Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Innocent Innovation and the Long Path

Hoping to find the path to Terran normalcy now, after six thousand years of warlike struggle and nuclear conflict finally attained the Moon, the immense antiquity of that goal begins to make appear sometimes as if people want to devolve to early mammals, or wilderness primitives at best.  The danger is that we will not find the way to worldwide peace until civilization devolves too far, and either much time must pass before the serious errors are corrected, or some conflict like thermonuclear or biological war breaks out.  After all, the world cannot spend the entire next million years in war.   Recognizing that a solution is in principle possible makes war even more of a heartbreak than it ever seemed to be before it was known there are no space aliens on the Moon that require such weapons. 

New discoveries of early human artifacts date back to 30,000 years and more.   They include the use of adhesives as glue, beads, arrows, poisons, rocks for anvils and rocks. ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15565654 )

Some kinds of stone tools-hammer-stones, stone cores, and sharp stone flakes-date back over 2 million years. ( https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/behavior/tools )

People love to use tools to build their houses and furnish them.  That's one of the reasons the unashamedly more primitive Russians simply let the people devolve themselves back to what they wanted.  The results look like nothing so much as a native American neighborhood where cars are left to rust because they are in the natural order if they rust away where they stopped, and where houses often have ramshackle home made roofs and walls.  Urban codes at the present time are based on the assumption that only professional, trained builders are fit to build homes, and the homes look like it. They are grand, to be sure. But what keeps a population peaceful is building their own homes.

Since the space flights became successful, people in rural Russia settled back down onto their farms to enjoy the Moon, raise families and gardens or farms with livestock, practice some Pagan religious and so on.  Otherwise they are very quiet, much like rural life in the United States. American country neighborhoods are like that and it's not like what I'm suggesting it something new. Chinese neighborhoods are clearly in a state of change, what with people moving massively from farms to cities, and it is likely they will encounter the same problems we had as mechanized agriculture and constructions began in the 1900's.  The Chinese have recognized some of the immense new constructions are peculiar habitations for organisms as mobile and motivated as human beings are, though they too seem to have accepted the large city for the time being.
It seems unwitting, as we have been.  If humans beings were immobile like coral animals, unable to move and locked in their cells, they might live in the concrete city cubicles for millions of years.  No person who can walk out will remain in such cubicles for long.  Not for generations.  Americans tried, and had to move to suburbs.  Yet suburbs too have become a problem.  In suburbs people reside there and the best they can make of it is a neighborhood that never seems to be a village.  The neighborhood village seems to be a shopping mall, complete with acres of concrete and cars and no place in which to live. 
I believe that now the a hand of millennia of dynastic approaches have finally met with success in attaining the Moon, governments both state and local could ease off and let their inhabitants choose their own ways of life more often, with as little government as possible at any one time. It does not seem to make crime rates increase, though it changes character and new issues emerge to be resolved, when populations begin the process of devolving the urban landscape to reflect what they choose of their own accord.  That happened in Seattle, which relaxed restrictions on keeping farm animals within the city limits.  
Now, chickens and other animals are more often found on a walk.  Some new issues emerged, which had to be dealt with by the Federal Government.  Yet dealing with change is necessary in any case.  The question is whether the changes are scrutinized and correct decisions made in advance as they approach, or whether the outcomes are left to default because of too rigid adherence to regulations, laws and rules laid down in the past.  During a time of change, a boat cannot be steered past rocks far behind while it is approaching new turbulent waters at rocks downstream.  It is true in any season.  Walking across that stream in winter when it is iced over requires care.  

It is folly to think of the last six thousand years as the only critical time associated with the flights to the Moon.  It is fundamental in nature that energies triggered by the vast changes which space flight unleashed, will be continuing to motivate change for the future six thousand years as well.  While it is a great relief to find the Moon and Earth from space, and know what they are, it was secular truth that was to be found,  Because it was found to be secular truth, it had always been inevitably to be found, yet that inevitability was never known for sure in the past, even in prehistoric times.  Secular truth, like religious truth and family truth, was known since ancient times, yet secular truth was only recently sanctioned with absolution when the Earth was seen from afar. 
If cities are turned over to the people as if each person is a member of the government, the urban mall shopping centers will become  collective habitations perhaps like huge hogans, with residences as well as shops and stores, gardens and park-like green areas.  Already this is beginning to happen as shopping centers are built with apartments above them or along side although they do not yet coordinate that with green spaces, playgrounds and schools.  In some places such as Spain, planned communities have failed from the very start, an ominous thing for dinosaurs in architectural professions.

A million years hence, neighborhoods everywhere will have gone through a million years of stabilizing and not a single space alien will have reached Earth, nor will anyone have gone to the stars.  It's vitally important to assess and recognize and spread knowledge about the most likely, long term paths the world is likely to follow in the very long run.  Otherwise, it will take generations, and greatly increase the risk of war, before globally, the human character (that which the symbols, images, characters and words mean generation after generation) will stabilize. 

Our governments and legislatures are good at that kind of thing. They can lead people to agreeably follow a well chosen long path. Most people in office have studied and worked with not only politics, but human history in the process as well. They only need to know there is a kind of long term doubt about the paths that will be found most enduring. It is not possible to say that a sidewalk adequately represents that kind of thing. The whole structure of society must be examined anew. I cannot possibly say what that will lead to.  
Political leaders who have far-seeing visions of humanity's future and the world's future must present those ideas carefully to the people; they must not seem to demand urgency, but widespread, careful choice among the whole population. It means leading the people to a path which the people will follow themselves long after that leader is dead.  That is the kind of leadership that is sought, and dreamed,and murmured and simmering among the people.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Long-term Sober Alarm

The massive, huge concrete architectural work-the cities, highways, dams and other structures around the world may be taken as consequences of the orderly resolution of the nature of the Earth-Moon system, with its identification of the nature of the barycenter of that system.  It is the emergence of order in silicon, of course.  These structures are not only anticipated with a hope that they will exist for a very long time; they emerged exactly as a result of the resolution of the very long Galactic rotation. Their existence is a singular, temporal event in that geologically immense duration.

In other words, the cities, highways and dams emerged because of the attainment of the Moon, and their strong and durable forms will endure, continually existing on an appropriately vast span of time.  They are more than literally a sign that the Moon has been attained; they are a physical symptom of the new order of interplanetary exploration that will never be forgotten.  More than that, the next hundred million years will be entirely different from the last.  It will be impossible to escape the reminders, and impossible to avoid the change whatever it is.  Even so, it could be the only place human beings will live.

To any shrewd adapting species or even individual or family this has advantages.  To those cultures that may be unwary of the existence of such long term processes, it holds potentials for disasters large and small.  Losers will simply become poor and extinct.  Winners will become wealthy, and thrive to survive alive - on a million year time scale.  Moreover, the changes are immediate and taking place with every budgetary review, bond issue, new product and planned obsolescence.  The great changes taking place as a consequence of reaching the Moon are behind the success and failure of national economies. The changes are immense, and sometimes distinct to well advised legislators, business leaders, and other planners. 

These facts are not a surprise to some, yet they underlie present economic difficulties more certainly than is often admitted.  It should have been described candidly to the public by economic planners attempting to make sense of the difficulties, for instance, with the Euro zone countries - especially Greece and Spain which have obvious historical difficulties accepting the depth of the implications of space flight.

The sudden success brought back with the Moon rocks also has implications for the colonization of the Western continents, for they are no longer required to be enforcers of the struggle to accomplish the Moon voyages which are past successes already.  If the Moon had not been attained, it is likely that the world would have already engaged in the Third World War and much of the world would be radioactive rubble. 

The cities are thriving, and human beings are lovingly cultivating them, with a very just and deep aversion to being interrupted with any hint of another war, and that is a natural outcome of the world's success.  It was remarkable how attentive the entire world became when the first Apollo Astronauts were walking on the Moon. The entire human population was rapt, with an intensity that saturated the general concern for their local environments; they were engrossed with a global unity that is difficult to describe and it contained serious, determined responsibility for how the world is to be governed.  Now, people everywhere are turned away from war, and happy not to be interrupted by it as well as justly annoyed when reminded of it by those who profit from war.

It is time to mention, once in a while in budgetary events, that the economics of the new world have only somewhat to do with ancient traditional patterns of economic activity.  In the days of Old and New Kingdom Dynasties and their intervening hiatus, entire civilizations had to collapse and be left to future generations whenever a new principle was discovered that was not understood workably.  That's not happening now.
Modern practice is quick to peacefully, though aggressively, conduct and perform research programs to determine any new fact, event, or principle as soon as it is identified.  Each new economic activity is now, to an extent, tested for its long term value. 

Even so, this could be improved by more candid mention of the difference between the vast future ahead, and the groping, ignorant and prehistoric past.  Ensuring that all members are given a sense of the very long futures which modern decisions may affect goes far to cause them to turn to the problem with an intention to strengthen the peace.  In the outcome, peace is far more important than it ever was before, and it can afford to be strong.

People are sick of war.  The whole world is tinged with regret at the magnitudes of war that were fought during the long development of whatever it would cost to reach the Moon.  In retrospect, though half a billion years of instinct drove the final thousands of years to attain that celestial disk and the struggle could not be avoided, it is becoming clear that none of the techniques that were successful in those flights, required killing anybody on Earth.  It did not require human or animal sacrifice, even if it was concealed or inveigled into the complex and intricate physical systems as an accident. 

The systems used to get to the Moon were not merely an accommodation or arrangement with some god,  deity, or principle.  No sacrifice of life was actually necessary to reach the Moon, collect Moon rocks, and return alive to Earth unharmed-with the rocks.   Yet thousands of years of myth, superstition, ignorance and tyranny had convinced vast populations that human beings would inevitably find someone or some thing to fight against in the planets and stars.  It is not just a matter of "so far, none have been encountered."  The real though rare danger from falling rocks, which are meteors or asteroids, is used as a lynchpin to enforce convenient, ruthless and false ideas that space aliens are always just around the corner.

The Moon and Mars turned out to be the only places in the Solar System where human beings could stand (aside from dozens of moons so small as to be worthless as property).  Even Mars and the Moon have no significant air or water, despite the enthusiastic determination to hope for those elements essential to life.
There are NO places in the solar system where any living alien threat can exist.  Claiming that danger from space aliens among the planets, or nearly upon us from the stars,  in the hopes of drumming up more war profiteering is literally criminal.   It is irresponsible, tantamount to insane.  It is a product of the lucrative behind the scenes skullduggery collusion between the Military and Hollywood.

Consider the science fiction industry. It pumps out what in earlier days would have been hysterical propaganda accusing another human group of being monsters, demons and insane murderers.  Nowadays, subtle changes still depict false and amplified scenarios of human beings desperately fighting strange forces, monsters, aliens, Martians, and interstellar space craft.  These "thrilling" scenarios are almost plainly recruiting scenarios for was on the ground, at sea or in the air.  They are warmongering industries.  One of the Strangelove scenarios is lent as a prop to the Hollywood science fiction industry in a state recently troubled by outbreaks of "unexplainable" violence.  That prop prop is the North American Air Defence Command Headquarters in Cheyenne Mountain, a granite outcropping in the Rocky Mountain range that runs north
and south through several states. 

Balancing a thermonuclear arsenal poised with the capability of annihilating Cairo, Paris, Beijing, Moscow and scores of other million-person cities, with the manufacture of speculative and fictional "extra"-terrestrial demonism in a nation that labels illegal immigrants as "aliens" describes the United States in a sad yet too accurate way.  The state in which those acts of "unexplainable" violence occurred is notorious for its hard line internal contradictions.  The Cheyenne Mountain combination of Hollywood near superstitious space fiction and nuclear armed Continental Defense industries is only one of  those contradictions.  There are more, in that state and others.

Here in Seattle, at the old Union Station rail depot, there is a twenty foot statue of the astonishingly barbaric, obscenely brutal ancient superstition god Anubis, the Egyptian Jackal God.  What in the name of human decency is that doing without at least some indication it is a human superstition and not an accurate representation of any actual living creature? 

It is time to take a more responsible look at what the last six, maybe ten thousand years of armed warfare to reach the Moon has made of America and the rest of the world. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Political Implications of Hubble Red Shift in Evolutionary Law

This started as a "History Conjugate to Hubble Red Shift" which immediately was obviously grandiose.

Hubble Red Shift, correctly understood, sets a new and better standard for the light of truth.

Time passes during the motion of light which distinguishes it absolutely from the reverse direction.

That time comes out of life.  The time during light's motion is the essence of time.  The passage of light IS the passage of time.

This is so even in the political front, where time is of the essence.  True, time is of the essence in mortgages, in contracts as well, and often in law.  This only means that in those very places where political action is desperately necessary for some of the people, it is precisely because they have no homes and no contracts that are protected by laws.

Some thug is obsessed with finding a particular word here.

Light everywhere around us, every day, is shifted in frequency each cycle of its wave motion, so slightly that the shift is unnoticeable.

The Hubble or cosmic "red" shift is imperceptible, because it is very small.

It is too small to see. It is just barely possible that certain large experimental devices, such as a successor to LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, will be able to infer the Hubble Red Shift from delicate phase measurements in light that has traveled several kilometers (or more) in a specially, carefully constructed tunnel. More than one of these exists-one in Washington State and one in the state of California. The experiments will probably continue until they SHOULD be able to unambiguously detect the distance red shift, yet it is not easy to see how yet.

Edwin Hubble allowed that red shift he detected would be called or identified in two ways.

In one way, it is thought of as a distance red shift and in the other way, it is thought of as a velocity red shift. These two are mathematically very distinct. It is not an unusual event for mathematics to precede later discoveries of phenomena in the real, actual or physical world, so that those attempting to discern just which mathematics must face the possibility that it is one branch of mathematics, or another branch of mathematics, or even simply different terms in similar or one equation. What seems to be one phenomenon can be gradually resolved, through the work of many different people over sometimes hundreds of years, into two entirely different phenomena altogether. What seems like a precipitous, daring, dangerous goal to a person who is not a mathematician or scientist, can be to the mathematician and scientist merely a threshold on which one side of which the phenomenon must be of one kind, on the other side of which it must be another kind.

In the case of light, red shift can be of two different kinds. It can be a velocity or Doppler Shift, or it can be a distance shift. It is not known for certain that distance shift exists, because of intense competition to claim that the entire universe must fit under human jurisdiction. On the other hand, history is full of examples when the world is gradually or not, discovered to be so extreme in some one or several dimensions, that it cannot fit into or under any human jurisdiction at all. The thinking that leads to errors such as this arises from a gradual cooperative and enthusiastic encouragement by two or more different entities, such as a military and a theology. The one is saying, "We are up to any challenge to our environment" and the other is saying "God is over us all". Any opinion that some phenomenon, not entirely understood, is beyond both of those immediately is drawn into a dialogue which at times in history has led to being eaten by lions in front of thousands of spectators in blood sport, or burned at the stake in events in which the hapless victim's ashes were thoroughly stirred and scattered in the forest or on the waters of the sea so that the horrible loathsome issue would "relax".

God will protect us. God will protect us from what? Space aliens? "THE" space aliens?

Six thousand years of superstition and war based on behemoth constructions that were, whether intentionally or not, used to terrify people that something from the big, big universe would come and be dangerous. What's really inside a pyramid? Usually, human bones and artifacts. No space aliens.

Now the behemoth constructions are called capital. In a sense, it was like making the head of the organism into the currency of the economic systems. Capital can be designed well and used honestly, or it can be designed badly and full of errors. Capital can be designed badly, full of errors, and used dishonestly.

Dishonest capital is the creation of superstitions, fears, and other alarming ideas based on false images. False ideas can be presented as fiction, yet this does little good for children. An example is a fiction movie, called "science" fiction, depicting a fictional discovery of fictional space creatures in a fictional space ship that was found at a fictional place in frozen Arctic ice.

How does a population, viewing that fiction, separate truth from falsehood when they have food stored in the freezer compartment of their refrigerator at home, and when in most parts of the country, winters as usual bring ice the real and snow? How do their children get fear out of their lives? That is only a minute beginning to the cleanup problem facing the world now that Earth's people and life attained the Moon. This is just a start on cleaning up the mess created by the clumsy way Earth's life proceeded to fly to the Moon. Considering of course, that the first attempts were almost certain to have been made by hopping creatures and birds, it is a wonder the capital attempt of the most recent ten thousand years succeeded. Yet, of course it can be said that, considering the success of tools and technology, it was that longer run that was inevitably to be successful since the goal was in fact possible in principle.

The cunningly designed real robots that actually drive around on Mars, measure the air and temperature, send back to Earth photos of the Martian landscape's, its hills and valleys (marrain?,) the meteorological conditions on the red planet, the whirlwinds and Moons and Sun from the surface of Mars-those robots are as much tools as are the bow and arrow, fishnet, the mortar and murder weapon so exalted by the military thugs who want to keep the world terrified of fictional, imaginary space aliens. Down, thugs. When the space aliens come, then we will wake you. Go back to your underworld. If taxes were laid on fiction, you military thugs would be the first to lie. A responsible military would not exaggerate dangers from space and would not claim the presence of enemies when no enemies have ever been discovered from space, when the only dangers known from space are large meteors and asteroid collisions-the one far less dangerous than lightning, and the other extremely rare even in geologically terms.

How strained and narrow is that ground of truth which is controlled by the military, on which is permitted any suggestion of moderation on the part of the military dreamer!  As the author gains courage and discernment, details are added to political history in the light of Hubble Red Shift.

Correctly described, in evolutionary law.  And we shall see what gravity is implied by light from cosmologically extreme distances..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Quantum of Action is the Currency of Evolution

The quantum of action is also the economic goal.  It is small, and implies that meticulous activity is to be the norm in society.  If you want the nation to survive the recession easily as a nation, inform the people completely, with greatly gentle thoroughness, of all they need to know about the nature of the action quantum.  It is one of a handful of greatest discoveries in history.  Most people imagine it is too small to worry about.  Sometimes it comes in floods.  It has simple yet surprising dimensions and is marvelously versatile in nature.  It is definitely what it is (several ways), and not something else.

Kindergarten children are old enough to understand action.  Toys can be devised to present action in amusing, harmless, benign and safe.  Toy manufacturers already know this, because action toys are amusing.  Unfortunately, those dedicated to war tend to usurp all forms of the action and forbid toys that present the action in its magnitude, dimensions and variety of forms.  
War makers tend to present an idea that the only goal of action is killing, control, capture or dominance.  It's not clear that they know that guiding a nation about the nature of action is something that could be woven into toys with the particular goal of informing its long term population because the action quantum will be part of economic activity for millions of years.  Perhaps a military adjunct would present a carnival display of harmless, interesting, activity.  People are really happy when enforcement does a good job of protecting the market place so that people can get on doing their business without being harmed by terrorists.  That contrast goes all the way to the quantum in its fineness.

The great event which was the emergence of mankind, -into a constructing, language-speaking, writing and tool-using creature determined to reach the Moon,- has begun the conclusion of that great advancement.  In the aftermath, new goals, futures and destinies will emerge from the quiet.  Quiet because in evolution, action  emerges quantum by quantum from the smallest ranges of life itself.  We know of the importance of delicacy in the action in certain events, such as settling a fly exactly over a fish.  Yet the fish and fly hook are a part of the zero sum game: equivalent win win games are vital in the measures of civil action that always exist in cultured civilization.  Money is one form of the action.  Yet money too often takes on zero sum aspects that impoverish many, sustain large numbers well, and enrich some beyond all comprehension.  What are the dimensions of action in imbalanced distribution?  There is no law that says rich people are intrinsically criminal, although economics is not well understood and some believe that being rich is criminal if the rich have more money than those who hold that opinion.  

Now that the six thousand year event is ending in success, the world is on a long run course for the next million years and more. Inevitably, at any rate. Quantum mechanics shows / reveals / demonstrates that time and energy are among its appearances. That means the dimensions of the quantum can be resolved to a product of time and energy. In the longer view of the future which the world is grateful to it possible to look more confidently into the future again. Remember after Second World War, the almost sacred song "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever?". That's what's happened. It's that way forever, and people are more confident every day that it is possible to secure and strengthen the peace. Mostly, peacefully, and through world cooperation among the good, and for the whole world.

What does that mean that energy is conjugate to time? The quantum of action is that it is a natural quantity of action. It is very small, and a primitive component of energy and of power. Action is when the mousetrap springs, the starting gun fires, the balloon pops, the bird alights or takes off, the alarm clock rings. Action is when the spark plug fires. Action is when energy changes. Especially suddenly.

The action overall - that is, the global and general patterns and distributions of activity, will be in roughly a pattern that, while not disturbed by war, at least will be modified only by the usual natural events such as seasons, wind, rain, sunlight and the planets, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, meteors, tornadoes, droughts and the like-as well of course by human activities. While not as vast as natural phenomena, human activity in the past has a bad reputation for being among the most selectively immiserating and the most perniciously difficult to solve of all the things that seemingly should have a solution. With the attainment of the Moon, that difficulty-war-appears to be slowly coming to an end. Peace will permit nature to become a cultivated part of civilization and human life will not ever again just being us against the shadows and violence of nature.  People have made the world nicer and more lovely since the attainment of space flight, that they have deep, completely justified feelings about anybody who so much as thinks of war again.  Just ask people in Poland or Czechoslovakia or Greece - or almost anywhere for that matter.

What it means in the energy though, is this. The very long picture ahead, and knowledge that the quantum is an extremely fine natural unit of action, together imply that energy needs for the foreseeable future must be accounted very finely.  That is, energy needs must be accounted on a quantum scale.  In other words, the quantum units on which our actions are based are a sort of currency, and much, much smaller than was anticipated.  (In fact, nobody anticipated the quantum at all.)  It is as though the great Treasury of the World came down and said, "The currency is being changed. From now on, you will have to account your finances in units of one millionth of one dollar." It is not a matter of inflating the currency unit again. It is a matter of making the small end currency unit compatible with the atomic, quantum and wavelength size scales. 

Now, how much action needs to be measured?  It is not the total quantity.  A whale or an elephant both engage in astronomical quantities of action - that is, astronomical numbers of quanta - yet their activity is resolved to the finest degree, to the quantum, apparently, or near to it.  That is why they appear so graceful.
Streamlining does some of this, and is a rough first approximation to grace.  Eliminating noise pollution is another good direction.  And so on.

That's why the economy appears to be in a 'lull' or "recession" It is not that that we are doomed. It's just - aka justice - because that's the way it is.  Quiet in the court of the World.  For the next million years (or sometime during it) human civilization will learn to account its actions down to the quantum. Fortunately, we can do it better than the insects. We have computers, bit by bit. A bit is pretty small- and a good step in the right direction.  A bit is a quantum of information.