Friday, July 2, 2010

Planning Global Economic Hiatus

There is possibly to be no economic recovery, not of the vast ambitious wars or projects. Yet there is to be peace. There is to be distribution and food and housing; yet whether it is well designed is up to us. If it not carefully handled, possibly with drastic reforms, it could be farcical and leave millions of people unnecessarily homeless.

If the current economic recession in the United States issue is not faced on the global scale, it may become part of a disgusted, total withdrawal from thousands of years of struggle to attain the Moon, and the actual event is likely to be far more difficult even if it is not nearly so vast.

If it is carefully handled, housing will be certain and stable for most of the people most of the time, and it will not be fraught with financial threats, impossibilities or danger of homelessness for anybody.

That is because the world is changing from

I. Over half a billion years of primitive ignorance, superstition, darkness, cold, hunger and fear, through

II. centuries (now only half through) of determined, hurried, urgent, aggressive, necessary, unavoidable and sometimes warlike change and vast overpopulation, to

III. a future of certainty, warmth, understanding, enlightenment, communications, confidence, knowledge, planetary values and many other blessings that come with global civilization.

It may take time, but let us begin. Some of the approaches of the past just won't do. The hopes, voices and opinions of the young, the children, are vital. They can see things that are wrong, and if their dreams are not yet substantiated, they at least can be given credence.

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