Saturday, July 21, 2012

Political Implications of Hubble Red Shift in Evolutionary Law

This started as a "History Conjugate to Hubble Red Shift" which immediately was obviously grandiose.

Hubble Red Shift, correctly understood, sets a new and better standard for the light of truth.

Time passes during the motion of light which distinguishes it absolutely from the reverse direction.

That time comes out of life.  The time during light's motion is the essence of time.  The passage of light IS the passage of time.

This is so even in the political front, where time is of the essence.  True, time is of the essence in mortgages, in contracts as well, and often in law.  This only means that in those very places where political action is desperately necessary for some of the people, it is precisely because they have no homes and no contracts that are protected by laws.

Some thug is obsessed with finding a particular word here.

Light everywhere around us, every day, is shifted in frequency each cycle of its wave motion, so slightly that the shift is unnoticeable.

The Hubble or cosmic "red" shift is imperceptible, because it is very small.

It is too small to see. It is just barely possible that certain large experimental devices, such as a successor to LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, will be able to infer the Hubble Red Shift from delicate phase measurements in light that has traveled several kilometers (or more) in a specially, carefully constructed tunnel. More than one of these exists-one in Washington State and one in the state of California. The experiments will probably continue until they SHOULD be able to unambiguously detect the distance red shift, yet it is not easy to see how yet.

Edwin Hubble allowed that red shift he detected would be called or identified in two ways.

In one way, it is thought of as a distance red shift and in the other way, it is thought of as a velocity red shift. These two are mathematically very distinct. It is not an unusual event for mathematics to precede later discoveries of phenomena in the real, actual or physical world, so that those attempting to discern just which mathematics must face the possibility that it is one branch of mathematics, or another branch of mathematics, or even simply different terms in similar or one equation. What seems to be one phenomenon can be gradually resolved, through the work of many different people over sometimes hundreds of years, into two entirely different phenomena altogether. What seems like a precipitous, daring, dangerous goal to a person who is not a mathematician or scientist, can be to the mathematician and scientist merely a threshold on which one side of which the phenomenon must be of one kind, on the other side of which it must be another kind.

In the case of light, red shift can be of two different kinds. It can be a velocity or Doppler Shift, or it can be a distance shift. It is not known for certain that distance shift exists, because of intense competition to claim that the entire universe must fit under human jurisdiction. On the other hand, history is full of examples when the world is gradually or not, discovered to be so extreme in some one or several dimensions, that it cannot fit into or under any human jurisdiction at all. The thinking that leads to errors such as this arises from a gradual cooperative and enthusiastic encouragement by two or more different entities, such as a military and a theology. The one is saying, "We are up to any challenge to our environment" and the other is saying "God is over us all". Any opinion that some phenomenon, not entirely understood, is beyond both of those immediately is drawn into a dialogue which at times in history has led to being eaten by lions in front of thousands of spectators in blood sport, or burned at the stake in events in which the hapless victim's ashes were thoroughly stirred and scattered in the forest or on the waters of the sea so that the horrible loathsome issue would "relax".

God will protect us. God will protect us from what? Space aliens? "THE" space aliens?

Six thousand years of superstition and war based on behemoth constructions that were, whether intentionally or not, used to terrify people that something from the big, big universe would come and be dangerous. What's really inside a pyramid? Usually, human bones and artifacts. No space aliens.

Now the behemoth constructions are called capital. In a sense, it was like making the head of the organism into the currency of the economic systems. Capital can be designed well and used honestly, or it can be designed badly and full of errors. Capital can be designed badly, full of errors, and used dishonestly.

Dishonest capital is the creation of superstitions, fears, and other alarming ideas based on false images. False ideas can be presented as fiction, yet this does little good for children. An example is a fiction movie, called "science" fiction, depicting a fictional discovery of fictional space creatures in a fictional space ship that was found at a fictional place in frozen Arctic ice.

How does a population, viewing that fiction, separate truth from falsehood when they have food stored in the freezer compartment of their refrigerator at home, and when in most parts of the country, winters as usual bring ice the real and snow? How do their children get fear out of their lives? That is only a minute beginning to the cleanup problem facing the world now that Earth's people and life attained the Moon. This is just a start on cleaning up the mess created by the clumsy way Earth's life proceeded to fly to the Moon. Considering of course, that the first attempts were almost certain to have been made by hopping creatures and birds, it is a wonder the capital attempt of the most recent ten thousand years succeeded. Yet, of course it can be said that, considering the success of tools and technology, it was that longer run that was inevitably to be successful since the goal was in fact possible in principle.

The cunningly designed real robots that actually drive around on Mars, measure the air and temperature, send back to Earth photos of the Martian landscape's, its hills and valleys (marrain?,) the meteorological conditions on the red planet, the whirlwinds and Moons and Sun from the surface of Mars-those robots are as much tools as are the bow and arrow, fishnet, the mortar and murder weapon so exalted by the military thugs who want to keep the world terrified of fictional, imaginary space aliens. Down, thugs. When the space aliens come, then we will wake you. Go back to your underworld. If taxes were laid on fiction, you military thugs would be the first to lie. A responsible military would not exaggerate dangers from space and would not claim the presence of enemies when no enemies have ever been discovered from space, when the only dangers known from space are large meteors and asteroid collisions-the one far less dangerous than lightning, and the other extremely rare even in geologically terms.

How strained and narrow is that ground of truth which is controlled by the military, on which is permitted any suggestion of moderation on the part of the military dreamer!  As the author gains courage and discernment, details are added to political history in the light of Hubble Red Shift.

Correctly described, in evolutionary law.  And we shall see what gravity is implied by light from cosmologically extreme distances..

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