Friday, August 26, 2011

Error and Adjustment in the Electric Field Constant

During the most recent ten years of my admittedly private research I slowly came to a conclusion that the Faraday and Henry derived electric and magnetic field constants are canonical constants, not secular. The electric field constant was arbitrarily chosen by a ruling class and the eventual result would be gross distortion of justice.

Their dimensions appear to be sound, because of the topological dimensions, not because of the observed fields of electrostatic and electromagnetic phenomena. Both magnitudes, however, were arbitrarily set by the willful choice of magnitude for the electric field constant. Research in those times inevitably required close cooperation and license; liberty, granted either from the royalty; or membership in an ennobled family.

The electrostatic field discovered by Faraday in England is a linear non-rotating system and the electromagnetic field discovered subsequently by Henry in America is a rotating system. These discoveries would go unquestioned until the discovery of radio by Marconi and Hertz, and once radio communications was announced, nobody would dare question or change the values that had been assigned to the electric and magnetic field constants.

That rotating systems existed was known in England but not followed at that time and place. Rather, it was propitious for English ruling classes to ensure that the linear electric field phenomena were securely defined in a manner suitable to the form of government at that time, that is, the royal and crown forms of government which were highly partial to transparent and specially though naturally colorful gems, jewels, crystals, and glass for the ruling classes, and imposing iron in the form of fences, gates, maces, truncheons, spears, and firearms such as cannon with grapeshot and bombs on the common people in that and many other governments by force.

It was clear that an English speaking government was establishing itself in the Americas, and England left it for the Americans to resolve the other dimensions, because Americans were happy to purchase English iron goods and would come to something.

Henry did, and it was eventually determined that these two constants could be related to the speed of light.

However, in modern secular mathematics it seems possible that two constants could be resolved which relate electric and magnetic phenomena to the speed of light, while keeping the fundamentally topological forms of the equations, yet arbitrarily or not, setting the two constants to be numerically equal and of such magnitude that their product is still related to the speed of light.

If this is true, it could explain some of the vexing ornery bytes, snits, quarrels, altercations and wars that dealing with England often gets into. It could illuminate, too, the furiously intense industrial production of iron that ultimately found its way into the cannons, machine guns, tanks and other weapons of war, with the resulting incalculable slaughter of so many.

That is not to say that at any one time innocence did not exist, but it was often distorted by class and other values. At any one time every researcher was probably thought very innocent of brutal intention. But in evolutionary time, from centuries and millenniums to millions of years, scientific constants have extremely powerful effects. Errors in estimating or planning those constants are eventually almost certain to cause horrific error.

That is why the electric and magnetic field constants should be reviewed from their very inception. Why was the magnitude of Faraday's permittivity originally set at the value it has today?

Was that value consistent with the very long term geological history and resolvable future of the world, if it is known in advance that it must have, with a magnetic field constant, a stable relationship to the speed of light?

Think of it: the JPL ephemeris calculates the positions of stars and planets now out to ten thousand years with high accuracy; the LAGEOS and ETALON satellites are planned to stay aloft millions of years; artifacts on the Moon will probably remain in place millions of years as well. The Martian objects could do the same, and the lander on Titan also.

We are in a time scale now that dwarfs the mere centuries since Faraday and Henry worked. It is time to investigate the development of those two constants with a little detective work. It would make good curriculum in "History of Science" classes in high schools, colleges and universities.

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