Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Radian of the Galactic Cycle

Cyclic phenomena include an electron orbiting a nucleus, a light wave undulating along at the speed of light, a bee orbiting a hive or flower, a moon orbiting a planet or a planet orbiting a star, or a star orbiting a galaxy.

A RADIAN is an event, the passage of a relativistic distance ds along the circumferential periphery, when the path traversed has become just as long as the radius of the path. At that place and time, the sense of length is confounded into another dimension, orthogonal to the motion, and the length traversed becomes fundamentally, not merely perceptually, confused with the radius of the motion. That distance is called the radian. It is the cycle distance or time divided by 2pi. The radian of a year is 58 days, just under two months.

A thirty five million year radian is associated with the orbit of the Sun and solar system around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. That puts serious constraints on our ability to reconstruct history, and to foresee, forecast, predict, prophesy or dream of the future. To make matters worse, you might be able to deal with history accurately in some ways back that far, but using the whole current radian for only the past severely weakens the sense of the future, and vice versa. It is more reasonable to expect good estimates up to one million years in the past and one million in the future. That is why attempting to estimate the expected lifetime of the high, heavy passive satellites like LAGEOS and ETALON is limited to 1,000,000 years, even though designers know it's possible they will remain aloft - well, forever.

Radians of many different cycles kinds are passing continually, especially since attainment of spaceflight including flight to the Moon, which all began a whole new kind of totally ordered set and thus, destiny.

Among long-term radians are those of the Sun's orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy, and planets of the Solar System from outside in: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Neptune, most distant of those, has a 165-year orbit, often thought of as an ideal for longevity. Yet the radian of Neptune's orbit is only 26.26 years. After 26 years, baby, you're on the stars-not on Saturn. By then you should be living in the four-year, 1461-day leap year cycle when the daily rotation comes into phase with the equinox. It should not be necessary to mention the number of letters in the English alphabet, or the atomic number of iron.

To be in on it, you have to be good, honest, clean, smart, well dressed, ordered, walk on water, be a saint, pray a lot, be careful, and have a whole bunch of other virtues that can seem like too, too much. Or you might be among the currently indulged special prognosticators, the current nouveau vogue such as computer programmers. If that sounds complicated, it is. Responsibility for the planet is a planetary concept, not an individual vice or virtue.

Complexity is one of the forms of balance between order and chaos. It is not a desirable attribute and it is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that it is tolerable. This is particularly true of commercial products and human inventions of all kinds. At some point in design, the extent and intensity of complexity must be determined by the designer.

Complexity is a form of the action. Solid objects are also forms of the action, and complexity occurs in all forms of the action. Action accompanies complexity, and apparently, vice versa. Action is fundamental throughout the universe on all magnitudes from galaxies through stars to planets and moons, through lands and oceans down to plants, animals and human beings, down to cells, molecules and atoms.

The action is far more complicated that can be comprehended in merely one lifetime. It is more complicated than is understood yet by human beings. It also ranges over a much greater range of sizes small and large, brief and enduring. individual and shared.

The world, and particularly the action, contains danger.

Developing embryos are protected if possible, at all cost against danger, disorder, chaos, disease, injury, failure and death. It is prepared, if possible, to face all the factors which the mother faces.

Children spend the first ten years of their lives comprehending the world as well as possible, and this means they can often graduate from the first few and most important elements such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen - of atomic numbers six, seven and eight. These form comfortable stages at ages six, seven and eight. Later, in their teens, they will pass the atomic weights, which are in these elements typically just twice the atomic numbers.
At any rate, childhood consists of a considerable amount of familiarization with the elements, of which there are around one hundred. That is why the first few years are called elementary school.

It is often said to young people that this or that age ahead of them is some kind of important event after which they will know all they need to know. Fat chance.

One good way of looking at it, though not the only, is with the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter's orbit of ten years and Saturn's of thirty form such important periods of time that they are among the premises for housing. Ten and thirty year mortgages are prevalent in taking on home ownership.

The word "mortgage" comes from the word mort, Latin for death. Mortgages are designed to handle the entire life cycle of the family, and so are designed to intrinsically be legal relationships that comprehend the births and deaths of persons inhabiting the home. This helps simplify a world which is already complex. Mortgages are complex, yet as simple as they can be made. In times of change they are more complicated. In stable times, they are more simple.

Cold turkey, the word times may be taken to mean centuries.

More to the point, the time domain is a little easier to comprehend if it is understood that time has both logarithmic and exponential attributes as well as linear. Second, time is fundamentally relative to, associated with, conjugate to and tangled up with energy. Energy is similarly involved with time. Because of that, understanding is improving about the way time affects civilizations and the individuals living within them. It is so much better now with what was once the primitive World being resolved into a Planet, that human beings now are beginning to consider the destiny of planet Earth as one destiny. Of course, that comprehends the destinies of billions of individual persons and their families.

Prior to the attainments of the past four hundred years, the world was close to absolutely and utterly ignorant of its own nature, of the nature of the earth and sky, sun and moon, and planets and stars. Glimpses, some strong enough to shape empires and encourage the ancient evolution and struggle to reach the Moon, were occasionally attained-many through wars and the honored sacrifices of countless souls in war, as well as the labors of countless persons who lived in peace. The future is far beyond what can be estimated except with such satellites as LAGEOS, Russia's ETALON, Japanese AJISAI, and the French STARLETTE satellites, many of which are in potentially million year orbits.

Until multi-celled organisms, metazoa evolved in the oceans half a billion years ago, nothing lived that compared the earth and sky, sun and moon, or tide-washed shores between the oceans and the land. Until dinosaurs emerged on land, nothing walked up hills or climbed mountains.

Until flowers, birds and electric eels emerged half a galactic cycle ago, nothing that lived packed things in double hulls or flew or wielded electrons and nothing knew of the Sun and Moon in an elect sense.

Until the Pyramids were built, no sign existed from previous generations that any thought or understanding had been attained in previous generations.

No language of any sophistication or recordable complex meaning existed with which the concept of life could be discussed and with which human beings could be resolved as distinct from plants and animals.

Until, with language, human beings could discuss storms, rain, sunshine, clouds, atmosphere, wind, air, atmosphere, scents, smells, odors aromas, rank and fragrance or stench, no concept of the spiritual world existed.

Until the spiritual world was resolved into mortal and immortal, no distinction was made between human beings and gods.

Until rulers like Cheops and other Pharaohs emerged, no concept existed that Man was among the gods, or that Man had any distinct relationship with gods or a God.

Until several millennia of dynasties had passed, man had no concept that there might exist One god, one God, One God and even then it faltered, then slowly returned and returned at great intervals.

Until the Greek philosophers, no concept of the Republic, no logic, and little counting with numbers, no geometry or distinction between order and chaos, and no concept of the atom or of stars existed.

Until Rome, no estimate of the size of the Earth or the distance to the Moon existed; no understanding of the atom or stars was of such order and stability that futures could be planned, and no concept that the Moon would inevitably be attained by human beings existed even if it took thousands of years.

Enlightenment from the future attainment of the Knowledge of the World, of the Earth and Sun and Moon, was from that time far beyond the concepts of the children, grandchildren and foreseeable descendants of human beings.

Until 1,000 A.D. no concept of God had stably spanned a thousand years of ten centuries and still counting with the future enlightenment still ahead of all mortal descent.

Until 1600, no concept of the spectrum, or the origin of the rainbow, or perspective, or lenses existed and no way existed to see minute organisms that lived and moved, no way existed to see mountains on the Moon or moons around Jupiter.

In all that time since Man began constructing large works, many new developments took taken place, that are too numerous to mention here, and they happened all over the world. In the recent past of course, the attainment of space flight, both unmanned and manned, orbits around the Earth, journeys to the Moon, and machines to other planets suddenly changed the entire world forever.

So greatly are the changes now taking place, that the previous billion years of evolution is in a process of change that is beyond recognition. The improvement in understanding is surpasses anything in history, and is so deep in the relation of large and small that it is to be a holistic metamorphosis.

This sounds potentially dangerous and it is. Yet the truth that was sought was sought well and it is so truly recorded that the World, which may be taken as planet Earth with its Solar System, appear to be a sufficiently well ordered basis for understanding that a thousand years and more of peace may be possible. With care, great care, the coming decades may make that more clear.

It is not possible to put the world into "Cloud Computing" without serious danger of war, possibly global thermonuclear war, unless commensurate, high order clarity exists about the most essential specific and general details of the new world. If these are imposed by violence, there will be war. If they are presented peacefully and they are just, there will be peace blessed from the beginning, and enduring for such a time that the world will recover from the massive, intense wars which have already taken place in the centuries and millennia prior to attainment of space flight. Cloud Computing is perilously close to Cloud-Cuckoo Land. Of course not all can be so naive as the author.

After all, the last ten thousand years was the time during which human constructions dedicated the entire evolution of the Earth, with all its history, to that great effort. That the flights to orbit and to the moon resulted more from careful detailed study, work, research, and craftsmanship, and not from brutal thuggish monstrous destructive violence is the fault of carnivorous predation and zero sum one-on-one kill or be killed evolutionary forms of competition in the half billion years of primitive life.

All this reiteration of history was to show that the problem of order and chaos is an issue that still affects human destiny. As long as those city-annihilating weapons exist, a vast choice must be continually made between peace and war. Yet that is so mainly because it was not known, when they were built, whether the Moon or anything sufficiently equivalent to that like orbital flight, would actually be attained. In other words, the nuclear weapons were manufactured, in case flight to the Moon failed.

If flight to the Moon had failed (or as in the opinions of some, if flights to the Moon fail) then the cities will be annihilated.

In the aftermath of attainment of Knowledge of the Nature of the World, it will be determined by human beings how they shall plan and live upon the Earth, whether and to what extent cities are to exist, what the human population shall be, how many plants and animals are permitted, and other conditions of existence, that will be Earth's fate and destiny for a billion years in the future. This will not happen all at once. No matter how lovably pristine each new generation is to be, there will be major change for centuries, and persistent change for thousands of years until the whole period of attainment of what Arthur C. Clarke called "Childhood's End" passes into one smooth serpentine of evolutionary time.

Ten thousand years from now, the world will be stable. Until the, expect chaos and order to be only one of the many dimensions in which change is to take place. Each new generation will be faced with children who say, "we and only we have the final, ultimate order". After times of that magnitude, Earth will begin to found its millions of years of destiny, and prepare for its first Radian of the Galactic Cycle.

The world planet Earth has a better concept of itself, than the individual has of the world, its people and its individuals. After all, Earth has billions of years practicing being a sphere.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The entirety of human communications can be
viewed as the communications of one entity, planet
Earth, Terra, etc. as it finds itself in a universe in
which spectra reveal a great deal of information
about atomic elements, compounds, gases, stars and
galaxies, even a broad realm of chemical molecules
that have to do with life, yet so far, no replies from
intelligent agents.

On the other hand, some religious groups, both
ancient and modern, assert that living beings do exist
on many other worlds. Among modern groups
adhering to that idea, some assert they have a sense
of it although the communication is nonspecific and
so far not detectable by machines or translatable
symbolically although a sense of the implications is
gradually emerging.

The two camps are not adversaries; rather, they are
like separate team players covering a very large
field. For instance, technical scientists, who are
using some very sensitive instruments, do not say
that intelligent life does not exist in the universe
just because they have not detected any. They say
that life PROBABLY DOES exist elsewhere in the
universe and either the signals are so faint because
of distance, because of the direction of transmissions
in other directions than toward Earth, scarcity and
rarity of transmissions or simply the absence of
technology, none are being detected.

This is similar to the vast teamwork between Church and State, Religion and Science, etc.

In the other part of the team, those who adhere to the more traditional theological sense of life existing throughout the Universe often say that the scientists are simply looking for something that is not as often developed by intelligent, sentient or other living beings as the scientists assumed in this period of technological prowess. For instance they hold that much communication or at least familiarization with the universal codes of life, have implied goodness, devotion, holiness, reverence, and other highly regarded spiritual values already for many thousands of years to many different persons, including some held so virtuous as to be ennobled, exalted or deified.

Thus, the stars were not won by dinosaurs not only because they had not attained intelligence, communication and technology, but because they had not attained spiritual, moral, or even thermodynamic and gravitational senses of justice, mercy, civility, community and cooperation. From the geological record, it is clear that some dinosaurs walked around on two legs, had at least rudimentary hands and used primitive, brute intelligence but it went nowhere until they devolved to the problem of energy. At that time they had some sense of species though it was coarse, and they begin the emergence of species that related to each other on the statistically
much more sensitive phenomena of temperature stabilization and common sense of heat as well as light and color.

Stable temperatures permitted organisms to begin distinguishing more sensitively between differences in spectra and to see commonalities between visible light, and the near ultra violet and near infrared; to begin to find energy has some kind of monotonic scale even when of different kinds (chemical potential; gravitational; thermal, etc.) and eventually to use and control fire.

Ultimately, seriously substantial large ordered constructions began with the building of earth mounds, organized and probably forced labor, and stacked stone structures of rapidly increasing mass and size. Pyramids were, it appears, actually popular, because the gravitational potential energy in their heavy stone blocks were obvious reminders of large energy structures. That is, they left something which would be permanent, visible, respectable forms upon the Earth to justify all that labor. The heaviest have approximately the energy, in the form of gravitational potential energy, which would eventually prove necessary in the Apollo flights, to reach the Moon. That is a very respectable calculation, or rather, empirical, ad hoc estimate, for people who wrote in hieroglyphs and had little mathematics, no electricity or power machinery.

The calculation goes like this:
The Great Pyramid contains about 3,200,000 massive stone blocks on the order of five feet cubes of sandstone. The total height was around 480 feet then, 455 feet today. The mass is estimated at 5.9 million tonnes. (rough quote)



"Thus, the geometric centre of a regular square-sided
pyramid is located on the symmetry axis, one quarter
of the way from the base to the apex."


If it was 480 feet high then, one quarter would have
put the center of mass at 120 feet. 5.9 million
tons raised to 120 feet is

5,900,000,000 * 2,000 * 120 = 1,416,000,000,000,000

( Which looks like the mantissa of pi! )

That is 1.416 quadrillion foot-pounds of energy.

Egyptians then probably did not have a very clear
sense of the relation of gravity to elevation so
could have assumed it was the same all the way to
the Moon.

The Moon is 240,000 miles away, * 5,280, i.e. 1,267,200,000 or 1.267 billion feet.

Divide 1,416,000,000,000,000 by 1,267,200,000

to get 1,117,424.2424242424242424242424242

or 1,117,424 million pounds.

The first Saturn V, AS-501, before the launch of Apollo 4 weighed 6,699,000 lb .

Considering the Egyptians then knew little of atomic theory and were thus probably ignorant of the atomic number of carbon (the very element of life of course) that six could be forgiven.

So the Egyptians were probably, in constructing the Pyramids, gauging the energy required to reach the Moon.

Life knew of energy, from the chase in predation since half a billion years ago in the oceans and on land.

700 million years ago, too, the Cephalopoda-
Octopuses, Nautiluses and Squids-propelled
themselves with momentum conservation, and
now the Saturn V and all other rockets propel
themselves in exactly the same way.

The Mathematical relation between momentum and
energy is merely a time derivative, of course.
To that should be added that the time derivative
of energy is power.

d(momentum)/dt = energy
d(energy)/dt = power

If momentum is p, energy is E and power is W, then

dp/dt = E

dE/dt = W

Similarly, of course the integrals obtain in the inverse operations.

The point about energy is that its conjugate variable, under the action, is time. In other words, the time that passed between the first earth mounds and pyramids, to today, was spanned with transcendence.


Transcendence is an attribute of gods, holiness, faith and religion. It was practiced by some ancient species, no doubt, such as the vast lummox Triceratops which lumbered around for over sixty million years. Be cautious about denying the existence of God. God is, among other things, patient. But I won't hurry you either.

Friday, April 2, 2010

America and Hiatus in a Changing World

Judging the condition of the United States, or even the entire North American continent, on the basis of the past three hundred years alone is fraught with missing factors popularly thought to be beyond the court's premises in the time domain. To the contrary, it is not. The picture that is emerging is very much larger than was expected in the aftermath of a century of world war, astonishing successes in technology and space flight, and horrendous atrocities. Yet it is still comprehensible. Television and motion picture media make that almost entertaining.

The United States is well known for, and leads the world in technological development. Just how that came about was the result of slow general emergence of human civilization in the Old World countries which seem to have left the Western Hemisphere in a relatively untouched state until success was literally in sight. The whole thing can only be comprehended with the new timelines provided by radioisotope dating of artifacts, modern geological and evolutionary history, and world wide coordination of archaeology. To make this as painless as possible, a few points along that timeline are listed.

I. Over a billion years ago, multicelled life emerged from monera in the oceans and began adapting adaptively as complex organisms to the ebb and flow of the familiar tides and the Moon which, it was gradually found, the tides had some relationship. During this time cephalopods, the octopuses and squids, evolved rocket propulsion.

II. At least twice the Sun and Solar System, including Earth, orbited the Milky Way galaxy in cycles spanning some 220 million years each. During this time life emerged onto land, reptilian dinosaurs emerged. It seems to have been during this and more recent times that the Moon became an instinctive, evolving goal.

III. Eventually life went through changes during the last 70 million years in which the cold-blooded reptilian forms were abandoned. Warm-blooded mammals emerged, insulated with fur which could sustain stable internal temperatures. For reasons that have to do with order and chaos, temperature stability permits more intelligent, active brains and neural system that worked so well they could evolve two legged motion and hands with opposable thumbs. The precursors of modern human beings began to roam the world. With intelligence, the first technology appeared in the shaping of wooden and stone tools and weapons.

IV. Modern human societies, since about 50,000 years ago, can be said to have begun in earnest with the depiction of star fields alongside images of animals and human beings in cave drawings. Those created the first instances of life imitating art. After that, the Moon was just a matter of time.

V. Much cave painting, tool making, wandering, hunting, foraging, primitive agriculture and domestication of animals and other activities kept human beings busy though only vaguely comprehending, if they did at all, the goal of flying to the Moon. Perhaps birds recognized it as having the kind of gravity similar to that a distant mountain to which one could fly. The Moon was new, this galactic cycle. As always, the futures of objects in the sky are ephemeral. They seem eternal, compelling and in other ways mysterious. Gradually tools, pottery, porcelain and ceramics emerged among useful arts.

VI. An important event was the construction of early earth mounds. These may be accurately described as probably the result of a conversation between man and snake, in which the man wonders what it is or how far it is, and the snake suggests building a pile of dirt and climbing up on it to find out. The man does, while his wife looks on, and finds the mound is too small. So he brings friends and they build a bigger mound. Still too short. They organise, and soon discover it is more important to be strong and make others haul the rocks and dirt, and thus were forced and slave labor born. Suddenly they are making very impressive mounds. They are all too short, and they wash away in the rain. Yet the dream has been dreamed and now it points toward the Moon.

VII. A good deal of time passes, until people find places where stones are soft, about as soft as stones can be; they are abundant, and there is little rain. They begin to carve blocks of sandstond and stack them up. Much grunting later, they are beginning to make progress. For one thing these new stone pyramids endure. They are found by people who know their grandfathers worked on them, or only remembered them from their own ancestors. Stories like "My grandfather spoke of them and said his grandfather's father helped build them" began to create oral traditions that were passed down. These stories made sense, because children could build their own sandstone block pyramids and those structures endured too.

VIII. Seeing the moon at the top of every newly completed pyramid, people vaguely identify a concept which we know today as gravitational energy: mass times height. Now a unit called foot-pounds is exactly that. Not only is the height of each of these new pyramids so great that really big ones can be imagined reaching all the way to the Moon, but it is in the dimension of energy from mass and altitude the gravity of the Earth that they can be imagined extending to the Moon. The dimension of energy stored in elevated standstone blocks truly liberates the species from brute instinct and frees it to consider flight - or some other kind of transportation - to the Moon in an abstract way.

IX. Ambition becomes consummate, transcendent, omnipotent and for all practical purposes omniscient. With fish nets some catch fish in the Nile; others carry the fish to modern equivalents of the chow hall and still others cook the fish and feed the laborers who work the sandstone and carry and stack the blocks using rollers and poles, ramps and God knows what to get the blocks stacked up into pyramids of truly astonishing scale. You know what is wonderous about the three Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt? The gravitational energy of the three million multi-ton sandstone blocks stacked up like that is on a par with the actual energy necessary, and eventually used, in the manned flights to the Moon during the Apollo series in the 1970's. It is on the same order of magnitude. The same scale. That's why those pyramids thenceforth to this day commanded the future.

X. Modern understanding of light, which is quite good (consider modern digital cameras, lenses, lasers and space telescopes) describes the energy and frequency of light being in a certain ratio which is called the quantum of action. The product of energy and time is the same quantum. While good clocks were not known in the days of Cheops, gravitational energy of lifted masses was. And energy is conjugate to time. In those pyramids is stored about the same amount of lift-energy as that necessary to reach the Moon - and its conjugate variable is time. That is why the meaning of those pyramids spanned six thousand years and more and they still retain that transcendent quality.

XI. Yet, it is at this time, as we wonder what is happening to America in the economic activity of the world, that we are faced with the fact that the Moon was won, attained, reached, flow to and returned from, on the extremely primitive terms of octopuses and squids rocketing along in the pre-Cambrian oceans, and huge stone blocks built at least in part by forced labor before good clocks existed. No wonder the time clock appeared only in the final decades of the long construction toward the Moon.

XII. No wonder that ALL our ideas about space flight are now rapidly changing. In the works, for instance, are a great deal of research into other forms of life, including magnetic lifting devices that only support a few milligrams of pyrolytic graphite levitating in a stable magnetic field but which inspire visions of mile-long spaceships floating motionlessly without any visible means of lift. It may take a thousand years to get the flying saucer up and running, but it's in the job jar.

XIII. It is time to summon up faith, confidence, good practical common sense, courage, honor, justice and all the other virtues of civilization, not so much to galvanize ourselves into another war, but to face the extensive devolution of massive constructions that began nearly ten thousand years ago. The most significant part of that devolution will be only back to about the 1600's when the printing press, steam engine, optics and some other factors appeared and set off the high-energy industrial revolution. It was that engine-oriented approach to everything that brought so much mechanized warfare, the vast plundering of fossil fuels, and the struggle to raise nuclear energy and renewable energy to new importance. Almost certainly, energy use is to become much more moderate on the average, and its extremes much more efficient and less destructive.

XIV. The United States should prepare (it is already well prepared) to sustain a solidly sufficient agricultural and residential housing economy. Without many specific plans for Big Projects, it should retain the capacity to undertake them whenever good and patient judgement, or emergency, shows them to be necessary. It is time for a very significant hiatus now after the recent Industrial Revolution which culminated in space flight and attainment of the Moon. Among other things, communication and transportation will continue to be abundant, though the scale might change to reflect the increased conservatism of global consciousness toward the care and feeding of planet Earth. Space satellites will continue to be important, and very likely the embryonic orbital tourism industry will implacably become a great success. Vision from orbit is certain to be of fundamental importance to Earth for all foreseeable future time. Thus, practical quite-economy launch vehicles for satellites will be important. The famous United Launch Alliance Delta rocket series' high reliability is already figurative in that kind of economy, and Europe has its own rocket series, the Ariane, with that intent.

XV. So the world will continue to have very great technological activity, with a very long future, but it is becoming familiar almost to the point of monotony, compared with the hyperinflated science fiction theater that dominated media since the 1950's. Gone are the dreams of romping through the stars and galaxies, meeting new life forms in other star systems, and fighting off fantastic space monsters bent on enslaving Earth. The practical truth is that the stars are at the present time an unGodly great distance off, and will not be attained in this thousand years, probably not in the next ten thousand. We have earth, our only place in the Garden of Eden, and will be here for a long time.

XVI. The seemingly idealistic goals of the United Nations are not idealistic at all. They are becoming hard, practical necessities, and if they have the blessing of at least potentially civil solutions, and the hope of rarely needing to war over them, that too is true.

XVII. Overpopulation, underdeveloped agriculture and anemic civil infrastructure are true, practical, faceable, real-world problems just like rising sea level, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and fires, pests and black rats. Human beings have to face a more boring cosmology, yet one in which, at last, the world is able to take better and more proper care for itself. It's time to roll up ordinary sleeves and get busy doing the ordinary work of caring for a planet for the next million years.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Around 650 million years, three entire orbits of the solar system around the Milky Way Galaxy, passed as natural evolution distinguished between (I) Momentum, and (II) Energy. Octopuses, squids and certain shellfish which emerged during pre-Cambrian times, have used momentum for propulsion ever since.

That vast passage of time was not because of care or patience. It was because evolution was practically brainless, and thoroughly mindless. Any design that existed was on the spot planning by individual organisms for immediate goals. Care and patience can exploit evolutionary time rates, of course. Now, writing permits very long range goals to be undertaken.

Evolution was not entirely brainless during all this time. It was, though, only after warm-blooded mammals appeared that the solutions began rolling in rapidly.
It may be presumed that energy was first competently distinguished by human beings as they began to lift objects to make tools and shelter, use fire to keep themselves warm and through all of these reduce energy expenditures and requirements necessary to survive. This was probably what allowed human beings to abandon fur.

Eventually with the construction of stone block pyramids, the energy anticipated in reaching the Moon was first approximated. It turns out that in the 3 million blocks in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the total gravitational energy is surprisingly close to the energy necessary to reach the Moon. The advantage of making the demonstration permanent was that the energy stored in those blocks is durably displayed and it was within those structures that now-famous paintings depicting bird-headed men in winged boats sailing over waters to the disks in the sky were preserved.

The pyramids are energy. They were the first enduring models of the energy that would be involved in flying to the Moon. That they still exist is one of the wondrous parts of the story of space flight. Momentum and energy are closely related concepts in physics. In fact, E = (p^2)/(2*m) where E is energy, p is momentum, and m is mass. Conversely, p = SQRT(2 * m * E). The proportionality involves squares and square roots - testament to the efficient information structures which the pyramids were designed to be. Heavy, but simple and direct.

Whether we do better or not is not in question. Modern technology is of course far more sophisticated. The important point is that the Egyptians created something that has physical meaning in the context of flight to the Moon. What is necessary is that we recognize the patient and slow time scale of conscious human activity toward goals it chooses. Human beings were not being patient or wise because they spent 35,000 years or so going from fire to pyramids. To put it most simply, knowledge did not exist, and when it was obtained it was quickly lost because writing had not been invented.

At the present time, human beings have become determined to put Earth, the house of Man, into better order, by taking care of its own population, the Earth itself and of the other inhabitants and living things of the world. Certain aspects are in critical disarray. Human population is so great it is consuming almost all other large animals as food.

The world still preserves an ancient goal of flying to the stars. But that is not viewed with the urgency of the first Moon flight. Orbital flight around the world now makes it possible for people to venture into space far enough to see the Earth in proper scale and proportion. Almost universally, they have returned visions of grandeur and awe, amazement and wonder, and concepts of the Earth as having literally infinite value to all that is known about life anywhere. The concept of Earth as home is inescapable, and it brings all the responsibilities and tender protective regard for the planet that are always equated with home.

This alone is one of the most important reasons to sanction, though carefully, private-industry development of orbital space flight, including permanently inhabited space stations. The aggressive concept of creating a privileged
class of space-flying people is loud but not as important as the fact that
the more people who do orbit the Earth, the more certainly will good decisions
emerge about how to care for it. This is a long term goal with very important consequences. Careful planning in the beginning will be well worth the time.

Space flight to the stars, though, could wait a thousand years and still be called rapid development in the evolutionary time scale. Preliminary research is already under way, yet flight to the stars is an immense project. Advances are being made in the principles and concepts of lift without any kind of wings, jets or rockets. Given rates as history indicates them, flight to the stars could take anywhere from a thousand to a hundred thousand years. It is not likely to happen sooner; this new millennium will be dominated by exploration of the Solar System.

Demonstration devices, presenting levitation with no moving parts no fluctuating electric or magnetic fields, and no expenditure of power, can be purchased from the popular science supply corporation Edmund Scientific. They are not costly - about forty dollars each. Both levitate suitable objects on magnetic fields. One uses cryogenically superconducting material, so energy is required to supply the liquid nitrogen for refrigeration. The other uses room temperature magnets and a phenomenon called pyrolytic diamagnetism to float a carbon object on a magnetic field. Both cause many who first see them to imagine flying saucers.

Tiny models of astronauts and space ships can be supported on the levitating
samples, particularly if a model helps inspire dreams. And as always, as with electricity, someday a tax may be placed on such things.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a shame they're giving us another war

Another war is dangerously possible. Now that the Moon has footprints on it, it needn't happen.

It seems the problem is that the Apollo flights did not have enough weight to convince the deeper instincts that the Moon has no air, water, farmland, jungle or life and not even any gods or monsters.

Those deep instincts are figurative, because the development of space flight signaled the end of half a billion years of ebb-and-flow evolution toward the Moon.

Thus, the present recession is but the faint beginning of the heavier lapse of ten thousand years of constructionist civilization, and at the same time, the emergence of a completely new worldwide civilization of unprecedented kind.

Why war about it?

Evidence is that flowering plants emerged not 100 million years ago but 220 million years ago, which is just about one orbit of the Solar System around the Milky Way galaxy. Electric eels emerged 100 million years ago.

If the eels and birds and flowers had got together, and has transcended the cultivation of flowers by ants by inventing cultivation of anything by mammals or possibly even some reptiles, space flight could be in its 80 millionth years of development

If we choose not to war, it will be at the cost of tolerating, enduring, and suffering, all with good cheer, an almost endless and permanent devolution of the constructions as they appeared recently. Only the most stable of forms is likely to be preserved.

Fortunately that means the house, cooking pot, farm and village center. Now, it also means electricity, telephones, television, and cars too. Life like that is almost unimaginable, and sends capitalists into a panic.

But why? Responsible capitalists will simply have to take charge, see that capitalism improves in the light of whatever new responsibilities and necessities it faces, and probably invent a linear negative feedback stabilizing system that prevents economic runaway.

We don't need more war. We need peace. And we need to be correct in all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial right rotation. We need to just carefully and patiently relax industrial revolution, capitalism and development until it is possible to see which way they tend, and then guide it all down the mountain.

There is a good clue in the pyramids. They took energy to build, and because the number of blocks, their composition, and height are known for those which survived, it is possible to calculate the total energy which was required to lift all that sandstone into place. It turns out the energy is remarkably close to the energy which was actually required to send the manned Apollo expeditions to the Moon.

That provides a standard by which to gauge the empires, dynasties, kingdoms, republics, religions and so on that have come into existence, of which several exist today. Subtract out the forced labor and slavery, and it might be possible to make sense of it all.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Consider terrestrial weather in the time periods of the major planets. There are four, with periods of 10, 30, 85 and 165 years. For such long term understanding, it is useful to consider those from the outside in, as 165, 85, 30 and 10 years of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter respectively.

Some civilizations have existed thousands of years. To be fair, it is understood that for the most part only Saturn and Jupiter were visible and readily understood. But the two outer planets were anticipated decades before their discoveries.

The United States has existed only one of those longest periods, for the U.S. bicentennial, 200 year anniversary occurred in 1976. Many busy, prosperous cities throughout the Old World are three thousand years old. They know their climates.

It is time for America to stop being the stooge and thug for the Roman Empire, even if Romulus and Remus did move to London. Maybe even modern Europe should call it enough. Rome's heady England has a tendency to conceal plans for itself in its inanimate crown devices, while nobly suggesting tempting, conflict-ridden actions among everybody itself. While loyal to Canada and Australia, England's Romish belief is that the United States has to make a decision whether to be like Spain which did not recognize the founding Kings Romulus and Remus and the borders of which were left to rot so that it was promptly taken over by numerous Moroccans.

That would mean relegating the Declaration of Independence to the status of an English historical document.

Civilizations that have watched Saturn complete its 30 year orbit a hundred times are formidable, just as a father and grandfather are formidable in dealing with potential criminality in a teenage son.

It's not likely that such a son could understand all the events that span more than three times the entire time he has existed. Yet a 17-year old may be, or have, serious problems and his impatience only makes understanding and maturity more difficult for himself and others. 3*17 is only 51; his father may be that and his grandfather certainly will is.

This is familiar in the way children have little ability to foresee the next hour, or tomorrow, and a week hence is very difficult for a small child. It is related to their attention span, which is the length of time one can keep as a single perceptual environment. It takes practice to pay attention to an entire inning in softball among six or eight-year olds. Older children take the game as a whole event. When they go to work, they are expected, and many do
attain proficiency or expertise at directing their attention to the business for hours at a time. Managers and executives can conduct business as a coherent whole for months, seasons, and
years. Presidents are depended upon to execute the office of the president as a single unified event through the four year sidereal cycle.

But the quadrennial four year cycle is not the longest span of time in which events develop in the evolution of nations.

There are fundamental reasons for that, in the trade-off between time and energy that was discovered in quantum mechanics. Yet the fact that quantum mechanics emerged very recently, within the history of the United States, does not mean that the United States understands, automatically or even potentially, the implications of the passage of thirty centuries of time in the development of other cultures. The study of action itself began three thousand years ago; quantum mechanics was the flower, just as computers are the flower of logic.

It is easy to understand this if one observes with a spectroscope the energy spectra which are emitted by lamps such as neon, sodium and phosphorus. The lines one sees are narrow, and the vary from merely narrow or fine, to hyperfine. A person of recent understanding can look at a persistent fine line for a time. Even considering it with competence in his best good faith, he understands at first that the particular line will be exactly the same energy forever and that it
has the energy now that it will have, say, tomorrow, or next week, next season or next year. If he has some maturity he will catch the sense of it four years hence. He may reflect on that energy in his past if he has a good memory for colors.

The Chinese Spring and Autumn Period was a time in which certain works described events with great depth, and resolved the difference between Spring and Autumn in systematic ways that had been true since immemorial time. One of these was described to me as the difference between hypertrophy and eutrophy. They were asking, what is the difference between spring and autumn since long ago? Oh, see, the past is not merely extended into the future. The future is an entirely different dimensionality than the past. Hypertrophy has to do with an abundance of oxygen in surface waters (I think) and eutrophy with a deficiency. The result has to do with the amount of plant growth.

Now, my understanding of Chinese civilization often appears to me as the memory of the blink of a firefly. That is because each time one learns something new about China, it is lost in a huge, vast, enduring, massive civilization that covers vast area. It is not like arguing with my Daddy about why I never win. When I got into trouble, I always knew as it unfolded that my father was so way ahead of me that it seemed he must be like a time traveler, and knew the future. I did not know he could contrast me with durable things like oak trees or mountains.

China's civilization is so old that few people, even Chinese, have more than an ephemeral sense of the difference between its past and future, because Chinese concepts wrap completely around thousands of years at a time. Modern clocks measure time well, but in a world in which energy of the past is not necessarily distinct from energy of the future.

That's why Charles XII of Sweden, then Napoleon of France, and finally Hitler of Germany all were repulsed when they invaded Russia. Russians knew their land and its climate deeply, in
evolutionary time, and those in foreign countries who did not understand Russia in evolutionary time were naturally encouraged to invade at a time most propitious for Russia.

It should not be necessary to describe the similarity between those events, and the current position of the United States in the Eastern Pacific. For instance, when India developed its
atomic bomb, exactly twenty years to the day passed between the first test and the second. And that is a short period of time. The Asia land mass is not to be regarded as a tempting target
where the lives of others are involved, particularly now that the ancient half-billion year old goal of reaching the Moon is attained and the airless, waterless moon has shoe-prints on it.

The primary inciter of that invasion is in Europe, geologically part of the same Asian land mass. That means the United States does not have a voice either among those waging onslaughts against Asia, or those defending it. Could Asia be subtly goading the rest of the world?


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Think about this carefully. Your civilization, if it ever existed, may depend on you.

Eight thousand years ago more or less, the first stone block pyramids were constructed.

Much of the work human beings performed in those constructions consisted of lifting block A from lower position 1 to upper position 2.

Though the blocks were not of uniform size, they were of uniform shape.

It was soon understood that the larger they were, the heavier they were in linear proportion to something which was eventually found to be their volume and density.

The same was true of the height through which they had to be lifted. Height 1 plus height 2 equals height 1+2.

The product of weight times height is the same measure of energy used today in the physical quantity called the foot-pound.

Construction of the pyramids established concepts of energy which were to endure until the Moon was attained.

They are still in use, though better understood now. In particular, the energy of lifting is now in stable linear relation to other natural forms of energy.

Stable quantities of energy such as that equivalent to the masses of electrons, protons, and other atomic particles are in use.

The energy of stable spectral terms in light-like radiation is another valuable fundamental source of stable energy measure.

Those who built the pyramids determined the mammalian concept of working energy that exists today.

It was in that concept, or misconcept, of energy that all the subsequent dynasties, regimes, kingdoms, empires, wars, constructions and misconstructions that took place until now existed.

Those ancient concepts of energy were used in the creation of the Apollo rockets which flew to the Moon and took several visitors there to return alive as witnesses to the nature of the Moon.

If the present energy crisis is the resolution of energy of that kind, then no problem exists except for the resolution of the crisis.

If the energy crisis does not take the original concepts of energy into account, and ensure that no error exists in the construction of its powers, then the resolution of the crisis will be itself erroneous in some way.

It cannot be a decision made by one person, such as the author.

The resolution of whether the ancient concepts of energy are good fits to truth and justice or not, will be necessarily the result of considerable thought by many people.

After all, from the very start there is a problem.

Starting even earlier, with earth mounds, these monster constructions involved forced and slave labor, embedding a relentless source of injustice into all subsequent works and probably all human activities that scaled energy in the manner determined by those slave-labor constructions.

Failure to admit that forced and slave labor was a factor in construction of the pyramids will continue to embed slavery in our concepts of energy.

It will cause slavery to will be a problem forever, until the situation is determined correctly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Earth-Moon System Without War

It is suspected that the present worldwide economic recession is destined to continue implacably, relentlessly, as the evolution of life causes civilizations to withdraw from, and abandon, the furious attempt to use military power and war to justify and discover mechanisms to reach the Moon.

On the other hand, to the extent that planners correctly foresee the outcome of that withdrawal from the use of military power and war, the world will emerge from the economic recession with new and justifiably greener plans for the Earth.

Meanwhile, the nature of the Moon and the planet Earth which it orbits, is known far better and more quickly than was ever dreamed millions of years ago. The Apollo visitors to the Moon witnessed its nature well enough,

That is not to say that no future journeys are to take place. Certainly they will, probably many, many times. It is just that there is no hurry as far as those on Earth are concerned. Going to the Moon is no longer a worldwide economic incentive, and neither is war.

The only way to resolve this correctly is to get it right in each and all three of daily equatorial rotation of the Earth; annual ecliptic orbit of the Earth around the Sun; and the 250 million year Galactic orbit of the Solar System, Sun and planets and all, around the center of the Milky Way.

As a clue, each year the galactic orbit is about six thousandths of one arc-second. In 170 years, one arc-second. As time passes, the angle of about 121 degrees between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, slowly increases.

Get all three right and be certain. Guess on one, two or all three, and you have a half, quarter or eighth change of being right.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten Thousand Years to the Ancient Moon

The issue with Islam, that they are fighting unbelievers, has to do with confrontation with the Catholic Church which sanctions forcible adherence to the physical concept of mass while leaving the spectra and species of common living beings in rather inferior positions. Colors are relegated to the privileged of royalty, light and right. Roman traditions, both imperial and religious, were extremely powerful throughout Europe from the time of Marcus Aurelius and Christ, until today. Many other cultures throughout the world were also powerful and left value that also exists in the present. Islam is among them and her peaceful intentions and actions must be respected and positively regarded, just as with other nations.

Continuity of the human goals (mainly the Moon) was at first preserved in the mummies of pharaohs and kings in pyramids, sepulchers and the like in and near ancient Egypt. That continuity was transferred to the Italian Peninsula when Rome's church began keeping the remains of its Popes, of which it now has an almost complete reliquary. The preservation of human remains was a part of the struggle to reach the Moon; it was the only naturally obvious means of dealing with formality.

That issue with Islam, said to date back to around 630 AD when the Koran devolved, has to do with the atomic number of Carbon in centuries since the birth or execution of Christ. Atomic number is involved because it is the distinction of charge, which was largely unaccounted until the 16th century AD but which would inevitably cause differences among human groups on the basis of species. Though unaccounted, charge influences species strongly because species arises from electronic transitions in biological molecules of many kinds, and reproduction is very sensitive to both.

The issue of Carbon has to do with the Empire of Nebuchadnezzar, which instituted a distinction between human beings and two realms in the animal world, the Aurochs and the Dragons. It was, importantly, remarkably close to the distinction between mammals and reptiles. That occurred six centuries prior to the Roman Empire at the time of Christ.

The issue of corruption and violence in human civilizations goes back distinctly to the time of earth mound builders around 5,000 years ago when the peaceful traders began to use forced labor in the constructions. That pattern of forced labors evidently began a hand of millennia ago, about when the working of bronze began. Forced labor can be expected to have existed in the constructions of the sand-stone block pyramids and other structures through the middle east.

All of these issues have something to do with El Nino, which also figured into contests between ancient peoples and their attackers, where the weather usually helped the defenders and fended off or even contributed greatly to the defeat of the attackers. That happened twice and more to the Germans and French when they attempted to invade Russia with its ancient experience in unbelievably cold, harsh winters.

All of these issues appear to be transcended by much more ancient evolved instincts that were affected by the tides and Moon since half a billion years ago. If the world is to begin enacting its own freely chosen destiny, the patterns of force, violence and hurried toil must be abandoned and the contradictions between the Catholic Church and Islam must be reconciled on win-win terms that respect each and both of them.

It is not pretended all the details suggested here are accurate, but they are all very large issues which have a great deal with how the world resolves issues throughout the world now that the Moon has footsteps on it and the ancient dream of knowing the true nature of the World has largely come to reality.

The whole temporal period of ten thousand years or so, is in grave need of correct determination in relation to all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial order. In ten thousand years the Solar System moved around the center of the Milky Way galaxy just about one arc-minute.

Astronomically that is a large angle, easily measured with surveyor's transits. At ten meters, one degree is 178 millimeters. One arc-minute is three millimeters at a radius of ten meters, and one arc-minute is the angle the galaxy has rotated in ten thousand years. That is why the positions of the Egyptian pyramids at Giza are so important.

The world needed human artifacts in comparison with which human beings would be sensitive to Galactic rotation. That understanding came from depth in the evolution of life on Earth. Prior to the pyramids, galactic rotation only showed up on the unpredictable distribution of atomic nuclei and electrons in the Earth. After the pyramids were constructed, it was just a matter of time before the problem of the Moon was fathomed.

The galactic rotation is in contrast with background galaxies near the galactic plane. Galactic rotation is influential, though vaguely, because there are distinctions between the influence of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and the myriad very distant exterior galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy is the only galaxy visible with the unaided eye, and it must be keen. Its galactic longitude is 121.17 degrees.

The first recorded description of the Andromeda galaxy was by an Arab, Wikipedia has: "In the 10th century, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi) carried out observations on the stars and described their positions, magnitudes, brightness, and colour and drawings for each constellation in his Book of Fixed Stars (964 A.D.). He also gave the first descriptions and pictures of "A Little Cloud" now known as the Andromeda Galaxy. He mentions it as lying before the mouth of a Big Fish, an Arabic constellation. This "cloud" was apparently commonly known to the Isfahan astronomers, very probably before 905 AD.[36] The first recorded mention of the Large Magellanic Cloud was also given by Abd Al-Rahman al-Sufi.

These issues are well known. Their presentation here is faint, not exactly mass news, though it attempts to keep them in formal logical order.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Devolving Misconstructions

Forty years ago, spacecraft from Earth were flown to the Moon by rockets which landed there. In each of six visits, two men from Earth walked on the surface of the Moon, collected samples, left measuring equipment, and returned safely to Earth.

In addition, the United States, Russia and Japan have sent unmanned probes to the Moon and beyond, to the other planets of the Solar System.

Several nations on the Earth are preparing further ventures to the Moon starting around the year 2020.

According to SpaceToday.Org, "In addition to the United States, the nations of Japan, Europe, China, India and Russia also are interested in exploring the Moon over the next two decades."

Change of scale:

Flight to the Moon was preordained, a mandate of Heaven, since half a billion years ago when life washed back and forth in the ebb and flow of lunar tides.

Evolution toward the Moon could no more be contravened than breathing. The Moon was the premier goal, so far as is known today, of evolution at least as far back as the early Cenozoic when the dinosaurs phased out because of heat energy.

The last six thousand years or so were, it appears, almost exclusively occupied by constructions, religions, ventures, contest, conflict and wars all devoted to flying to the Moon. The energy stored as elevated mass, in the sandstone blocks of the big Pyramids, is very likely an estimator of the energy that would be required to reach the Moon.

That work involved forced labor. As a consequence it must be assumed that to some extent by modern standards, all constructions since the early earth mounds in prehistoric Peru are tainted with that corruption. It is likely the entire six thousand years contains significant misconstruction.

With thousands of years of constructions and misconstructions all mixed up together, the world now has lots to do making itself habitable again. People should get used to the idea that returning the planet to normal in historical terms is the norm, whatever that it proves to be, and it is fraught with confusion. Decisions about what to keep and what to discard of the constructions during the most recent ten thousand years are a routine part of civilization throughout the world now.

Generally it appears to be going well. Where doubt surfaces, it may be helpful to review the conditions surrounding it in the long evolutionary view suggested here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Evolution to the Moon

All of the biological history of the world since three galactic rotations ago - about 650 million years - was influenced by tidal activity to be continually sensitive to the Moon. Every living creature has tidal wash to and fro evolved into its cells. The Moon thus became a goal very early in Earth's history.

During at least 450 million years the Earth was dominated by cold-blooded reptilian dinosaurs. They evolved some flying forms, the Pterodactyl and Archeopteryx. But the Moon always remained beyond even their reach, though undoubtedly while in flight it was possible to sense the Moon's gravity apart from that of the Earth. With those early flying creatures, flight to the Moon became a possibility, then a precept, a dream, and finally a concept that endured.

Considering the duration of the cold-blooded and early mammalian life, human evolution took place in a very short time. Only thirty million years elapsed after the collapse of cold-blooded dinosaurs to the world dominance by warm blooded equivalents, including the flying, warm-blooded birds. The consummate demonstration of global mammalian supremacy entirely equivalent to and surpassing anything that dinosaurs ever did caused certain other factors to come into being. Mainly, these were walking upright on two legs, versatile hands free to work, and brains with bodies responsive to thought.

They did not all appear together at the same time. Ground running two-legged lizards had been around long before, and they had sanctioned the use of reasonably versatile hands. Brains, the most primitive forms of which were in the brain corals, had evolved in ancient ocean water the essential entropy-gradient filtering into the folded structures which exist in modern animal brains of all kinds. It's not clear whether brain corals are actually intelligent. They sort certain things efficiently; they are well practiced at it; and very good at using continuity, diffusion, flow, differentiation and other such equities in time independent ways.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Subclass: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia
Suborder: Faviina
From Wikipedia

It took about thirty million years to evolve monkeys into human beings and assemble all the parts that went into the first intelligent, upright, handy, smart human beings that would be obedient to the way of the Moon.

Monkey won. Pigsy lost, duck lost, donkey lost, cow and horse lost. Human beings, people, won the Moon.

One can imagine a scenario - some men were looking at the Moon and talking to a snake. The question came to their collective spirits, how far is it to the Moon. The snake, being a flatland sort of creature and working from long experience in climbing that raised its chin up off the Earth, suggested building a hill and climbing up on it. The men thought that was a good idea. They built a mound and climbed up on it. Nope, not high enough. But that's the right direction. They build more mounds, still not enough. They persuaded other people to build the mounds, and eventually began cudgeling the people to work on building mounds. Still it was not high enough. They punished people who refused, and some of them died under the punishment. Still, the mounds were not high enough, yet the new mounds were higher than the people that had been killed to get there, and those dead were of the Earth, so it was closer to the Moon.

That went on long enough to spread mound-building all over the world.

Eventually someone invented the sandstone block. Yeah, Baby. Go Daddy. It's almost passe to say "Here we are" on reaching the pyramids from evolution.

But more happened. Carrying sandstone blocks, of more or less uniform size and simple form, began to register with the consumption of energy. It always took the same amount of energy to lift a sandstone block a certain distance if it was of a certain size, and the energy and size were smoothly proportional. Of course we know now that was the volume and density. It was close enough to sensible, that energy was what was being used in the construction of systems to reach the Moon. And so here we are.

Now, in retrospect of the first, Apollo flights to the Moon, we can see that energy and conservation of momentum were the critical dimensions in flights into space. At the present time, the engines are rudimentary in that huge coarse quantities of flaming exploding energy are composed roughly into a subset of the dimensions of energy. That subset is momentum.

In the rocket, the momentum sub-dimension of energy is used to propel the rocket just like the octopuses and squids moved themselves around in the oceans where they were swimming around the brain corals. Presumably, we still base our ideas of energy on how much energy it takes to lift a sandstone block.

Now, how smart is a brain coral? Are physicists smarter than brain corals? Of course. When is that? Probably soon, in evolutionary time. By now we can see milennia stretching into the future like pyramids vanishing, and the question of time travel, or at LEAST the transfer of information from the future to the past, or from the future to now, or from now to the past, is almost looming at us.

In order to reach the Moon, evolution had to be narrowly dedicated to energy and flight for almost ten thousand years. Suddenly, within fifty years, it is all over and both animals and human beings all over the world are completely re-conceiving the World, Earth, the Planet, the Moon and Sun, and the Solar System and universe.
All the old bets are off. The snake withdrew - I saw it happen.

In other words, all the narrow constraints on what human beings should be were literally abandoned, relinquished to the earth, dropped. The result is certain to be a divergence in the human population, and it is best to let it go peacefully. That is why it will be wise to be generous in sanctioning households of all types, for human beings will increasingly live in single family households, apartments, groups, collectives and other patterns rapidly now. It will not be possible to constrain human habitation patterns to some one or another of the various ideals that were creating in special places and times, even the best. Justice and mercy,
dignity and health are more important. Gender will never be abandoned, but its origins are very deep and old. One of its dyadic, yin-and-yang dualities is light and space, energy and space. These are the penetrating and the receptive - which go back to sunlight coming through the ocean surface above into the waters below. To prove this yourself, YOU'll have to go SWIMMING.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Constellation's Provenance

It seems the world is in need of gentle reminders and sustained assurance that the upcoming 2020 Constellation flights to the Moon are of true importance. They are of the same importance as the Apollo flights - inestimable, transcendent and deeply historical magnitude that goes far beyond the current saeculum. Yet they are very different from the Apollo flights, which were in the aftermath and shadow of monstrous wars that had destroyed much of civilization and left the world with untold tragedy and loss to remember and weather. Now, it is almost as if the world wonders what to do while NASA goes to the Moon again.

NASA and the media have a world arena and global latitude in which the public is hungry for understanding about the magnitude and importance of the Constellation flights. The project already does or soon will involve cooperation from almost every nation on Earth. Most importantly, human beings are free to believe in the long term peace and stability of the world, and outline some of the essentials that impact on today's solutions for the economic situation.

Apparently, all three of Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial rotation are required to be right in the long run. That means by gambling alone, you only have a one in eight chance of getting it right. The three ephemeral celestial rotational are so important planes could very well have their own Muses. You can get human rights or construction right Right in daily rotation, and by the end of the year, the people are fighting and the house falls down. You can get a transportation system right in annual and quadrennial right, and in decades or centuries trains collide head-on because the Milky Way is turning. Assuming responsible people take all three Rights into account, though, it is a good time for optimism.

A continuity exists in world history that transcends differences between religion and government throughout the world in these projects. It is visible in faint, long-wavelength terms of the spectrum of human resonance, where similar terms are shared with animal life of all kinds. Some of these exist in millimeter waves, like those of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and go as far out as the 16 centimeter Oxygen and 21 centimeter neutral hydrogen lines.

Ever since bilateral symmetry and gonads half a billion years ago, life on Earth was washing, splashing and surging back and forth toward the Moon in the tides. It is not commonly popular that space flight involves fundamental principles like the momentum exchange and intelligence invented by octopuses and squids; cooperation like that of schools, flock and herds animals; and walking upright with hands that even monkeys used millions of years ago. Nor is it popular that the French cave paintings depicting the Pleiades and other star-chart petroglyphs recently found in Africa were among the standards for these projects.

Beginning with builders of Earth mounds, the project was relatively swift. The main difficulty since then was the persistent tendency toward the zero sum predatory competition that caused so much war until recently. The 1970's Apollo expeditions were well named in the context of intelligent, literate history and the upcoming Orion project is the vital validation of the Apollo expeditions. Alone, the Apollo flights would disappear in myth.

Most people, the bright, educated who see to their houses and futures, are happy as clams at high tide with the project taking place now in the recent results of the Ares rocket, and other progress. Yet you would not know the fantasy some of the public lives in. Chronic sufferers of want or envy, they depend on rumours for what to think. Not only are bad times hard on the optimism of the poor- they also view even tranquil, stable economic activity as hopelessly stagnant, and for them, depressed and intractable.

In the public domain are almost nonstop grumblings that the second moon flights must be to prove the Apollo results were lies, that the Moon is actually hollow and contains gardens, plants, places to live and other people. There are also rumours, mumblings, murmers and discontent about "wasting money going back to the Moon". Public logic is non-contiguous, ephemeral and intermittent. It is infested with a soggy World War II Dufus and Sad Sack mentality, even though the new expeditions are largely taking place without war in the aftermath of the discovery that war is not an essential factor in space flight. It's peace but it's not a dream.

Just what kind of reassurances and reminders the world needs would be better determined by experts in public relations and government would certainly want to coordinate the concept presented with economic and financial administration so as to make the best of the Whole. At the same time, many who are confident of the future see the economic picture not as bleak, but as tending toward very long term stability in which the outcomes are not yet determined. Certainly, solutions will be sought for the contradictions between mass production and mass unemployment, between the ideals of freeing human beings from irksome toil and labor and the individual need for something to do, between the financial possibility of stabilized economic systems with abundant credit available to all, and other big-factor, long-term cross-currents.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pareto optimum spectral cosmology

It looks like the envelope of spectral terms in this Pacific Northwest state (probably in all the United States) is approaching the envelope of spectral terms in remote wilderness areas anywhere in the world.

That would be, I'd guess, a primitive monarchy.

If it is so sophisticated as a monarchy. That is because there is no monarchy in the structure of United States government. Not that it is desired, since the States and the United States are all constitutional republics except for Louisiana.

If no specific entity such as the state Government takes charge of the spectrum of the State/Region/Nation then it will continue to settle into the wild natural spectrum of the Earth and its albedo.

One of the aspects now of the visible world at night is that foliage areas in the dark look like exactly that - dense darkness containing wild plants and the animals which live among them. They do not appear to have, for instance, any guiding light of whatever kind of civilization one might dream of. There is no sense of overarching human supremacy, no light of religion, no spiritual envelope of life. Either those never existed, or they are illegal, forbidden, outlawed.

Now I admit that is the nature of light as I saw it and interpreted as having a particular equation, but I did not create the light of nature and it never was in my power to cause the light to evolved any way that it would not have evolved, with or without my discovery or knowledge or both.

Logistically speaking, the economy of the United States is devolving, pretty much along the lines of a constitutional monarchy with Pareto Optimum cosmology in the economics.

If you remember your history, the only saving grace is that the retirement of five thousand years of misconstruction in the nearly obsessive instinct to reach the Moon, might take with it most of the misunderstandings, rationalisms, and causa bella of war that haunt the thermonuclear weapons stockpiles.

It is urgent to create win-win relationships with every other nation on Earth, if that is possible, and to let it be known that is a goal. Also, to invest some money in making sure competent professions are coordinated to provide a best estimate of what rapid return to the nature from which human beings diverged to evolve toward the moon, now that the Moon actually has human footprints on it. The 2020 confirmations will go far to reassure the populations of the less developed countries that the United States was telling the truth, and not lying or in deceit, when it reported from the 1969-74 Apollo visits that the Moon has no air, no water, no arable farmland, no plants or animals or life of any kind, and no enemies or demons either.

Otherwise, the recession will be that of an economy slowly collapsing toward that natural state which was left behind when mound and pyramid began to work in positive law architecture to reach the Moon by groping and war.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


During only about twenty generations, so many new developments have occurred that the entire temporal order of the Earth was restructured. Increasingly clear distinctions are now made between the past and the future, in terms of increasingly longer spans of time. The history of civilization is much better resolved and a consistent version of that history is being provided by historians all over the world. Not only is it better coordinated between different civilizations and nations, but it extends back farther in time.

Recent archaeological discoveries in Peru and other parts of South America up to five thousand years ago now appear to be consistent with events in Old World for a similar time. This consistency makes it possible to have an equivalent meaningful time sense for human destiny. Whereas once it was necessary either to limit predictions to about one century, or else cast predictions in unimaginable futures such as millions of years, having a consistent 5,000 year history provides a more sensible basis for consciousness that the future, too, is to surely extend into a 5,000 year destiny.

Of course that number is not rigidly set by anything. It has to do with the discovery of many archaeological remnants everywhere in the world, that when radioisotope dated, range to about five thousand years ago. The time that passed from the beginning of human civilization to the attainment of footsteps on the Moon was just a hand of millennia. It is neither unnoticed, nor noticed by all things. One wonders if there is a six and seven attached, those numbers being fundamental atomic numbers in the element carbon, vital to life, and nitrogen, main constituent of the atmosphere and the medium of matters of the spirit.

To have five thousand sensible years in the recent past, and another five thousand years in the future, places the world in the middle of ten thousand years. It makes the idea of planning the world's destiny in terms of the future five thousand years more than merely inviting, convenient, or interesting. The critical issues - nuclear weapons, severity of the human population, destruction of earth's living species, and pollution of the small ecological system of this only planet we have to live on, utterly vital, and five thousand years is neither too long to be impossible to plan for, nor too brief to be a challenging and valuable period of concern.

It is no longer necessary to struggle with ideas like "The God of Millions of Years". To be sure, there probably is a god of such vast reaches of time, because if spirit emerged with life, and life adapts to advantage, then life has evolved god for at least half a billion years. Satellites like LAGEOS, ETALON, STARLETTE and AJISAI are certain to span a hundred thousand years to eternity. Five thousand years is only urban planning for some cities already.

Mankind set out to construct the path to the Moon five thousand years ago, after it was probably devolved on the human species for one or two millennia. Mankind did not know much about the heavens nor the spirits, but knew it had no choice, knew only that it obeyed. Human beings, simply close to stock in understanding, simply began trying to reach the Moon by constructing mountains.

Of course the results were both magnificent for their times, and yet tragic in ways that remain to this day. Especially after the first peaceful, trading civilizations changed into more formally strict civilizations that, though still trading, also imposed more stringent requirements on their peoples - often with force. It happened all over the world - in Egypt, in the Middle East, India, South America, and people toiled and struggled and were broken. Worse, they did not know who compelled them except that those who led them told them, and were probably telling the truth or what they believed was the truth, that the Gods made them do it.

Worse yet were decisions that groups, classes or religions of people who were not contributing to whatever the Gods at the time seemed to want, rapidly enough, were expendable and should be eliminated. That was probably when human beings began to reproduce rapidly, probably by offsetting annual mating cycles and requiring that love was to be a pleasant and enjoyable happy time after work any time of year so that children could be born. The only goal was to reach the Moon and often that goal was obscured by temporal and sometimes brutal causes.

Animal nature is not very bright, and underlies much of that which passes for intelligence in the human species. Believe me, I know.

Now, now a decade into this twenty first century, no excuses remain. There is no need to relegate human beings to brutal toil in order to reach the Moon. There is no need for subhuman or degrading conditions of existence. There is an awful need for prolonged and sustained peace, a peace to which human beings can become accustomed, and a peace during which they can rest and grow confident after five thousand years of war and bloody plunder.

Here is a problem:

If human beings do not prove to the Gods that comprise the half billion and more years of instincts of the Planet,

Who invested the planet's monkeys and men into a ferocious struggle to reach the Moon these past five thousand years,

That the Moon is already attained and that Project Apollo actually took place and the Orion Project is already attained

(Of course it did, we know that for certain in literate rationality, but the instincts of the planet do not know that for certain.)


With the huge payload of nuclear and thermonuclear, bacteriological and chemical warheads waiting and ready in the arsenals,

Some Brutus is likely to end up obeying his interpretation of the Gods, and

The Gods are likely to find the brutes who will obey them, and

Together they will launch another destruction of the world so that

The Gods can make the planet's Monkeys try it again.

That Brutus would make Dr. Strangelove look like a civilized man, even a tree hugger.

To be sure, optimism is optimal, and it is worth appreciating that every state in the world seems to share concern for eliminating all weapons of mass destruction. The recent coming into phase and coherence of world history has made the attainment of space flight so much a signal that the time has come for peace for the entire world, and relief from the ignorant striving for the Moon, that the peace making activity can itself take on a more determined, confident, and stronger role.

Complete nuclear disarmament has not only mercy and justice to recommend it. Right, truth, and the concerted opinions of thousands of workers in every field of work and in every country on the planet are also on the side of disarmament. Only a few profit-seeking groups exploiting and exploited by the imperfections of capitalism which has made money into a false god, remain. They do not have the bulk of good sense, nor even the money, on their side.

No longer shall we wage war amongst ourselves for the unresolved but commanding Heavens, Spirits, Gods and instincts of billions of years for nothing more than flying to the Moon.

Let's all settle down and get several nations onto the Moon in the next few
decades and put an end to war.

Monday, July 27, 2009

What Now in the Sudden Aftermath of Five Thousand Years?

A great deal of controversy surrounds the question of investing human and industrial capital in colonizing the Moon. The Moon is bleak, airless and waterless and the cost of development is extremely great. Also, it will continue to orbit the Earth for millions or billions of years, so no hurry exists. What human beings do or do not do about the Moon now is important.

It is early in the game, and the investment in Earth itself is exremely important especially in the light of the considerable and substantial problems of poverty, severe population overload, destruction of the natural environment, rapacious consumption of wildlife as food, and the existence of some factor of misconstruction in present economic directions.

It may help to look at this problem as one of the instability and chaos attendant singular events, in this case, the attainment of the Apollo project after five or more thousand years of dedicated construction and war toward that end.

Mathematically, what comes next takes place in a field of envelopes on the time axis. These envelopes have in common that to some extent they consist of

1. A Gaussian distribution around the event of attaining flight to the Moon and determination of what it is;

2. An exponential decay of obsolete developments which either existed before human constructions or were misconstructions from the start;

3. Logarithmic ascents and descents to a norm, of new, useful developments.

4. A curve which resembles the Plank black body energy-wavelength curve. Several markedly temporal events are distinct in history. This curve appears in economics.

5. The first pyramid constructions and the Taoist statistics which emerged about five thousand years ago. These appear to both be divergent branches away from the indigenous Earth.

6. Three thousand years Greeks discovered the ideal and description of the state as Republic. With it came the immediate realization that determination of the nature of light and the action, energy and power constituted a set of paramount goals. It was not until the 1500’s that extensive progress began in these two vital questions.

7. Two thousand years ago many things appeared with the Roman empire, among them estimates of the distance to the Moon; the resurrection of the Republic; the appearance and resurrection of Christ as a humanized integration of the spirit and species of man; first uses of artificial electricity; extensive bridge, aqueducts and roads; and military conquest and settlement of vast amounts of otherwise uncoordinated human civilizations. All this continued for 1500 years.

8. In the Sixteenth Century, the development of the printing press, optics, and several other technological inventions including the steam engine, which heralded vast supplies of energy to free human and other sentient beings from burden of irksome toil. Discovery of the New World - a euphemism that comprehends both the Western Hemisphere (which actually was already inhabited by human beings, so quite discovered) and the Moon as a small airless object orbiting the Earth, and the other planets revealed with telescopes.

9. During the 17th and 18th centuries, mathematics and physics, especially mechanics, emerged strongly along with the Independence of a Constitutional Republic in the United States.

10. In the early 1900's, discovery of the quantum of action and a resulting flood of new understanding of the atom; discovery of the exterior galaxies. The twentieth century also saw the emergence of global war in pursuit of the attainment of the Moon began.

11. Global war, involving massive numbers of deaths, commits the world to the immediate goal of attainment of flight to the Moon; nuclear energy emerges with nuclear reactors and atomic weapons.

12. Actual attainment of the Moon, with the decisive discoveries that it contains no inhabitants, no air, no water, no arable land, no good farmland, no enemies and no friends and that would be the condition for billions of years, apart from what human beings to or make of it. This was accompanied by naive visions of what lay in extremely distant futures, which gave much weight to those who suggested development of the Moon was urgent.

In fact it turned out that about the only thing to do on the Moon is look at Earth, something which can be accomplished by robot cameras at far less expense, and thus sparing resources for the far more productive activity of near Earth orbit. For each of the intervals suggested by the events of the past, there is an interval in the future, of accommodation of those events or of events which transpired since that time of their inception.

Among other things, at the time of the Apollo flights to the Moon, which were the first in all Earth's history, the world was sharply divided into the developed industrial market countries which were largely in Europe and North America. Other great nations were emerging though still imperiled by war and transfiguring revolution. The rest of the world, approximately half its population, lived in primitive conditions of existence and had few technological resources though communications was beginning.

The promise brought by communications itself caused such hurried panic to enforce what it seemed to imply that it resembled an opening day sale at a big department store, with people being trampled to death in the crowds lunging for the new wares. That was trumpeted as "the communist revolution"; meanwhile, others announced that human beings would be turned into robots, docile obedient slaves. Neither was true of course. The social revolutions were largely hasty ill planned moves attempting to match the patient resolution that existed in the Roman construction, Constitution and Republican traditions. It is only to be understood in the future whether the massive wars of the 1900's were necessary or not.

After all, it is possible that if the determination had not been to reach the Moon BEFORE the end of the second millennium, the emerging new millennium could well have invited global apathy and a resolution only to reach the Moon within another thousand years. Or, to leave the attainment itself until AFTER the new millennium, that is, after Y2K, would place the beginning in a shadow, with war having occurred anyway. With the race to reach the Moon prior to Y2K - actually taking place thirty years earlier - the more substantial second series of flights to the Moon can be better understood from the beginning, comprehended by more people who, with better communications, live in better conditions of existence and will likely benefit more directly from the event. Possibly more important, human beings worldwide are likely to perceive that they benefit from the second series of Moon flights.

Instead, technological industries presented the entire population of the Earth with telephones, radio, television, computers and the internet. Most people became, politically, much more moderate-so much so they seemed to be, to visionaries, under some kind of enslaving control. In fact, with communications, entire populations were skimpy turning to the work at hand, to improve the disposition of the world which had been so torn by war, exploitation, mining, rapacious slaughter of sentient beings as food chemicals; and other difficulties.

Eventually long-term human existence on the Moon, Mars and possibly a few other places in the Solar System seem likely. They do not seem to be inevitably permanent at this time, if by permanent is meant millions of years. Within the century, long-term might mean months or years. By the end of the new millennium, long-term could mean lifetimes - centuries and more. It depends on Earth's consensus, whether the planet in its evolutionary context and without the imagined threat of aliens from space, decides it is important or not.

The point about those who proclaim urgency to establish long-term settlement of the Moon and Mars as soon as possible is that the decisions involved do not involve those who live today. They involve those who are to be living when the ideas are considered in the future. IT is timely now, to be preparing the second series of Moon flights. In the initial phases it was believed that 2020 was a good estimate. Yet in the light of understanding and knowledge brought by the Apollo series, there is no mandatory schedule, and the actual date may be earlier, or later, with little difficulty.

For one thing, other nations such as China and the European Union, possibly Russia, India, possibly a South American economic union, are all interested in the ca 2020 Moon flights. The result may be that some collaborate with the United States or with each other, which could mean the Moon would have new footsteps on it sooner. Or other important world activities, such as conservation, may become so important in the judgment of new people, that the project is given lower priority. Perhaps the 'second series' of moon flights will span several decades, and consist of several flights by several different nations representing several different main streams development in human civilization.

In the 1980's, NASA measured the rate at which the Solar System and Earth in it move around the Milky Way Galaxy. Within the great firmament of exterior galaxies exist the three rotating celestial planes - Galactic, Ecliptic, and Equatorial - which define right in an unambigous and clear way.

For an individual person, the requirement is to be right in all three - only one of 2^3, or eight, possibilities exist which is correct and true in all three. That is quite feasible for any responsible planner.

This is an excellent time for deep and true resolution of the situation in which the Earth finds itself. Young people can depend on the remarkably consistent new understanding of history brought by photography and its successor technologies.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Magnetism and Electricity of Evolution toward the Moon

The Magnetism and Electricity of Evolution toward the Moon.

The speed of light and the action quantum are far more fundamental and necessary to the peace and stability of the world than are the existing magnitudes of the Henry and the Farad. Both the Henry and the Farad were arbitrarily assigned quantities. They have a relation to the speed of light through an equation in which they appear as a product, but any value could have been assigned to the Henry, as long as the Farad were changed proportionally. Conversely, any value could have been assigned to the Farad, as long as the Henry were changed accordingly.

The conventional but overly specific equation for the speed of light is

v = 1/SQRT(mu*epsilon)

The numerical value of mu was derived from existing knowledge on the basis of the arbitrary magnetic field constant, the Henry. It was found that the electric field constant derived from the Faraday had the relationship shown to the speed of light. As a result, the electric field constant was given a value which would make not only that equation correct, but would justify the value of the Faraday in relation to the Henry. That was obscure enough to establish a claim that the Henry and Faraday are absolutely fundamental. They are not. Any other set of experiments could have been used to construct a measure of magnetic field strength similar in dimension to the dimensions of the Henry, and if it resulted in a different numerical value, an appropriate value could have been assigned to the electric field constant so that the equation would predict the speed of light correctly.

The motion of light is in a space-time topology in which two dimensions are present along with a velocity dimension. This is sometimes called SU(2) X U(1). Dimensions which are equivalently fundamental include those of distance and time. The units humans choose are not the units on which the universe is based, however. The universe is based, in dimensions of length, on certain sizes of things which are mostly atoms and particular wavelengths. It is also based on such things as the magnitudes of electric charges, the masses of atoms, and magnetic constants such as the Bohr magneton.

These are sometimes called fundamental or atomic constants of nature. Arranging atomic constants as fundamentals accessible to all nations is vital. This is the kind of change in our thinking for which Albert Einstein called. The most obvious way of doing this is through the manufacture of popular goods, commonly called consumer goods, which manifestly display atomic constants and are available worldwide. To a great extent this is taking place already, in the manufacture and distribution of such goods as cameras, computers, radios, televisions and telephones.

What must not be forgotten, and the instinctive nature of the human species becomes familiar with these widely available goods, is that they are not merely salable objects manufactured for capitalist profits. Profit is a measure of the success of the selling, and to be sure it is sometimes, even often, abused. But of particular goods being sold, many are essentials for human existence, and many are manifest representations of principles new in the evolution of life on Earth. They must be taken as solutions for peace, and not mistaken as causa bella. To do this brings one more obligation, that of ensuring their assimilation is gauged, its relation to international peace is understood, and appropriate responses to changes in the market include products which are, literally, in the correct place for the next step in negotiating the difficult back-scaling from the conflicted times in the final stages of Earth's five thousand year history of constructed struggle to the Moon.

The Chinese people are currently dominant in the dielectric constant. Perhaps given or ceded to them after the magnetic storms of war that swept Europe in the last century, it is also because they were anciently familiar with the duality of the Yin and Yang, more deeply than Judaeo-Christian culture. Though they did not early on resolve the electric field constants, which do exist, it was easy for them to do so when the industrial revolution began and electricity and magnetism were resolved in common sense. Generally it appears masculine is equated with the dielectric and feminine is equated with the magnetic.

This is strong enough to be noticeable when working with delicate sticky issues such as transparent tape, paper, and clean surfaces. That is probably the origin of the phrase "red tape". To a person familiar with red tape, it is easy, but most of the business world is not and so such issues seriously impede business and other negotiations.

This would be nothing more than a static issue except that the historical resolution of the electric and magnetic field constants was set in 17th and 18th century English and European traditions in which the first thing that took place was the creation of arbitrary standard units for magnetic and electric fields. Principles such as those in physics were at that time named after persons who could be equated with monarchs, princes or theological figures. As a result, a magnetic field constant was named the Henry, and an electric field constant was named the Farad, after Michael Faraday. The Henry of course was equated with several Kings Henry, notoriously Henry VIII who set a large number of things that could not be distinguished from eternal in motion. Faraday's name Michael was at least equitable with the Archangel Michael. I know of that well as my name is Michael. We are not tough politicians and tend to be equated with mica, glass, paper, plastic film and such things.

The real problem is that the implementation of these constants into the real industrial world and urban infrastructures was immediate even though they were chosen with arbitrary magnitudes long before the magnitudes of the speed of light and the action quantum were discovered. Those two latter constants are reshaping physics every day in a process of change that could span 500 or a thousand years if the arbitrary disposition is not nipped in the bud. The reason of course is that the constants were named in England and France and were quickly used as bedrock and pillars of colonialist foreign policy. They were also used to divide East and West along the European midnight, which was constructed as the Prime Meridian. Subsequently, Europe and Russia to the East was put literally in irons and to the West, eventually the Americas, the United States in particular, was put to acting as a kind of Great Meridian engaging in wars on both western and eastern fronts itself.

Examination of empirical results in manufactures in the common domain reveal that the arbitrary magnitudes of the Henry and Farad resulted in the manufacture of very large magnetic devices and very small dielectric or capacitive devices. For a long time motors, transformers and generators were very large, and set on power line poles like the magnetism in the body of Christ. Capacitive devices were almost unknown until the manufacture of synthetic fabrics and plastic films, and then improved rapidly into sophisticated devices such as transistors and digital memory chips. Their future is vast. Capacitor transformers have appeared as large capacitors became possible, and magnetic devices have become smaller. All this change is since the discovery of the two constants c and h, the speed of light and the action quantum. Those two constants are truly vintage research, as the study of the motion of light and the nature of action began thousands of years ago. It was fortuitous, and in part tragic, that the path to the Moon stumbled at the imposition of arbitrary magnitudes for magnetic and electric fields in the Henry and Faraday.

Research reviewing the development of physics during the last four centuries, premised on the speed of light and the action quantum as most fundamental principles, will reveal vast quantities of desirable and feasible change that will provide far more agreeable global terms in which the nations of the world can get along.