Sunday, October 7, 2012

Jack and the Bean Rocket

Jack was a poor boy down south; his Daddy was a miner.

Worked hard all day, brought home a little money.

Sometimes there was food, and sometimes there was not.

When there was, it wasn't cuisine.

Not all the meat you could want, though there was hamburger and chicken Mom made into stew and chicken and dumplings.

In case you had not heard, the hamburger was stretched with potatoes and the chicken was stretched with dumplings.

Sometimes meat flavored potatoes and chicken flavored dumplings.

People weren't better then.  That was just the way it was.

When deep fat fryers were new we bought one and used it about three days.

It didn't come with any food but we fell for the ruse that suggested it did, or that suggested your kid would supply that.

We made some doughnuts but they didn't multiply and turn into dollars.

Like that hundred across the street.

Sometimes there was even a little Money.

Jack went to town with his allowance and his parents thought he was going to get some decent clothes and find work.

Jack came home with three rockets. His Father asked, "Jack, what are you going to do with those rockets?

"I'm going to go the Moon, Dad, and fight the Moon men and take back the promised land on the Moon! We'll be rich, Dad! I promise! You'll see.

Jack's father went back to work digging in the mine.

Sometimes when there was no work in the mines, Jack's father worked in the fields planting potatoes, or turnips or squash.

It wasn't exactly a candy machine because when you put a piece of potato into the ground it didn't suddenly turn into a grown up potato and fall out of the bottom.

Jack was one of the lucky ones, especially for a boy named Jack.

There was one Jack got his head blown off in Texas for promising things like that.

Promised a parking lot for Camels on the Moon.

Called it Camelot.


Really was.

A President, too.

Our Jack was lucky in that his messing around with rockets got him a job with NASA.

He worked for Werner von Braun who had built rockets for Hitler and bombed London with them so HE knew where the action was.

They were REALLY going to the Moon and take all the promised land back.

Then they were going to Mars, kill all the space alien monsters and take back the canals.

Then there would be lots of water for the potatoes.

Werner had two brothers.

Together they were all known as the Werner Brothers.

It was a Werner Brothers movie.

It worked, by God.

Jack went to the Moon and brought back some Moon rocks.

That was all there was of the land grab.

Jack came home to his aging parents and said, "Dad, you were right.

There is nothing on the Moon but rock and dry dirt.

There is not even any air to breathe or water to drink.

We actually lost weight.

We threw everything disposable away to save weight.

There's a little organic stuff on the Moon now-the latrine package.

But nothing's going to grow there, what with no water and no air".

That's what Jack said.

Jack was a terrible story teller because the only decent language he knew was engineering English.

But it made sort of a story.

Jack still looks forward to the days when people will go to Mars and see if the canals are maybe there after all.

Canals had, after all, been seen through a real telescope by a real astronomer named Schiaparelli, and the government had invested lots of money in Schiaparelli'e telescope.

So it was thought that it had to be proven by human beings because the threat was so real the world is still infested with incomprehensibly destructive murderous weapons.

Of course Mars was far away and so the government sent robots that took pictures and photographed the land for the advertisements for the land rush.

Measured the air and water for the resort ads.

Looked around for the Martians too but there were none in sight.

Maybe they're hiding just beyond that hill.

Or maybe they are some place on Mars where the Mars landers didn't land.

Jack came back to see his even older parents, and said, "Dad, there weren't any Martians.

There are no invaders from Mars and never were.

There never will be.

There's almost no air on Mars either, and even if you compressed it wouldn't be breathable.

There's no water, though there are a few totally dried out stream beds millions of years old because the last water evaporated from Mars before human beings even dreamed of going there.

Maybe before the dinosaurs, the water was gone from Mars.

There's nothing there to live on.


Jack was telling the truth.

But only old people know this.

The new Jacks are running around looking at their tablet computers for "beanstalk" and "giant castle" and "pizza".

Some of the others are looking for "employment counseling".

It would be easy to rave insultingly at them, and say, "Some of them are looking for free handouts".

But those who deceived them made them that way.

Those who deceived them forget (VERY conveniently) that few people work in agricultural fields any more because the thousands of years of invention of machines was partly intended to invent machines that would do agricultural labor.

So there are no farm jobs in the numbers that once existed.

There are cooking jobs, but they depend on people who like to dine in restaurants.

So there are many diners who want to do that, and some cooks and restaurant staff.

The diners bring money and pay the restaurant for the food.

That's business.

To those who enslave the young or leave them in ignorance, that's enough explanation, nothing else will mean anything.

To those who understand, millions of people were deceived during thousands of years and those who damn the people now are the same as those who deceived them before.

That it was a half billion year evolutionary goal explains the importance of getting to the Moon.

Yet it should not have been necessary to deceive the people during all that time.

Those who condemn the unemployed now act as if the tax money available to the Nation is their personal property.

It never was even in the first place.

It certainly is not after they pay their taxes.

They have no right to criticize at all if their criticism contains no element of understanding that there are few agricultural jobs, that the labor in housing is also largely supplanted with machines.

When they moderate their damnation with that understanding, their opinions will no longer fall on ears that could not care less what they say otherwise.

There's no place on the Moon or Mars as livable as any place on Earth, even any place on Earth where people rarely live.

There's no place on the Moon or Mars as livable as any place on Earth that NOTHING ever lives.

No place on Mars or the Moon as livable as Antarctica, the middle of the Sahara Desert, or the tops of the Himalayas or the Gobi Desert.

So Jack bought an iPad, and keyed in the instructions for downloading a pizza, and got a picture of a pizza with a map to the nearest Pizza place, but Jack didn't have much money even for that.

It has a calculator and it can multiply, too, but not into more calculators (you cannot eat calculators anyway).

It only produced pictures of the numbers.

Jack's kids don't even know the numbers on their calculators aren't some sort of game, just like the other games that are loaded onto the thing when it is sold.

Those who condemn the people for not working should confess they want to destroy the agricultural equipment so that more people will have to toil in the fields.

Or if that is not true, why not?

It's not Jack's fault that he's ignorant.

The whole world was promising land and conquest in Moon and Mars since thousands of years ago, and most of the people, being carefully uneducated, fell for it.

To be sure, it was important to get to those places and find out for certain.

Until the very last, people were being promised dazzling things like the diamonds at Tiffany's, or the gold in Fort Knox, or slaughtering Klingons and Romulans in battles for the Universe.

None of that was anything but carnival razzmatazz, dazzling vice, come-on's and carnie talk.

It isn't a time for cynicism.

It's a time to face and coordinate many actual but heavily obscured fact.

Facts of which many have been obscured for thousands of years.

The real and actual assessment is, the people alive today are the inheritors of a vast ten thousand year empire of Promise Them Anything but Fly to the Moon deceit.

It was talk that resulted in success yet left the world with generations of mourning for hundreds of millions of human beings killed in unnecessary wars.

There was no way to prevent it or know as the wars were taking place that they were absolutely unnecessary.

Flights to the Moon have been an instinctive migratory goal since before the dinosaurs began.

Even the other planets-Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and invisible Uranus, Neptune and Pluto-have gravity.

If the deceivers are not defeated, the deceits and the enslavement to economic lies will continue forever.

Mars is not yet actually walked on by people who risk their lives to prove that Mars is either not inhabited or inhabited.

Of course when that happens, those who visit Mars and return will prove that the dominant living things on Mars were human beings from Earth.

The once-feared dominance by Martians will be swept into the palatial homes of the rich on Earth.

Then when the Martian fears are been proved false, it will be pretended that space aliens and monsters might exist on the next planet Jupiter.

Panic-inspiring images of space aliens and monsters from Jupiter will flood the Earth through the television.

Monsters from Jupiter will be envisioned that will come to Earth and enslave the people of Earth and turn their children into zombies.

After people return from Jupiter and serve up their images as models of the monarchy powers, the people will know that the dominant living things on Jupiter were people of Earth.

The once-feared dominance will be quickly taken up into power structures and kept in the lavish homes of the wealthy.

It will then be pretended that space aliens and monsters exist, MIGHT exist, COULD exist on Saturn-Saturnian space aliens that will come to Earth and enslave the people and turn their children into zombie bots.

But people will journey to Saturn, and prove there are no Saturnian monsters, no matter what was predicated in the 2001 movie.

And when they return, the much feared power of the Saturnian Aliens will be harvested by the fabulously rich and famous again.

Uranus is next.

The people will be told that Uranian space monster aliens will come to Earth and enslave the people and turn their children into zombies unless Earth people go there in person and prove there are no Uranians.

When the astronauts to Uranus return and bear witness there are no Uranian Space Monsters, the fear and potential from the myth will be swept into the lions and unicorns of power, to defend the opulent castles against Earth people.

It will then be pretend that Pluto must harbor Alien Space Monsters that threaten Earth and Earth people with enslavement to toil and labor and job-hunting in a world that does most everything with automatic machines guided by computers.

So the Pluto project will commence, and people will risk their lives to bring back rocks from Pluto.

When they do, it will be triumphantly proclaimed that Pluto has no life, it is too cold, there are no signs of any living thing.

Although it will be too obvious to say, "There are no space monsters on Pluto after all, too bad, we will just keep the fear you common people were laboring in for ourselves, in our lavish castles and palaces and enclave homes, and you common shirks and lazy people can go get a job" - though too obvious, that is what they will think of the people, again.

Before life began on Earth, the ancient prehistoric seas of Earth were being washed back and forth in tides by the Moon.

The first life that was big enough to be shaped by that motion tried to anticipate the next wave.

The second wave of life enslaved the children of the first.

From then on to now and for a long time to come, Life Was Dreaming of the Moon, or other planets, or the stars.

Even now a new pretense is unfolding-that the Earth's air and water are going to eventually run out and we should all be in an enslaving panic to discover ways to travel to the stars.

Earth's atmosphere and seas might someday vanish, though it won't be for millions and possibly billions of years.

Meanwhile, though, the deceit already exist.

It is pretended that Earth's atmosphere IS vanishing, that some remembered part ALREADY vanished.

The only thing is, it did not disappear from the planet.

The right to breathe air and drink water was stolen and is now in various castles and palaces, powerful mortgages, and other enclaves of the rich.

The only people who should explore space should be people who are not enslaved to fear of space monsters, space aliens, space invaders or returning astronauts pretended by the enslaving classes to be alien threats.

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