Silicon emerging
Silicon was tried by some forms of ancient life on Earth which still survive today. Silicon was worked on since primordial times in diatoms and somewhat later in Equisetum. Recently discovered were certain siliceous sponges, the HEXACTINOSIDAN sponges in reefs of British Columbia. They too are very ancient. In all of these, silicon is used only as a structural element. Rudimentarily, dinosaurs used rocks in their craws - gizzards - to help masticate food. Certain organisms like caddis fly larvae coat their shells with sand, gluing it into a stick substance they secrete for that purpose.
Human beings made fundamental breakthroughs in working silicon-bearing substances to the element itself through breaking rocks and shaping pieces into stone tools and weapons, as well as through the use of fire which permitted the firing of clays into vessels. From that time on development of silicon has progressed, in evolutionary time scales, rapidly. Clays evolved into concrete and cement and ceramics into glass, permitted impressive new constructions.
Silicon development became very rapid resulting in the highways and computers that exist today, and its future is vast and likely to continue hundreds of millions of years.
Logic started a few thousand years ago and was refined, along with language, into binary digital information languages. The 256 byte 8-bit character language maps well onto English and other languages with small character sets and 16 and 32-bit character sets were developed for Chinese and related languages. It was proved that it is always possible to map any language onto a binary character set. By now, silicon and digital are almost synonymous with reasoning, information, logic and knowledge. Logic has emerged well beyond the classical or orthodox forms of reasoning premised usually on classicism and religion. By now, logic's theorem provers have discovered new extensions of logic, and such devices as CYC have actually discovered new truths, such as that democratic and parliamentary societies tend to be monotheistic.
One of the dimensions by which information is measured is entropy. It is a statistical quantity that is related to the same statistics in which thermodynamics measures heat in the equation S = -dQ/T. That means the influence of a database tends to become fuzzy when its concept is stretched into the thermal environment. On the other hand, thermostatically regulated office and house interiors have largely freed human beings from variations in temperature.
Consider a large digital database. Whether it represents truth or not may be at first unknown or undecided. If it is a hot database containing millions of active names and financial account numbers or other sensitive information is is generally taken to be true. If it is random pictures or digitized photos, its truth value has somewhat less intensity. If it is the fiction library that has been put into the database it is of less certain truth value, although fiction has a place in describing social scenarios in vague but often usefully relevant allusion. If it is weather forecasts it can be important, sensitive, critical information about the future. And so on.
In rotation three celestial planes are dominant in the exterior cosmological firmament. Notice the use of the theological word "firmament" here: it seems to fit the needs of theology well, theology was completely unperturbed as if to say, "Well, thank you, at last science has given us a clue" and theology deals with spiritual matters which have to do with important and powerful family reproduction, social tenets, moral law and other human values and it does not like to be wrong in terms of centuries. The exterior object firmament seems ideal, for those distant galaxies are not to change their positions relative to each other more than, typically, their own diameters in an entire 220-million year cyclic motion the Sun, Solar System and Earth in its orbit around the Milky Way galaxy. The calculation is simple, based on the speed of light, the typical size of a galaxy, and the maximum speeds galaxies typically move which is a few hundred kilometers each second.
The three celestial planes are
the Equatorial Plane of rotation of the Milky Way Galaxy around which the Solar System moves once in each 220 million years;
the Ecliptic Plane of Revolution of the Earth in its annual or yearly orbit around the Sun as a member of the Solar System; and
the Equatorial Plane of the Earth as it rotates once each day on its axis - the polar axis which commonly is referred to Polaris, the North Star.
Once the exterior object firmament and these three planes are comprehended, it is possible to ascertain right in terms familiar both to politically governing bodies and to scientists alike. These planes determine one or more aspects of the relation of the quantized phenomenon of spin to nuclear, atomic, electronic, molecular and chemical activity in every event on Earth. And that includes in the species called Diatoms, Equisetum, and the Siliceous Sponges as well as every other wilderness plant and animal that uses silicon. In addition, these celestial planes and the cyclic motion by which they affect spin, influence also decisions made by human beings using handwritten, typed, printed, and communicated information, both that created by human beings, and that created by computers.
In particular, information stored in silicon structures is now in a universal cosmology of firmamet and right which is already occupied by ancient living organisms. Information created by human beings is now slowly devolving into silicon-based organisms throughout the world. That truth will be with us for the next million years, ten or a hundred million years - essentially, for the next galactic rotation.
If concrete is forever, can we expect our conclusions and alarm and concern about the fragility of the planet under the onslaught of rampant growth to remain meaningful until the planet has had time to protect itself?
Because the siliceous diatoms and sponges are ancient species, their species are among the resonant modes of Earth's dynamic spectrum. Creating information, and particular, knowing what it is and storing it in or near silicon-based computing systems, is essentially plugging the entropy dimension of the information into the same entropy dimension of the spectra of siliceous organisms.
Now officially, human beings are the only organisms that can translate specific meanings from stored databases. Yet these databases are written in binary languages and they tend to devolve by halves upon the natural Earth. The sex and survival-oriented concepts of the organisms are especially sensitive. They tend to align along major distinctions sustained by information stored in the internet and the immense numbers of computers throughout the world. If a database contains extensive information about the condition of the world, the most important distinctions made by the database become terms of rapport with it, and in accomodating the existence of the database, diatoms and sponges simply accomodate those distinctions. Yet those distinctions contain aspects that are significant in the existence of diatoms and sponges.
Elemental cosmology
There is a concept called 'elemental cosmology' and there is a newer, finer resolution of cosmology into distinct, specific elements. The atomic spectra are exactly what is used to resolve the cosmology for any particular element. The iron spectrum quickly reveals a powerful magnetic field in terrestrial - human! - environments, and the existence of a terrestrial magnetic field was eventually resolved in the iron spectrum. This was shown through flights of magnetometers throughout the solar system to extend far beyond the atmosphere of just this one planet.
Specific elemental cosmologies
Different specific cosmologies for the different elements are discovered through different paths. For instance, the germanium cosmology is not yet even surmised, being conjured here out of the hat containing the table of the elements. Yet some other cosmologies are glaring, such as those of ancient carbon and calcium. Carbon was a component of the atmosphere since billions of years ago, so the existence of a carbon entropy shell around the Earth was not known until recently when it became the subject of a debate about 'dark matter'. The carbon cosmology is still not being surveyed scientifically, and dark matter is assumed to exist throughout the universe instead of locally, around this planet. The emergence of life billions of years ago began the process of creating the entropic 'space charge' or better yet, an 'order field' similar to crystal fields around crystals. Life's use of carbon caused an order field in the specific element carbon, which can be surveyed in carbon's atomic spectrum. Eventually, carbon precipited out of the atmosphere in much the same way as calcium precipitated out of the oceans into limestone.
Carbon and calcium cosmologies
So there were two ancient specific elemental cosmologies - a carbon cosmology, which is a crystal field around the living biosphere, and a calcium cosmology, another crystal field around the specifically ordered deposits of relatively pure calcium. That calcium cosmology might be called a calcium carbonate cosmology, leading to the surmise there are specific molecular cosmologies around the Earth.
But, given the existence of two elements which anciently settled out of chaos into ordered forms and resulted in order fields around the Earth, it must be recognized that the element silicon has wrought its time, and is now precipitating out of the chaos into relatively ordered forms in cement and concrete, as well as into less massive yet more highly purified and exquisitely ordered forms in semiconductor products - computers. Silicon is now in the process of saturating the planet Earth with a silicon cosmology. There are signs this precipitation and cosmology formation will be more extensive and dynamic, more highly order-driven, than any other in the planet's history. Plants and animals did not know they were to be creating an order cosmology based on the roles of elemental carbon in life chemistry and the role of calcium carbonate in the construction of shells, bones and teeth.
Silicon cosmology
The few organisms that tried to use silicon actively were not numerous, and did not command enough mass or energy to create a distinct planetary sphere in the spectrum of that element. Now, however, silicon is in extensive use. Human beings now know there is an order field being created around the earth as a result of the precipitation - by human beings who act as transfer and facilitating agents - of silicon in concrete and pure silicon ingots and their products - architectural structures and highways, and computers and other technological devices. Human beings are now participating in the reconception of planet Earth in terms of another element - silicon - and a planetary spectral sphere is coming into existence in terms of that element.
Silicon cosmology is destined to be eternal around Earth.
Architectural constructions are likely destined to be regarded as crude and gigantic approximations to objects - eventually to be living silicon based systems - which are living, much smaller, and aggressive in the way that plants and shellfish are aggressive at the VERY LEAST. The work of millions of human beings in silicon-based concrete city structures, each of which is a crystal form in that it has unit cells - offices and rooms on the various floors - in which are several nucleating devices - illumination, communication, information processing, transportation and other systems - and each of which contains some functional agent such as a machine or a human being. The results will be metamorphic, and the timeline of this process can be seen to extend along the geodetic timeline of LAGEOS, ETALON, AJISAI and STARLETTE.
At the present time, a few of the more obvious and alarming scenarios have been portrayed in the media fiction. Science fiction has envisioned, for instance, a robot space probe (Voyager) returning having evolved into a superbot bent on destroying the meddling carbon life forms (humans). Of course the plot is foiled.
More likely, though metamorphic, the transformations will be more like the invention of, first, shells by clams and oysters, then movable shells on things that crawl. Computers are being carried around (Blackberry and celphones), are talking to each other (server-client systems), are predicting weather, and sheduling events which shape human destinies (transportation, voting, mass gatherings, and reservation systems for transportation, accomodation, dining, and stock replacement. Autonomous aircraft now fly around and conduct surveillance, bombing raids, and undersea observations. The silicon evolution is upon the Earth, and is going its way. It will not be stopped, for there is no practical way to stop it. If one person refuses to cooperate, another person will. If one human group refuses to cooperate, another human group will, for silicon rewards those who cooperate in the evolution of itself as a fundamental form of life based on silicon.
It is in this cosmology that silicon carbide is a hard compound. Terrestrial life is almost certain to be dominated by silicon and carbon together. This dominance is a part of, and equivalent to, the economics of silicon in both cement and semiconductor production and their associated industries, construction, transportation and technology.
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