Friday, August 6, 2010


This following still remains vague. It seems that it might be possible to show that untrammeled development of ordered release of energy has the potential to initiate chronically costly, or even catastrophic, release of energy.

Unless they are carefully governed to prevent it, ordered processes could gradually bring the Earth's state of existence closer to uncontrolled releases of energy.

It has been the practice to presume that every ordered process for the release of energy will be interrupted by any uncontrolled release, even if fail safe precautions are not taken. Presumably, the reactor will be destroyed, and at least the finite fuel supply will stop reactions whether they are controlled or not. The assumption is that Earth is too small to hold so much heat that it can sustain any significant runaway reaction.

On the cosmological scale, though, what does "significant" mean? Why is the consumption of fuels of all kinds in the distributed transportation, electricity systems and obsessive need for development of new forms of energy production almost a runaway economic juggernaut?

It is beginning to appear that the difference between empty space and a star releasing energy, might be little more than topological. That is, the two are adjacent domains that only different in some criterion within a single otherwise indistinguishable topological continuum. This is somewhere close to what is symbolized by SU(2) X U(1), possibly with a SU(3) attached.

Or maybe it's the frozen burritos and beer.

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