Monday, July 19, 2010

The Loveliest Planet

One of the current states of the world is that it just ended (we hope) millions of years of raw evolution and thousands of years of difficult construction, almost all of which was completely new. Now, people from the loveliest planet have reached the Moon and increasing numbers of people routinely view the Earth from orbital space.

Bringing living witnesses back from orbit is such an important activity that the whole emphasis of space flight should turn to that as a worldwide goal for the foreseeable future. It will probably never become unpopular.

Every nation should have had an opportunity to send one or two of their country to Earth orbit. Probably that should include both men and women.

The orbital space program should be expanded, if necessary by construction of a second station which can accommodate visitors for a few days. Visitors would have appropriate training of course. At least one visitor to the International Space Station is said to have required almost no training.

Constructing such a station expressly for visits by persons, without an extensive outlay for research, will be important. An appropriate module would be a conference room. At one time, flying in an orbiting space station was only a dream, and was vaguely understood as being at once a privilege, a statement of the importance of that person, a pleasure, an honor and a thrill. By now it is becoming understood as a valuable necessity for the Earth which should provide first hand understanding of the world for as many people as possible,

Manned space flight by tourists, professional persons, officers, government officials, businessmen, lawyers, writers, clergymen, doctors, engineers, farmers, and other persons in as many different fields as possible should be made a priority goal for every industrial market nation that can afford to participate. Those nations which are on the verge of attaining that kind of economic prosperity should be given the understanding that their own participation will be welcome and important.

Nations in stages of development that preclude their own space flight program should be given flights for selected persons from their own countries - and who speak their country's native language. Of course, the procedures for selecting visitors to the space stations are extraordinarily important and it is beyond this writer to know.

A long-term project to ensure that eventually hundreds or thousands of actual living witnesses to the Earth's existence from orbit walk the Earth, is a good, timely project appropriate at this time, and will be welcome throughout the world.

This emerges from considering a least-action path for Earth from the zero sum predation of raw primitive evolution to a state of civil planet-hood, just government, and laws made by human beings.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hellish Worry about Nuclear Disarmament

Years of worry about nuclear war (practically a job description for a physicist) brought the conviction that many problems faced by human beings are rooted deeply in nature. The killing of large predatory land and sea animals, to the point where each species so decimated yields to human conquest, is one of the interpretations of the Biblical injunction to "have dominion over the Earth." The slaughter seems abhorrent and endless, yet when well conducted, sufficiency is recognized and it ceases as a species yields. Perhaps the God of Moses comprehended life on other planets at other star systems and merely did not mention it.

Ovid mentioned metamorphosis at the time when Rome set future millennia to the goal of reaching the Moon. The Moon attained, a change is taking place on Earth, a global metamorphosis spanning thousands of years. This wild, savage planet is shedding its primitive, intemperate, toothy rapacity, as when predacious larva change into adult dragonflies that, even when dining on living prey, do it with both in communion. That is why cats play with captured living mice - cats resonate with mice, and a mouse is drawn into resonance with a successfully hunting cat. In mammals, the resonance is crude, merely being enough that the two, members of different species, are not clearly distinct in long, then as play commences, shorter and shorter wavelengths.

The resonance is at low frequencies first. In microwaves it is not easy to distinguish a cat from a mouse. As the "play" continues, absence of distinction increases and soon even in millimeter waves the two are not distinct except in size. They become indistinct in far infrared, then near infrared. As they become indistinct in the visible it becomes a communion grisly for mouse and satiating for cat. The act of predation is evolving to an act of communion. That kind of dining contains a savage gap not easy for human beings to face. That is why human beings have to fill that gap with Cadbury Snack, or other bars. Cats are recent, only about 25 million years since they began (Wikipedia). The communion of cats with prey is crude and brutal. Yet human beings are even more recent.

Many photos exist of dragonflies dining on other insects. In these, the act of predation has been practiced over three hundred million years (Wikipedia). In what faces the human species now, the Moon has shoe prints on it and molecular evolution is already implacable. That is why there is so much interest in chemistry and nanotechnology.

Human beings and even animals are taking up the civilized practice of killing food prey mercifully. These are bloody times as the vestiges of savage action are full of teeth and claws, and one is reminded of kittens becoming tame for the first time. Fleas, mosquitoes and other parasites try to predate on us humans all the time.

Current threat perception is rank, from much more ancient and wild hungry animal predation, cunning entrapment and treacherous ambush from carnivores than can easily be comprehended, much less believed in civil society or understood well. However, some aspects of the problem can be described. Our natures are alarmed at the savagery of even human instincts. Worse, it was thought that horrendous weapons like atomic and hydrogen bombs would be necessary to counter these imagined threats.

Because the Moon and the tides were linked since the earliest evolution of life in the seas, flight to the Moon was a dream of living organisms, mainly land animals, since at least 400 million years ago. The creatures on land could view the Moon independently of seawater tides, and of course the earliest perceptions of it as a place began then. There is no way of knowing what those perceptions might have been except that, for instance, birds which sensed its gravity could have wondered if it was like a mountain they could fly to.

Something like that fanciful origin was the origin of mammals, and then human beings, in their relation to the Moon. It is no wonder that the Moon figures heavily in history. Human beings did not appear out of the laundry in a world in which dinosaurs disappeared without a trace. Mammals are descended from dinosaurs which gradually adapted to control heat and warmth, and human beings are evolved mammals.

We walk upright, can grasp with our hands, and use our minds to work with our hands. A long time ago we could make marks with sticks in the dirt, and mark on rock with clay and burnt sticks. Around 37,000 years ago, cave and rock wall drawings began to include star patterns. These drawings are found in many parts of the world, notably near Auxerre, France and in South Africa. They launched the human imagination to the stars. Art began to eke images of the Moon's influence from the Earth-Moon system. The result was ancient ornaments resembling women.

The first we know of the moon from ancient constructions seems to have begun with early earth mounds and pyramids. Among the very first extant evidence is a now famous depiction of bird-headed men standing in winged boats sailing across waters to a great disk in the skies. It was an image that appeared often. It must have been figurative in the construction of later dynasties, and one may reasonably suppose that attaining the Moon was an almost continuous though sometimes vague goal in human civilizations throughout the world since then.

As for the monstrous atomic and nuclear weapons now being dismantled, it appears they were partially invented and created for the purpose of destroying the great cities and human populations if flight to the Moon was not achieved. Well, that possibility no longer threatens, because flight to the Moon WAS achieved, in fact and in truth. If enough people believe that truth is another thing. I know some who do not.

Human beings face each other with a bewildering variety of horrendous nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capable of inflicting unprecedented and ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY catastrophes on the Earth. It is alarming to see these weapons exist. The world has attained the Moon and better. It is even now using orbital space as a vast resource in communications, transportation, weather prediction, and many other valuable and peaceful purposes. There is no justification for ignorance on that point.

It seems important to make some kind of competent determination of the extent to which nuclear weapons were or were not intended for the destruction of any opposition to attaining the Moon. No alien armed resistance was ever found on the Moon, and no opposition or any significant diversion of resources away from the successful attainment of the Moon occurred - except for military activity which even now is enormously costly. Much of the conflict appears to be rooted in the diverse languages-English, Russian, Chinese, Indian-and the different orders in which these languages relate time to distance, mass, identity and other human factors.

Of course, the Moon was reached-several times, in the 1969-1974 Apollo manned flights, and the net cost of those journeys was exceeded many times in the value returned by orbiting systems in the human activities named above.

It was not necessarily anticipated that great war would be involved in the final, hasty struggle to reach the Moon before the end of the second millennium, i.e. 2000 A.D. ten years ago. But war had turned out to be a rich field for scientific research, although at obscenely brutal cost in lives on a scale so massive it dwarfed every prior prediction of disaster. Even now, there are those who monger the idea of a 'holocaust' that in some way is punishment or reprisal for not attaining the Whole, whatever that is.

Is holocaust reserved for attaining some undiscovered goal in the sky?

Is holocaust a punishment for not establishing cities on the Moon or Mars?

Is holocaust the elimination of an "excess" of human populations which was inadvertently created, for instance by extending the human reproductive season to span the entire year? Just what is a holocaust, and who is proposing that such a think be given weight, or that it continue to be some kind of specter or foreboding of doom, and why?

The closest thing that can be discerned about holo-, holy, or whole, cost, is that in some predictions, Earth is inevitably doomed sometime in the future millions or hundred millions or billions of years, to lose all its air and water as Mars did in the past.

So far, no responsible authority I know has made it clear to the public that no danger exist of that kind.

Some of the ghastly errors in the past included, for instance, the confusion about the value of the number 3,000, in the Hitler program to create V-2 missiles with which to continue its Axis war in Europe. Another, related error was the attempt to exterminate the Jewish population. The very use of war as a form of research is now known, because of the vastly more efficient forms of research institutions in use today, to have been an atrocity of the first water.

Just so, continued and powerful examination of these and related deep questions about the validity of even the existence of weapons of mass destruction now that actual Moon rocks exist on the Earth's surface in human hands, is vital.

It is also vital to understand that just because the Moon was found to have NO life on it, does not mean that the ancient myths of dangerous alien beings or space monsters or demons have been quelled. Those myths die hard.

The correct but extraordinarily brief assessment by the Republican party, that the only places in the solar system other than Earth where a human person can stand without being quickly dying of heat or cold or lack of air or lack of surface to stand on, are the Moon and Mars, was short-lived. It was thought to have died on the vine.

Instead, it needs to be made into a continual, accessible message that is present all the time everywhere on Earth. A similar assessment regarding the feasibility of flying to the stars for other places to live must be made common sense too. It will take generations for that understanding to displace the simple minded but ancient errors of the past.

There is no other way of countering the reappearance of primitive superstition except by the secular truth presented in quiet, persistent, civil ways that are courteous to the viewer or listener, and not threatening.

I personally know of people who are convinced the story was false, about what the men who landed on the Moon in the Apollo flights. They are convinced the entire project was a fiction. They do not merely think it a good joke to say so, they believe it was entirely a deceit and a deliberate fiction intended to deceive exactly them. They insist they cannot help it, that the conviction comes from instinct and nature. One, a neighbor, asked me if I thought there were stars in the sky where only black people live.

The myth that human beings are all going to the stars is, for now, far more likely to cause more grief now than it is worth in haste and speed in attempting to get there in a hurry. It is certain Earth will be designing, dreaming, planning, tinkering, experimenting, and maintaining a civil background of research institutions working exactly toward that goal - of antigravity or some other way of reaching orbit without the horrendously dangerous rockets; of propulsion in space that can take ships, and human beings, to the stars.

An honest scientist may say that may not occur for a hundred thousand years, and even if that is the course Earth follows, it will be well within the lifetime of the planet and its air, water and other resource supplies.

Anybody who wants haste or war to attempt to reach the stars is a fool, a potential Hitler, and a danger to the Earth.

The logic of all this is based, as far as possible, only on premises that stand the truth of time. No doubt they can be better assessed. But it remains true that no danger from Earth itself exists that is worth the strident military attempt to keep the world at a nuclear standoff for all time, or the relentless military attempt to thwart progress in disarmament of these costly, unnecessary and maliciously destructive weapons.

The United States, in particular, because of its aggressive (yes, aggressive) state in relation to the rest of the world, which at all times presses hard line, high potential nuclear capital logic on a world of living organic beings and then insists they represent some sort of evil intrinsic to the nature of life, is making itself into an exact but immense equivalent of the deranged householder who has assembled a lunatic arsenal of guns, bombs, knives, explosives, grenades and other weapons against his wife and kids and the neighbors. He is pursuing a course that could result in tragedy, or not, but the rest of the world will not lose that war, and he will end up dead or in jail.

That is why people from other countries are pussy-footing around the United States.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The Moon and Earth orbit each other around a common center of gravity. Because the Moon is so small, and thus light in weight, it does not move the Earth much, and so the two orbit around a point that is within the radius of the Earth. That point is called the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system.

Of course the barycenter moves laterally, around under the surface of the Earth near the equator, and drifting north and south somewhat because of the Moon's inclination. Yet it always remains closer to the center of the Earth than the surface on which we live.

Since living animals first swam in the seas, life has always taken the Moon into account in its reproductive cycles, because the most balanced sense of gravity resulted in the best conceived eggs. That started at least half a billion years ago and more like up to three billion years. Always, the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system was within the Earth, and so the net gravitational field in which life existed, was always down, roughly toward the center of the Earth.

That means the Moon was always assumed to be at once both somehow in the sky and within the Earth. The result is profound. Gravitationally the Moon seemed to be within the Earth, yet visually the Moon seems to be, half the time anyway, in the sky. Sometimes, like today, it seems almost nowhere to be found, except that on looking carefully, and with the aid of my pocket computer, it is there, close to the sun, a very dim faint pale white crescent in the intense light blue haze from the air.

So what of this? It means that in terms of the Earth, men often assume the Earth contains something which must be dug up - the Moon - and so they set to digging vast quantities of the Earth with bulldozers, steam shovels, hole diggers, giant scrapers and many other machines. Strip mining and even the sheer removal of entire mountains is taking place all around the world. Sometimes it is a light element like carbon in coal that is dug up. Dig, dig, dig! See the men dig! What are we digging? It isn't really the Moon.

If we stopped digging for the Moon, would it cause a recession?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Planning Global Economic Hiatus

There is possibly to be no economic recovery, not of the vast ambitious wars or projects. Yet there is to be peace. There is to be distribution and food and housing; yet whether it is well designed is up to us. If it not carefully handled, possibly with drastic reforms, it could be farcical and leave millions of people unnecessarily homeless.

If the current economic recession in the United States issue is not faced on the global scale, it may become part of a disgusted, total withdrawal from thousands of years of struggle to attain the Moon, and the actual event is likely to be far more difficult even if it is not nearly so vast.

If it is carefully handled, housing will be certain and stable for most of the people most of the time, and it will not be fraught with financial threats, impossibilities or danger of homelessness for anybody.

That is because the world is changing from

I. Over half a billion years of primitive ignorance, superstition, darkness, cold, hunger and fear, through

II. centuries (now only half through) of determined, hurried, urgent, aggressive, necessary, unavoidable and sometimes warlike change and vast overpopulation, to

III. a future of certainty, warmth, understanding, enlightenment, communications, confidence, knowledge, planetary values and many other blessings that come with global civilization.

It may take time, but let us begin. Some of the approaches of the past just won't do. The hopes, voices and opinions of the young, the children, are vital. They can see things that are wrong, and if their dreams are not yet substantiated, they at least can be given credence.