Monday, June 8, 2009


Quantum electrodynamics is the eternal direct link between life and the firmament. Secular scientists dislike that word firmament. Yet theologians are more innocent, honest and true to the entirety of the spiritual world in their concern with the firmament, than with any other relationship to society whether religious or no.

The concept of the firmament has changed greatly as modern astronomy and the physics of relativistic motion became confident of the universe in which all existence takes place. Exceedingly distant and myriad exterior galaxies do move, yet their lateral motion is of only minute significance relative to the celestial sphere at such vast distances. Their motion is constrained by energy losses to small fractions of the speed of light, and the speed with which they move never is much greater than a few hundred kilometers each second. These energy losses are measurable in particle accelerators, and the rapid energy loss with increasing speed makes space-time seem viscous like honey or thick oil.

For this reason the map of galaxies has changed very little in all the past three billion years, the fifteen or twenty galactic cycles, since life began on Earth. It will be essentially the same two hundred fifty million years hence as it is today after the Earth and Solar System have traveled around the Milky Way Galaxy yet another time. Exterior galaxies rarely move in visual relationships to each other more than their own diameters in the two hundred twenty million years of a galactic cycle.

Yet quantum electrodynamics is a difficult time for some of those who see intense energy as being the only liberating factor they can stomach. The most obvious manifestations of quantum electrodynamics in life are in the fine details of life. To be sure, they exist both in the most magnificent of life's competition, where the hawk or falcon plummets down at a hundred miles an hour to sieze a pigeon into its claws with instantaneous stunning force, or where a tarpon leaps out of the sea, if there are any tarpon remaining.

More often, quantum electrodynamics is more readily apparent in small, graceful and delicate phenomena such as hovering butterflies or hummingbirds, grazing animals, flowers the colors of which make the very air resonate with fragrance, the sniffing out of dinner by animals with noses dedicated to their own or their family's dinners, and quiet conversations among human beings not constrained to be on bivouac.

Ancient militaries believed in, depended and insisted on, and hoped that life would consist of energetic triumphs over life forever at all times, for it is the teeth and claws, sharp hard parts and the high potential convex surface gradients of small radius, high intensity Paschen curves, the sharp delineation of time into seconds by which energy changes become catastrophic for the inevitable loser. If militaries knew of anything more delicate, they rarely showed that quality. Competition was always which horn clobbered the other horn, or which tooth devoured the meat, or which claw severed which jugular with greater energy, including energy in high valence or nuclear potentials.

Increasing militarization of the world will inevitably make of all the Earth nothing but claws, stingers, fangs, scales and armor. Militaries care as much about the structure, activity, variety and versatility of life as sharks care about clown fish and the beauty and delicacy of sea fans or the thousand other comical, decorated and intricate structures of the oceans and seas. Sharks sacrificed everything interesting about life except speed, noses and sharp teeth to indulge their voracious stomachs. What you insist on is what you get; eventually it is all you get. That happened to ants, and snakes, sharks. probably to the Tasmanian Devil and every other creature that ended up with only a few monstrous characteristics.

It is not an inevitable of the military mind to be forever ignorant of galactic rotation and the right it presents in coordination with ecliptic and equatorial right. That right can be predicted and an advantage. It may be that military concepts of right are concealed in order to prevent other entities from predicting their actions. Yet not to regulate military power carefully is dangerous to a world this small when weapons are so large. For a military to act in response to civil, economic and human rights that are of benefit to life, even where the action is one of enforcement, is no disgrace and it is within strategists to see to it that military effectiveness is not compromised by enemy knowledge of the rights that are among the goals. That makes it easier to impose win-win situations where an opponent refuses to recognize such possibilities of its own free will.

At the present time the slaughter and "harvesting" of wild sentient beings living species as if they are so much dirt, mineral ore. That kind of ruinously aggressive consumption was made possible with the invention of high energy, high power inanimate machines and high energy processing of any and everything organic fed into it into something edible. It is that kind of rapacious unconcerned aggression that has caused world populations of many species to plummet and many species to disappear forever in extinction. The "harvesting" is not as if anyone was cultivating, tilling or herding the creatures; they were simple natural creatures wild and free.

To be sure, it is possible that only the military will be permitted to solve the problems presented by the tragedy of the commons, including the burgeoning overpopulation of the world by human beings who reproduce in impoverished desperate hope for some better life than that which they can give children. Earth risks making an infestation of the human species. Traditional military approaches are not likely to be of much help in alleviating the rape of wildlife, and militaries hate being classified as plural. They are the teeth and scales of zero sum games.

If human legislation does not begin to take careful account of all three celestial planes of rotational asymmetry, in the context of exterior galactic cosmology, no long-term solutions will come to pass at all. The earth's people will leave galactic rotation unresolved, imagining it has nothing to do with them, and wonder at the slow changes since ancient times in the past, as the human species becomes more narrowly constrained to the few things it sees as greatest of its values, and is suaged into abandoning the many interesting, varied and enjoyable amusements of which none constitutes a dominant interest. You get a few things that you want most and nothing else.

In that case Earth will continue to be dominated by Ancients of Days and Ancients of Years, utterly dumb, blind and ignorant about the possibility of an antiquity true in Galactic right.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration provided, with the Very Large Array, a sufficiently certain, accurate, positive, and deterministic measure of the rate at which the Solar System moves around the Milky Way, often called, and not too inaccurately, Galactic Rotation.

Yet no sign seems to have appeared in any of the world's governments, or its legislative bodies or royal lineages, of any determination of right in terms of Galactic Rotation. Several popular laws absolutely MUST be enacted that can be made world wide, and are sound, certain, determinate and recognizably consistent with not only Constitutional and Universal Human rights, but right as it is known in terms of all these four things

I. The firmament of exterior galaxies;

II. the slow, majestic and historically continuing turning of the Milky Way;

III. the annual, Ecliptic astrological familiar in the calendaring of years;

IV. and the Equatorial daily rotations of the Earth, upon which Universal Human Rights are based.

To be sure, cognoscenti in governments and at the United Nations have since its formation been conscious of exterior galaxies. More is possible. Very large numbers of human beings are quick enough to understand that political, social and other human rights are meaningful not only in the daily rotation demonstrated by the Foucault Pendulum but also the annual motion of the Earth around the Sun, and the geologically slow motion of the entire Solar System with the Earth in tow, around the Milky Way galaxy.

When a piece of legislation that is essentially of positive value and not ridden with pork barrel earmarks comes through which has been graced by specific mention of all three sources of right, cooked perhaps throughout a considerable period of years, or some existing laws that have passed the test of time and can be recognized as consistent with all of those are identified by jurists, then rapid progress is likely to be possible in their light.

Otherwise even going to the Moon again, we are all just going round in circles. And this spinning mote can't do it all.

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