Thursday, May 28, 2009


Dear Nick,

This has to do with the red shift equation which I discovered in 1981, twenty two years after learning of the problem in Columbia High School in Richland - the atomic town next to Hanford, Washington. A few weeks after you refreshed for me, doctrine containing the relevant second order partial differential equations.

You may be pleased to know the equation's ten years of presentation on the internet was:

a. Possibly a factor in naming the James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace";

b. Probably led to a television comedy show, "The Big Bang Theory"; and

c. Alluded to on a PBS science show on astronomy earlier this month when it was remarked that "the steady-state theory still has its adherents and they are holding their own".

This equation was led in, its sophisticated adherence to Reed standards of order and University of Washington graduate standards of logic, the realm of those protesting the Big Bang "theory" which we regarded as a political expedient having to do with political, economic, and military expansion throughout the world.

The gridlock has been broken and terrestrial cosmology is now being flooded by native light from the exterior cosmology.

The slow rate of development is not surprising. You mentioned when I was attending Reed that the 1926 discovery of the Schrodinger wave equation was only three years prior to the 1929 stock market crash, and made it obvious the probability of a causal relationship could not be avoided. I recalled that by 1985 when I moved back to Seattle from Aberdeen.

After it was on the internet it was soon clear that even though I could obtain only informal notoriety in personal returns for the equation, it would have eventual effect on the world because minimum action paths from discovery to global assimilation could not be avoided if it were persistently before the public.

I...first put it on the internet at by 1994, when I moved into this Seattle Housing Authority apartment building. It seemed I was being discouraged in the name of what an only be called a Cold War vestige of national security paranoia, yet I had been so indoctrinated that within two or three years I removed it. With my small income, I could use the money.

Shortly after that, Nico Benschop, an engineer at Phillips Electric in the Netherlands, emailed me asking where it was; he had seen it, wanted to read it again. After he heard it had been removed, he offered to host it at his web site there. That seemed reasonable, a little audacious perhaps but feasible and I agreed. The equation is still there, though most of the document was removed as it was not being read.

Later, about 2000, I could afford an ISP, Eskimo North, and presented the document there, where the first few pages and a table of contents remain, with links to the Eskimo North web site here.

Visitors to both web sites continue, more in Europe where it appears the subject has more popular interest, somewhat less here where, because it is technical, it is regarded as a possible security concern.

The concept of a new power balance in the universe is mentioned in the document.

Now to be less selfish about it, it is necessary to understand that the possibility of a causal relationship between Schrodinger's hydrogen atom wave equation and the great 1929 stock market crash is a matter of scientific necessity. That is, if integrity is to rule in the sciences, it is vital to admit that the wave equation is among the possible causes of economic regression to evolutionary scale activity. If integrity is to rule today, this author must admit that the discovery of an equation which fits the cosmological phenomenon of the Hubble Red Shift could be among the causes of economic recession today. At first the economic ripples seemed amusing. They are not, now.

The equation suggests that all energy approaching Earth in the field of light-like radiation is slowly changing as it approaches and passes our planet. When it arrives, it is at the wavelength, frequency, etc. that is observed here.

An equivalent to that statement can be made for each of the five other proportional variables of energy, momentum, wavenumber, wavetime, and frequency. To be complete, they are presented below for ENERGY, WAVELENGTH, FREQUENCY, WAVENUMBER, MOMENTUM, and WAVETIME

These are the only six variables in the wave, besides phase. There are only two constants:

a. The speed of light c has two dimensions, distance and time; it is the ratio of distance to time, x/t where x is a measure of distance, as, meters or miles, and t is a measure of time, as, seconds or years. Radar traffic police are familiar users of this constant.

The speed of light can also be expressed as the product of wavelength and frequency. That makes wavelength of the fundamental quantities in the cosmology of life, and although wavelength is quite variable, certain specific wavelengths appear in quantum transitions which are essential fundamentals of molecular species, hence, of living species. In living organisms, the measure of length is the length of the organism, and frequency is a sensitive variable to organisms both because of their molecular frequencies and those associated with their size. This relates human activity to quantum activity, and quantum activity is a major part of the world of amoebas, germs, and viruses.

In other words, it is possible the continued progress in understanding the world of light-like radiation and its relationship to living organisms, is beginning to require that human beings respond on a quantum scale to their environment. That fits, with the extreme production of containers, such as bottled water and every other kind of box, carton, jug, can, and barrel. In this activity, phase is one of the phenomenon which has direct impact on members of living species, including human. To make it short, modern physics and discoveries in astronomy have phased the human species.

b. The action quantum h has four dimensions, of which two are distance, one is an energy equivalent in classical mechanics to a mass through the equation E = m c^2, and the other is time or its inverse, frequency. This is a common source of confusion; in nature, frequency and energy have a constant ratio, and certain other measures have the same ratio. That ratio is called the action quantum. It is like a liter container for fluids; it can come in many different shapes such as a long thin tube; a cube, a parallelepiped, pyramid, sphere, or any of the various shapes of the familiar liter plastic water bottles.

I. ENERGY All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from higher energy than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its energy continues to slowly diminish.

II. WAVELENGTH All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from shorter wavelength than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its wavelength continues to slowly increase.

III. FREQUENCY All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from higher frequency than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its frequency continues to slowly decrease.

IV. WAVENUMBER All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from greater wavenumber than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its wavenumber continues to slowly diminish.

V. MOMENTUM All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from greater momentum than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its momentum continues to slowly increase.

VI. WAVETIME All light-like approaching Earth from space comes from shorter wavetime than observed here, and as it passes and recedes from Earth its wavetime continues to slowly increase.

That's the situation; the whole world is being phased by light. It always was, only now the exterior firmament is eternal for sure, because those distant galaxies will not significantly change position more than their own diameters during the entire coming orbit of the Solar System around the Milky Way - 250 million years of future. It's the same firmament that theologians have always known is of vital importance in the forms of the developing young in the womb. That's why the Schrodinger wave equation had such massive impact within a few years after its 1926 discovery, and why the Hubble Red Shift equation is having such massive impact now.