It is urgently vital, necessary and essential to devolve the errors in the thousands of years of civilizations that attained the Moon, and consider carefully what is intended in the future ten thousand years. To dismiss it as impossible is foolish. Various dreams and concepts of the future millennia must be brought into the media.
Failure to determine the most serious errors of the past centuries and attend to the long term future goals is likely to result in increasing the present darkness and catalyze wholesale war in the near term future of say fifty years.
The following is only one person's opinion.
Here is a long-run scenario framework that allows one to visualize several different interpretations of the present decades in terms of the past:
The purpose is to consider patterns that exist, the possible causes of them, and what possible futures they portend.
Assume that the Moon was always figurative in the evolution of life since the first multi-celled organisms washed back and forth in the moonlit tides over half a billion years ago. Assume the Moon was always faintly attractive and gradually became a goal of sorts.
Consider the possibility that the Moon's gravity was sensed by early birds, which of course did not waste too much time on struggling to reach it because it was always too far. Other animals may have sensed its shifting gravity, but of course not as well as bird. paragraph
Possibly, some animals grew tall trying to reach, besides food, also the Moon. Others, like frogs and kangaroos, tried to jump to it. If nothing else, entertain the notions for now as peculiar myths.
Assume the present secular understanding of history of the Earth, of the human species, the emergence of tools, fire and manufactures and the time from the earliest earth mounds and pyramids to now. That all the history of human civilization up to a few years ago was strongly driven by the goal of reaching the Moon and Sun.
That early human beings wondered why they could not climb to the Moon on hills and mountains.
That early Earth mounds were constructed to try to build something tall enough to reach the Moon. That these Earth mounds did prove something - the person climbing the mound did move in the right direction to reach the Moon, only of course not high enough by a vast distance.
That the construction of Earth mounds did attain a discovery that energy, which had to do with jumping and climbing, had also to do with the carrying of loads of earth, rocks, and later, blocks of carved and shaped sandstone, limestone or other soft stone.
That the common denominator was gravitational potential energy, and it took more of the same kind of energy to carry a stone up a hill, as it took to carry one's person.
That the energy was found to be proportional to the weight and height, even back then, as it was a linear product and related also to one's weight and the height one climbed. In addition, this energy is familiar in the circulation of blood.
That, once certain principles of geometry were realized, the construction of carved stone pyramids began in an earnest, architecturally progressive and record development process evolving to reach the Moon and Sun.
That because of the inadequate chosen principles, gravitational potential energy and few others, and the absence of modern research administration, much conflict was inevitable and many wars were fought.
That each failing civilization was subsequently diverged from, and if necessary fought against, by those human groups finding new principles.
That this process continued through many important discoveries (these are not necessarily in order and in some cases new discoveries are still refining the order):
Fired clays for pottery, porcelain and ceramics.
Smelted metals like copper, silver and bronze.
Arithmetic, geometry and mensuration.
Domestication of animals
Fishing nets.
Musical instruments
Pictographic languages.
Alphabetical phonetic languages.
Barter trade
Money trade.
Cottage industries.
and many other ancient and new developments.
That after the discoveries of fire, pottery, and irrigation, construction development slowed greatly in a conservative move in China, and contemplative ideas based on the resolution of opposites (a highest form if thought in natural wildlife) was worked into the Confucian or Taoist Yin and Yang.
Because this involved primarily organic evolution, Chinese culture was not as violent as construction of architectural settlements in other civilizations. On the other hand of course, by other standards, Chinese civilization remained relatively backward and was thought stagnant, an assumption frequently made of conservative development.
(This contrast is familiar on all temporal scales, even in the modern, almost continual arguments between conservatives and progressives. In this document, that model is simply extended over possibly millions of years of determined development toward the Moon.
That in contrast, civilization in the Middle East, emerging out of Africa, took to more aggressive constructions which competed with others, and, because these constructions involved great commitment which later caused severe differences, more war existed in that and the Mediterranean region.
That the discovery of money was early in some cultures, such as Jewish, which learned trade much earlier than most other peoples.
That the discovery by the Babylonian Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar of the difference between mammals (Aurochs) and reptiles (Dragons) and later found to be between cold-blooded poikiothermous and warm-blooded homoiothermous organisms was an important and decisive step toward attaining the Moon. There was nothing magical about the Chaldeans; they simply discovered the differences between dinosaurs and mammals was real and important.
That the situation in China remained at the distinction between Dragons (reptiles all the way back to dinosaurs) and Confucian dialectic of the Yin and Yang, which were essentially based on the light and dark periods of the Moon.
That the Auroch and Dragon difference, about 600 bc, was destined to cause resolutions to reach the chemical depth of carbon. That it was because of the atomic number six of carbon that just six centuries later, the Christian calendar began during a triumphant period of Rome.
That Roman and other civilizations proceeded in various ways to set out on courses they defined, toward attainment of the Moon.
That during all these times before and since Rome, and because of the absence of well resolved (in modern terms) principles appropriate to attainment of the Moon, very great mistakes, errors, miscalculations, and inadequate or just plain bad judgment resulted in wars, plagues, famines and other important catastrophes what were often thought to be even in essence, unpredictable and impossible to avoid.
That the Great War to End All Wars, and the Second World War, were essentially one big war, in the pattern of a hurricane, with a quiet eye or lull in the center of the storm, and that the great period of war was the emergence of the consequences of devolving the Milky Way Galaxy, a spiral galaxy, onto the Earth.
That the consequences included the development of atomic and nuclear energy as well as vastly more sophisticated forms of electricity.
That the consequences also finally attained flight to the Moon, and the return of samples and rocks therefrom, accompanied by highly accurate and as far as nature is concerned, perfect gauge and measure of the solar system and all its planet.
That because of these things it is truly certain that war is no longer necessary, absolutely not in order to reach the Moon again if that should prove desirable.
Because of the vast knowledge of the Earth, Sun, Moon, planets, galaxy and universe, it is not likely that Earth will ever be far away from what it wants to do in the optimum, apart from whatever vestigial errors exist today.
For instance, a grossly overproduced military factor may result in unnecessary and tragic wars in the future even though the overproduction could just as well be deconstructed and recycled as peacetime raw materials.
That because of the vestigial errors remaining from thousands of years of warlike struggle for the Moon, certain manufactures ARE grossly overproduced in comparison with the expected magnitudes in times of prolonged stable tranquility in the future.
That among the overproduced or wrongly distributed factors are automobiles, ships, airplanes, highways; aggressively manufacture and sold consumer goods; vast quantities of substances such as iron are made into fundamental forms and shapes of the action; the ambition to produce immense magnitudes of energy seems pathologically intensive;
That because of related vestigial errors, other manufactures are inadequately produced; necessary policies are not formulated; vitally needed forms of governmental forms are inadequately protected.
That quiet, long-term peaceful, stable forms of civilization are not properly visualized or understood, and instead, people are left to grope for such forms as holistic society.
That proper sanctions for individual choice in seeking and establishing stable quiet civilization are not provided.
That careful design of necessary and sufficient peacetime activities is not adequately attempted.
That proper and immediate reduction of large scale industrial slaughter of wildlife, which should be of the highest priority now in the understanding of the Earth, is not being adequately funded and protected. Ships are plundering the seas of wildlife yearly by millions of tons like it is so much dirt. The same is true of land mammals, being slaughtered wildly for food by irresponsibly reproducing human beings who cannot afford to keep their children fed. The plagues of frogs, locusts, rats and other creatures were the result of creating falsehood in the visions of leadership; they have resulted in plagues of human beings.
That the potential for failing to these immediate and vital planetary needs is almost certain to be a period of increasing darkness followed by wholesale unnecessary war.
It cannot be the opinions of one person, or only one nation, which decides what is to be preserved and renewed, and what is to be scrapped or deconstructed. Some things may be revived. Others yet only dreams may be abandoned.
It is a time for serious reconsideration of tens of thousands of years of future time.
To neglect these emergent factors and fail to attend to them is criminal nigh unto war
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