Friday, December 14, 2012


The world's need for careful reasoning by young people is gravely important. Many deep errors existed during the last five thousand years. They resulted in immense, tragic wars. Virgin ideas do not inevitably replace ancient errors. It would be nice, but it's not so.

The author suggests some of the problem. My ideas are narrow, hurried and stressed out. Yet they are those prevailing at the turning point, when the world was just beginning to see the most obvious implications of what was found by space flight. I personally remember when the prevailing concept in the Pacific Northwest was flat-earth, and it was darkness. Fortunately, Grandpa had been to China and had been around the round world.

As time passes the most important issues will become clearer, and their good and evil will be more amendable to description. Good decisions made in the first century of this new millennium will be of immense value for thousands of years. Bad or neglected decisions that could have been made earlier could cause incomprehensible suffering again.

Think and communicate about it yourselves.  What is written here is one person's view and must be regarded as isolated.  It's not shallow, but it is almost certainly unique or peculiar.

The deep implications of what is now known about the Nature of the World are gravely important to the future. They need to be understood by more people, through long deliberation, and not alone but in conference and communication with others.

It is not just a problem of preserving at all costs those inured, self-protective empires that, heavily armored, burdened the world with an overemphasis on mortal conflict to solve problems that should have been solved by research.Yet nations of good faith, if the issues are clarified, will be seriously determined to repair even ancient errors that remain.

The Moon was ancient goal. Reaching the Moon always was a deep instinctive goal throughout the history of the World.

Over half a billion years ago octopuses and other animals swam in the tides and were drawn back and forth by the Moon. Later, on land, dinosaurs knew the Moon had gravity, and were drawn by it. Probably, young Archaeopteryx, Pteranodon, Pterodactyl and other early flying creatures which saw the Moon rising as a mountain in the East, had a brief impulse to fly there.

The Moon became an elemental goal with instinct's roots deep in the abyss beyond the continental shelves surrounding the lands of the Earth.

The Moon's gravity is in instinct, and is a part of human procreation. Early Mankind too was gravely drawn to the Moon. Yet life was ignorant of Earth's nature, and so in ignorance, monstrous wars occurred, between periods of rapid enlightenment. Though not a sin, ignorance caused conflict.

In the past, the Earth's people were largely ignorant of its Shape and Nature, and ignorant too of the nature of the Sun and Moon.  The lights in the sky were thought to be gods, or spirits, or heavenly beings.  They were given faces and the names of famous people.  Stories were told and written about how they came to be in the sky.

Within living memory, flight to the Moon eliminated the ignorance, and revealed the truth about the ancient struggle for the Moon.

Thousands of years ago, people throughout the world made decisions to worship anything that moved, to struggle at all cost, build everything they could think of, enslave each other and force each other and themselves to try hard, to get to the Moon. They invented, they colonized, they conquered and sailed and trekked and migrated.

War killed many.  Massive armies and navies conquered cities and nations and waged war against each other.  Five, maybe eight thousand years of war.  What inspires war is abstracted inanimate reasoning detached from human emotion, collective consciousness, and substantial, agreeable opinions.  Heidegger wrote like that. 

For some distorted reasoning, Germany manufactured three thousand V-2 rockets in concealed slave labor camps in which thousands of people died during the last phase of that Saturnian period from 1914 to 1945.  Why 3,000?  Evidently that number came from another millennium, the monstrously misconceived Third Reich.  Saturn is again approaching the Galactic Center.  Fortunately, Neptune is past the GC.  The really critical time is when Neptune is approaching the GC, which it will do around 2085.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that kind of slow ignorant brutal stupidity no longer exists.  It could make this new century, in which a happy and legitimate triumphant knowledge of the Earth from Space should be the rightful supreme understanding of the World, into a colossal, unnecessary tragedy.  The new century could be subverted into some weird, stupid, cruel and brutal attempt to reach the stars by the end of the century, or by the year 3,000.

There are signs of that kind of enslavement, which happen around the periphery of economic factors. FEMA camps for instance.  If a part of some nobly enthused primordial intent to war, they might have been called by the internet attention they received. 

 The sudden emergence of a vast coal transport industry, shipping coal to Asia from inland states like Montana, reminds one of the Ruhr Valley Coal industry in Germany.  Why coal?  Coal is carbon. To some, carbon is diamond.  Having the ultimate diamond over a nation that can be disgraced by goading it into inhuman war will ensure supremacy for the nation hoarding the virtue.

The almost rabid production of consumer products by engine driven automatic machinery, with little care to ensure that the products are good and NOT evil or good and NOT bad, but instead, creating good and bad, good and junk products alike, just so long as they can be sold to anybody, to people with the brains of a Teddy Bear, is fascist.  The sudden "positive law" legal sanctification of high risk activities normally tolerated under discretion, is another.

But these descriptions, complicated and derived from observations within the crisis, are from one person alone.  The factors need scrutiny by millions of people using swarm intelligence.

In the final century of the struggle for the Moon, before it was successful, hundreds of millions of living human beings had died by murder in death camps or violence in wars.

The Moon inspired the flights to land on it.  It has not only thin air.  It has no significant air. Reaching the Moon, though, was a goal inspired by the Moon.  Its pursuit brought dreams of reaching the Sun, of the wandering planets and the stars became conscious parts of the dreams of flight.

Along the way it was discovered that Earth's atmosphere actually is thin, so thin that greedy people can and do ruinously exploit and monopolize breath. Now, breath is precious, like gold or precious gems.

The thin atmosphere made the idea important that Earth's air is rapidly vanishing into space.  This false scarcity of the vitally important air is now used to enslave people into struggling too rapidly and ferociously to attain, now, the other planets and beyond the solar system, the exceedingly distant stars.

Speculation about the stars is exploitive in its extremes.  Earth needs rest from exploitation.  In truth, Earth needs a rest from the ruthless, cruel ferocity of war, mortal competition and hectic money-driven ruthless economies designed to exploit all, for money profits.

Money is a medium of distribution, not merely of exchange.  As a means of exchange it is easily monopolized by simply refusing to exchange it further. 

Fictions about space monsters abound in literature dating back to ancient Rome.  Fictions about other worlds being inhabited by monsters, fabulously advanced space aliens, or by other people came to have almost dominant influence over common sense about the stars. Even the government sanctions fantastic stories about horrible creatures coming (from England?) through wormholes in the Defense Departments Cheyenne Mountain strategic bomb shelter.  War of the Worlds, used to terrify innocent people in New Jersey, was written by an Englishman.  Now, with the immense spectacles of science fiction presented by Hollywood, dreams dominate the media. It smacks of a ruthless fascist regime bent on going to the stars RIGHT NOW, immediately, or war. 

Dreams of flying to other stars, finding lovely habitable worlds there to which people could fly, came also to dominate the press and the media-and dominate otherwise responsible government opinions as well.  Yet they have in the past resulted in death camps.

MOST of all, the pitiless ideas about what lies beyond the moon are unscrupulously and aggressively used by filthy rich capitalist pigs to make nothing but profit for themselves, even if it costs more hundreds of millions of lives in FEMA camps or enslaves people to neurotically driven hyped up lives of numbing eternal competition that makes no sense to the instincts of the natural human being.  Capitalists COULD present much better, morally sober, prudent and wise leadership for the Earth's people.  Although a number of them do, many do not. 

Instead, fear that air and water will run out, is used as a whip.  Yet air and water will be abundant far more than thousands of years.  The truth is, Earth's air and water will be abundant for millions of years, possibly billions. If it is kept clean and viable by wildlife, that is. 

Even in principle it is not known whether flight to the stars ever will take place.  Among the scenarios of existing physical laws, some indicate that flight to the stars could be totally impossible.

The most important factors are to understand what is actually accomplished, and to winnow those parts which are good and should be preserved, and separated from the chaff.  The time, place, energy, money, activity, lives and futures of the world's people and the good they do and create, must be separated from the reckless, destructive and frivolous junk and garbage, from the pollution and valueless products are evils.

This is not the time to create war, even if the pretended goal is going to the stars, or even if the concealed goal is to disgrace all but the leading sovereign monarch of the world

Who can say what products are evils, if they are new?  Everybody knows the experience of opening a nifty package that can be used for something, to find in it a badly designed product that fails or worse, injures.
After all, in nature, poisonous insects and disease germs are born new, which are sometimes called evil.
These compete in a zero sum, one-on-one, predator-prey way-the same way business competes today.
Business is symbolic battle to the death, vaguely facilitated with the utility of money and scarcely less distressing.

The world's population must be moderated. It is not debatable.  It is starving.  Strong measures to do this will be unavoidable, or avoidable only at the cost of shirking a problem which becomes worse each day it is avoided.  Nothing can be done about it except to face the difficult problems of which it consists.  China made some tough decisions and imposed what some thought was a hard line, yet many people today in China are comfortable with it and say it was necessary and the path they chose was not the worst.

Now there is considerably more peace and the Moon actually has human footprints on it. This great change brings about the opportunity to care for the world and planet, now known in truth to be the round blue home of all human life.  Earth is certain to be the only home world for all life as we know it for many generations to come.  Perhaps a few low order organisms, like organic molecules, may be discovered in some Moon of Jupiter or Saturn, but it won't be a game changer.

The possibility of extraterrestrial life is important, yet it is a long-run, thousand year issue.  This Earth, now, is what we have to live on, live with, be a part of, take care of, treasure and protect and enjoy.

Yet even in the face of these, the almost violent industrial production which was summoned up at all costs because everything had to be as magnificent and huge as possible, is still running recklessly full speed ahead as if it had not got word that the Moon was attained; that men flew to the Moon and walked on it and photographed Earth from that pale night-time orb. This is a difficulty.

Corporations do not want to stop production, for instance, of war materiel, even if war is obsolete. They do not want to stop production of automobiles or airplanes or yachts.  Instead, new products are designed which are often only slight variations from the overabundant previous versions, only, with more sophisticated engines or faster travel or greater size.

It is imagined, falsely, that to stop production of these things is unthinkable, because, it is hoped, this kind of manufacture will stumble upon some secret that can take human beings to the stars if the Earth should become uninhabitable for any reason.

Yet the most likely cause of the Earth becoming uninhabitable, or a less desirable place to inhabit, is the pollution and the organized violent destruction of the beauty of wildlife and nature, to which human beings have adapted more than a million years.

Moderate well designed homes, fewer roads, much smaller population, fewer vehicles, and in the most general way of putting it, a less catastrophic approach to changing the world, and a return to lower energy activities-all these and many more subtle refinements that will be chosen by people as peace returns, are vital to the future of Earth.

It is NOT necessary to continue digging up all the internal minerals of the Earth and transforming them through entropic processes into random forms for the vanishing vestiges of the struggle for the Moon.  It is NOT necessary to continue rapaciously killing all the fish and animals in the seas and on the land, to feed all the people that can possibly be born.

It IS necessary to reduce the world's human population, and stop the production of garbage, and permit the people to take care of the earth locally, because now they can, everywhere, think globally..

In truth, the whole, entire world of planet Earth, and the whole history, economy, civilization and activities of the human population, must be given thought for many generations by people, all the people of the world, who are to be left in peace by the monstrous onslaughts of the fascist mechanized production economy that digs up the earth's minerals, fish and forests as if ravening wolves, or robot dinosaurs run amok in some sort of mechanical pseudo-life.

It is an odd point: some worry that the footprints on the Moon were shoe prints, as if, somehow, that means there were no actual people there.  Yet those who worry complain that some people have no shoes.  They also breathe, and are not denied air.  The shoes are important on the Moon, because no air, and no water either, not in any significant quantity, exist on the Moon.  Nobody without airtight shoes survives on the Moon, and nobody who does not bring his own drinking water lives on the Moon.  I do not know what to make of the need to describe this.

Evilly, some kinds of capitalist exploitation leave the starving, ignorant poor hoping for miracles from the Moon or Mars.  It is true, the aftermath of discovering the actual true nature of the Moon and Mars will help bring, eventually, blessings of peace and abundance and health to the entire world.

But not if we let fascists enslave the world to more of what happened in last centuries, which were conducted in ignorance of the truth revealed by space flight.

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