Saturday, February 7, 2009

Factors Implied by Global Recession

I. Global economic recession appears to be an inevitable unification of modern economic systems into one world-wide pattern. This was made evident by extensive publicity given to multi-national cooperation among economic systems, banking and financial institutions, and governments. Several factors were illuminated by the coordinated activity- some of which could be causes of confusion. The intensity of world change is staggering, and cannot be confused with the mere bewilderment of youth as they take their places in the population, or with political change of hands from generation to generation. World communication is both partly a cause of the rapid change and a means of alleviating its distress.

II. New discoveries transformed human concepts of the nature of the world during the past five centuries. Events of the last century were even more energetically world changing. The period culminated with the Y2K arrival of the third millennium.

III. Technology, including agriculture, manufactures, transportation and communications has put the entire world into a process of renovation and cashiers every discerned error in the construction that had occurred during the last five thousand years. Extensive human development that was millions of years in the making is simply being bulldozed down as not merely inferior, but positively irrelevant to modern concepts of human good. This is ad hoc, everywhere, and no particular organization is evident. Meanwhile, some known human cultures in the past are being reawakened as peoples. No one entity plans this worldwide activity, but it can be perceived as related and consequential.

IV. Two different, important lines of development have become evident: 1) the Egyptian path of massive, executed sandstone and eventually concrete structures; and 2) the Asian Taoist interpretation of nature, which sought the Way through contemplation of seasons that left most human constructions simple. Each was successful in many ways, difficult in others. Both are being re-evaluated now because most of their differences are moot under new, comprehensive concepts of many kinds. Other lines of ancient development may come to light.

V. Despite its brevity and almost theatrically illusory spectacle, the first flights to the Moon-the Apollo series-was a success and returned convincing photos of Earth that confirmed the world view for essentially every person on the planet. The 2020 planned Orion series of flights to the Moon will validate and confirm the Apollo flights. It will bring into play important international and multicultural groups of visitors to the Moon which will do a great deal to moderate and unify human concepts. It will is likely to be anticlimactic for many, world-changing for others.

VI. Preparation for the Orion moon flights obscures the fact that at this time most of the historical human constructions (and misconstructions) of the world are being totally demolished in an irregular way that is not visible part of a single pattern of events. Yet one pattern emerged since the 1890's discovery of galaxies; it brought an understanding that the Milky Way Galaxy resembles a hurricane. Some constructions now being raised are already destined to be obsolete problems within a century. World change now has become metamorphosis, like that described by Ovid regarding Rome - only a thousand times more extensive and intense.

VII. Like a hurricane, with its storm-lull-storm pattern, galactic rotation is a devolution of a titanic vortex onto the Earth's processes. It caused a pattern of war-depression-war in the early 1900's, and appears to be devolving again upon the Earth now. The prolonged war in the Middle East has been followed by the current recession. If this is not handled with understanding, another period of war will follow the recession.

VIII. Public knowledge of the importance of galactic rotation from authorities charged with being responsible for national and world understanding would be valuable. One one side of the giant Milky Way whirlpool, exterior galaxies are coming into view; on the other side, galaxies are being obscured. The change is implacable, never ceasing, never reversing. The angle between the Galactic Center and the Andromeda Galaxy slowly increases. Facts such as these do not seem useful to a perplexed world coming from amateurs; the public needs more substantial assurance, from media, or government.

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