adherence to the physical concept of mass while leaving the spectra and species of common living beings in rather inferior positions. Colors are relegated to the privileged of royalty, light and right. Roman traditions, both imperial and religious, were extremely powerful throughout Europe from the time of Marcus Aurelius and Christ, until today. Many other cultures throughout the world were also powerful and left value that also exists in the present. Islam is among them and her peaceful intentions and actions must be respected and positively regarded, just as with other nations.

Continuity of the human goals (mainly the Moon) was at first preserved in the mummies of pharaohs and kings in pyramids, sepulchers and the like in and near ancient Egypt. That continuity was transferred to the Italian Peninsula when Rome's church began keeping the remains of its Popes, of which it now has an almost complete reliquary. The preservation of human remains was a part of the struggle to reach the Moon; it was the only naturally obvious means of dealing with formality.

That issue with Islam, said to date back to around 630 AD when the Koran devolved, has to do with the atomic number of Carbon in centuries since the birth or execution of Christ. Atomic number is involved because it is the distinction of charge, which was largely unaccounted until the 16th century AD but which would inevitably cause differences among human groups on the basis of species. Though unaccounted, charge influences species strongly because species arises from electronic transitions in biological molecules of many kinds, and reproduction is very sensitive to both.

The issue of Carbon has to do with the Empire of Nebuchadnezzar, which instituted a distinction between human beings and two realms in the animal world, the Aurochs and the Dragons. It was, importantly, remarkably close to the distinction between mammals and reptiles. That occurred six centuries prior to the Roman Empire at the time of Christ.

The issue of corruption and violence in human civilizations goes back distinctly to the time of earth mound builders around 5,000 years ago when the peaceful traders began to use forced labor in the constructions. That pattern of forced labors evidently began a hand of millennia ago, about when the working of bronze began. Forced labor can be expected to have existed in the constructions of the sand-stone block pyramids and other structures through the middle east.

All of these issues have something to do with El Nino, which also figured into contests between ancient peoples and their attackers, where the weather usually helped the defenders and fended off or even contributed greatly to the defeat of the attackers. That happened twice and more to the Germans and French when they attempted to invade Russia with its ancient experience in unbelievably cold, harsh winters.

All of these issues appear to be transcended by much more ancient evolved instincts that were affected by the tides and Moon since half a billion years ago. If the world is to begin enacting its own freely chosen destiny, the patterns of force, violence and hurried toil must be abandoned and the contradictions between the Catholic Church and Islam must be reconciled on win-win terms that respect each and both of them.

It is not pretended all the details suggested here are accurate, but they are all very large issues which have a great deal with how the world resolves issues throughout the world now that the Moon has footsteps on it and the ancient dream of knowing the true nature of the World has largely come to reality.

The whole temporal period of ten thousand years or so, is in grave need of correct determination in relation to all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial order. In ten thousand years the Solar System moved around the center of the Milky Way galaxy just about one arc-minute.

Astronomically that is a large angle, easily measured with surveyor's transits. At ten meters, one degree is 178 millimeters. One arc-minute is three millimeters at a radius of ten meters, and one arc-minute is the angle the galaxy has rotated in ten thousand years. That is why the positions of the Egyptian pyramids at Giza are so important.

The world needed human artifacts in comparison with which human beings would be sensitive to Galactic rotation. That understanding came from depth in the evolution of life on Earth. Prior to the pyramids, galactic rotation only showed up on the unpredictable distribution of atomic nuclei and electrons in the Earth. After the pyramids were constructed, it was just a matter of time before the problem of the Moon was fathomed.

The galactic rotation is in contrast with background galaxies near the galactic plane. Galactic rotation is influential, though vaguely, because there are distinctions between the influence of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and the myriad very distant exterior galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy is the only galaxy visible with the unaided eye, and it must be keen. Its galactic longitude is 121.17 degrees.

The first recorded description of the Andromeda galaxy was by an Arab, Wikipedia has: "In the 10th century, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi) carried out observations on the stars and described their positions, magnitudes, brightness, and colour and drawings for each constellation in his Book of Fixed Stars (964 A.D.). He also gave the first descriptions and pictures of "A Little Cloud" now known as the Andromeda Galaxy. He mentions it as lying before the mouth of a Big Fish, an Arabic constellation. This "cloud" was apparently commonly known to the Isfahan astronomers, very probably before 905 AD.[36] The first recorded mention of the Large Magellanic Cloud was also given by Abd Al-Rahman al-Sufi.

These issues are well known. Their presentation here is faint, not exactly mass news, though it attempts to keep them in formal logical order.

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